Yunmeng Peak

Chapter 53 Foundation Building Techniques

Chapter 53 Foundation Establishment Cultivation Techniques
Cheng Qifeng never thought that this little marrow washing pill would be sold at such a price.

But on second thought, the effect of the Marrow Cleansing Pill is related to those casual cultivators with weak spiritual roots in the venue.

There was a hint of pity inadvertently, but it quickly recovered.

Cheng Xiangyun looked at Cheng Qifeng beside him, and then explained: "That is Liu Jie, the owner of the Fuwen Pavilion in Huaishuifang City, a second-rank top-rank talisman maker, and his own strength is also extremely powerful. Already at the ninth level of Qi training, he has been famous for a long time. He was also a casual cultivator in his early years, but he traveled abroad and obtained the inheritance of a master of talisman making. Then he opened a store selling talismans in the center of Huaishuifang with the help of that talisman maker. shop."

"The spirit talisman refined by this old man is extremely high-quality, and the business of the store is good on weekdays. He probably bought the marrow washing pill for his grandson."

Cheng Qifeng couldn't help wondering, "Oh?"

Cheng Xiangyun then went on to explain: "This senior Liu Jie's grandson is extremely gifted in making talismans. He can refine talismans that are as powerful as they are in the middle stage of qi training."

"At the beginning, it really became famous in the entire Huaishui County, and even alarmed a third-tier talisman master of Qingyangzong, so he was accepted as an apprentice by the third-tier talisman master of Qingyangzong a few years ago. The only shortcoming is It’s because his grandson has three spiritual roots, and I’m afraid it will be difficult to build a foundation in the future.”

"It must be because of this that this old man wants to buy such a elixir, but it is also because of relatives, so he often can't see some things clearly."

"It's not easy to be accepted as a direct disciple by a third-tier talisman master. A direct disciple is like a biological son to a sect cultivator. When the master is old, he still needs to take care of him to the end of his life."

"How could he not think of giving his grandson such a pill that can change his aptitude? Senior Liu really misses his grandson!"

Cheng Qifeng looked at Cheng Xiangyun beside him who was still full of emotion, unexpectedly he said something next.

"However, you, Uncle Xiangfu, are more powerful. Not only are you a monk with dual spiritual roots, but your talisman-making skills are even higher than that of Liu Jie's grandson. You have already been a third-rank talisman maker. Children of the family, those big sects may smash the threshold of your Uncle Xiangfu’s family, ha! ha!"

Speaking of this, Cheng Xiangyun and Cheng Qifeng laughed at the same time.

Yunmeng Cheng's family has two brothers, Cheng Xianghe and Cheng Xiangfu, as long as they are given decades, why worry about the Yunmeng Cheng family's unhappiness.

It's a pity that the beast horde is approaching, and time waits for no one.

Cheng Xianghe, who was still laughing, suddenly hardened his eyes: "As long as we survive the beast tide safely, these dog things that have swallowed up my Cheng's assets will definitely be taken back twice as much."

After a while, no one raised the price in the entire venue, and the Xisui Pill was successfully bid by the white-haired old man Liu Jie.

The items that were auctioned afterwards were all foundation-building objects, all of which were auctioned off by the monks on the second floor. As for the monks in the assembly hall on the first floor, they were all silent, just silently looking at everything about the magical artifacts in front of them.

But he was unable to bid, one of which was because the spirit stones in the storage bag were not enough to bid for the five or six hundred treasures, even if there were, he would not dare to snap up them with the families or powerful people on the second floor.

Afterwards, those people on the second floor came to a few powerful monks, and it was over for killing people and stealing money.

Soon came the seventh lot.

Li Yuan, who presided over the auction, took three talismans from a tall maid's tray.

"Everyone, look at this. Three third-tier low-grade fire-attribute talisman flame balls. Even a monk in the Qi training period only needs to inject spiritual energy into them to make this talisman a spell comparable to a strike by a foundation-building monk."

"Such a powerful talisman can be said to be a good item for saving lives and killing enemies. Finally, I would like to mention quietly that this is also a low-grade third-grade talisman refined by Master Cheng Xiangfu from the Yunmeng Cheng family. The quality is guaranteed."

"Low-level 300-yuan spirit stones, each price increase should not be less than five spirit stones, the highest bidder wins, the auction starts now."

Soon the three flame ball charms were successfully auctioned by a monk in the late stage of Qi training on the second floor with 680 spirit stones.

Cheng Qifeng was not surprised by the appearance of his own talisman. After all, Cheng Xiangyun had already said that the family had already sent the pill and talisman among them.

The previous auction finale spirit objects all came from the three peak foundation-building families, but they were all weaker objects of the same level, otherwise they would not be willing to put them up for auction.

Just like the Huajindao, there are not many third-tier magic weapons in the three peak-building families, but in order to take care of the business of their own auction house, they consigned the worst Huajindao in the family.

But for families or casual cultivators who don't have this pair of spiritual creatures, they are very fond of them, and they can't ask for them.

After Li Yuan's auction was successful, he inexplicably retreated to the backstage. When he was not in the auction, a middle-aged man in a black shirt walked onto the round stage.

"Fellow daoists, next, I will auction off the last three remaining items."

As soon as he finished speaking, a terrifying aura swept across the entire auction house from the middle-aged monk in black, and many weak-hearted monks were frightened into a cold sweat.

Cheng Qifeng felt this aura only on Cheng Yuandu, but the middle-aged man in black shirt was not as strong as Cheng Yuandu, but it was several times stronger than Cheng Xiangshun's aura.

He said secretly, "Foundation Establishment Cultivator!"

Cheng Xiangyun beside him obviously heard Cheng Qifeng's whisper, and said lightly, "That's Li Changsheng, the foundation cultivator of the Li family stationed in Huaishuifang City."

Cheng Qifeng nodded and didn't speak, but he could guess that the next auction item would be extremely precious, otherwise he wouldn't inexplicably replace the Qi-training Ninth-Level Dzogchen monk in exchange for a Foundation Establishment monk.

Cheng Qifeng thought to himself: "I'm afraid it is a precious thing even among the third-order treasures!"

Cheng Qifeng's guess was not wrong, and many monks present were shocked by what the middle-aged man in black shirt said.

Li Changsheng, a middle-aged man in black, had no expression on his face. Similarly, a tall woman in the backcourt was holding a disc and walked up to Li Changsheng. After he lifted the red cloth on the disc, he began to talk about the lot.

"Fellow daoists, I won't introduce much about who I am. Let's take a look at this lot first. This is a foundation-building exercise "Yanjia Gong" submitted by a casual cultivator. It can allow monks to practice to the middle stage of foundation-building. Everyone understands the value of it, if a ninth-level monk who cultivates Qi with this technique can ascend to a higher level."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the venue exclaimed when they heard what Li Changsheng, a middle-aged man in black, said.

The foundation-building exercises contain the exercises from the qi training period to the foundation-building period, for those casual practitioners who are incomplete in the qi training period.

It is even more difficult to have a complete exercise. Many of the exercises for casual practice are the most basic exercises of various attributes bought on the street stalls, and they are not complete.

Every time you reach a level, you have to buy a level of exercises. This is also the reason why the environment for casual practice is difficult. Many casual practitioners with good talents miss the best time to practice because of this.

 Seek to read, collect, reward
(End of this chapter)

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