Yunmeng Peak

Chapter 55 Changes

Chapter 55 Changes (Favorites and investment)
"The auction has officially begun."

The monks in the auction house were startled for a while by Li Changsheng who warned everyone on the stage, and it took them a few breaths to recover.

This started a new round of bidding.

"Nine thousand spirit stones."

"Eleven thousand spirit stones."

"Thirteen thousand spirit stones."


The price keeps rising, which makes Cheng Qifeng look stunned. Forget about the cultivation technique, it is something that can be passed down for hundreds of thousands of years. It is normal to buy more than 2 spirit stones.

Now that a mere third-grade high-grade pill is sold at such a price, one cannot help but be a little surprised.

As the price got higher and higher, the rest were monks on the third and second floors, and there was only one figure left on the first floor bidding, which was extremely conspicuous in the crowd.

Cheng Qifeng couldn't help looking at the figure in surprise, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

That figure is the Dzogchen monk who sold to Cheng Qi Fengtuyanshield in the West District of Huaishuifang City. The only difference is that he is missing the lovely girl who is at the second level of Qi training.

However, when I heard the price quoted by the old man, I couldn't help being a little surprised: "I didn't expect this senior to have such a net worth during his Qi training period. I'm afraid it's not easy."

According to common sense, a monk in the qi training period can earn eight thousand spirit stones in this life, even if he is a second-level top-grade artist.

Among them are the purchase of magic tools, cultivation resources and other miscellaneous things. In the end, it will be considered good if you can save one or two thousand spirit stones.

Although he already knew that the old man was a second-rank high-grade craftsman, the old man would definitely not falsely quote the price, unless he was looking for death, but the old man's determination to take this item is clear and face.

However, it was still because there were not enough spirit stones. After the quotation reached 4000 yuan of spirit stones, he was unable to compete and had to give up.

The old man raised his head and looked at the VIP rooms upstairs, heaved a long sigh, with a look of disappointment on his face, he got up and walked out of the sales shop.

The old man who sold Cheng Qi Fengtuyan Shield hadn't left for a long time, and several monks followed him, but everyone's eyes were attracted by the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Only a few sharp-eyed people find out, and the one who finds out is the tall woman with the white rabbit mask.

A few minutes later, the first Foundation Establishment Pill was bought by the Establishment Foundation Family of Huaishui County on the second floor for 500 yuan in spirit stones.

As for the last Foundation Establishment Pill, it was bought by the Li family in Huaiyang, one of the three peak foundation establishment families, while Cheng Xiangyun, who was also the representative of the three peak foundation establishment families during this period, did not bid once.

Cheng Qifeng beside him knew without thinking too much, it wasn't that Yunmengcheng didn't need it, it was that Yunmengcheng couldn't afford it at all.

In this way, Cheng Qifeng finally understood why the Cheng family only sent Cheng Xiangyun, who only had nine levels of Dzogchen in qi training, to participate.

All the VIP rooms on the third floor except Yunmeng Cheng's were occupied by Foundation Establishment cultivators. When the last Foundation Establishment Pill was auctioned, all the monks on the third floor cursed.

Time back to 10 minutes ago.

An old man's voice came from the VIP room on Cheng Qifeng's left side: "I offer 3000 yuan of spirit stones, please give me some face."

A joking voice came: "Old Wangtou, if you can't afford it, don't buy it. How much is your face worth? This old man will offer you 500 yuan of spirit stones."

"you you……"

Apparently, the old man known as the old king was very angry, and the aura of a middle-stage monk in the foundation establishment continued to press down on the joking voice from his VIP room.

And the monk in the VIP room with that joking voice was also a mid-stage foundation-building monk. Neither of them could do anything to each other, and a wave of anger swept across the entire auction house.

After a few minutes, fortunately, a mid-stage foundation-building monk from another VIP room on the third floor came to persuade them to fight. Otherwise, the two of them might have demolished the entire auction house, and few people would dare to speak out afterwards.

Only then did the auction continue, and the joking voice was the one who threatened everyone at the auction with Li Changsheng.

And the final transaction price of this Foundation Establishment Pill was 6000 Yuan Lingshi, which was not much different from the price of the first one.

Hearing the transaction price, Cheng Qifeng murmured to himself: "No wonder the family has been established for more than 500 years, and it is rare to buy Foundation Establishment Pills in the auction house. The price this time is really too expensive. No wonder the family is willing to do business directly with Qingyangzong."

The reason for saying this is that he understands that making a deal with Qingyangzong is no different from making a deal with a tiger or wolf, and he will be the first to be dispatched if there is anything to do.

Back then, the Cheng family was able to obtain the quota of building foundation pills directly from the Qingyang Sect because it was extremely dangerous to be stationed at the Qingcang Ridge where Huaishui County and the Nanling Mountains meet.

However, each Foundation Establishment Pill only needs an equal price, [-] spirit stones per piece, which is the same as the price for Zongmen monks to buy Foundation Establishment Pills, which is not bad.

After all, the Foundation Establishment Pill in Huaishuifang City also came from the Qingyang Sect, it's just that it's too rare, so the premium is so high.

However, the price of Foundation Establishment Pills auctioned by this auction house is thousands of spirit stones higher than the normal price. It is said that after passing through the Nanling Mountains, you will see a huge city called Xianyuan City.

Xianyuan City is also a place for monks to trade, a large trading city. The price of the Foundation Establishment Pill in Xianyuan City is [-] spirit stones. The resources in the city are extremely rich, and there is no shortage of Foundation Establishment Pills. Kidan is a [-] spirit stone.

If you have a lot of spirit stones, you can buy them by the bottle, not like the Nanling Mountains, which makes many monks yearn for the outside world of cultivating immortals.

However, it is impossible to cross the Nanling Mountains, without a Golden Core cultivation base, one will surely die.

Following the success of the auction of the two Foundation Establishment Pills, everyone in the venue left one after another, and those monks who had auctioned the spiritual objects all had their maids come to settle the bill.

And the maid also brought the spirit item for auction, the service is not bad, it is very convenient.

However, Li Changsheng on the round platform did not step down, but quietly watched everything that was happening in the entire auction with his spiritual sense, in order to prevent accidents.

When the auction house was just established, many monks did not abide by the rules of the auction house, and when they finally handed over the spirit stones, they snatched the spirit objects from the maids.

So he used the secret method to forcibly improve his cultivation, and ran towards the outside of Huaishuifang City.

However, the monks stationed at the auction house at that time were very lax, so that those monks escaped from the auction house smoothly. Although people could catch it, the thing had already disappeared, so this method is used now.

Only the VIP room where Cheng Qifeng and Cheng Xiangyun were on the third floor didn't buy anything, but Cheng Xiangyun didn't get up and leave.

Cheng Qifeng was puzzled, turned his head to look at Cheng Xiangyun and found that he was sad, so he didn't disturb him, and waited quietly.

After dozens of breaths, a "Boom! Boom!" knocked on the door.

Hearing this voice, Cheng Xiangyun said lightly, "Come in!"

 Thanks: 2011...4198 monthly pass thanks

  Thanks to: Monster Beast Kunpeng, Guhong, Xingyu Yehua, all kinds of tastes in life, Tianyu Mihong, wage earner Huang Ge, 2019...1683, Wei family, Fengbei Nanyuan's recommendation tickets thank you
  And thank you for the comments from many readers. I have something to do today, so I can check the previous article tonight. Thank you readers, sorry
(End of this chapter)

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