Yunmeng Peak

Chapter 63 Killing

Chapter 63 Killing (Please recommend, bookmark, read more)
The three of them besieged the blood demon tiger wearing earth armor like this. After dozens of breaths, the earth armor on the blood devil tiger continued to shatter, and small wounds appeared on its body.

With the roar of the Blood Demon Tiger who was besieged by the three of Cheng Xiangyun, "Wow!"

The black eyeballs of the helpless Blood Demon Tiger who was besieged by the three of them just now were also red, and what was even more peculiar was that the black hair on his body was blood red, making him look extremely coquettish.

After it jumped into the air with a powerful slap, it knocked down the two flying swords in the air to the ground, and Tang Ming, who was holding a giant axe, was knocked out again.

This time, he was not so lucky. He was directly shot in the chest by the Blood Demon Tiger, and flew backwards, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Tang Ming, who was shot flying not far away, was lying on the ground, and hurriedly mobilized his whole body's spiritual power to forcefully suppress the injury, but it couldn't last long.

Tang Ming looked at the coquettish-haired Blood Demon Tiger not far away, and said in fear: "Rage?"

Not far away, Cheng Xiangyun saw that the flying sword was shot out of the range of his consciousness and could not be controlled. With a wave of his right hand, he took out another cyan flying sword from the storage bag, and charged at the blood demon tiger. .

Afterwards, the two quickly came to Tang Ming's side and supported him. Cheng Qifeng asked, "Friend Daoist Tang, how is your injury?"

"It can still be controlled."

Just as they were talking, the Blood Demon Tiger knocked down the cyan flying sword that was attacking him to the ground.

Afterwards, the Blood Demon Tiger did not rush towards Cheng Xiangyun and the others, but stood there looking at the three people in front of him with a playful expression.

It took a while before they charged towards them, but just as the Blood Demon Tiger was about to kill them, Cheng Xiangyun and Cheng Qifeng took out a talisman at the same time to face the rushing Blood Demon Tiger.

The magic talisman in Cheng Qifeng's hand instantly turned into a rocket to kill the blood demon tiger, while Cheng Xiangyun's magic talisman turned into a golden light and shrouded in front of the three of them.

The rocket slammed straight into the face of the blood demon tiger, and with a "bang", a large wound was blown on the face and half of the blood demon tiger's waist.

When Cheng Xiangyun saw this scene, he looked at Cheng Qifeng in surprise.

Cheng Qifeng could only smile wryly.

"Uncle Xiangxin gave it to me."

However, the Blood Demon Tiger, who had already fallen into a berserk state, continued to charge as if he couldn't feel the wound on his body, and slammed into the golden mask of Cheng Xiangyun and others.

However, this impact did not cause any harm to the three of them, but the golden mask was broken.

Cheng Xiangyun and the others couldn't be happy, because the distance from the blood demon tiger was only a few feet away, and Cheng Qifeng quickly took out several talismans from the storage bag.

With the infusion of spiritual energy, those talismans flew into the air, turning into fireballs, ice tips, and earth thorns all attacking the Blood Demon Tiger a few feet away.

When Cheng Xiangyun saw this scene, his expression was a little lost. After thinking about it, his face showed a pained expression, and he took out a magic talisman from the storage bag. This magic talisman, like the previous one, turned into a golden light A hood surrounded the three of them.

Of course, Cheng Xiangyun knew that those talismans were only middle-grade second-grade talismans, and they couldn't do much damage to the rough-skinned, thick-skinned Blood Demon Tiger at all, so he used his second-grade top-grade golden light talisman.

As for Tang Ming, who was surrounded by Cheng Qifeng and Cheng Xiangyun, he couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw this scene.

With a look of envy on his face, he secretly said in his heart: "These two uncles and nephews' families are really rich, but the children of big families are different."

Cheng Xiangyun looked at Tang Ming's gaze behind him, and couldn't help sighing: "Fellow Daoist Tang, I don't have any magic talismans. If you don't have any, we're afraid this time..."

Although Cheng Xiangyun is a second-level top-grade alchemist and earns a lot of spirit stones on weekdays, all of them were used to pay for the foundation-building pill that he exchanged with his family in the early years, and he didn't have much left on his body.

And these two golden light talismans were saved for life-saving these years, but I didn't expect that the talismans that had been stored for several years were all used up in just a few breaths.

Thinking of Cheng Xiangyun in this way, he could only show a wry smile on his face.

The number of talismans released by Cheng Qifeng did not cause much damage to the Blood Demon Tiger as everyone expected.

The flame arrow of the second-order high-grade spirit talisman caused the blood to flow continuously from the blood demon tiger. Not only did it fail to drive the blood demon tiger back, but the bright red blood made the blood demon tiger even more violent.

Constantly slamming into the golden mask, just when Tang Ming and the two were ready to fight to the death, Cheng Qifeng suddenly threw a red talisman into Cheng Xiangyun's hand.

Cheng Qifeng looked at Cheng Xiangyun who looked at death like home and said eagerly: "Uncle Xianglin cast this talisman quickly, I don't have enough spiritual energy."

Only now did Cheng Xiangyun see the magic talisman in his hand, and he and Tang Ming said in unison: "The Flame Talisman!"

Soon the experienced Cheng Xiangyun regained his composure, and after swallowing a few Qi-returning pills for nothing, he poured spiritual energy into the red magic talisman in his hand.

The moment the blood demon tiger shattered the golden mask, a violent crimson fireball the size of a human head smashed towards the blood demon tiger.

The berserk Blood Demon Tiger didn't care about the fireball, and wanted to catch it with its body, but it soon paid the price.


The huge blood demon tiger fell to the ground, half of its body was scorched black, and the three of Cheng Qifeng were also lifted several meters away by the huge air wave.

Tang Ming, who had been injured before, could no longer suppress the injuries on his body. Tang Ming, who was originally red-faced, was extremely pale at this moment.

However, when he saw the lifeless Blood Demon Tiger on the ground, he laughed happily.

And Cheng Xiangyun's face was a little pale because of too much spiritual energy consumption, but it was not serious.

Cheng Qifeng, who only practiced Qi, was the least injured. When Cheng Xiangyun cast the magic talisman, he took out the earth and rock shield and blocked it in front of everyone. Otherwise, the three of them would either die or be injured at such a short distance.

Cheng Xiangyun looked at Cheng Qifeng in a daze, and Cheng Qifeng could only explain with a wry smile: "Uncle Xiangfu gave it to me when I left Yunmeng Mountain."

Having said that, thinking of Cheng Qifeng's talent, Cheng Xiangyun felt relieved.

The third-order magic talisman is not something that a little guy in the middle stage of Qi training can have. The price of buying the magic talisman alone can dissuade monks in the late stage of Qi training.

You must know that the second-tier high-grade magic weapon is only 180 spirit stones, and a third-tier low-grade magic talisman needs at least 200 yuan of spirit stones as the starting price.

One blow is a second-order high-grade magic weapon, and even a foundation-builder cultivator may feel pain.

Tang Ming on the side was still in shock. Hearing this, he couldn't help guessing Qi Cheng's identity.

Tang Ming secretly guessed in his heart: "At such an age, he is a sixth-level Qi training monk, and his temperament is not bad. I am afraid that he is the core disciple of Yunmeng Cheng's family."

However, Tang Ming didn't ask too many questions. On the contrary, knowing too much about this kind of thing would be harmful, so he suppressed his inner curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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