Being pitted with goods: backhand is actively pitted once

Chapter 27 The rumormonger must be punished

Chapter 27 The rumormonger must be punished

The basis of the law is not whether you have malicious intentions, but what you have done.

Since Chen Wanli cooperated with Wen Jinwang to forcibly kick herself out of the house for money, it naturally constituted a crime.

And it can also be seen from the video that Chen Wanli also moved her own things outside, and she also told her that this was a breach of contract, but the other party didn't care at all.

We are all adults, and of course we are responsible for what we do.

If you do something wrong, just come over and apologize, so the cost of making a mistake is too low, isn't it too unfair to an honest person like me?
As for compensation.

Naturally, compensation should be paid, liquidated damages, it should be compensated in the first place.

Li Mu smiled and said: "I don't understand, since you said that your mother didn't make any serious mistakes, then the law will naturally give her justice, well, it's getting late, everyone should go back to rest early, standing in this big It’s not good for the entrance to affect the traffic.”

After he finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Ding Xiaohua was also a little confused.

Originally, seeing that Li Mu was willing to listen to him, he thought that things would turn around, but seeing what Li Mu meant, he didn't want to reconcile at all.

Ding Guomin still wanted to step forward to hold Li Mu, but Ding Xiaohua quickly held his father.

To entangle now would only deepen the other party's resentment, and it would be even more detrimental to oneself.

When Li Mu returned home, he didn't think about the matter of Ding's father and son.

I turned on my phone and took a look, there were several missed calls.

So Li Mu called back and called several times in a row, in case someone he knew was in a hurry.

Soon, the call was connected.

"Who are you?"

"Hi Mr. Li, I'm Mr. Wen Jinwang's lawyer Qian You, I just called you yesterday."

that lawyer?

Li Mu really didn't have the habit of memorizing phone numbers. Apart from his own mobile phone number, he only remembered his parents' numbers, and he didn't remember any other numbers. Anyway, he had an address book, so he didn't bother to think about it.

Li Mu said: "Didn't I make it very clear yesterday that I will not sign the letter of understanding. There is only one result I want, and that is a fair trial by law."

Qian You quickly said: "Mr. Li, please don't worry. I am not looking for you today because of Mr. Wen's case, but because Ms. Wang Xiulan's father entrusted me to talk to you about the Internet troll case that happened today."

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Li. We are also very sorry about this incident. We are willing to pay compensation and apologize publicly. I hope we can."

Beep beep.
Li Mu on the other end of the phone was too lazy to listen any longer, so he hung up the phone directly.

Will I accept the settlement in another case?

However, since the other party called, it means that the navy and the hirers behind it have all been arrested. The efficiency of this case handling is really good, thumbs up!
Li Mu was even more angry about Wang Xiulan asking the navy to slander her than in the previous rent-breaking case.

There is Longquan on the tongue, no blood is seen when killing.

In recent years, tragedies due to cyberbullying have occurred from time to time.

Many people unscrupulously release their malice on the Internet, and a self-righteous and groundless accusation may be the last straw to bend the desperate.

Not to mention this kind of organized water army that deliberately incites malicious speeches.

It can be said that Li Mu hated this kind of person.

Like a female doctor who committed suicide after being raped by the Internet because of a dispute with other children in the swimming pool.

For example, just wanting to find his biological parents, he was abused by countless people on the Internet, leaving a suicide note.

Why are these innocent people being treated so unfairly and cruelly?

Is suicide an easy thing to do?

Giving up their lives voluntarily shows how desperate these people were at the time.

Why do some people cease to be human when they go online?
Every time Li Mu saw news about cyberbullying, his blood pressure couldn't stop soaring.

Therefore, Li Mu will never give in on this matter, and those who spread rumors must be punished.

When Qian You on the other end of the phone heard that the phone was hung up, a wry smile appeared on his face. It was indeed the result.

Qian You explained the situation to the financial lord Wang Hengguo, Wang Hengguo was angry but helpless, but he still wanted to try again.

He asked Qian You to look for Li Mu's address, and planned to visit him tomorrow.

Qian You agreed.

Li Mu's address is still easy to find, just ask about the property in Tianzhong Community.

So next morning.

Wang Hengguo came to the door of Li Mu's house together with Qian You, carrying a lockbox.

Qian You went up and rang the doorbell.

Li Mu's doubtful voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

The door opened, and Li Mu looked suspiciously at the two well-dressed men standing at the door.

"Who are you looking for?"

Qian You smiled and said, "Mr. Li, I am Qian You, a lawyer. Please forgive me for disturbing you this time. However, we did come here with sincerity. I hope you can think about it again."

It turned out that they came for Wen Jinwang's family again, and they rejected them on the phone yesterday, but today they came directly to the door.

Li Mu said seriously: "I think I have made it very clear before, I don't understand it, everything will be judged by the law, if you continue to affect my normal life, then I can only seek the protection of the law."

After hearing this, Qian You was suffocated. With the previous cases, he didn't think Li Mu was joking.

At this moment, Wang Hengguo, who was standing beside Qian You, spoke.

Wang Hengguo looked at Li Mu, although his teeth itched with hatred, but he still kept a warm smile on his face. After all, he is a big boss who has been in the shopping mall for many years, so this city is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

Wang Hengguo said with a face of self-reproach: "Hello, Mr. Li, I am Wang Xiulan's father, Wang Hengguo, that is, Wen Jinwang's father-in-law. As an elder, I also feel deeply guilty about what the juniors in my family did. I learned about it yesterday. After the incident, I specially prepared an apology, and I hope Mr. Li can accept it, otherwise I will feel uneasy."

Wang Hengguo picked up the combination box in his hand, and then opened the lock. Immediately, stacks of neatly stacked red banknotes appeared in front of Li Mu, at least hundreds of thousands.

Li Mu looked at this box of banknotes, and was also a little surprised. As expected of a big boss, his hands are generous.

Moreover, this Wang Hengguo is worthy of being a wealthy generation who started his career through hard work, and his methods are also quite clever.

He didn't talk about asking himself to forgive the other party, he only said that he came to make an apology, and he didn't bring a bank card, but a box of cash.

You know, the allure of a box of cash appearing in front of you is much more direct and effective than a string of numbers.

If I was greedy for a while, I accepted this "apology".

Then when he came to talk to himself about understanding, he couldn't refuse so simply.

Oh, old fox.

 Please read!

  This morning, I received a text message from the Market Supervision Bureau. The previous business license was not cancelled, and I have to go to the annual report again to remind me. I can only stay up late at night to write tomorrow's update.

  PS: For reference, I found an agency company in Jiangsu that charged 200 for cancellation.

(End of this chapter)

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