Half-demon Raising Immortals

Chapter 201 Crane Watching

Chapter 201 Crane Watching
"Fellow Daoist, these are all related to entering the sand."

The female nun left for a while, and when she came in again, she was holding a silver tray in her hand.

There are many spells.

Lu Tong was overjoyed and took the silver plate.

There is a stack of paper on it, with patterns drawn on the paper, and some text introductions are required.

Claws, hands, claws, feet...

He frowned and pushed the silver tray away.


"please say."

"These can only go into shallow sand, and what I want to go into is deep sand, at least not less than a hundred feet."

The nun removed the top paper, revealing the bottom piece of silver foil.

"How about this spell?"

On the silver foil, a golden human figure with long hairs growing on the surface of the skin.

"Sand fox?"

"That's right, the sand fox family can enter the sand, relying on their fur. After repairing this spell, entering and leaving the sand fox's lair is as easy as flipping the palm of your hand."

In the desert, there are many monks staring at the sand fox's lair.

Lu Tong frowned and shook his head.

The fur of the sand fox is suitable for entering the sand, but it is almost completely useless except in the sand.

In the short term, the cultivation base cannot be broken through.

There is only one chance to transform into a demon.

In addition to entering the sand, you have to improve your strength.

"I heard that there is a kind of sand falcon in the desert. In order to avoid the sun during the day, it wraps its wings around its body and drills into the deepest part of the sand layer."

"Turning Sand Falcon."

"Do you have this falcon's magic spell?"

The female cultivator shook her head, and said, "This is the township method of the Xunyue Bao'e family, and it is impossible to buy it outside."


"Normally not. At the end of each year, outside chambers of commerce come in to collect gold sand and spirit beads. There will be a few auctions at that time, maybe there will be."


Return to the tea tavern.

Lu Tong took a glance at the door, forced out a smiling face, and greeted: "Gu Guanshi, why are you free today?"

Steward Gu sat at the door, stood up immediately, and took a basket of yellow fruits from the table.

"Yesterday, a caravan came and brought some yellow dates. Bring some to shopkeeper Lu to taste."

He took the basket with a much more sincere smile on his face.

"Dahan, come out and make tea for Manager Gu. Come, sit down and talk."

The two sat down.

Steward Gu looked around and asked, "When is Shopkeeper Lu planning to open?"

"It's coming soon. The wine hasn't been brewed yet, so I temporarily mixed some water wine, fruit wine, and sweet wine. The tea leaves are all ready."

"When it opened, I brought a few brothers along to support Shopkeeper Lu."

"Haha, I thank Brother Gu in advance!"

"In the past few days, there are more and more people, and there are more shops. There is a family next door to you that will move in tomorrow."

Dahan didn't know what he was doing, he didn't seem to hear him, and he didn't come out to make tea.

Lu Tong took out a set of tea sets, boiled water and washed the tea himself, and asked casually, "What are you doing?"

"Open an inn."

"Oh... huh?"

He stopped moving his hands, looked at Gu Guanshi, and said: "I open a tea tavern, he opens an inn, and the door is next to the door?"

The inn also sells tea and wine, and you can also stay and eat.

Steward Gu showed a very stiff smile.

"Hey! Shopkeeper Lu, your house has a lot of wine, and no other house has it. It may not be worse than his house."

Lu Tong stared at him for a while, then looked away, and continued to make tea with his head down.

"It's a big deal?"


"What's the matter?"

"I don't know, the master personally ordered it. If you hadn't acted early, this shop would have been theirs."


It's only been one night.

The next morning, Lu Tong went out to have a look and found that the inn next door had been built.

Mahogany thick columns, carved doors and windows.

Corner cornices, glazed tiles.

In contrast, the Liangyao Tea Tavern seemed to be a dilapidated stall on the side of the road.

He walked to the door and looked inside.

Wooden floors, thick-surfaced tables, coiled dragon ladders, embroidered curtains...

He was startled.

Sure enough, it's a big deal.

These things are not found in the desert, so they have to be brought in from outside.

Ordinary monks don't have such a big budget.

"Someone! No, there are half-demons!"

"Come down! There are guests!"

A white crane more than seven feet high came out, flapped its wings, and shouted upstairs.

Lu Tong looked around.

No one else but him.

Bai He walked to the door and said, "Please come in quickly, what do you want to eat? Stir-fried Jiao slices, ground ginseng..."

"I live next door, the shopkeeper of Liangyao Tea Tavern."

He stared at Baihe with some apprehension in his heart.


On the long beak, there is a red spot, like a mouthful of fire.

Born with extremely high spiritual intelligence, almost equal to that of human beings, and after growing up, he will be a golden elixir.

The flamingo also stared at Lu Tong and stayed where he was.

After a few breaths, he turned around and fled.

With slender crane legs, they rushed up to the second floor in twos and threes, and then there was a scream.

"Open the door! Don't sleep! The next door is coming to smash the scene, give me a sword!"

"Get out!"

a woman's voice.

A moment later, a disheveled man came out, and while arranging his robes, he walked down the stairs with a smile.

"Master Lu?"


"My name is Fan Shun, please sit down."

Sit down nearby.

Fan Shun said: "The wild cranes brought out from the village made shopkeeper Lu laugh."

"This spirit crane is extremely intelligent."

"Haha, it's just a bit wild."

Fan Shun's demeanor is very free and easy, he smiles casually and speaks casually.

Free and easy.

It's easy to say, but very few can do it.

Lu Tong asked, "Treasurer Fan is not a monk in the desert, is he?"

"Xiaozuo Village."


"A remote village. Where's Brother Lu?"

"Yunying City."

"One Page School, Yunying City?"


"I heard that there is a fairy book in Yiyezong, which can evolve into a method. Is it true?"

"It should be true."

"It's so mysterious, I must go and see it in the future."

"Outsiders can't see the things of Yiyezong."

"Huh? You can't just look at it but not touch it?"

"Probably not."

Lu Tong chatted briefly, then took his leave and left.

Fan Shun is very strange.

Know a lot of things, can be regarded as extensive knowledge.But some things are very simple, and it seems that they don't understand.

He couldn't help but think of Jing Xin.

Jing Xin knows a lot about alchemy.Many outside the sect don't understand.

Bacheng, another sect disciple.

Before going back, he took a look at the signboard next door, which read "Guanhe Inn" in four big characters on a red background and gold.


The tea tavern opened, and the business was neither bad nor bad.

Houses are still being built in most places, and few people have time to drink tea and wine.

Next door, Guanhe Inn's business is even worse.

Demon meat, ginseng grass, velvet quilt, hot spring water...

Everything is good, but it's a pity that it's in the wrong place.

The people here are not considered poor, but upon hearing these names, they dare not even enter the Guanhe Inn.

In recent days.

Lu Tong went out every day to inquire about the situation in the fort, and then returned to the tea tavern to record it on paper.

"Xingshan Fort. Now the owner of the castle is the owner of the historian family. The golden core is perfect and he is not young."

"The Shijia Pagoda. The owner of the tower, the young master Shijia, has just broken through to the Golden Core Realm."

"Shijiata has the most people and is the busiest. A large sand field has been opened up around the fort, almost all of which belong to them."

"Doumen Pagoda. The tower's owner, Dou Wang, is said to be very powerful. Nearly half of the 36 knights under him are foundation builders."

"There are rumors that Dou Wang used to be the leader of the caravan, but was later robbed by sand bandits and mixed into the sand bandits. After being a sand bandit for decades, he joined Xingshan Castle and became the tower owner."

A piece of paper is placed on the table.

Lu Tong looked at the note and turned his mind, trying to make a crack in Xingshan Fort.

(End of this chapter)

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