Yunmeng Peak

Chapter 74

Chapter 74 Qi Peng (recommendation ticket, collection, investment)

A few days later, Cheng Qifeng and others arrived at the foot of Yunmeng Mountain. A transparent barrier enveloped the entire Yunmeng Mountain. Cheng Xiangshun, the leader of the team, took out a token from the storage bag. With the input of spiritual power, the token Flying above the transparent barrier, a big hole appeared in the barrier immediately.

The convoy slowly entered the barrier along the big opening, and not long after the convoy entered the barrier, several Qi-training monks in blue long gowns riding cranes flew over from a distance.

The leading cultivator with a firm face is the elder of the Yunmeng Cheng family, Cheng Qipeng, the grandson of Cheng Yuanxu, the foundation elder of the Yunmeng Cheng family, and now he is 48 years old, a monk with three spiritual roots, eight levels of Qi training peak.

Relying on the care of the elders, as well as good talent, now he is only one step away from reaching the ninth level of Qi training. He is currently the person with the highest cultivation level of the Qi generation, and is also one of the foundation building seeds of the Qi generation.

Even in Huaishui County, he is well-known and an outstanding person.

In the past, Cheng Qifeng seldom saw this extraordinary elder brother in Yunmeng Mountain. Cheng Qipeng was the captain of the family patrol team. It has put a lot of pressure on the other members of the Qi family.

This also makes Cheng Qipeng quite prestigious among the Qi generation. In addition, his grandfather is Cheng Yuanxu, the second elder of the family, and is now the most powerful candidate for the next generation of the Yunmeng Cheng clan's patriarch.

Soon the members of the Cheng clan who were flying in the air descended one after another, and Cheng Qipeng, the leader, looked at Cheng Xiangshun who was at the front of the convoy and asked suspiciously: "Uncle Xiangshun, according to the usual schedule, this return to the family was half a month earlier, but what happened?" gone?"

Cheng Xiangshun looked at the quite capable nephew in front of him, and replied with relief: "It's nothing, as usual, Uncle Yuandu recently refined a batch of elixir, and ordered me to send it back. Qi Feng is also in the convoy. Taiping will return together."

After hearing this, Cheng Qipeng nodded, not noticing anything unusual, and after greeting the clansmen on the convoy, he came to Cheng Qifeng's car.

Cheng Qifeng looked at the elder brother who was coming, and jumped off the elephant cart.

Cheng Qipeng looked at the handsome young man in front of him with a smile and said, "Eighteenth brother, if I remember correctly, you haven't returned for five years! How is learning alchemy with the sixth master? Every time Uncle Xiangshun returns to Yunmeng Mountain I will say a few words about you, you are really young and promising!"

After hearing this, Cheng Qifeng didn't hide it, and he directly said the reason for what he needed to know sooner or later: "Yes, brother, but now it's not far from being able to refine second-order high-grade pills, and we need a high-grade pill furnace, and after many years If I haven't returned, the sixth master asked me to return to Yunmeng Mountain."

It was shocking to hear that Cheng Qifeng was about to become a second-level top-grade alchemist in just a few years. Which of the family's second-level top-grade alchemists was not over half white.

And Cheng Qifeng is just over [-] now, and he can't help being shocked to achieve such an achievement at such an age, and secretly said in his heart: "It's only five years since such an achievement has been achieved. I'm afraid that the third-level alchemist will be stable in the future, and the sixth master should also feel at ease. .”

After the two exchanged a few pleasantries, Cheng Qipeng looked at Cheng Qijin beside him and said with a smile, "Eighth brother, congratulations! Congratulations! Let's have a few drinks together when your wedding is coming next year!"

Such a mention made Cheng Qijin blush a little, but he agreed happily.

After half a stick of incense, Cheng Qipeng left after chatting, led the patrol team to command the cranes under his seat, and continued to patrol around Yunmeng Mountain.

There are only two patrol teams in Yunmeng Cheng's family, one round per day, each team is led by a late Qi training team, and each team has five monks in total, and those with the lowest cultivation level are mid-qi training monks, and their duties are Investigate the dangers in Yunmeng Mountain.

Although Yunmeng Mountain is protected by a Tier [-] defensive formation, the formation is not fully activated on weekdays. If it is fully activated, it needs a lot of spiritual energy to maintain it every day, just like Huaishuifang City. If you only draw Yunmeng The aura in the mountain spirit veins supplies the magic circle, and within a few years, the aura in Yunmeng Mountain will start to thin out.

But if spirit stones were used, the daily supply of spirit stones needed by the magic circle would be enough to bankrupt the Cheng family.

That's why such a method is adopted now. Of course, this is also the method adopted by most families and sects. However, once foreign enemies invade or break into the magic circle on a large scale, it only takes a few breaths of time to fully open the magic circle.

And the danger they need to detect does not come from human monks. The Qingyang Sect strictly forbids fighting between the cultivating families under it.

There is no family in Huaishui County that has such strength and can destroy the Yunmeng Cheng family in a short time.

Yunmeng Mountain is close to Qingcang Ridge, and monsters often break into Yunmeng Mountain on weekdays.

The reason is of course very simple, that is, the aura in Yunmeng Mountain is extremely rich, which is suitable for the cultivation of monsters, and the rich aura is also beneficial to the cultivation of monsters.

If no one kills those intruding monsters, stealing spirits from the mountain is a small thing, but raiding and injuring the tribe is a big deal. This is the reason why the patrol team was established.

Yunmeng Mountain has a very large area, and it would take a lot of time to walk. This is why the patrol monks are equipped with uniform flying monsters, so that they can complete the patrol faster. After all, patrol monks also need to practice.

Cheng Qifeng did not follow the crowd back to Yunmeng Mountain. After saying goodbye to Cheng Xiangshun, he left the defensive circle and ran towards Yunmeng Town not far from Yunmeng Mountain.

Yunmeng Town is one of the main populated towns of the Cheng family, surrounded by not-so-short city walls.

In a small courtyard in the south of the town, a burly man was sitting in the courtyard wiping tables and chairs, and beside him was a beautiful woman in a green dress, fiddling with needlework.

After a few breaths, a knock on the door came from outside the small courtyard.

The burly middle-aged man got up and went to open the door. When he saw the young man in front of him, the burly middle-aged man was stunned.

Until the woman fiddling with needlework asked, "Who is Yuan Liang?"

After a full count of breaths, a trembling voice came from the mouth of the burly middle-aged man: "Qi, Qi Feng! It's Qi Feng!"

When the beautiful woman heard this, she hurriedly dropped the needle and thread in her hand and ran towards the door.

Looking at the young man with a height of 1.7 meters and [-], the beautiful woman stayed where she was, tears fell from her eyes unconsciously.

There were many mortal relatives of monks living in Yunmeng Town. In the past few years when they moved to Yunmeng Town, the two women often heard from neighbors that their children had waited for decades after becoming immortals and did not return. One day, Yunmengshan came to inform the enemy that he had died, and only then did he know the news.

It didn't matter if the couple didn't listen, they were taken aback when they heard it, and went to Yunmeng Mountain several times to ask Cheng Yuanliang, who they were familiar with, and then they felt relieved, but Cheng's mother still had random thoughts from time to time.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets. I will be on the recommendation list soon. If you have the conditions, please ask for a recommendation ticket.

  A lot of follow-up, thank you for collecting

(End of this chapter)

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