Chapter 212 Intensifies
Lu Zhong, who had a panoramic view of this scene, did not act rashly.

Now that the enemy is open and we are dark, it is extremely beneficial to him.

The two of them are just pawns, and it is estimated that if they are arrested for interrogation or even soul searching, they will not get much useful things. It is better to stay with them for the time being so that they can discover their plans in time.

Thinking of this in his heart, Lu Zhong kept an eye on it.

He inspected the cabin and saw that there was no hidden means, so he began to practice sitting cross-legged.

Take out the Obsidian Thunder Stone, it has shrunk to the size of a fist.

Continue to absorb the power of thunder stones, and cultivate the first wood thunder seal in the sea of ​​knowledge.

"The ancient spells are good, but they rely too much on spiritual objects." Lu Zhong reckoned that once he finished refining this obsidian thunder stone, the speed of the First Wood Thunder Seal's cultivation would be greatly slowed down until he found a new one. Obsidian thunder stone so far.

To make new changes in Lei Yin, it is necessary to find other spirits.

Such as Magic Immortal Orchid, Condensed Silver Marrow and so on.

Don't think too much, close your eyes and practice.

For a moment, thunder flashed in the cabin.


Depart at sunset, and the fleet is expected to arrive at the destination at midnight.

Xuelong Pass is known as the No. [-] Pass in the Southern Barbarians.

This checkpoint is located at the junction of the two domains. It is an important mountain pass that stretches tens of thousands of miles in the Xuelong Mountains. The vast and vast Yanzhenyu Great Plain is ahead. Strategic position is very important.

It is precisely because of this that Changchun Valley will strengthen the defense of Guancheng at the first moment of the war.

The two Ye brothers and sisters are currently on the leading ship of the fleet.

While observing the surrounding situation, they chatted casually.

"Brother, can you show some face to Parent Ye, Senior Lu seems to be very dissatisfied with you today!" Ye Mei said helplessly, her elder brother is good in every way, but he is too feminine like a woman.

"I see, isn't he changing it?" Ye Yun tried his best to speak, and said delicately.

It's no wonder he was responsible for this matter, it was all caused by eating a spiritual fruit by mistake when he was young.

Since then, I have gotten closer to the female body day by day.

"Alas..." Ye Mei sighed and said no more.

Taking out the map for comparison, the fleet only needs to cross a few more ridges to reach Xuelong Pass.

Suddenly a light was caught, coming from the ridge ahead.

"No, there's an ambush!" Ye Mei's complexion changed suddenly, and she shouted.

Ye Yun next to him reacted extremely quickly.

"Bang!" The warning fireworks exploded.

Almost at the same time, a large piece of spiritual light lit up on the ridge ahead, and bursts of light arrows burst out suddenly, hitting like a rain of light, directly covering the entire fleet.

"Clang, clang!" The alarm bell rang loudly.

Lu Zhong was already on the deck, frowning as he watched waves of light arrows attacking him.

"Report to seniors, we found a coalition battle formation ahead, please give instructions!" There was an order monk on the side, after interpreting the information sent by the Ye brothers and sisters, he came over to report.

"Don't care about them, the maximum output of the magic circle will go straight to Xuelong Pass!" Lu Zhong said calmly.

An attack like this flooding would not pose the slightest threat to the fleet, and would not be able to break through the shield of the airship at all.

He is not a child who has never seen wind and rain, so naturally he will not get dizzy and be scared away.

Facing the barrage all over the sky, the spaceship fleet quickly passed by without any loss.

During the process, Lu Zhong had already blessed a spell.

Flying star entrainment technique, star blessing, star gathering technique...

The aura of the whole person is rapidly increasing.

"There is no monk who formed the alchemy to stop it. It seems that something has happened to Xuelong Pass." Lu Zhong chanted the mantra familiarly, and while mobilizing his true energy to perform the first wood thunder method, he was thinking about what happened to Xuelong Pass.

The fleet climbed high and soon crossed a mountain ridge.

A tragic scene appeared in front of everyone.

In the rusty wind, mixed with the sound of overwhelming fighting, the battle at Xuelongguan has become fierce.

For unknown reasons, the large formation that could withstand the attack of Zhenjun Yuanying was not broken for half a year. The entire Xuelong pass was caught in the flames of war, and monks were fighting with their lives on every inch of land.

All kinds of auras flashed, and the magical artifacts were as dense as raindrops.

The sound of explosions and whistling can be heard endlessly.

In the air, there were seven flying boats of different sizes, all flying the flags of the coalition forces, forming a circular formation.

There are monks on board who are casting spells and are bombing Xuelong Pass.

Sensing the arrival of the Changchun Valley Fleet, the surfaces of the seven flying boats quickly lit up with spiritual light, and soon turned into a long snake formation, killing Lu Zhong's fleet that broke into the battlefield.

"Come up to me!" Lu Zhong ordered.

Judging from the current battle situation, the resistance at the Xuelong Pass below is fairly orderly.

Apparently it's not time to crash.

After some consideration, he decided to help.

It's not that Lu Zhong was reckless, it's just that if he refuses to save him at this time, he will definitely be troubled by Changchun Valley when he goes back. Since there is still a chance to save him now, naturally he still has to fight.

Anyway, if he loses, he is not afraid that he will not be able to escape.

In an instant, the two fleets had begun to engage in battle.

It is a "backward" gang battle.

Although the war flying boat has the word "war", it is actually better than ordinary flying boats in terms of protection, and its combat power cannot be compared with that of the Zhongtu Mountain Shaking Boat. With Zhongtu controlling the outflow of Hunyuan Cannon, the ship does not have sharp long-range attack methods.

Through the shield, no one can do anything to anyone.

Therefore, the side jump gang battle has become the main way to determine the winner.

Just after the battle, Lu Zhong raised his hand and struck a spell towards the opponent.


On the opposite deck, Thunder Marsh appeared out of thin air.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment, the monks on the deck suffered heavy casualties.

A embarrassed figure flew out from inside, dressed as a Taoist with a Hunyuan bun, exuding the aura of the early stage of alchemy, looking at Lu Zhong with a look of surprise.

Obviously, he didn't expect that he would meet Lei Xiu, who mastered Lei Fa, when he was here.

"It's not good! The Panshan Talisman I practiced has more than enough defense but not enough offense. It is definitely not my opponent." The Yanzhen Sect where Yue Xuan belongs is a Taoist sect, and most monks in the sect practice the offensive and defensive skills of the Talisman.

It is said to be a talisman, but it is actually a collection of exquisite moves.

The moves are like spells, and they need to be activated by magical weapons, spiritual weapons and magic weapons, and their power is slightly inferior to sword repair sword moves.

The advantage is that the difficulty of practice is not high, unlike sword repair, which requires a deep understanding of the way of the sword, and it also involves the mysterious and mysterious sword heart, sword intent, and sword soul.

Not allowing Yue Xuan to think too much, a bright red sword shadow flew towards him.

"Ding!" There was a crisp sound.

Yue Xuan swung the Xuanhuang epee in his hand, and struck "Move like a mountain", and a phantom in the shape of a mountain appeared behind him, parrying the menacing blow and flying away.

At this time, Lu Zhong had arrived like a meteor.

On the left and right hand swords, purple flames were attached, and they slashed towards the enemy swiftly, but was blocked by another sword of the opponent, but the flames still splashed out, and the fire quickly spread on the ship.

Looking around, the two fleets are engaged in a fierce battle.

There were casualties on both sides, and the battle was stalemate for a while.

On the ground, Master Qing Ding heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the reinforcements appeared, and the flying boats in the sky stopped attacking the ground, and continued to fight against the incoming coalition forces.

This time Xuelongguan was attacked into the pass city, and he, as the person in charge, bears the unshirkable responsibility.

Want to absolve from guilt.

Not only to repel the coalition forces, but also to behead the head of a coalition force.

Only in this way can the work be overwhelmed.

Thinking of this, Master Qingding raised his hand.

He took out a purple lightning talisman, which was a top-ranked "Thunderbolt Talisman". Its power was comparable to a blow from a fake infant.

Now in order to get rid of the guilt, I have to reluctantly use it up.

The opponent's protective energy was already running low, and it was time for the thunder to strike.

The thunder talisman was activated, and a pillar of thunder suddenly appeared.

In the sky, thunder and lightning also exploded.

Lu Zhong was in trouble, Yue Xuan on the opposite side was an iron tortoise, the flying sword in his hand didn't appear to attack, he just kept defending there, using moves one after another, not a drop of water entered.

No matter how he attacks, even if it is a thunderbolt, he looks embarrassed but does not suffer much damage.

"Forget it, drag it on."

Lu Zhong withdrew his gaze from the ground, and just now a coalition soldier's knot was cut off. He expected that the situation of the battle would become clear soon, so he didn't need to spend more time.

Otherwise, if you push the opponent in a hurry, you don't know what counterattack will be attracted.

Immediately, he used Zhihong to entangle with Yue Xuan.

As for the star mirror, it is constantly gathering star power, blessing and increasing its own body, and at the same time selecting the son of destiny, and sending that person the shining mirror.

One, two... eleven.

Seeing Lu Zhong's great killing, and seeing the retreat of Xuelong's allied army underneath, Yue Xuan finally couldn't hold back.

Crush a jade talisman and explode into fireworks in the air, accompanied by a sharp howling sound.

"Withdraw, withdraw!"

As for the flying boat below him.

Most of the monks on the ship were killed by lightning during the fight. Now the inner cabin may have been occupied by a monk from Changchun Valley, and the control has long since changed hands.

Yue Xuan stomped his feet, gritted his teeth and decided to give up.

The two fleets soon separated.

The party that lost control of the airship was unwilling to evacuate, and the monks who did not seize the airship also left voluntarily, so as not to wait for the shield of the airship to open and become trapped on the ship.

Two airships, one large and one small, were taken away from the coalition forces, and a small boat was burned on the Changchun Valley side.

It can only be said that each has its own winners and losers.

"Senior Lu, do you want to..." Fang Kuanhong leaned over and asked.

Glancing at him, Lu Zhong secretly laughed in his heart, but didn't show it, and said loudly: "Send the order down, no one should chase after him, let's descend to the ground and start repairing!"

Immediately, he looked at the flying boat under his feet.

According to the usual seizure rules, this ship should be his trophy.

Seeing that the fire on board was not small, he hurriedly started to put out the fire, so as not to burn it out and have no repair value.

As for those storage bags and other floating treasures that were not taken away on the ship, Lu Zhong allowed his subordinates to take them away as a reward for their heroic fighting.

By the way, buy people's hearts too.

Not long after, the flying boat that extinguished the fire landed smoothly on the ground.

Without waiting for Lu Zhong's order, the monks in the fleet who were still able to move began to treat the wounded or save themselves, or repair the damaged hull under the command of the boatswain.

As for the severely damaged magic circle, you can only ask the magic circle to repair it when you return to Changchun Immortal City.

Just as Lu Zhong was thinking about how to repair the flying boat, footsteps came from behind him.

Turning around to look, I found that it was actually Qing Ding Daoist.

His temple hair was a little messy, and there was a strong smell of blood on his body.

Seeing that it was Lu Zhong, Daoist Qing Ding's expression froze unnoticed, and he recovered quickly, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "So it's Daoist Lu, thank you for coming to help!"

"Where is it, I just happened to come here." Lu Zhong said modestly.

The two exchanged pleasantries.

Master Qingding didn't mention Ning Zhongyun's matter, as if he never had this disciple.

Lu Zhong was also happy and relaxed, and pretended to be false with him.

The two sides exchanged courtesy for a while.

It wasn't until a deacon came to find him that Master Qing Ding left.

Looking at the leaving figure, a look of solemnity flashed in Lu Zhong's eyes. This kind of person is difficult to deal with. He can bear even the death of his disciple. In the novel, he is either the protagonist or a giant.

"If there is a chance, it's better to..."

As soon as this idea came into being, he suppressed it.

Think no more.


After staying in Xuelongguan for half a month, the fleet set sail again.

After returning safely to Changchun Immortal City, the formation mage who had been waiting for a long time boarded the ship immediately and began to repair the formation restriction of the flying boat, which would take at least three to five months.

The flying boat captured by Lu Zhong took longer, and it is conservatively estimated that it will take half a year to repair it.

It cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to repair, but even so, it was still a big profit. A hundred-foot airship was worth a lot, not to mention that it was a war airship, and at least it started with half a million spirit stones.

On the other side of Changchun Valley, pills and spirit stones were also sent, worth tens of thousands of spirit stones.

This trip can be said to make a lot of money.

When he had time, he returned to Lintao Pavilion.

The days passed by.

The flames of war are burning more and more fiercely, and there is no sign of stopping.

The two sides fought around the spirit stone mine with all their strength, and each had a large number of casualties. The daily death list posted on the bulletin board on Changchun Avenue at least started with three digits.

Most of them are hired casual cultivators, or monks from families or sects who are vassals of Changchun Valley, and a small number of them are Changchun Valley disciples.

During this period, Changchun Fairy City was also attacked.

Several large workshops were blown up to the sky, and all the workshop owners suffered heavy losses. Among them was the Dongbu Alchemy Workshop, which suffered the greatest loss. It is said that it was almost razed to the ground.

This is true even inside the city, let alone outside the city.

Raw material production sites were attacked everywhere.

Some successfully resisted, and some were burned clean.

In this case, even the Chengde Chamber of Commerce suffered disaster, and the two farms became white land.

In the courtyard, Lu Zhong was drinking tea with Yu Feng'er.

"Husband, do you think this will turn into a war between the two domains?" Yu Feng'er looked worried.

Lu Zhong also has this kind of worry, the war between the two domains is not a joke.

In the original battle of the three sects, tens of thousands of monks died, and thousands of times as many mortals died. It can no longer be described as devastation. If the Nascent Soul sect really started a full-scale war, I am afraid that the flames of war would spread throughout the southern barbarians.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to cultivate with peace of mind.

"I hope things won't be so bad." Lu Zhong thought for a while before replying.

The cause of this war was just to compete for a spirit stone mine.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't have hit this level.

"I really don't know what those True Monarchs are thinking."

The true king's will is the sect's will.

As long as Yuanying Zhenjun, who controls the sect, wants to fight, the chariot of the sect can only go forward, either crushing the opponent to death, or the sect falls apart, there is no possibility of braking by itself.


Half a year in the blink of an eye.

The repair progress of the flying boat is slower than expected.

It won't be fixed until tomorrow.

During this period of time, Lu Zhong had already refined the Yaolei Stone.

The first wood thunder method has improved a lot, and it can condense the powerful first wood thunder talisman.

The war is still escalating, and both sides continue to increase investment.

The number of dead monks has become a number, not only the monks of the refining period, but also the real cultivators of the foundation building period, and the monks of Lianlian Dan will occasionally appear on it, and the list grows day by day.

Lu Zhong couldn't help but be thankful, fortunately, his judgment was correct at the beginning, so he avoided the most intense moment.

But when I thought about leaving soon, I still felt a little drummed in my heart.

As far as he knew, more and more airship fleets were attacked, and there were many airships that were shot down and destroyed.

In this case, sailing is really not a good choice.

"Ningwufang City..."

This is the next place the fleet is going.

Ningwufang City is located in the southwest of Changchun Domain, a small city located at the junction of the three domains. It has been shrouded in thick fog all year round. A distress letter came from there today, saying that it was besieged by the sudden appearance of coalition forces.

The task of the fleet is not only to transport the reinforcements there, but also to stay there to assist in the defense for a year.

"Assist in the defense, I hope nothing will happen." Lu Zhongmo thought.

Early the next morning, he came to the pier trestle.

The originally smoky flying boat has been repainted at this moment, and the appearance looks brand new. The originally damaged magic circle restraint has been restored by the magic circle master.

There are many new faces in the team, which means that many people stayed in Xuelong Pass forever last time.

His eyes flicked to Fang Kuanhong and Xie Yu. During this period of time, the two were "too busy to touch the ground". It was decided to let Lu Zhongjing watch the changes, and a newly sent Changchun Gu Zhuji was in charge of monitoring.

This person's name is Fang Qing, and he has a sinister face, as if he is specially used to deal with dirty things.

Lu Zhong had been in contact with Fang Qing a few times, and he always felt that he was a poisonous snake that chose people and devoured them.

"If you have a chance, you might as well accidentally injure him."

Otherwise, it would be really uncomfortable to stay by my side all the time.

After the supplies were replenished, the fleet slowly took off.

Lu Zhong waved his hand to say goodbye to Yu Feng'er, this silly woman made people feel uneasy when she arrived at the foundation building, even a dignified foundation building real cultivator could cry.

I had no choice but to transmit the sound to reassure her not to worry, she will be back soon.


"Bang bang bang!"

One after another spells exploded in the air.

The fleet set off for two days and encountered a group of Stormhawks.

This group of flat-haired beasts is extremely territorial, and the fleet began to be attacked as soon as they entered the range.

At this moment, under the leadership of the third-tier Storm Eagle King, a huge group of eagles launched a fierce attack on the fleet, spit out wind blades, and the number was as dense as raindrops.

The cultivator fought back, casting spells one after another.

It wasn't until the fleet completely left the territory of the Storm Eagle that the eagle group's attacks stopped.

What follows is a quiet voyage.

The fleet is flying on the sea of ​​clouds, and the sky is clear and clear, which makes people feel comfortable.

Except for the monk on duty, everyone else was grilling and eating meat on the deck at this time.

The effect of storm eagle meat is extraordinary. Eating it can strengthen blood and heal some minor ailments. Usually it is not easy to hunt storm eagles. At this moment, one or two are feasting on it.

Lu Zhong is no exception.

As a monk of alchemy, he is not good at going out to influence others, so he hides in the cabin.

Sprinkled with elixir powder, it tastes crisp but not firewood.

Eat meat and drink in big bowls.

This feeling is so cool!

There was an untimely knock on the door, and Lu Zhong's expression turned cold.

"come in."

Xie Yu opened the door and came in, holding a plate of golden and crispy barbecue in his hand. There was a trace of nervousness that could not be concealed in his seemingly normal expression. A smile naturally appeared on his face, and he said with a smile:

"Senior, here are the spirit meat and spirit wine roasted by Master Yu, please enjoy."

In this trip of the fleet, apart from Lu Zhong, who is in charge of guarding the fleet, there is also Yu Xiaoqing, an alchemy cultivator from the Changchun Valley, who is an old-fashioned golden elixir with a mid-stage alchemy cultivation.

After the good meat and wine, Lu Zhong sneered, looked at Xie Yu and said:
"Do you know why you asked me to send it?"

Hearing this, Xie Yu's heart trembled.

But still suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, bowed his head and said: "This junior doesn't know, please let me tell you, senior!"

"It means that you are useless." Lu Zhong said lightly.

As he spoke, his eyes glanced at the poisoned wine and meat.

Presumably this woman is also aware of it in her heart, otherwise she would not have chosen such a superficial method of poisoning, perhaps she wanted to make a last-ditch effort.

On the opposite side, Xie Yu knew that he had been exposed, otherwise Lu Zhong would not have spoken like this.

Just as she was about to say something, Fang Qing pushed the door open and came in, without looking at Xie Yu, she cupped her hands and said, "Senior, the location of the fleet has been announced, should we start collecting the net now?"

"Yeah." Lu Zhong nodded.

Hearing this, Fang Qing turned her head to look at Xie Yu, and smiled sadly: "Fang Kuanhong has committed suicide, do you do it yourself, or let me help?"

The latter laughed miserably, raised his head and swallowed a bottle of liquid medicine, and lost his breath in two or three strokes.

"Remember next time, don't let people die in front of me!" Lu Zhong said with a frown. It is common for people to die in two battles, but it doesn't mean that he wants to see dead people.

"It's the younger generation who didn't think carefully, so I ask the senior to forgive me."

"Take the corpse away." Lu Zhong decided in his heart that if he had the opportunity in the future, he must send this person away. This person is not a good bird, and there will be no psychological burden if he kills him.

"Yes." Fang Qing waved her hand and put the corpse, poisoned wine and meat together into the storage bag with a smile.

He bowed his hands and said goodbye, turned and went out.

After performing a few cleansing techniques, Lu Zhong looked at the wine and meat on the table, without any appetite.

"Forget it, we are about to enter the ambush circle, so we should make some preparations in advance."

Sitting cross-legged on the futon, he began to condense the Jiamu Thunder Talisman.

Using thinly sliced ​​Thunder Sha crystals as the carrier, the condensing process of the First Wood Lightning Talisman is quite simple, but it consumes a lot of mana and consciousness, and only three pieces make Lu Zhong exhausted.

"Three pieces are enough."

Immediately meditate and adjust the interest rate, and quickly restore the state.


Yanyun Ridge.

The only place to go to Ningwufang City.

A large number of coalition monks are lurking here.

The leader is Master Hua Yi Guan Lian Jian, who belongs to the line of Taoism and was once a member of Hua Yi Qizi. He is dressed in a blue Taoist robe and a jade crown. Must be middle-aged.

Beside him, there was a monk of knotting alchemy sitting cross-legged. He was the Daoist Yue Cang of Yan Zhenzong, who practiced the Jinyao Talisman Code. Like a bohemian knight-errant.

Both of them are in the early stage of alchemy.

At this moment, one of them is meditating, while the other is standing and holding his sword.

"Yue Cang, who do you think will kill our opponent first?" Master Lianjian looked at Yue Cang. The two have been friends for many years, and they often get together to learn swordsmanship, and there are times when they are competitive with each other.

"Of course it's me." Yue Cang said without hesitation.

Wu Wuer, the two have been fighting for this for a long time, and now is just an opportunity.

"Whoever kills the opponent first, who will be the brother, how?"

"It's a deal, haha!" Lian Jian stroked his beard and laughed.

Immortal journey is cold, to have such a well-matched Taoist companion, is really lucky for three lives.

While the two were talking, a fleet of ships in the distance approached at high speed.

(End of this chapter)

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