Chapter 25
Sailors, definitely sailors!

Li Mu looked at these malicious comments that received a lot of likes and topped them, and he was sure in his heart that they were definitely recruited to deal with his trolls.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for such an organized behavior to discredit oneself.

And because of the appearance of these sailors, those sour dogs who had died down before also jumped out one after another.

"I just said how could someone do such a thankless and troublesome thing now. It turns out that they have ulterior motives."

"It's really shameless to set up a memorial archway to be a women's watch."

A whole bunch of nasty comments popping up under those sticky ones.

As the ancients said, three people become a tiger.

With these professional sailors controlling the rhythm, coupled with the heckling of some sour dogs, some people who don't know the truth are also shaken.

In addition, Li Mu didn't watch the video when he went out to play, and he didn't show up to clarify.

Those people danced even more happily, saying that Li Mu was guilty and dared not come out.

This made more and more people doubtful in their hearts. Is this honest Xiaomu really a liar who made a fake persona?
Li Mu was furious, no matter who was framed by such public maliciousness, it was impossible to calm down.

You don't need to guess. It must be Wen Jinwang's family who did this kind of thing. Seeing that he failed to seek an understanding, the other party wanted to create pressure on himself in the public opinion so that he could compromise?

None of the doors!
The more this happened, the more stubbornness in Li Mu's heart was aroused.

Li Mu posted in the comments of the video: "The law will give a fair trial. It will not wrong a good person, let alone let a bad person go. It is useless to say more. The clearer will clear the truth. What is the truth? After the police investigate We'll see each other."

Li Mu's comment was pinned to the top after it was posted, and was quickly seen by many people who followed this matter.

Many die-hard fans who believed in Li Mu left messages of support under the comments.

The clear is self-cleaning, and the turbid is self-turbid.

The case has been handed over to the police and will be resolved shortly.

After Li Mu issued a clarification, he naturally wouldn't just let it go, but it was already very late now, if he called Luo Tian to consult, it might affect the other party's rest.

After thinking about it, Li Mu decided to ask the other party tomorrow.

Anyway, there is no rush.

And Li Mu also quickly received a call from Wen Qian. Wen Qian also saw these malicious comments after returning, and immediately broadcast them, leading her army of fans, and launched a round of fierce counterattacks against the navy.

Li Mu told Wen Qian not to worry, she could handle it by herself.

Just after hanging up the phone, Li Mu's WeChat rang again.

Opening it and taking a look, Li Mu's eyes suddenly lit up.

The information was sent by Luo Tian. The other party should have just seen the comments on the video and knew that he would need it, so he sent all the legal provisions in this area at once.

Haha, Luo Tian also knows me.

On the other side, Luo Tian, ​​who was sitting on the bed and had just finished sending the message, had a smile on his lips.

It seems that I will have another new case tomorrow. If this continues, I will almost become that guy's personal lawyer.

Li Mu flipped through the information that Luo Tian had just sent, and these Internet trolls had already committed the crime of insult and defamation.

According to the provisions of Article 240 of the Criminal Law, whoever publicly insults others or fabricates facts to slander others by violence or other methods, if the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, surveillance or deprivation of political rights.

If the conduct specified in the first paragraph is carried out through the information network, and the victim complains to the people's court, but it is really difficult to provide evidence, the people's court may request the public security organ to provide assistance.

In addition to these, in order to rectify the network environment.

In the past few years, the "Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the Handling of Criminal Cases Using Information Networks to Commit Crimes of Underworld Forces" was specially promulgated, which was stated in the regulations.

Those who use the information network to insult or intimidate others, and the circumstances are egregious and disrupt social order, shall be convicted and punished as the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble in accordance with the provisions of Article 290, Paragraph [-] ([-]) of the Criminal Law.

Whoever fabricates false information, or knowingly disseminates false information on the information network, or organizes or instigates people to disseminate it on the information network, causing disturbances and causing serious disturbance of public order, shall be punished in accordance with Article 290, Paragraph [-] ([-]) of the Criminal Law. ) shall be convicted and punished as the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

Li Mu looked at these legal provisions and felt a little puzzled.

Why didn't the system come out to give the task this time?
Is it because the upper limit for simultaneously issuing tasks is two, or does the system feel disdainful?
However, regardless of whether the system makes a move this time, Li Mu will definitely make a move.

It's too late now, don't be in a hurry, after I get some sleep, I will go to the police tomorrow morning.

It is also stated in the criminal law that because of information network crimes, ordinary people will have difficulties in collecting evidence, so they can seek assistance from the public security organs.

Technology is so advanced now, and various platforms and registrations require real-name registration.

Although ordinary people cannot get this information, the public security organs have the right to access it when investigating cases, and these sailors will definitely be caught if they look for it.

When the time comes for the navy to accuse, they will be able to catch the instigator.

Do these people really think that the Internet is a place outside the law?
Early the next morning.

Li Mu got up, went to the police station to call the police, and told the police officer who received the video and what happened.

If it is ordinary online scolding, it is at best a criticism and education, but it is different to ask the trolls to slander others.

Moreover, Li Mu's video is so popular, high popularity means wide influence, the wider the influence, the greater the negative impact caused by inviting the navy to slander, and the heavier the natural punishment.

Because the case was special and had a great influence, the police officer gave Li Mu the acceptance receipt and told him to go back and wait. They will investigate as soon as possible, and they will notify him when they have the results.

In the afternoon, Li Mu received a notification from the police.

The police decided to combine this Internet defamation case with Li Mu's previous illegal house invasion case.

They will dig out those leading sailors as soon as possible and arrest them according to law.

The public security organ is a professional organization for punishing crimes. After knowing what happened, they quickly came to a clear conclusion on the case.

Combining the two cases has already shown that the police also regard Wen Jinwang or Chen Wanli's family members as the first suspects.

Because other people have no incentive to do it.

It was past five o'clock that afternoon.

On the upper floor of a shop facing the street in the suburbs of Zhengnan City, the local public security organs arrested an illegal Internet studio here. to distort facts and slander others.

The staff of these studios will be punished locally according to law.

After interrogating the staff of these studios, the local police obtained a list of employers, including the contact information of Wen Jinwang's wife, Wang Xiulan.

Therefore, after receiving the answer, the Huajing City police quickly dispatched police officers to Wang Xiulan's home to arrest her according to law.

When Wang Xiulan saw the policeman appearing at the door with the arrest warrant, her face was full of disbelief.

At noon, when she received Qian You's reply, saying that the other party had no intention of reconciliation at all, and insisted on sentencing Wen Jinwang and others, she was immediately furious.

She had also seen the video posted by Li Mu. When she saw so many people supporting Li Mu, Wang Xiulan got angry and invited the navy to discredit Li Mu.

Isn't it a common occurrence to ask the navy to discredit others? Many people have done this kind of thing, so Wang Xiulan never thought of it.

Why did I invite a few sailors at noon, and the police came to my door in the evening to arrest me.

But no matter how many doubts there are, it's useless, and now he can only go to the police station and squat first, just like Wen Jinwang.

Li Mu didn't know that Wang Xiulan and others were arrested so quickly, but at this time he received a message from Luo Tian.

The court date for the fraud case has been confirmed.

 Read it, read it, read it!

  I just asked the editor, and I started recommending it over the weekend. If there is something wrong, you are welcome to point it out and discuss it together, so that this book can be more perfect and go further!thank you all!
  During the recommendation period, we still need your follow-up support, let us advance together!rush!

(End of this chapter)

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