The queen is so fierce

Chapter 101 Chu Shuwan

Chapter 101 Chu Shuwan

Dark clouds and thick smoke covered the sky, and the indigo blue lightning flashes seemed to shuttle through it, rolling thunder and thunder.

The yellow sand was like a tsunami, and waves hit the city wall one after another, leaving traces of potholes on it.


Above the black army, thousands of flying swords carried the monks across the sky, and their goal was the top of the tower with the three characters of 'Yunanguan' engraved.

But when they approached the tower infinitely, they were stopped by a thin transparent shield.

Whether it was an infantry or a cavalry flying soldier, they had already anticipated it, and immediately formed a seal in their hands, lightning, fireballs, ice thorns, wood vines... all kinds of spells blasted towards the shield.

The sound of the explosion resounded through the sand sea, and the brilliance of the spell lit up the dark Yunan Pass under the dark clouds.

"Kill it——!!"

In the Yuanzhan Pavilion in the center of the tower, the armored general sat on a stool and was calm, but the arm resting on the wooden table went against his will and trembled slightly.

A lot of corpses have been piled up on the crenels of the city wall outside. There is no blood on them, and most of them were killed by the rebound of the magic.

Until now, the still-surviving guards are still using various spells against the Southern Chu army in the sky and the world, but with little effect.

In the center of the Yuanzhan Pavilion was a blue circular circle. Although the armored general was sitting on a chair, he was not resting. His body was surrounded by a faint radiance of spiritual power.

If you look closely, you can find that there is a soft spiritual power thread that is as soft as a ribbon, extending from his body and continuously injected into the magic circle.

The original defense formation of Yunanguan had been cracked under the continuous attack of the Southern Chu army day and night. The armored general had no choice but to use his own spiritual power to maintain the defense formation.

This also led to the lack of a key combat power in the front of Yunanguan. Relying on the mass-produced military spells of the guards, it quickly fell into a disadvantage.

A dense layer of fine sweat appeared on the forehead of the armored general, his rough face was hideous, his eyes were tightly closed, his voice was suppressed, and he said with difficulty:
"You haven't contacted the saint yet?!"

On the other side of the hall, the adjutant kept fiddling with a purple communication card in the corner. Hearing the General Armor's words, his anxious expression turned to despair, and he said bitterly:
"General, the transmission channel of the spiritual child seems to have been cut off by the Nanchu thief..."

The armored general was shocked and his expression was bitter. No wonder there has been no contact since the initial report on the military situation until now...

"General..." The adjutant's hand with the communication card trembled slightly, and he whispered: "Are the reinforcements not coming?"

The armored general glanced at him, gritted his teeth, and said with great certainty:

"No. Maybe the reinforcements sent by the sage are already on their way. I must defend Yunan no matter what."

These words are actually more consoling, and the General Armor himself does not know whether reinforcements will come.

After all, now the big glass is everywhere, the half-demon rebellion, and the demonization riot, even if it really wants to come, it must be done after the demonization of people is dealt with.

The problem is that when the demonized rebellion is quelled, maybe they have already passed their heads.

At that time, it is not to support Yunan, but to fight Yunan back from Nan Chu.

The adjutant wasn't a fool either, so he could hear that the general was still stubborn.Suddenly, the old mother far away in his hometown appeared in his mind, the infinite sadness.


In the Southern Chu army covered by the yellow sand, the incessant sound of war drums paused for a while, and then, like a frenzy, it began to bombard violently at a speed far exceeding the previous speed.

The armored general trembled when he heard it, and his teeth were locked, but there was nothing he could do.

The spiritual power in his body was about to dry up. Nan Chu probably knew this, and then jointly launched the last wave of offensive, wanting to take Yunanguan in one breath.

thump - thump - thump
With the sound of war drums like thunder, the roar of the Southern Chu army's assault resounded through the sky.


"Come on—!"


The shield that wrapped the entire Yunan Pass trembled for a moment, and the next moment, a crack like a spider web cracked open at the top, and with the sound of "click, click", it gradually spread across the shield.

Looking up from the city, it was like the sky covered with dark clouds, cracked by a huge gap.Countless fragments of the shield burst out, turning into little stars in mid-air and dissipating away.

The magic circle in Yuanzhan Pavilion flickered and disappeared, and the armored general knew that the situation was over, and closed his eyes in despair.



After waiting for a long time, he didn't hear the movement of the Nanchu people climbing the tower, and the armored general opened his eyes suspiciously.

Whoosh whoosh—

Almost as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw hundreds of blue-white shadows passing over the city wall through the window of Yuanzhan Pavilion, leaving a 'tail of light' of spiritual power in mid-air, leaning over and thinking. Among the troops of Southern Chu who were about to climb the city wall, there was a bloody storm, and the screams and roars continued incessantly.


The charming and beautiful woman in a dark green long dress fell from the air, and when she raised her jade hand, several thunderbolts shot out. In the blink of an eye, the Nan Chu cultivator who came from the sword was like a bird without wings, and fell straight into the chaos. among the warring armies.

The armored general looked at the fairy-like figure with a dazed expression:
"you are……"

The beautiful woman's apricot eyes flowed, her eyes were so flat that one could not guess her emotions, and a layer of spiritual power intertwined with azure and indigo lingered around her plump figure.

She stands on the top of the city tower, surrounded by dark clouds and thunderous sky, looking from a distance, it seems like a god descending to earth.

With this shocking aura, it is no wonder that the armored general forgot to respond for a while.

But he didn't expect that this beautiful woman in an ink skirt with a fairy-like demeanor would break her power in just a few breaths.

There was a bit of impatience on the beautiful face of the beautiful woman. She walked neatly into the Yuanzhan Pavilion, smashed the remains of the magic circle on the ground with one foot, and waved to the general armored:

"If you don't want to die, hand over the city master order to the old lady, hurry up!"


The armor general's eyes widened, and he subconsciously shrank the city master token into the cloth bag.

It's not his fault. After all, this fairy's arrogant tone, impatient demeanor, and that line... suddenly changed from the image of a rescue fairy to a robber who took advantage of the situation.

The city master order is the soul of a city. If only the defense of the city is broken, there is still a chance for a comeback; but if the city master order is lost, it is equivalent to giving up the ownership of the entire city.

In other words, this city cannot continue to be sheltered by the luck of Dali, and it is undoubtedly more difficult to regain the territory.

General Jiajia has guarded the frontier for 50 years, and he knows this better than anyone else. When he heard the words of Fairy Mo Qun, he quickly pressed both hands on the city lord's order in his pocket, and said "no matter what you say, I will not give it to you" appearance.

The beautiful woman curled her lips, and didn't bother to waste time with him. She waved her jade hand casually in front of him, and the city lord's decree in the armour general's pocket broke free from his shackles as if he had grown legs, and landed firmly on the ground. In the hands of a beautiful woman.

The armored general was stunned in his heart. Just now, he had been alerting the beautiful woman's movements all the time, but now he didn't even notice the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power, and he was robbed of the city master's order.

How strong should this cultivation be?
The armored general pointed to the beautiful woman in front of him with trembling fingers, and asked in a deep voice:

"Who are you..."

The charming woman drew a magic circle and printed it on the ground. After listening to the general's words, she turned her head slightly:
"Longyumen, Chu Shuwan."



Not long ago, on the White Jade Plaza in Longyumen.

Hundreds of disciples in azure and white cloud robes lined up in front, holding silver swords in sheaths and staring meticulously ahead.

As Xu Shoujing's number one son-in-law, Jing Ming, who had been a bodyguard for 13 years, lazily counted the number of people in front of all the disciples.

Chu Shuwan sat on the rattan wooden chair that Meng Yi brought, and took a sip of tea calmly.

Longyumen is remote and located on the border of Dali, Wanyao Mountain and Yunan Pass are only less than 25 miles away. Compared with the inland areas, Chu Shuwan undoubtedly got the news of the attack from Southern Chu earlier. .

Dali is now too busy to take care of herself, Chu Shuwan recalled the disciples who were hunting down the demons the night before yesterday, rested for a day, and ordered them to follow her to Yunanguan to meet the enemy early this morning.

Qin Pan, as the elder brother of Jiang Rongyue, was second only to Jiang Rongyue among the disciples of the entire Longyumen. During the time when the elder sister was away in the capital, he took care of almost all the affairs in the sect.

After Jing Ming finished counting the number of people, Qin Pan made eye contact with him, then walked over to Chu Shuwan, who was enjoying the tea, and bowed:
"Sect Master, all the disciples inside and outside Longyumen have been counted."

Chu Shuwan nodded nonchalantly, put the tea cup on the low table that Meng Yi also brought over, and waved her hand lazily:
"Let's go when everyone is together, and remember to bring all the spiritual materials of the magic circle with you."

"..." Qin Pan looked at Chu Shuwan's behavior that was completely inconsistent with the head of a sect, and sighed helplessly, but did not say anything to correct his position, so he had to greet the disciples to take out the flying swords and prepare to use them together. flight.


There was a thunderous shout from the sky, and just the spiritual pressure it radiated caused the Longyumen disciples in the entire Baiyu Square to bend down slightly, unable to move.

Qin Pan's cultivation base is second only to Jiang Rongyue, which is better than other disciples, but at this moment, he is also kneeling on the ground, his face is distorted, and it seems that it is difficult to say a word.

In the entire Baiyu Square, the only one that was still intact was Chu Shuwan.

Chu Shuwan's apricot eyes flashed a hint of "surely it's here", she cleared her throat, and clasped her slender hands on her chest.


The blue-blue spiritual power and the indigo-blue spiritual power interweaved, with Chu Shuwan as the axis, spreading out in the blink of an eye.

The breathless pressure in the air dissipated, and Chu Shuwan breathed a sigh of relief, but a thin layer of sweat appeared on the curve behind her.She calmed down and waved at Qin Pan:

"You take the others to Yunan Pass first, and I'll be there later."

Qin Pan's body was still a little weak from the shock of the spiritual pressure. Although he couldn't understand the reason, he didn't hesitate when he heard the order of the sect master, and immediately executed it in an orderly manner.

The bluish-white shadow group Yujian disappeared into the sky, and the mountain peaks surrounded by the sea of ​​clouds returned to calm.


As if a stone was thrown into a calm pool, the empty Longyumen Square suddenly rippled with ripples.

Dressed in a cloth robe, the old man with white temples, Qi Yu, came over arrogantly, he stroked his long white beard, and his indifferent expression showed a bit of helplessness:
"What do you want to do? It's not enough for you to contaminate the mortal world. Do you want to pull the entire Longyumen into karma?"

Chu Shuwan rolled her eyes, she didn't need to guess to know what the stinky old man would say next.

Sure enough, Lao Kui sighed, and said in a deep voice with some hatred of iron.
"My teacher has always taught you, the mortal world, the mortal world, why can't you remember it... The teacher knows that your heart is Xuanji, and you can't let go of the common people, but those should be their fate, for the immortals , and can’t intervene casually.”


How much has been said, the sect master hates Qiu Xuanji the most, how can he help her?

Chu Shuwan was a little speechless, and looked at Lao Kui with a strange expression.
"Master, I have never done anything for Qiu Xuanji."

Lao Kui was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "Aren't you for your senior sister? That's for the common people?"

"How is it possible, you look at me too highly." Chu Shuwan waved her hand lazily, but her face became more serious: "What the hell do you have to do with my mother? They can die as they like, as long as my Jinger is still alive. Just fine."

"..." Lao Kui opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Chu Shuwan hurriedly cut it off and continued:

"Master, I know what you want to say. You have always taught me that the mortal world is the mortal world. Since I came to your door, let me stop interfering with the mortal world, saying that I will contaminate the mortal world with immortal methods that disturb the mortal order. Cause and effect, predestined relationship is inexhaustible, obsessions create arrogance, and the Dao is hopeless..."

Speaking of this, Chu Shuwan paused, this was the first time she confided her feelings to Lao Kui:

"Master, I have never cared about the cause and effect of contaminating the mortal world. Those things are not important to me at all. If I always do my duty and do those aggrieved things, I am afraid that because of this idea, I will not understand it. Dao heart is dusty."

Lao Kui shook his head: "Shuwan, I know you always feel that you are partial to Xuanji for your teacher... But I'm really doing it for your own good, you don't understand it yet, when you reach my realm, you will understand that karma is entangled with cause and effect. What a troublesome thing.

Every time you get a little bit of karma in the mortal world, your path after Chongxiao will be more obstructed... Xiuxian talks about being indifferent to the world, with a pure heart and few desires..."

"But that's not my way!" Chu Shuwan stood up abruptly, her slender hands clenched the folds on both sides of the skirt, a woman who was almost 40 years old, but now she felt wronged like a little girl.

That's someone else's way, not hers.

Chu Shuwan couldn't tell the difference at first, and she was also confused.

Fortunately, there was Jinger by her side, and Xu Shoujing taught her to pursue what she wanted.



From the moment Chu Shuwan stepped into the immortal way, her thoughts have never been recognized by the master once.

On her body, it seems that there will always be a mountain called "Learn more and learn more from your sister-in-law".

Chu Shuwan had also resisted, but the reality just confirmed what Master said, no matter what field she was in, she had never won against Qiu Xuanji once.

Countless defeats made Chu Shuwan confused.

Are you really wrong?

Is everything in the past really just your own whim?
Should she be a 'good apprentice' like Senior Sister Chou from now on, and give up her past beliefs?
During that time, Chu Shuwan was the most tangled in her heart, and she was also wondering why their second senior sister suddenly didn't challenge the senior sister. In the past, it was a once-a-day regular program that would never be absent.

Just when Chu Shuwan doubted her life, she picked up a child in a burning forest.

It was a young child who was born without the five elements, but he could see at a glance that he would surely harm thousands of women in the future.

Perhaps it was because he felt pitiful to let the child die in the sea of ​​​​fire, and moved his heart of compassion;

Chu Shuwan didn't know what she was thinking, so she took him back to the sect.

Ironically, when Chu Shuwan rummaged through the child's swaddling clothes, in addition to the birth date, she also discovered his name - Xu Shoujing.

Shoujing means to be quiet and introspective, to keep oneself in peace.

When Chu Shuwan saw the name, she was stunned for a moment, then gave up a wry smile and sighed.

Everything is God's will.

So, the scene that made Longyumen drop his jaw in shock appeared.

The second senior sister, who used to constantly compete with the senior sister, went to greet Qiu Xuanji early in the morning. Her well-mannered and generous style made people wonder if she was taken away.

Although Qiu Xuanji had doubts in her heart, she never cared about matters other than cultivating the Tao, and she didn't take it seriously.

The others were different. For a long time, no one dared to contact Chu Shuwan, for fear that one day this sturdy second senior sister would reveal her true form and punch them out of bed for a few days.

Although Lao Kui saw Chu Shuwan's change, although he was somewhat surprised, it was still like "my child has finally grown up", and he smiled gratified.

The eldest apprentice has an unparalleled talent, his temperament is indifferent, and he is out of the world; the second apprentice is not too talented. Although his personality was a little off at the beginning, he finally got on the right track. It seems that everything has a bright future.

But Lao Kui never imagined that a person's mind could actually jump horizontally and repeatedly.

The moment Chu Shuwan saw Xu Shoujing's name, in addition to her own changes, she also planned to train Xu Shoujing to be a disciple of the immortal family who was "just like his name".

Even though he can't cultivate, he can also start from xinxing first.

However, this plan was soon forgotten in history.

Chu Shuwan remembered clearly that day when she was still lying in bed and didn't wake up, a small figure suddenly got into her bed.

When she opened her eyes a little angrily, she just met those watery peach blossom eyes.

"Aunt Chu, you are so beautiful." Xu Shoujing, who was only four years old, made full use of his cute appearance.

Chu Shuwan was a little stunned, but she pressed his head in a funny way:

"If you don't learn well at a young age, do you know what beauty is?"

She had no purpose when she said these words, but Xu Shoujing nodded solemnly after hearing this:

"There are beautiful women in the south who are peerless and independent. Once you look at the city of Qingren, then you look at the country of Qingren... For me, Aunt Chu is so beautiful."


Longyumen had a corresponding poetry course when she was in the outer sect. Although Chu Shuwan didn't like listening to the elders of the outer sect teach poetry every day, she still had some vision, at least she could hear the basic meaning.

I can understand it, but Chu Shuwan was not tempted by a four-year-old child because of a poem. She knocked on Xu Shoujing's head, and said angrily:
"You don't learn well at a young age... I said what are you doing in the study all the time when you have nothing to do. It turns out that you are learning these useless things."

Xu Shoujing covered his small head and laughed softly: "I don't want to study hard for the sages and serve the court one day..."

"The court... what court?" Chu Shuwan frowned.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and crawled up the edge of the bed with his little hands, puzzled:

"It's the imperial court. Although there's nothing missing, what's the point of staying here. Aunt Chu, when I get ahead, I'll take you to the capital and let you live a good life."

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a long time, and then she understood Xu Shoujing's plan. She felt a little funny in her heart, but she curled her lips:

"Don't go."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly climbed up to Chu Shuwan, looking really anxious:

"Why? Aunt Chu, you believe me, with my ability, I can definitely fight for a place in the capital."

In front of Xu Shoujing, Chu Shuwan leisurely changed her clothes and waved her hand:
"I still need to practice, what to do in a place like the capital where mortals gather."


Xu Shoujing's face was stunned, and he muttered: "Cultivation? What kind of cultivation?"

Seeing Xu Shoujing's confused look, Chu Shuwan remembered that she had never told him about cultivation or even took him out of her mountain.

I am afraid that in the eyes of this kid, there is nothing but a lack of everything here, but it is really a small valley in a remote area.

Chu Shuwan fastened the ribbon around her waist, and her long emerald green dress and her delicate winter skin were stitched together, creating an exaggerated curve.

She cleared her throat and smiled sweetly: "Of course it's Xiu Xian, this is Longyumen, the most profound sect in the whole Dali."

Xu Shoujing swallowed a mouthful of saliva silently, shocked.

Chu Shuwan didn't know that because of her words, Xu Shoujing, who had been reincarnated for four years, recalled painfully every day in her previous life's high school Chinese textbook and the [-] Tang poems, her mentality completely exploded.

At the same time, it also changed her fate of 'giving up struggling'.


Ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket, a reward, a book recommendation~
There are still about 5 or 6 chapters and this volume is over. These two chapters are good to describe Aunt Chu. In addition, when this chapter was published, it was 5400, and now it is 5900... Why do you make more and more.

Remember to refresh it, the billing is based on the number of words at the time of publication, so the extra after intensive repairs are all white prostitutes, don't worry
(End of this chapter)

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