Tian Yuan Xian Ji

Chapter 299 Hypocrites and Real Villains

Chapter 299 Hypocrites and Real Villains

Tang Ning nodded. He knew how to make alchemy himself, and he knew the reason: "Since that's the case, I'll look for it. I'll collect all these materials later, and then I'll bother fellow daoists. I just don't know where to go to find friends?"

Qin Zhao first said: "I will stay here for a while longer until my disciple's transformation is completed. I won't go to other places in the next few years. Fellow Daoist Tang has found these materials, so just come here to find me."

"Since that's the case, I'll take my leave, and I'll come back someday to find friends."

"It's already here, why bother to leave! Since I'm an old acquaintance of Brother Xiao, let's stay here today. You and I will have a drink. I happen to have some fine wine brought from Qiyun Island. I don't know if Tang Daoyou has something in it ?” Qin Zhao persuaded to stay.

Although he is a casual cultivator, he is free and easy, but he is quite good at communicating with people and making good connections. Seeing that Tang Ning is young, he has a mid-stage foundation cultivation, and he is such a rare thing as the rhinoceros ant queen when he makes a move , can't help but take a high look at it.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Qin, for your kindness. I'd rather be respectful than obedient. I'll tell you the truth. I'm quite greedy for this product. It's just that I'm in Xingang, and I seldom encounter good wine. Today, I can taste Qiyun Island's fine wine, which is enough to comfort my whole life." Tang Ning said
Qin Zhaoxian laughed: "It can be said that a thousand glasses of wine are rare when you meet a bosom friend, please."

The three of them went to another room and sat down one by one. Qin Zhao took out a jar of wine with his hands first, and lifted the lid. The rich and fragrant smell instantly permeated the whole room, making people drunk without drinking.

"This sandalwood musk wine has the fragrance of sandalwood musk, so it got its name. It has a slight reputation on Qiyun Island. It comes from the local Green Star Chamber of Commerce. In terms of quality, it is a second-level middle-grade spirit wine, which is suitable for us. Cultivator." Qin Zhao filled the wine first, and the three drank it all in one gulp.

The wine entered the intestines like waves, one wave after another, stirring up the spiritual energy in the Linghai acupoint, and the whole body felt the blood surge, but the mouth was full of fragrance, Tangning exhaled, "It's really a rare good wine."

"A jar of this wine is ten catties, worth two thousand spirit stones. With my level of cultivation, I can drink at most three catties in one meal."

Tang Ning said, "It's a pity that such good wine can only be bought in such a faraway place. If Xingang can produce such good wine, it would be worth two thousand spirit stones a jar."

"This kind of wine making method is a treasured product of various forces, and has never been taught to outsiders. Even if the recipe is handed over to you, it cannot be refined with the resources of Xingang Land. This wine not only adds various second-level herbs , even the flesh and blood of Tier [-] monsters are integrated into it, only the forces on those big islands have channels to get these things."

"Tier [-] monsters?" Tangning was slightly startled when she heard the words, "Where did they get so many Tier [-] monsters?"

Qin Zhaoxian said: "There are a lot of monsters hiding in the depths of the Qinghai seabed, and there are a large number of monsters in the Mubei grassland. It doesn't take long to transport the monsters from Mubei, and then use them to breed and keep them in captivity. To become a spirit beast, a second-order spirit beast weighing hundreds of catties is enough to refine thousands of altars of spirit wine."

"The four traditional industries in the practice world, pills, talismans, refining tools, and formations, are all said to be huge profits. From my point of view, they are actually far less profitable than spiritual wine and spiritual food. Not to mention those who control gambling. The power of workshops, teleportation arrays, brothels, and shops is really making money every day, and their daily profits are as high as one million spirit stones."

Tang Ning said, "Since Daoist Qin has been around for a long time, why don't you tell me what novel things are there outside, so that I, a frog at the bottom of the well, can open my eyes."

Qin Zhaoxian said: "The so-called books can't express the words, and the words can't express the meaning. The outside world can't imagine its prosperity without seeing it with your own eyes, but only listening to people's words. It's hard to describe it in three days and three nights. Let's put it this way! The Xingang Demon Sect has risen, and it has fought several battles with Xuanmen, compared with the wars of those big sects in the Qingzhou inland, the battle between Xingang is like monkey populations fighting for territory with stones and sticks."

Tangning said, "It's only natural. In the eyes of those great cultivators, aren't we just like ants?"

"Tang Daoyou misunderstood. What I said was not referring to the level of cultivation, but the essence of war. You are more like a fight between casual cultivators, talking about the strength of individual abilities, and they are two armies fighting."

"What do you mean by these words, please tell me in detail."

Qin Zhaoxian said: "They have very powerful spiritual weapons and have received professional war training, including the cooperation between various arms. The battle between them is not determined by the strength of individuals, but the quality of the overall equipment. The spiritual weapons they master There are also all kinds of weapons, those that run on the ground, those that fly in the sky, and those that swim in the sea.

"For example, if the Qianyi Sect and the Corpse Puppet Sect start a war again, the outcome of the war has nothing to do with the disciples at the bottom, it is mainly the battle between the Golden Core monks. Once one of the Golden Core monks loses and falls, then the other sect Naturally collapsed."

"But those big sect wars in the Qingzhou inland are not like this. Even if a group of foundation-building monks confront the Jindan monks, they can still be killed. Because they are well equipped with spiritual weapons, they can cause damage to the Jindan monks. In this case, the strength of a person's cultivation is nothing."

"I have lived in Qi State for a long time, and I have a good relationship with Shuiyun Sect. I know that the only spiritual weapon their sect can use is only ten second-order Xuangan crossbows. It is almost the same when I want to come to Yi Sect. Relying on this kind of equipment will not be able to use it in a big battle. What kind of action is generally only used to guard the sect."

"If Shuiyunzong has one hundred second-tier Xuangan crossbows, ten third-tier sky-breaking crossbows, one hundred second-tier battle armors, and ten third-tier battle armors, do you think personal cultivation can still play a role?"

Tangning was speechless. Thinking about it carefully, this really happened.

Qin Zhaoxian has been wandering for many years, has seen a lot, and talked about what he saw and heard outside.

After drinking for three rounds, Tangning asked, "As fellow Daoist Qin, why did you attack those juniors from the Jin family?"

"Because my apprentice's sister was taken away by them, and her father was beaten to death by the Jin family's servants. I knew that her sister was imprisoned in Chaotian Temple, so I released her. I didn't expect her sister to be persecuted by the deacon of Fengxuanlou I committed suicide, so I avenged her and killed several Jin family juniors. Jin Lingyuan found me and fought, and he knew he was invincible, so he reconciled with me."

"So that's how it is." Tangning nodded, but she thought to herself, this kid Jin Xuanyang deserved to be like this, and provoked him.I really complied with that sentence, how can I not get my shoes wet when I often walk by the river.

Xiao Mobai said: "It has been dozens of years since Qin Chuan left. At the beginning, thanks to the help of fellow Taoists, Fang escaped from the Dou family's arrest. I heard that the Dou family's extermination was due to the efforts of Tang Taoist friends. I don't know if it is true?"

Tang Ning said, "Back then I was secretly ordered by the sect to approach the Dou family in order to obtain evidence of their collusion with the Demon Sect. The Dou family also wanted to drag me into the water, so I had a lot of contacts with them."

Xiao Mobai said: "After the Dou family was exterminated, the Lu family quickly took over the position of the Dou family. I hope that Xichuan is still famous all over the world, and there are still many women who are persecuted by him and forced to be used as furnaces. Why don't you just make a fuss about the Lu family again, and let it go later."

"Nowadays there is chaos in all directions, and the powerful dominate the world. The party that caused the disaster will not be eliminated overnight. If you kill the Dou family, you will still have the Lu family, and if you kill the Lu family, you will have the Wang family. Friends Tang, have you ever thought about why?"

Tang Ning said: "The world is bustling and bustling. It's nothing more than profit coming and going. In the end, it's just profit. Wang Xichuan earns no less than [-] a year by relying on spirit wine and furnace gimmicks. Driven by such income, naturally many people flock to it. , even if it is desperate."

"What's more, the benefits are far higher than the risks. It can even be said that there is no risk. The root cause of the Dou family's extermination is still collusion with the Demon Sect. If not, the Zongmen would not do anything to them."

"To be honest, I've thought about the Dou family's regrets over the years. Back then, I broke my promise to kill the Dou family. I thought that apart from this evil, there would be no more women persecuted by him. I didn't know that the Lu family took over, just like last night."

"Let's not talk about the Dou family and the Lu family, how can other cultivating families get better? Although they are not so cruel, they are persecuted to become furnaces. But it is not the same as robbing good women and forcing them into prostitution? After all, the world is as black as crows."

Qin Zhaoxian said: "There are countless things like this on those big islands. Although they are cruel and inhumane, they also contain certain truths. It is the essence of the jungle. Tigers eat wolves, wolves eat sheep, and sheep eat grass. This is what the strong eat." Weak, so is the practice world."

"To be honest, I have always hated the Demon Sect or the Xuanmen, including the four most powerful Xuanmen. In fact, they are all mercenary and pious monks. The villain's activities are nothing more than grouping together to bully the casual cultivators."

"This has nothing to do with personal conduct, but the essentials of its survival. It is related to the continuation of the entire sect. Anyone who reaches that position has to do so."

"However, having said that, today's prosperity is inseparable from the rule of the Taoist sect. It can even be said that the rule of the Taoist sect has created such a prosperous world, which is mainly due to the contribution of the four major sects."

"Although I often say that they are despicable and shameless villains who occupy the best resources in the world and continue to squeeze the interests of casual cultivators in the world."

"But I have to admit that they have maintained the most basic order in the practice world and formulated iron rules. It is because of this that they have been able to develop for so many years. Otherwise, the world would have been in flames of war and fighting endlessly."

"If you compare the Demon Sect with the Xuanmen, if you choose one of the two, I will still stand on the side of the Xuanmen."

"From my point of view, the Taoist sect is a hypocrite, and the Demon Sect is a real villain. Although neither of them belong to righteous people, a hypocrite is a gentleman after all, and a real villain is a villain after all."

"When dealing with Xuanmen, as long as they don't infringe on their core interests, they can still communicate. For so many years, Xingang Sanxuanmen have rarely heard of murder, extortion, and extortion."

"However, the Demon Sect burns, kills and loots, and does it wantonly. For them, there are only two kinds of people."

"One is people who are useful to them, and they respect them very much. The other is people who are useless to them, and they treat them like nothing."

"Taking the Corpse Puppet Sect as an example, it has only occupied Qinchuan and Longyou for [-] years. How many incidents of looting, killing, and expropriation have occurred? For those cultivation families, they have spared no effort to help them develop, because it is useful to them."

"And for casual cultivators! Kill and loot wantonly without restraint, especially for ordinary mortals."

(End of this chapter)

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