Chapter 20 Civilized Dog Raising
When Mrs. Zhou and Chen Wanli's family were arrested because of the "bizarreness" of their respective family members, they were making a fuss.

Li Mu, who is free, is ready to start making a video.

There are two videos he is going to make this time, one is about the dog-walking incident, and the other is about the second system task, about the illegal trespassing case.

Li Mu first started with the dog-walking incident, which is actually over here.

Mrs. Zhou is now in detention and is likely to be sentenced. The Labrador named Dahuang is currently being kept by Lao Yu's police station. A special pet agency will take Dahuang away and wait for it. Adopted by the next owner.

Rhubarb is only less than two years old now, so he still has a chance to be selected by others.

Throughout the incident, Rhubarb was actually an innocent victim.

It has the same loyalty to its owner as other dogs, but because of the owner's behavior and improper guidance, it eventually loves the dog and hates the dog.

The footage sent back by the Sky Eye camera is very long, and Li Mu needs to select the parts he needs to edit, and then select, splice, record and dub, and so on.

I was busy from the evening until after ten o'clock in the evening before I was more satisfied.

The main reason is that I am not proficient in using the software.

Looking at the time, the video about the illegal intrusion into the house, it seems that we can only do it tomorrow.

Li Mu uploaded the finished video to his Dou M account, and this time he also synced the video to the Winter Melon video to earn some extra money. Whoever stipulates that a good person must be selfless, and it took time and energy to make the video by himself. Some rewards are also a matter of course.

After confirming that the video had been uploaded, Li Mu stood up and stretched.

Then I went to the bathroom to wash up, climbed into bed after washing up, and did 200 push-ups and sit-ups.

For the first time, it doesn't seem to be very difficult.

It's a pity that he, who has never exercised before, doesn't know that the hardest exercise starts from the second day.

Lights out, sleep!
Li Mu is sleeping soundly here, but the video over there is hot.

A small milk bottle waited for a few anchors who had become well-known for their live broadcasts after being cheated by the delivery company. After seeing Li Mu finally posting a new video, they quickly came over to check.

Li Mu fans who watched the short video also saw this video immediately under Dou M's smart push.

I thought it was a follow-up to the fraud case, but after watching it for a while, I realized that I guessed wrong.

In the video, the handsome young man first greeted everyone as usual, and then went straight to the topic.

"Hello everyone, I'm Chengxin Xiaomu. Since the court date for the fraud case has not yet arrived, the follow-up video cannot be made yet. So for this video, let's talk about pet dogs first."

"Everyone knows that dogs are our human friends. In our daily life, there are a lot of dog lovers and dog owners around us."

"Even friends who don't own dogs, they must often encounter some pet dogs or stray dogs."

"This time, Xiaomu also met an old lady who owns a dog. Unfortunately, she is not a competent dog owner."

"The following are some video materials I took."

Seeing the netizens here, many of them were aroused by Li Mu.

After all, the previous incident of being scammed with goods did not happen to everyone. Everyone just supported them out of aversion to the scammers and admiration for Li Mu's ability to stand up to these villains.

But walking the dog is different. It can be said that it is closely related to the lives of most people.

After all, how many communities do not have dog owners now?

Even if you don't own a dog yourself, you will often encounter residents who own dogs out for a walk.

Some dogs without a leash will bring a lot of trouble to some people who are afraid of dogs, and the dog's feces will also have a certain impact on the environment of the community.

In the previous news, there were a lot of negative news about raising dogs, which made many people who don't own dogs feel a sense of resistance to dogs.

In Li Mu's video, it can also be seen that an old lady with a mosaic on her face is walking in the community, followed by a large yellow dog that is free.

The dog has no leash, no tag, let alone a muzzle.

Moreover, the old lady has no plan to clean up the feces that the dog pulls in various places in the community.

When many netizens saw this, they couldn't help leaving messages in the comment area.

"Management must be strengthened for things like raising dogs, and it doesn't matter if you look for a property. Not only is the sanitation in the community poor, but there are also potential safety hazards."

"I have been afraid of dogs since I was a child, but there are some people in the community who walk their dogs without leashes. I am embarrassed to tell them that I can only find ways to detour every time."

However, some civilized dog breeders stood up and said that there are only a few people who raise dogs uncivilized. Most of them raise dogs according to the regulations and will not cause trouble to others.

The video continues, with a clip showing the dog urinating in an elevator.

Li Mu also talked about his leg being used as a pillar by the dog, which caused a lot of ridicule from netizens.

Then I went to the property to complain, but was refused to deal with it, which made many people feel the same. Many times, the property is really a decoration, and it doesn't matter what you ask.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Li Mu actually called the police immediately after that.

This is too rigid!
Soon, the police came, and Li Mu took the police to find the old lady to argue, but the old lady's attitude was still arrogant, and the police finally gave the other party a verbal warning.

This made many keyboard warriors with inexplicable psychology unable to help becoming active.

"Calling the police for such a trivial matter, the anchor is making trouble for the police."

"It's useless to ask the police for this kind of thing. The anchor is just to make a video to cheat the popularity."

But in the video, Li Mu quickly listed several express laws and regulations promulgated by the country and the city. Among them, there are clear rules for not leashing, not carrying dog tags, not doing epidemic prevention, and even not shoveling shit. Provisions.

This thing actually has a clearly stated law, and people who don't know it are shocked.

Since there are laws to follow, it is natural that Li Mu called the police just now.

Those Internet trolls suddenly fell silent again.

Immediately afterwards, it can be seen in the video that the old lady who was warned continued to go her own way in the next two days, causing a lot of influence on others.

Especially after Li Mu called the police for the second time, when the police arrived, the domineering old lady had a conflict with the child's parents, which made the big dog almost jump up and bite the person, and everyone was in a cold sweat.

While everyone praised the timely action of the police comrades, they also reprimanded the dog owners.

This has caused many civilized dog owners to lay down their guns. They tried hard to argue, but the number of people was out of proportion, and soon the comment area became overwhelming.

The arrogant old lady and the big dog were taken away by the police, and everyone clapped and applauded.

Li Mu didn't re-edit the scene that he was dealing with at the police station, but switched to the selfie scene.

In the video, Li Mu said with a serious expression: "There is nothing wrong with keeping a dog, and there is nothing wrong with the dog itself. What is wrong is only a small number of uncivilized dog owners."

"A dog's good behavior and habits require correct guidance from its owner, and after all, dogs are different from humans. Although they are spiritual, they lack our human ability to judge right and wrong, and their temperament sometimes fluctuates."

"Many incidents of dogs hurting people are actually caused by dogs mistakenly thinking that they have encountered threats. At this time, leashes are very important."

"Studies have shown that dogs don't actually reject leashes and don't feel uncomfortable. It's just that they don't get used to it at the beginning. It will be fine after a few days."

"And the leash can also prevent the dog from getting lost, or accidentally hit by a car, and it is also a kind of protection for the dog."

"The same is true with muzzles, not only for the safety of others, but also to prevent dogs from eating indiscriminately outside, causing health risks."

"The purpose of Xiaomu's making this video is to let everyone know how to deal with dog owners with bad attitudes, and to let some people who love dogs in the wrong way know that your love is sometimes for dogs. A dog would be an injury instead."

"Okay, that's all for Xiaomu's video. I hope everyone can keep dogs in a civilized way in the future and won't be disturbed by dogs anymore."

The video is over, and the heat is just beginning.

As more and more fans are seen, everyone reposts each other, and the video gets more and more exposure and push.

Many people felt the same way after watching this video.

Everyone launched a call for civilized dog raising, among which those dog breeders who have always raised dogs in a civilized manner made the loudest calls.

They want to justify the names of dog owners, just like what Xiaomu said in the video, there is nothing wrong with raising dogs, it is only a small number of uncivilized people who are wrong.

It is because of their existence that civilized dog owners like them are also implicated by public opinion.

Now everyone knows that there are laws to follow for keeping dogs, so with the spread of videos, more and more people will call the police and report uncivilized dog keeping, and the atmosphere of keeping dogs will also improve.

Especially those who keep dogs in a civilized manner. After all, those dogs that don't leash are more likely to attack dogs that are held by others than to attack people.

This has always been their problem.

As the popularity of the video increases, its influence will also increase, and Chengxin Xiaomaki's reputation is also rising.

However, Li Mu, who was still unclear about all this, encountered a crisis of waking up after exercising.

 Ask for further reading.

  This chapter is almost [-] words long. I also have a dog at home, but my place is well equipped and epidemic prevention is done regularly. I am a civilized dog owner.

(End of this chapter)

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