Tian Yuan Xian Ji

Chapter 1671 Agreement

The two of them talked calmly, as if they were old friends who hadn't seen each other for years. After Tang Ning finished speaking, a beam of light descended and Jiang Ting'an returned to her side.

"No Taoist from any sect can accept this condition."

"The Tianyuan Realm cannot accept your request to occupy the space channel." Tang Ning translated to the demon clan.

"In this case, we have no choice but to intensify our offensive until we occupy the entire Tianyuan Realm."

Xiang Yunchen said: "Although the Tianyuan Realm is not as powerful as the Tianqi Realm, it is not something that he can occupy just because he wants to. If they insist on doing it, we will have to fight to the end."

The two sides could not reach a consensus on their conditions and the negotiations temporarily came to a deadlock.

After a moment of silence, Tang Ning said to the demons, "I have a suggestion. Both sides should take a step back. The space channel connecting the Tianyuan Realm to the Immortal Realm allows you to station troops there because there is a secret realm connecting the two realms. You can send some troops to garrison in that secret realm, but not too many."

"No, we must guard the space passage connecting to the fairyland."

"Then let's do this. The Tianyuan Realm and the Tianqi Realm can each send some personnel to garrison near the space channel. Together, we can guard the space channel. How about this condition? If you cannot accept this condition, then we will have to go to war. I will do my best to help the Tianyuan Realm repel your attack. If the Tianyuan Realm is not strong enough, I can mobilize troops from other realms to help."

When the three demons heard this, they looked at each other.

"We need to discuss it ourselves." After Ke Yuansi said this, the three of them flashed back to the beach.

Tang Ning then proposed to sue Jiang Ting'an and Xiang Yunchen again. After hearing this, the two remained silent.

"That space passage is just a cover. What's the big deal if the demons send half of their people to guard it? It would be best to lure all the powerful demons in the Ascension Realm into the space passage. What are you two Taoist friends hesitating about?"

Jiang Ting'an nodded and said, "Fellow Daoist Tang is right. It is better to let them guard that unstable space passage than to go to war with them."

Xiang Yunchen also nodded: "Then let's do it! If they agree."

Not long after, the three demons returned here again. Ke Yuansi thought: "You just said that there is a connected secret realm near that space passage? I wonder how far it is from that space passage?"

"Very close. The distance between us is roughly the same as the distance between your personnel and ours."

"For your sake, we agree to your proposal and are willing to send half of our men to guard that space passage with the monks from the Tianyuan Realm. But we have one condition. We want to station troops in the secret realm nearby to prevent any accidents. This is our bottom line."

Tangning relayed this message to the two of them, "My two Taoist friends, go discuss this with everyone else and try to convince them. I think this condition is not bad."

The two of them flashed and left the place.

Ke Yuansi continued to ask: "Excuse me, Your Excellency, after going to the Immortal Realm and breaking through the Ascension Realm, how many years can I live?"

"Above the Ascension Realm is the True Immortal Realm. When one's cultivation reaches this level, there is no limit to one's lifespan. However, a catastrophe will come every once in a while. The forms of the catastrophe are different, and as time goes by, each catastrophe will be more powerful than the last. If one's cultivation stops, one will be killed by the catastrophe. Therefore, even if one has an endless lifespan, one must continue to improve one's cultivation."

"Then how many realms are there above the True Immortal Realm? What realm was the Death God you served in?"

"Above the True Immortals, there are several major realms, namely the Golden Immortals, Taiyi, and Daluo. Above Daluo are the supreme gods in the Immortal Realm. Each god controls the power of the corresponding realm. Unless it perishes, other gods in its corresponding realm will not be born."

"Your Excellency said that the incarnation of the God of Death has returned to the fairyland. How did it get back?"

"It is also the fairyland that returns through the Tianyuan Realm space channel."


After the two talked for a while, Jiang Ting'an and Xiang Yunchen returned to his side.

"We can accept the demon army stationed in the Xingang secret realm, but we do not allow them to leave the secret realm. In addition, the demon army cannot have too many people stationed in the Xingang space channel. At most, they should be equal to us."

Tang Ning then relayed this message to the three demon representatives.

"Okay, we agree to this condition." The three of them looked at each other and Ke Yuansi nodded.

"Since both parties agree to this condition, I need you to swear an oath to the great god of death." Tang Ning pretended to take out the Golden Thunder Sword and slashed it across his palm. He then took out three small cups, and blood gushed out and dripped into the cups.

"I am the one who has been blessed by the Great God and appointed by him. Drink this cup and then chant the name of the Great God. The Great God will look upon you. If you violate the oath, you will be disrespecting the Great God."

Tangning handed three cups to the three demons and said, "I swear in the name of the great god who controls the power of the Avenue of Death that today's agreement will take effect from now on. If you violate it, you will suffer a calamity."

Ke Yuansi was the first to take the jade cup and drank it all. The other two also drank the blood in the cup one after another.

"Your Excellency, can you now take us to the space passage that connects to the fairyland?"

"No problem. I wonder which fellow Taoist you will send to go with me to verify it."

"How long do you estimate it will take to go to and from the space channel?"

"One month is enough."

"Parzesi will go with you, and the others will wait here. I will give you forty days and nights. If you have not returned within forty days and nights, it will not be my violation of the oath."

Tang Ning relayed this to Jiang Ting'an and Xiang Yunchen. They hesitated for a moment and then nodded in agreement.

"Okay, we agree."


The two of them rose up in the air, traveling day and night until they arrived at the location of the Xingang space channel. He took out the Boundary Breaking Pearl in his hand, and a purple light burst out. The runes that came out of his body were like two intertwined chains, lingering and extending upwards. As time passed, the space was slowly torn apart, and an extremely vast and vague aura emanated from it. Faintly, a flowing light could be seen in the torn space.

"This is the space channel that connects to the fairyland. It is different from other space channels in this interface. This space channel is extremely vast. If it is to be fully opened, it is as big as a mountain. It is difficult for me to maintain it with my own strength. I have only opened it a little bit now. You should be able to feel the difference of this channel. After that, you can build a magic circle and gather everyone's strength to open it."

Pazexi was so excited that he could not hide it. His hands were shaking slightly, his eyes were full of eagerness, and he said three times in a row: "Okay, okay, okay."

Tang Ning then took back the Boundary Breaking Pearl and said, "The secret space between Tianyuan and Tianqi is not far from here. I will take you to have a look."

Pazexi said nothing, his eyes fixed on the space passage that was torn in a corner in the sky, until it was completely closed. Then the two of them went to the secret space realm in the back mountain of Yuanqian Yizong together.

After returning to Wu Yue Wharf in Jinan County from Xingang, the two sides heard Pazexi's report and held another round of consultations. Finally, it was decided that the number of demon army personnel stationed in the Qianyi Sect secret realm should not exceed four legions, and each side would send ten Mahayana monks to guard that secret space.

After reaching a unanimous agreement with the demons, everyone returned to Tianyuan City and had another round of discussion about who should guard the space passage in Xingang, how to arrange personnel rotations, and how to establish a space formation to open up and guard against the demons in the secret realm, among many other issues.

A few months later, the demon army in Jinan County had retreated in batches, and then the demon armies in various states and counties also left their original places in batches and returned to the secret realm.


Dark clouds covered the sun and heavy rain poured down. In Mubei, Jiyun County, in the vast Wolong City, dragons roamed around. This was the lair of the Qingjiao clan.

In the dim secret room, Qing Jiao Wang Xuan Zhen sat upright, listening to a report from a tribe member.

"According to reports from the front, there have been unusual movements by the demons in Annan County, and they seem to be evacuating in large numbers."

"Evacuate?" Xuan Zhen frowned slightly: "Is the information accurate?"

"We are verifying this. Last month, we received intelligence from Qingzhou that the demon army that invaded Qingzhou has completely withdrawn, and the Qingzhou coalition forces have entered Jinan County."

"The Qingzhou demons have also retreated. What exactly happened?" Xuan Zhen frowned even more tightly, his thoughts racing in his mind, but he couldn't figure out the key factors here. His intuition and experience told him that something extremely serious must have happened, but he was completely unaware of it. This feeling was very bad.

"Contact the Qingzhou coalition's insider immediately and find out the reason for the demons' retreat at all costs."

"Yes." The man replied and was about to leave.

Suddenly, there was a loud and earth-shaking noise, as if the heaven and earth were shaking. Outside the house, a man hurried in and reported, "Chief, it's bad. Many Mahayana monks appeared outside the city and are attacking the city's guard formation. They have already rushed in."

Xuan Zhen's expression changed, his eyes flashed, and he stood up suddenly: "Who are they?"

"I haven't seen him. He looks unfamiliar. He is not a Mahayana cultivator from Mubei, nor a Mahayana cultivator from Qingzhou, and certainly not a monster. I don't know where he came from." As soon as the man finished speaking, Xuan Zhen had already left.

Wolong City is a million miles in radius, no bigger than a county town. Just as he was about to rush outside the city to find out what was going on, several figures came rushing towards him. The leader was Tang Ning, and beside him were two late Mahayana cultivators, Xin Yi and Yan Jiuzheng. The three of them were in a double-team.

"It's you." Xuan Zhen's eyes narrowed, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.


  (Thanks to the book friend [Night Reading History Books] for the reward.)

(Thanks to the book friend [Night Reading History Books] for the reward.)

(Thanks to the book friend [Night Reading History Books] for the reward.)

(Thanks for your support.) (End of this chapter)

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