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Chapter 98 The Truth

Chapter 98 The Truth

It turned out to be like this.

Ten years ago, in 1617 AD, the 45th year of Ming Wanli.

Li Jinli had two sons at that time, Li Chaolong and Li Chaohu, who were three years apart. At that time, Li Chaolong was 21 and Li Chaohu was [-].

In 44, the 1616th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, Nurhachi established a regime in Hetuala, now Yongling Town, FS City, Liaoning Province, "Dajin", which is what we call the Houjin regime.

It posed a huge threat to Ming Dynasty. In order to consolidate the frontier, the whole country began to perform compulsory military service. The old patriarch's family just allocated a quota. The fate was poor and he could not resist. The old patriarch meant to let the boss, Li Chaolong, go.

But Li Chaohu disagreed, saying that the eldest brother is the eldest son of the family, and he is the root of a family's inheritance. Tears agreed to Li Chaohu's military service.

They started their military service in Yulin Town (also known as Yansui Town) in Shaanxi Province. It was also one of the nine important military towns established by the Ming Dynasty to defend Mongolia and later Jin. By the way, these nine military towns also have a name, nine side.

But later the Liaodong Army was in a tight situation, so he and the troops reinforced Liaodong Town.

Participated in several small-scale battles against the Tartars. Due to his active performance and bravery in combat, he was promoted to be the chief, and his subordinates followed a group of old brothers who came out of Tanggou Town.

On the battlefield, the chief likes to group soldiers from one place together, which can improve the combat effectiveness. After all, these people are relatives connected to relatives. They really work hard on the battlefield. There is an idiom to describe it as brothers fighting tigers, father and son in battle soldier.

Here is one more thing to mention, this is the title of the smallest officer in the Ming Dynasty's battalion system, who manages ten people in his hand, similar to a small squad leader.

It has the same status as the small flag made by Weisuo in Ming Dynasty.

Let me just mention here that there are two sets of military systems in the Ming Dynasty, one is the guard system, which was established when Zhu Yuanzhang was in power. Qianhu, these are the official titles of the Weisuo system.

The battalion system was first established in the middle of the Ming Dynasty. During the Zhengde period, after the civil fort change, the Weisuo system began to show its shortcomings, so large-scale recruitment began, forming the battalion system.

The biggest difference between the guard system and the battalion system is that the guard system has a strong inheritance. The word hereditary military household is a product of the guard system. If your father is a soldier, you must be Soldiers have been soldiers for generations.

It can be said that this is the bane planted by Lao Zhu, which has caused many tragedies, which will not be mentioned here.

The battalion system is to recruit farmers to serve as soldiers. Of course, there are also soldiers drawn from other guards, the most representative of which is Qi Jiguang's Qi Family Army, which is the product of the battalion system.

As for the important town of Liaodong, most of the battalion soldiers are fighting. Because of his bravery in battle, Li Chaohu was gradually promoted to the chief. team.

And quickly accumulated credits, promoted to sentry officer, with 112 cavalrymen under his command. At that time, Li Chaohu was full of ambition and felt that he would definitely make contributions on the battlefield and honor his ancestors.

But the turning point of the matter was in the battle of Salhu.

In the 46th year of Wanli, the third year of Tianming in the Later Jin Dynasty, on April 1618th, [-], Nurhachi made an oath to tell the heavens, read out the seven major hatreds with the Ming Dynasty, and issued an appeal to the Ming Dynasty. At the same time, he rode [-] horses to Fushun The surrounding castles launched an attack.

At that time Li Chaohu was on duty at the Fushun garrison. Hearing that the Tartars were coming, he immediately sharpened his sword and prepared to make contributions. Yes, the fighting power of the Tartars is very terrifying. With 3000 troops against a Dongzhou Fort, the defeat is over.

So the military division on the garrison came up with a bad idea. They said that one of the two Jiala leaders was a Han. Your Excellency can send a soldier to feign surrender, and cooperate with the inside and outside. First, repel the Han Jiala. Only Jiala, a lone army goes deep, it is difficult to accomplish anything, and it will retreat.

At that time, the garrison felt that this strategy could be used, so he asked how many people to send. The military adviser said that it would not work if there were too many people.

The guard thought for a while and agreed, and chose Li Chaohu. Li Chaohu was eager to make contributions at the time, so of course he agreed, and took the sentry team he belonged to and ran to submit to the Han people under the cover of night.

Everything was going well, but in order to show kindness to the first batch of defectors and play an exemplary role, the Han Jiala did not confiscate the horses and weapons of Li Chaohu's sentry, but set up a garrison and sent troops to monitor.

In the end, something happened. I don’t know why the undercover plan was leaked. Li Chaohu’s sentry team immediately became fat meat sent to the tiger’s mouth. It was a tragic massacre. Eight of them ran out, and Li Chaohu was heartbroken at that time.

He planned to take eight people back to Dongzhou Castle to ask the garrison to plead guilty, but as soon as they arrived at Dongzhou Fort, the entire Dongzhou Fort had been occupied by the Tartars, and the garrison fled overnight.

Li Chaohu rescued a marching scribe on the road, but as soon as he told his name, the other party immediately changed his color, and scolded Li Chaohu as a traitor and running dog. , directly blamed the blame, saying that Li Chaohu led the team to rebel and leaked the deployment of the city defense forces, which led to the fall of Dongzhou Fort, and Li Chaohu became a hateful traitor!

Li Chaohu was stupid at the time, what to do, now he can't argue, if he returns to the Ming army, he must be beheaded by a traitor and go to the Tartars, but he has a bloody feud with the Tartars, how can he survive by stepping on his brother's bones.

There was no way, Li Chaohu decided to escape, and fled back to his hometown, while the rest of the brothers saw that the sentry officer was going to flee, and some were homesick and prepared to leave. In the end, there were only six people left who fled back to Lantian with Li Chaolong, and these six were all from Tanggou Town , four from the Li family, and two from the Wang family.

But after returning, as a deserter, he dare not go back to the family. If he escapes, won't it harm his family?There was no way that everyone decided to become bandits, but their names were all on the list of Ming traitors, so they dared not use their real names, so Li Chaohu changed his name to Zhang Mazi.

The other brothers who came back with him also changed their names and surnames. Zhao Er's surname is Wang, and Li San and Li Wu are biological brothers. Their real names are Li Chaofeng and Li Chaoyu.The fourth son changed his surname to Song, and his real surname was Wang. The other two members of the Li clan who came back with Li Chaohu died when they fought with the bandits again.

(End of this chapter)

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