Yunmeng Peak

Chapter 46 Black Iron Sheet

Chapter 46 Black Iron Sheet (for collection and follow-up)
In the past few years, he has been watching that Cheng Qifeng is living a two-point and one-line life, running in two places, Yundan Pavilion and Dihuo Room, and the success rate is gradually increasing, and there are probably a lot of Lingshi.

Cheng Qifeng replied in response, and took out dozens of jade bottles with a wave of his left hand: "Okay, Uncle Xiangxing, I have to go and have a look, come here, this is the elixir refined last month, half of the usual material is replaced , half of the Lingshi."

Cheng Xianglin saw that there were a lot more jade vases in his hands than last month, and he said in admiration: "Qi Feng, your success rate of refining is getting higher and higher, you are awesome!"

Cheng Qifeng just smiled faintly when he heard this. After receiving the Lingshi, he left Yundan Pavilion after receiving the alchemy materials for the alchemy task entrusted by the family this month.

But this time Cheng Qifeng did not go to the fire room, Cheng Xiangxing's words really reminded Cheng Qifeng.

In addition to the considerable changes in the spiritual stones on Cheng Qifeng's body over the years, the magic tools and the like are still those in the middle stage of Qi training, and the highest is only the second-level middle-grade.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he used his spiritual sense to look into his storage bag, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, thinking about what Cheng Xianglin said just now, and thought in his heart: "Such a full storage bag should be consumed a little bit, the alchemist really As the world has said, he is the one who is the easiest to earn spirit stones. In just two years, he has earned 390 and eight spirit stones. If he does things for the family step by step, it may take four or five years to deposit and withdraw. So many spirit stones."

Looking at these spirit stones, Cheng Qifeng couldn't help but feel relieved, and felt that the pain and tiredness of refining the elixirs for the past two years were worth it.

The two eyes are like a money fan, and the smile on the corner of the mouth is bigger, ready to go for a big sale.

But he didn't know that it would take at least four or five years for ordinary alchemists to earn these hundreds of spirit stones from the beginning, and it would take a lot of money just to refine the first pill. Elixir, at least not something that can be afforded alone in the pre- and mid-stage of Qi training.

As for the alchemy rate which is extremely difficult to improve, most alchemists have a headache for it. How can Cheng Qifeng improve so quickly in just a few years? Of course, a large part of it is the credit of Yunmeng's fire control technique.

Cheng Qifeng walked to the distance, and soon came to an area in the west of Huaishuifang City. This area is a place dedicated to casual repairers in Huaishuifang City. Most casual repairers will only sell a few spiritual objects. It would be too costly to rent a store for those few spiritual objects, and it is simply not something an ordinary casual cultivator can afford.

In this way, Huaishuifang City has opened up a place for casual cultivators to set up a stall. However, if you set up a stall in Huaishuifang City for ten days, you need to hand over one spirit stone to Huaishui Mansion.

Huaishui Mansion is the department of Huaishuifang City Affairs. Most of the department are monks from major foundation-building families, and only a few are casual cultivators. However, the casual cultivators of Huaishui Mansion are all extremely powerful figures, otherwise they would not be able to join. .

The establishment of the Huaishui Mansion was to save time for the big families, and not to manage too many chores in the Huaishuifang City. The mansion masters in the mansion were held by the three peak-building families in rotation, and the term of each term was 30 years.

Every mansion master must be a foundation-building monk. If only qi-training monks are sent, those family monks are fine, and it is not too strange to have hints from the family elders, but if they are just ordinary qi-training nine-level Dzogchen monks.

Those rogue monks would not be so good, if they were not as strong as them, they would not obey, and it is normal for them to make trouble.

As for the reason why they set up a stall, it was because those casual repairmen felt that the purchase price of the shops in Huaishuifang City was too low, so they would come to the West District to set up a stall.

Stores in Huaishuifang City will lower the price of low-level elixir, which is extremely fatal for casual cultivators who are not strong.

For these resource-poor casual cultivators in Huaishui County, the only way to obtain elixir is to go to the gathering places of various monsters. After hunting the monsters, there may be elixir nearby by luck. The harvest of each casual cultivator is In exchange for blood and life.

Such a low price is unacceptable to many casual cultivators. Most casual cultivators can break a piece of spirit stone into two flowers. It is also fair for them to buy a few more spirit stones. After all, they use their own lives in exchange for achievement.

The stall area in the West District of Huaishuifang City resolved this dilemma. If you are lucky and meet a monk who is in urgent need of this item and wants to buy it, you can still pay a lot of premium.

However, most of the spiritual objects in the West District are only low-level spiritual objects, and they are not too rare. At most, they can only be sold at a par price in the market. A blessed place.

Now is the first time Cheng Qifeng came to the stall area in the west district, walking straight along a road, Cheng Qifeng heard the cries from everywhere.

A middle-aged man's cries came from not far in front of Cheng Qifeng: "Pass by, don't miss it, the incomplete third-order magic weapon only needs one hundred spirit stones, come and have a look, don't miss it when you pass by."


Hearing this, Cheng Qifeng inadvertently became a little interested. Tier [-] items are not ordinary items. As long as they are not broken like fragments, Tier [-] Magical Artifacts are at least much better than Tier [-] Top Grade Magical Artifacts.

Cheng Qifeng stepped forward quickly and took a look. The goods placed in front of the middle-aged man who set up a stall, looked left and right, but he couldn't tell which one was a third-order thing.

Quickly asked: "Fellow Daoist, where is the incomplete third-order magic weapon?"

When Cheng Qifeng said this, he looked up and down. The brocade clothes and jade clothes obviously looked inexperienced. The eyes of the middle-aged man suddenly lit up, and an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He thought in his heart: "Here comes another just The children of the family who come out of the mountain gate may be able to compete again."

Immediately, it was a set of flickering, and he opened his mouth and came, pointing to a black magic weapon and said: "This little fellow Taoist, look at this thing, this is the incomplete thing of the third-order magic weapon, it is extremely hard, even if it is a second-level magic weapon. A high-grade magic weapon can only leave a small white spot on it."

Cheng Qifeng looked at the object without aura fluctuations, and was a little confused, so he picked it up with doubts on his face, and opened his mouth and said, "Can I try it?"

The middle-aged man probably felt that the long-clothed boy in front of him would buy it, and greeted him with a smile, agreeing with confidence.

Cheng Qifeng looked at the middle-aged man's expression and was not polite. He took out the second-rank middle-grade Qingling sword in the storage bag and struck it fiercely on the black iron sheet the size of a palm.

Hearing a "ding", the black fragment really didn't respond at all, showing curiosity unavoidably.

You must know that even if it is a second-order high-grade magic weapon, it will at least have some traces if Cheng Qifeng puts so much effort into it. Now it is a bit strange that an iron sheet without aura fluctuations can resist it.

 Thanks: from Is God at Home?tipping

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(End of this chapter)

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