Yunmeng Peak

Chapter 41 Thoughts

Chapter 41 Thoughts (please recommend for further reading)

In the past half month, Cheng Qifeng, the aura in his dantian has been consumed at a rapid rate as soon as it is recovered, and he continues to practice to restore the aura after consumption. It is also a kind of exercise for the tendons and dantian, so that he has never practiced seriously in the past month and has achieved good results. , breaking through the bottleneck that has troubled for a long time.

Cheng Qifeng was very happy to feel the results of the one-night practice last night, so he thought of taking advantage of this excitement to refine the last two spiritual materials of Bigu Pill into elixir, so that he could accumulate experience even if he failed.

Half a day later, the first refinement failed, but the second refinement was successful, but only one pill was produced. However, although only three bigu pills were refined in the past half month, Cheng Qifeng was still very satisfied with it.

Cheng Qifeng put all the three Bigu pills in his hands, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and thought to himself: "One Bigu pill is worth one spirit stone, and one spirit stone can buy five spiritual materials for refining Bigu pills. Only when the alchemy rate reaches [-]% can we barely rely on alchemy to earn spirit stones to cultivate in Huaishui County."

An alchemist of any rank can only be called an alchemist if the success rate of alchemy reaches [-]%, because only when the success rate of elixir reaches [-]% can it be barely equal to the materials used.

If it does not exceed [-]%, then he is not a qualified alchemist and will not be recognized by the world.

Taking advantage of this time, Cheng Qifeng opened the storage bag to check the contents of the storage bag.

120 pieces of low-grade spirit stones, a middle-grade second-grade Qingling sword, two Qi training period exercises "Burning Fire Jue" and "Aoki Kungfu", a second-grade low-grade black iron sword, a second-grade A medium-grade Qingling sword, two bottles of Huangya pills, a total of six pieces, a set of Qingyun gowns, a blue-pattern furnace, a book of second-level alchemy experience, and three bigu pills.

This is Cheng Qifeng's current net worth. Most of the monster materials and elixir hunted in Qingcang Ridge these years were exchanged for spirit stones for cultivation in Qingcang Ridge. Most of the second-order spiritual veins outside Qingcang Ridge were taken away Occupied by monsters in the late stage of Qi training.

Even if Cheng Qifeng finds a spiritual vein, the monster occupying the spiritual vein is not something that Cheng Qifeng can deal with in the middle stage of Qi training. In order to maintain the improvement of cultivation base, he can only use spiritual stones for daily practice. Some of the special materials and elixir have also been replaced by contribution points in the family, and those contribution points were also used by Cheng Qifeng to look at the classics on the first floor of the Gongfa Pavilion during his year in Yunmeng Mountain.

Looking at the belongings in the storage bag, Cheng Qifeng couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and inadvertently sighed: "In this world, ill-gotten wealth is really the easiest to come by. You can get 96 spirit stones by killing one enemy. Qing Cang Ridge may have to fight monsters for several years to save so many spirit stones, no wonder Brother Qi Jin was so excited when the convoy was stopped by men in black."

Thinking about it this way, looking at the three bigu pills in his hand, he could only exchange for three spirit stones, and it took a full month. Thinking of the dozens of spirit stones that were obtained by killing people, a bloodthirsty thought inadvertently popped up , but was quickly rejected by Cheng Qifeng.

Although the cultivators of immortals step on other people's corpses to go up, it is still impossible for Cheng Qifeng to indiscriminately kill innocent people for money.

Such behavior is cast aside by the entire world of cultivating immortals and is not accepted by others.

Cheng Qifeng didn't know that it was not easy for the monk in black at the fifth level of Qi training to have such spirit stones in such a state. The one who tasted the magic weapon just ended up in Cheng Qifeng's hands.

With a wave of his hand, he took the alchemy furnace back into the hands of the alchemy furnace, and the remaining half of the fire wood that was still burning was also extinguished by Cheng Qifeng, put it into the storage bag, opened the secret room and came out of the secret room.

After walking a few steps, Qi Feng came to the store in Yunmeng Pavilion, but Cheng Xianglin and several other uncles of Xiang's generation were greeting the monks who entered Yundan Pavilion.

After half a stick of incense, the number of monks decreased a lot, and Cheng Xianglin and others came to say hello to Cheng Qifeng: "Qi Feng, have you run out of refining materials? How do you feel?"

Cheng Qifeng looked at the worried Cheng Xianglin in front of him, his heart warmed up, and he replied: "Yes! Uncle Xianglin, all the refining materials are used up. I want to buy an additional batch of Bigu Dan materials besides this month's materials."

Hearing what Cheng Qifeng said, Cheng Xianglin understood Cheng Qifeng's thoughts in his heart, and said: "Qi Feng, long-term alchemy may not be good, and when you fail, go out for a walk and relax. You haven't left your room for months. Let's go out more often, the Bigu Pill material in the store is a low-grade spirit stone and five parts second-level low-grade Bigu Pill material."

"Qi Feng, Uncle Yuandu guessed after you went to retreat in the secret room that you, a little guy, would use spirit stones to buy extra materials, and he specifically explained that I don't want to discount it because I'm from the same family, so I can't give you the discounted price. .”

After Cheng Qifeng heard it, he didn't feel anything wrong. He didn't have any other thoughts at first, and Cheng Qifeng didn't want Cheng Xianglin to be difficult, so he replied: "It's okay, Uncle Xianglin, I understand."

After several times of planning, Cheng Qifeng made up his mind to take out all the spirit stones to buy the materials of Bigu Pill.

In order to make the success rate of refining Bigu Dan break through to more than [-]% in a short period of time, achieve the effect of profit, and earn some spirit stones for cultivation.

The entire Huaishuifang City was only established on a third-order middle-grade spirit vein, and now the spiritual stone cultivation invested by several foundation-building families in Huaishui County can only reach the third-order top-grade spirit vein, and the establishment of Huaishuifang City The original intention was only to trade goods for the monks in Huaishui County, so the controllers of the major Huaishuifang cities have not invested much in this spiritual vein these years. The aura of the body is no longer making it improve.

The defensive array established in Huaishuifang City is a third-tier mid-tier Hunyuan array built by a third-tier mid-tier array mage from Qingyangzong more than 400 years ago.

This large formation needs to absorb spiritual energy continuously when the magic circle is not activated, but once the stored spiritual energy is activated, it will be effective. If foreign enemies want to break through this defensive-oriented magic circle, at least a few foundation-builders will be needed. In the mid-term monks, if they continue to attack the formation, there is a slight possibility of shaking the formation.

At the beginning, the third-tier middle-rank formation mage had a sudden epiphany when he established this Hunyuan formation, which led to him only being able to reach the third-rank top-rank formation after the establishment of the Hunyuan formation.

And it was precisely because of the epiphany that he had in establishing the Hunyuan formation that day that he finally became a fourth-order formation mage in the Jindan stage. The most important thing a monk pays attention to is "fate", which is related to him. Fangshi took good care of the Qingyangzong fourth-order master when he was still alive.

This is also one of the reasons why Huaishui County is such a barren county, and the established Fangshi can also rank among the top ten Fangshi in Luoyang Country.

 Thanks guys

(End of this chapter)

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