The queen is so fierce

Chapter 120 Ink Black Sword Qi

Chapter 120 Ink Black Sword Qi
Xu Shoujing almost forgot the last time he was angry.

If you really want to go back to the last time when the mood swings that produced 'anger', you may have to talk about the last life.

Since he was reincarnated and traveled to Jiuzhou, the emotion that he had generated the most was 'astringent', followed by 'pretend', and the rest were other emotions, but 'anger' was never once.

There is a saying that honest people don't get angry, but they are often more terrifying than others when they get angry.

Of course, Xu Shoujing was not an honest person, but it didn't matter.

Because he was so angry now that he just wanted to beat that big old man, even if it was an unintentional act, after all, he almost hurt Sister Rong Yue.

What has happened, after all, has a price to pay.

The clear sky was suddenly covered by black clouds.

The light became a little dim, and the cool drizzle slapped on the skin of the top monk in the Tuxian Pavilion, refreshing and comfortable.

The summer showers come and go quickly, which basically doesn't affect the monk's mood to watch others fight.

"Okay! That's it! Go on! Hurry up, get out the sword!"

Beside the terrace near the stairs, the idle monks onlookers shouted hello and pointed at the monks on the stage, as if "I can do it myself" attitude.

clang clang-

The sparks from the metal collision between the electric and flints splashed outside the terrace.

The speed of the two sword cultivators who were fencing on the stage was getting faster and faster, and the sound of the impact had a tendency to cover up the noise below.


Finally, after the sound of a sword gang exploding, Jian Xiu, who could not practice at home, flew out of the terrace.

The sword qi dissipated on the balcony, and the victorious Jianxiu looked relaxed and indifferent. Looking back, he played a sword flower handsomely, put the long sword in his scabbard, and quietly waited for the applause and awards of the monks onlookers.


One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

Jian Xiu on the balcony half closed his eyes, his expression did not change, but he folded his arms impatiently and stomped his toes.

Why is no one shouting?Didn't you call it very happy just now?

After waiting for a long time, without waiting for the cheers that the winner should have, Jian Xiu opened his eyes, and then he was slightly stunned.

The monks who were watching the battle on the terrace just now turned around for some reason and cast their gaze towards the path on the other side of the stairs, as if they no longer cared about the outcome of the battle.


There was a question mark on Jianxiu's head, and he was full of doubts in his heart, but he was too embarrassed to ask, and quietly took his sword to the sky, wanting to see what they were looking at.

What is so beautiful that you can ignore such a handsome slash from me?
Jian Xiu didn't care, he pouted, and followed their line of sight, his eyes suddenly condensed.
The noisy hustle and bustle of Tuxian Pavilion ushered in a momentary pause. There were a total of forty terraces, and the monks next to each terrace looked at the group of monks who suddenly rushed in at the door with surprise.

It's not that these cultivators are exaggerated, in fact, most of them are quite familiar except for the scantily clad female cultivators.

What shocked them were the two leading men.

The old acquaintance of Tuxian Pavilion, the commoner monk Ji Xiangjian strode forward, carrying a generous black iron epee on his shoulders, his rough face was full of excited smiles.

Looking at his crazy face, he thought he had found his daughter-in-law...

Two or three steps behind Ji Xiangjian, followed by a handsome sword immortal.

He was wearing an atmospheric and restrained black robe, and a long sword with a simple hilt was pinned to his waist. His body was tall and straight, his eyes were like stars, and his handsome features exuded a hint of coldness, as if a sword was about to be unsheathed. 's fairy sword.

Although he looks handsome, most people don't know this black-robed sword immortal. If it was just that, they wouldn't react so exaggeratedly.

The key is that in the hands of the black-robed sword immortal, he is holding a special brand of Tuxian Pavilion.

If you want to fight in the Tuxian Pavilion, it does not mean that you can get on the way you want. The lack of order will only make this way of leisure and entertainment completely disappear.

No matter who it is, they need to go to the front desk of Tuxian Pavilion to register their identity. After the female nun at the front desk arranges the order for you, go to the corresponding terrace to wait in line according to the sign she gave.

Sword Immortal in Hei Pao was holding this sign, and with the long-lost 'Excited Edition Sword Mangzi' next to him, the answer was basically self-evident.

Someone is going to challenge Jianmangzi!
Usually Jian Mangzi fights with people, and he always sees one person catch another, and no one fights with him voluntarily.

This time, someone took the initiative to challenge for the first time in history. What does this mean?
Either he has something to rely on, and he really has some strength; or he is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. He heard about Jian Mangzi's reputation as 'challenging the madman' and wanted to challenge him.

No matter which one it is, for the monks who are here to watch this mouthful, they are happy to see it.

Anyway, it's not me who got hurt, so I'll just fight.
"Xiaojing, in fact, you don't need to do this, don't you think elder sister is fine?"

Jiang Rongyue was not used to the sight of the 'civilized monkey watchers' around her, she only felt goosebumps all over her body, and walked to Xu Shoujing's side in small steps.

Xu Shoujing's expression did not diminish, and he did not turn his head. In front of everyone, he held Jiang Rongyue's little hand and squeezed it a few times.
"Sister Rongyue, you don't need to say it. If you don't beat him, I'm not feeling well. This is my own problem, you don't have to bear any psychological burden."

clack clack...

For some reason, Jiang Rongyue seemed to hear the heartbroken voices of the onlookers nearby.

She didn't think too much, she hugged Xu Shoujing's arm very naturally, and said softly:

"I have no psychological burden, no matter what you do, my sister will support you... It's just that they kept saying 'Jian Mangzi hasn't lost before', 'Who is so tough', 'Someone is going to be unlucky again'... I'm worried about you."

If it is said that Chu Shuwan has a hot and outgoing personality, she will always do things that are not in line with her elders' status.

Then her apprentice Jiang Rongyue was completely at the other extreme. She was only four years older than Xu Shoujing, but she was always like a worried mother, worried about one thing and another. Apart from her demure and dignified personality, she always took care of the overall situation.

Many disciples have already reacted to this point in Longyumen, and they all know that the sect master is unreliable, so as long as it is not a major event that threatens the survival of the sect, they will usually deliver it to the senior sister as soon as possible, and let her to judge.

Including this time, Jiang Rongyue was also worried that her Xiaojing had just arrived.

If Xu Shoujing couldn't see what his sister was thinking, then he would have been his younger brother for 16 years in vain.He said helplessly:
"Sister Rong Yue, I have my senses."

Jiang Rongyue's pretty face was sad, and she wanted to persuade her with a few words.

Seeing Xiaojing's stubborn appearance, he sighed and said no more.

Xu Shoujing followed Ji Xiangjian, and behind him came the scattered team from the tea room. I don't know when it has developed into "no grass grows wherever it goes". Almost all the monks who were idle along the way followed, wanting to join in the fun.

The mighty crowd flocked to the largest terrace in the center. Ji Xiangjian glanced at Xu Shoujing, and took the lead in landing on the high platform.

The dark iron epee, which weighed thousands of pounds, sank to the terrace, only a 'boom' was heard, and the smoke scattered all over the edge of the terrace. If it wasn't for the drizzle, the monks watching under the stage would have been coughing. .

"Sister Rongyue, wait for me here for a while, and I'll come when I go." Xu Shoujing tilted his head and smiled softly at Jiang Rongyue.

Jiang Rongyue pursed her lips, the sadness in her watery apricot eyes did not diminish, but she still forced a smile:
"be careful."

Xu Shoujing nodded, his toes lightly stepped on the ground, and the sleeves of the black robe made a whirring sound.

The onlookers only felt that a shadow flashed, and the black-robed sword immortal had already landed on the terrace.

Quietly and silently, like a feather falling to the ground.

"This person is not simple. It seems that he has a certain degree of research on speed." The young cultivator with slightly older qualifications analyzed earnestly.

A little cultivator next to him who had just graduated from the sect heard it, tilted his head slightly, and said doubtfully:
"Isn't it just landing silently? What's the matter, I can do it too."

The young cultivator glanced at him, with a touch of disdain in his voice:
"Just landing silently, as long as you have reached a level of control over the spiritual power of crossing the Great Ocean Realm, anyone can. But the key is, can you start as fast as he does, with exacting precision? "


The little cultivator shuddered and his eyes were terrified, but his fledgling temper made him still a little unconvinced, and said yin and yang strangely:
"Then you mean that the black-robed sword immortal can win against Jian Mangzi? I don't think so. We all know that Jian Mangzi's sword is unruly, mighty and domineering. No matter how fast you are, it is better to cut him ten swords than he is to cut you once. What's the use of the sword?"

The young cultivator did not reply, not because he was too lazy to answer, but because he thought so in his heart.

Not only the two of them, in fact, everyone onlookers basically gave the answer in their hearts.

As long as it is a cultivator who often goes to and from various places, he has heard of Jianmangzi's reputation more or less.

It happened that Ji Xiangjian stayed at Denglong Port recently, and they also witnessed many of his games with their own eyes.

Because of this, they knew in their hearts that 'Jianmangzi' was not a derogatory term, and his famous reputation was worthy of his strength.

Although they were curious about someone taking the initiative to challenge Jian Mangzi, they just came over to take a look at the fun, but they didn't pay much attention to the result.

In everyone's eyes, Xu Shoujing, a black-robed sword fairy who had never met before, was actually the latest background board of Jian Mangzi.

"Opening! Ten Spirit Pearls and One Village! There is no cap on the listing, so hurry up if you want to buy it!"

The self-confessed business-minded loose cultivator wanted to make a little money through this, but found that the bet was not valid at all, and almost everyone thought that Jianmangzi would win.

"Impossible! If that black-robed sword immortal wins, I will swallow the sword on the spot!" Some even boasted to their fellow brothers and sisters about their unique understanding.

Hearing the almost one-sided public opinion environment under the stage, Xu Shoujing was a little speechless. He glanced at Ji Xiangjian who was gearing up and said:

"Hey, are you that famous?"

Ji Xiangjian let out a sigh of turbid breath after adjusting his breath, and said heartlessly:
"I don't know, I just traveled while practicing, and I just stayed in Tiannanzhou for a little longer. They knew me somehow."

After doing the most basic breathing exercises, Ji Xiangjian recovered his spiritual power. After thinking about it, he felt that it would be better to ask a question for the sake of fairness, so he said aloud:
"Do you need to adjust your breath? I just saw that you used a lot of spiritual power, and your hand was injured."

"No." Xu Shoujing waved his hand, caressed Qiongyu around his waist, took out a pill that was as round as white jade, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Almost as soon as the medicinal pill touched the tongue, it turned into a pool of Qiongshui, sweet and sour, cool and delicious, like the iced sour plum in summer.

Ji Xiangjian's eyes narrowed, and he clearly felt that Xu Shoujing recovered the consumed spiritual power within a breath of time after taking the medicine pill.

"Well, the sour plum is alright, next time I will try lemon..." Xu Shoujing noticed Ji Xiangjian's eyes and coughed lightly: "Longyumen Dragon Bodhi tree special spiritual energy pill, one pill is effective, Longmen realm If you eat it below, you will return to spiritual power in seconds, and if you eat it at the Dragon Gate level, it will also have the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, dredging the meridians and assisting luck."

Ji Xiangjian didn't understand, but he didn't care about it because of his generous personality. Seeing that Xu Shoujing had recovered his spiritual power, he immediately wanted to fight.

The sword was raised, he seemed to have remembered something, he paused, scratching the back of his head a little embarrassedly:
"Then what... I haven't apologized yet. I almost hurt your daughter-in-law just now. It's my fault. I'm sorry."

"—" The audience under the stage was speechless for a while. You haven't started the fight yet, why are you apologizing?
What we want is passion!Carry the sword up and swing it!
At least domineeringly say "What do I want to do, can you manage it?"

An apology is nothing... don't say it, a big man with a big face and three rough faces apologizes here with a look of embarrassment. It's a bit of a contrast.

Xu Shoujing lightly placed his right hand on the hilt of the sword. After so long, the initial blood was almost gone. He chuckled lightly:
"It's alright, my sister Rongyue is very kind-hearted. I don't think I'll blame you... But, you apologize, I'm going to beat you up. I hope you don't take it to heart."

"Cheer up! I like your character, unlike others, chatting non-stop. This is over, I, Ji Xiangjian, recognize you as a brother!" Ji Xiangjian laughed out loud, holding a black iron epee in his hand. He held his head high again.

Xu Shoujing twitched the corners of his mouth and said secretly: But I don't want to be your brother, nor do I want a brother.

The female 'brother' said separately, after all, the specific situation should be analyzed in detail.

Just like Su Huanqing, her current position is 'female brother'.


The majestic spiritual power surges like waves, and it is domineering like a tsunami that shatters everything.

Ji Xiangjian held a black iron epee, and the momentum on his body rose steadily, and when he reached a certain critical point, he suddenly shrank - all returned to his body.

The monks in the audience were not used to this scene, but Xu Shoujing's eyes flashed with surprise.

The last person who could control his spiritual power so finely was Qiu Xuanji who burned the demonizing army in his mind.

Xu Shoujing held the hilt of the sword lightly, and for the time being, he did not move, the agile peach blossom eyes locked tightly on Ji Xiangjian's body, without any intention of underestimating the enemy.

Ji Xiangjian's hands that clenched the hilt of the sword made a 'crunching' sound, her phalanges were white, and her tone was arrogant:
"Hey, I have 25 years of skill in this sword. Then...then what, what's your name?"

"Xu Shoujing."

"Okay, Brother Xu, pick it up!"

Ji Xiangjian's knees bent suddenly, only a 'bang' sound was heard, the terrace made of spirit sandalwood as hard as steel cracked and sank, Ji Xiangjian and his black iron epee had disappeared in place .


The slanted rain curtain was blown in the opposite direction by the spiritual energy. The raindrops slapped on Xu Shoujing's cheeks, and a dark shadow came quietly.

"This move is called Destroyer Slash!"

Xu Shoujing's face was speechless, why do people always like to call the name of the move when they attack, I'm afraid it's not a serious illness.

Facing the black shadow falling from the sky, a golden light flashed in Xu Shoujing's eyes. In an instant, the whole world lost its color, leaving only Ji Xiangjian slashing in the air in slow motion.

Xu Shoujing let out a sigh of turbidity, moved the hilt of the long sword between his thumbs, and the silver light came out of the sheath for half an inch.


Everyone in the audience only saw a silver crescent moon swept past, and the rain curtain was cut off for a moment.

But for a moment, the entire terrace was covered with dark sword energy like thick ink.

The cultivator with a lower realm did not feel anything about it, but the older cultivator saw it, his body trembled subconsciously, and his heart instinctively rejected this jet-black spiritual power.

It's as if something that doesn't belong here has been brought to the front, except for disgust and rejection, the rest is the fear that comes from the depths of the soul.


The jet-black sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and the dark light flashed by.

Everything happened in an instant, the jet-black sword glow dissipated, and the scene on the terrace was re-displayed in front of everyone.

"Who... who won?" Someone asked uncertainly among the silent onlookers.

After seeing the black spiritual power of unknown origin, the answer that had no suspense in their hearts seemed to have changed.

clap clap-

Raindrops hit the edges and corners of the terrace, and the splashes scattered under the stage.

The blurred vision gradually became clear. The black-robed Sword Immortal, who was still on the right side of the terrace, was standing on the left with his back. The frosty moonlight from the long sword in his hand had not yet dissipated, but the coldness on his face seemed to have disappeared. Make the outcome of this battle clear.

Looking to the right, the flat terrace had sunk into a pitch-black pit. Ji Xiangjian knelt down on one knee, holding the black iron epee tightly in both hands, as if he had to do this to barely support it.

"Hey..." The little cultivator who just looked down on Xu Shoujing in the crowd let out a sigh of relief, his eyes full of incredulity.

How can this be?

Jian Mangzi, who has never lost in front of Mang... Did Mang lose?

There are many people who can return to their senses, looking at the black-robed sword immortal who calmly collects the sword with surprise, the more they look, the more surprised they are.

Not only did he win against Jian Mangzi...or did he win head-on? !
You must know that one of the reasons why Jian Mangzi is famous is that his sword style is too domineering, and it is easy to be seriously injured in the same realm. Even if the realm is slightly higher, he will temporarily avoid the edge due to his aura.

Most people choose a different strategy in the face of Jian Mangzi. Where can there be a one-handed sword directly facing hard?

Who is this person?

"Something's wrong." The young monk turned his head and saw that Ji Xiangjian was kneeling on one knee, without the breath of a monk, like a mortal, he frowned: "Why is the spiritual power fluctuations on Ji Xiangjian gone? "

Hearing what he said, the nearby cultivator was stunned, and quickly turned his gaze to Ji Xiangjian, and immediately his pupils shrank.

Is the spiritual power really gone? !
This...couldn't this be the direct destruction of Linghai?

It's just a discussion, as for how ruthless it is...

For a time, the cultivators in the audience started talking in a mess, and they were both jealous and awe-inspiring about this black-robed sword immortal from other places.

Too bad!
A sword will abolish the cultivation base... This is still the same realm.

They obviously misunderstood. After all, from their perspective, there is no other way to make a person completely lose spiritual power fluctuations except to abolish the cultivation base.

Jiang Rongyue knew that her younger brother did not have such a ruthless heart, and it was not a matter of life and death, because a little friction would cost someone else's life... Xiaojing was not that kind of person.

This move was clearly the 'Five Elements Destruction' that he had not used for more than half a year.

Even without any physical contact this time, Xu Shoujing directly sent his weird black spiritual power into Ji Xiangjian's body through the form of sword energy.

Jiang Rongyue saw it clearly, but others couldn't understand it at all.

All kinds of conspiracy theories, personality theories... are almost shaping Xu Shoujing into a heinous monster.

Jiang Rongyue saw it in her eyes, anxious in her heart, she wanted to explain, but she couldn't say anything...

"Sister Rongyue is really..." Xu Shoujing noticed Jiang Rongyue's anxious face, sighed lightly, sheathed her sword, and was about to step down.


In the pitch-black pit, Ji Xiangjian, who had been silent for a long time, finally stood up, the cloth on his body was torn open, and the bloody wound was shocking.

However, he is rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so it doesn't seem to have a big impact.

Ji Xiangjian wiped a rough face like charcoal, the heavy sword in his hand fell to the ground, and the corner of his mouth suddenly evoked an excited and wild laughter:

"Brother Xu, it's not over yet, what are you going to do!"


Xu Shoujing's footsteps paused, and after seeing Ji Xiangjian's eager expression, his eyes became a little stunned:
"You're out of spiritual power, do you still want to fight me?"

Ji Xiangjian moved his wrist and laughed loudly: "I have never seen such a special spell as you, it would be a pity to end it like this. What if there is no spiritual power, I can still fight with my sword!"

As he said that, he suddenly raised the black iron heavy sword. There was no fluctuation of spiritual power in his body, but his momentum and speed did not decrease at all, and he came to Xu Shoujing in a flash.
Ask for a monthly pass, a reward, a recommendation ticket;

 Now, in this volume, Jiang Rongyue, Su Huanqing, deputy speakers Ling Fuyu and Zhao Fuyao, and the rest of the characters have more daily life, and the main line has no role.

(End of this chapter)

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