Yunmeng Peak

Chapter 6 The Mysterious Man

Chapter 6 The Mysterious Man
Of course, the Nanling Immortal Cultivation Realm also has a panacea that can repair the dantian, but that level of medicine is not something that a foundation-building family like the Cheng family can have.

Therefore, when Cheng Xianghe told Cheng Qifeng the special method, he was also looking at Cheng Qifeng's own choice. Immortal cultivators have been breaking through the limits of their bodies since the beginning of their cultivation, going against the sky.

There is no such thing as a pie in the sky, everything depends on oneself, and only one can get rewards if one pays by oneself. If a cultivator's pursuit of longevity does not even have this bit of courage, there is no need to talk about cultivating immortals.

Qi training monks can theoretically live up to 50 or 250 years old. You must know that ordinary people in this world can only live up to 600 or [-] years old, while foundation building monks can live up to [-] years old, and Jindan monks can live up to [-] years old. For [-] years, these are the monks' ultimate pursuit, even "immortality".

Cheng Qifeng took advantage of Cheng Yuanliang's relationship, and because the middle and senior members of the clan knew about Cheng Qifeng's talent and took good care of him, making an exception so that Cheng Qifeng could go down the mountain to visit relatives before the eighteenth.

During the two years since he came to Yunmeng, Cheng Qifeng has returned home twice. It may be because of his spiritual roots that his brain has become much smarter, and he has matured much earlier than ordinary people of the same age. He can clearly feel the neighbors around him except his parents. There was a sense of awe, and Qi Feng didn't care too much, he only cared about his parents.

Every time Cheng Qifeng returns home, he plans to let his parents have a child, so that the child can accompany the two old people. Cheng Qifeng understands that he and his parents will be people in two worlds. Without some heartache.

Cheng Qifeng really wanted to stay with his parents all the time. Because Cheng Qifeng became a cultivator, both parents were taken care of by the mayor Cheng Yuantian. Even the Yunmeng Mountain fairy invited Cheng Yuanliang and his wife to live in Yunmeng Town at the foot of Yunmeng Mountain. The old man knew his child's virtues, and if he and others were around, his child would definitely not be serious about cultivation, so he planned to wait for Cheng Qifeng to grow up, and then went to Yunmeng Town, and they also got used to life in a small town.

Cheng Qifeng felt the expectations of his parents. The uncles and grandfathers he met with Yunmengshan kept in mind the kindness to him. Only by constantly improving his cultivation can he repay everyone. This indirectly made Cheng Qifeng more firm in his belief in longevity. pursuit.

A moment later, Cheng Qifeng's breakthrough was at the last moment. The spiritual energy within a radius of one foot gradually weakened in a form visible to the naked eye, and was continuously inhaled by him. The spiritual energy gradually flowed through the meridians and dantian.

Cheng Qifeng, who was sitting cross-legged on the futon, opened his eyes. After leaving his parents as a teenager, his eyes were no longer as green as before and gradually became resolute.

Cheng Qifeng smiled at the corner of his mouth and said to himself: "Finally broke through."

In a training room on the top of Yunmeng Mountain, Cheng Xianghe, the head of Yunmengcheng clan, sensed the strange movement beside him, and suddenly opened his eyes, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and a white-haired, thin figure appeared beside Cheng Xianghe. middle-aged man.

Seeing the appearance of this person in front of him, Cheng Xianghe was quite shocked, and quickly asked, "Seventh Uncle, why are you here?"

The white-haired middle-aged man waved his hand and slid past the storage bag on his waist, handed Cheng Xianghe a yellowed book, and then began to speak: "The little guy you mentioned last time is about to practice Qi! This book The exercises will be handed over to him after he breaks through, and he will be sent to Qingcang Ridge five months later."

"Ah! Qingcang Ridge? Uncle, five months later, I'm afraid he's only just broken through to the realm of Qi training." Cheng Xianghe said dissuadingly from the side.

Hearing what Cheng Xianghe said, the man beside him frowned.

"My son from the Cheng family, what do you look like cowering? Don't you still have me? The current state of the Cheng family is caused by your thoughts. This is the world of cultivating immortals, not a playhouse."

"Hey, it's that little guy who broke through, haha, the aura fluctuates so much, it seems that he used that secret technique, this little guy is really brave." The middle-aged man looked at Cheng Qifeng's position with the corner of his mouth Slightly rising, he said to himself.

After finishing speaking, he disappeared without saying hello to Cheng Xianghe.

Cheng Xianghe looked at the place where the man disappeared, with mist in his eyes, and said to himself: "Uncle, how do you know that the big beast tide killed our Cheng family's elite children a few decades ago? well……!"

During the beast horde decades ago, Cheng Xianghe was still a young man with a low level of cultivation, and was protected by the elders of the clan. He watched the elders who had a close relationship with him die, but he couldn't do anything. Cheng Jiji, the second patriarch, was also seriously injured at that time, which greatly increased the life span increased by using the spirit fruit.

In the early years, this ancestor went out to practice and got several Yuanshou fruits, which increased his lifespan by a hundred years. This has supported the Cheng family for a few more years. If it is really counted, except for Cheng Chengcheng, the Cheng family has not been born for a hundred years. The peak monk, if it wasn't for Cheng Cheng, the Cheng family would have started to be in this situation a long time ago.

After dozens of breaths, Cheng Xianghe looked at the three big characters written on the thick book in his hand with misty eyes.

"Fire Jue?"

Tears welled up in Cheng Xianghe's eyes, and he said to himself, "But the seventh uncle is really powerful, and he was able to come to me quietly."

As he kept looking at the exercises in his hands, Cheng Xianghe looked at the exercises in his hands that could only be cultivated to the ninth level of Qi training, with some doubts in his eyes.

Cheng Xianghe bowed his head and said to himself: "Uncle should have a follow-up exercise, but this exercise is so exquisite, it's a pity that only monks with dual spiritual roots of fire and wood can practice it. The whole exercise is probably not low-level, but When did the family have such a sophisticated technique?"

After Cheng Xianghe thought about it for a while, he was relieved when he thought of the strength of the middle-aged man just now, and then thought of the current situation of the family, the figure of the man just now kept appearing in his mind, and he felt a lot more at ease.

In a training room in the middle of Yunmeng Mountain, Cheng Qifeng, who was sitting cross-legged on a futon, stood up, feeling that his body seemed to have infinite power, and his face was full of smiles.

Cheng Qifeng walked out of the training room slowly, and what came into view was a small pond and a small courtyard.

There is also an uncultivated wasteland, and the most exquisite feature of this small courtyard is the second-tier middle-grade spirit gathering array that comes with it in the training room.

When you need to use the spirit gathering array, you only need to put a spirit stone in the center of the array eye to open it for a short time, and it was the first time he opened it when he broke through the bottleneck of Qi training today.

Cheng Qifeng, who is innately cultivated, is not qualified to touch the monk's spirit stone. The spirit stone used today was a gift from a good clan brother on his birthday last year.

After the spirit-gathering array was opened, the aura within the range of the spirit-gathering array continued to condense, and the aura in the training room where Qi Feng was located was extremely rich in less than half a day. This rich aura was also a great help to Cheng Qifeng's breakthrough today.

Cheng Qifeng came to Cheng Yuanliang's door as soon as he left the house. Not long after knocking on the door, a young man with a simple and honest appearance came to open the door. .

Cheng Qifeng saw the young man in front of him and called out: "Brother Thirteen".

This young man is Cheng Yuanliang's grandson and Cheng Yuantian's son Cheng Qihui.

Every time Cheng Qifeng went home to visit relatives, Cheng Yuanliang would let Cheng Qihui go with him. Cheng Qifeng knew that the main purpose of this clan brother was to protect him.

It's just that for some reason, Cheng Yuanliang has never mentioned the matter about Cheng Yuantian, the mayor of Nanshan Town, in the past two years. Cheng Qifeng was really curious, and he was rarely reprimanded by Cheng Yuanliang when he asked a few times, so he didn't know. up.

Cheng Qihui looked at the fairy-like Cheng Qifeng in front of him, wondering: "Why do you feel different, hey! Have you broken through to the Qi training period?"

Cheng Qihui was quite shocked that Cheng Qifeng could advance to the Qi training stage so quickly. Although he was a monk with three roots, he had the family's key cultivation. It took three years to break through to the Qi training stage.

But Cheng Qifeng in front of him only used it for two years. Cheng Qihui was quite surprised by Cheng Qifeng's cultivation speed. As early as the first contact, Cheng Qifeng naively told this good clan brother that he had dual spiritual roots.

Afterwards, Cheng Yuanliang scolded the two of them angrily. So far, Cheng Qifeng has kept silent about the spiritual root, and Cheng Qihui will also protect this secret from being discovered by the Yunmengshan people.

It's just that Cheng Qihui didn't expect that because of the spiritual root, there would be such a big gap in the cultivation speed of the monks, but he didn't have any jealousy, just a little envy.

The family school educates every member of the family from an early age that the family is the most important thing. Brothers and sisters cannot kill each other. If they are found out, they will be the enemy of the whole family.

Regardless of birth, even if Cheng Qifeng came to Yunmeng Mountain from the mundane because of the awakening of spiritual roots, they are a family, because they are all surnamed Cheng, and they all shed the blood of Cheng's family.

(End of this chapter)

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