Chapter 14
Xu Shoujing looked around blankly, knowing in his heart that Qiu Xuanji was leaving by himself, so he looked away angrily.

At this moment, the old eunuch came over and bowed:
"Xu Gongzi, the sage has returned to the palace. Let's take you out first, shall we?"

Xu Shoujing had no reason to refuse, and just wanted to nod his head in response, but suddenly thought of the bloodless expression on Qiu Xuanji's face in the startling glance just now, and immediately became suspicious.

It can't be because the things he made are too unpalatable to be 'poisoned' like that, right?asked out loud:
"Eunuch Liu, who is my uncle..."

The old eunuch didn't want to say it, but considering that Xu Shoujing's identity was quite special, he was the 'sister' and the young master of the top sect, he hesitated, and said:

"Xu Gongzi, I couldn't tell you about this at first, but now it's possible that you are the only one who can help the Sage."

Xu Shoujing made a "please start your speech" gesture.


The old eunuch was choked hard and sighed:

"Young Master Xu should know that the Holy Majesty does not want to inherit the throne, but the Holy Majesty has had to devote himself to the court for 13 years, but the Holy Majesty is not willing to give up his practice at this point. Taking care of one thing and losing the other, since five years, the Holy Majesty will receive karma every once in a while. The pain of burning the body, this time seems to have come earlier than last time..."

Xu Shoujing frowned and said, "It's such a big palace, you can't find someone to treat it?"

"If it can be found, it must have been found long ago, but the sage said that she is a problem with the Tao, and it cannot be reversed overnight."

The old eunuch seemed to have thought of something, and warned seriously:
"Xu Gongzi, this matter must not be rumored..."

Of course Xu Shoujing knew the benefits and benefits. If others knew that Qiu Xuanji was seriously ill now, it would no longer be the 'gentle' way of coercing the palace as before Qiu Ming.

Without a word, the old eunuch took Xu Shoujing away from Mengjiangchi. Xu Shoujing decided to find a time to ask Zhao Fuyao if there was a way to solve the problem of his cheap mother.



The next day.

Xu Shoujing finished the medicinal bath early. He heard Jing Ming say that the medicinal materials were almost consumed, so he asked Zhao Fuyao for a new medicinal medicinal list, and planned to go to the street to buy it in person. .

Dark clouds covered the sun, the sky was like a curtain, and the vision was a little dim.

As soon as Xu Shoujing came to the door, he saw Jing Ming walking towards the courtyard with several maids, and said in surprise:
"What are you doing?"

Jing Ming didn't reply immediately, and ordered several maids to let them go away, while he came to the young master:

"It's not because the yard is too deserted. I specially found a maid who retired from the palace. She is quick and can work, and she looks beautiful. She is popular, and living in the yard can be more comfortable."

Xu Shoujing glanced at him speechlessly: "My monthly salary is only that much, save me a little bit of money. Look after the family, I'm going out to buy medicinal herbs."

When the words fell, he raised his feet and prepared to leave.

"Hey, young master wait..." Jing Ming saw that the young master was leaving, and hurriedly stepped forward to intercept it.

"Anything else?" Xu Shoujing turned to look at him.

"It's not that I have something to do, it's a girl looking for you."

Xu Shoujing frowned slightly: "Looking for me? Who?"

Jing Ming smiled all over his face, and sold out:

"You won't know if you see it, just wait at the door."

"It's mysterious...there's something wrong." Xu Shoujing pouted, ignored him, and walked straight towards the door.

When he walked out of the door, he was stunned.

The girl in the goose-yellow pleated skirt stood beside the eaves column with a smile, and a fat big white cat lay lazily in her arms with a very humane 'meow'.

"It's you?"

Yu Jiaoshuang originally had a sweet smile, but when she saw Xu Shoujing's disgusting expression, her heart burst into flames.

"It's me, what, have an opinion?"

Xu Shoujing naturally had no objection, but now he was too lazy to pay attention to her, glanced at the girl who was pinching her waist and was sulking, and walked towards Zuixianlou on her own.

Yu Jiaoshuang didn't expect to be ignored so simply, she bit her cherry lips lightly, and stomped the embroidered shoes under her skirt in anger.


The big white cat opened its big mouth and yawned, looking at its owner with a look of pity: Ben Miao said, but all males like big ones, such as Ben Miao.

Yu Jiaoshuang came back to her senses and glared at it fiercely:
"Your little fish is gone tonight!"


There was a small running sound of 'da da da—' from behind, Xu Shoujing knew that the little girl was chasing after him again, and did not look back.

But the footsteps stopped abruptly when there was still some distance away, followed by a short, rapid, very subtle running sound.

Xu Shoujing frowned and his footsteps paused.

"Yu'er, come on! Grab it and give you an extra pound of dried fish!"

The girl cheered excitedly.


Xu Shoujing shook his head speechlessly, turned his body slightly, and avoided the big white cat's 'rocket hammer'.

He grabbed the back of its neck and threw it back, slightly helpless:

"What the hell do you want to do?"

Yu Jiaoshuang deftly hugged the big white cat and said softly:
"You'll know when you walk with me."

"where to?"

"You'll know when you come."


The twilight drums echoed, and the sea of ​​people was like a tidal wave.

The prosperity of Suzaku Street is reflected in the fact that even though it is busy, you can still see smiles on the faces of the common people.

Qiu Xuanji has been in power for 13 years, insisting on the concept of benevolence-based, but her methods are vigorous and resolute. In a few years, the prosperity of Zimo City far exceeds that of the emperors of all dynasties.

This is also the reason why, as the first female emperor in Dali's history, she is loved by the people.

The burly owner of the squid stall handed the steaming skewers to the scholar paying the bill, said 'walk slowly' and began to work again.

"Boss, two strings of squid, grill them a little." A charming voice came.

"Okay, wait a minute, guest... Little girl, is that you?"

The owner of the squid stall just looked up and saw the smiling girl in front of him, and smiled kindly.

Yu Jiaoshuang took out the copper plate and handed it over, and snorted:
"Miss I really forgot to bring money last time, it's not that I owe money."

"Hehe, just bring it this time."

The owner of the squid stall handed out two bunches of squid and took the copper plate. He was about to chat with this interesting little girl, but found that the weight of the copper plate in his hand was not right:
"Hey, more, more."

"Just take it as an apology for almost eating free food last time."

Yu Jiaoshuang ran away with the squid skewers.

In front of Xu Shoujing, he raised his chest and handed the squid on a skewer:
"No, you and I are cleared."

Xu Shoujing couldn't help laughing and crying: "You are just for this?"

Yu Jiaoshuang's apricot eyes were filled with anger: "What do you mean by 'just for this', this is very important, okay?"

Important squid skewers?
Xu Shoujing was speechless for a while, feeling that he wasted another ten minutes of precious time.

He almost grabbed the squid, stuffed it into his mouth three or two times, took a deep breath, and said solemnly:
"Okay, after eating, I still have something to do, don't follow me." He was about to leave.


Yu Jiaoshuang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly panicked.

" wait."

Xu Shoujing raised his eyebrows, his tone was very impatient:

"What do you want to do again?"

Yu Jiaoshuang was at a loss for words, not knowing what other excuses to use.

She finally found out where Xu Shoujing lived, but she didn't expect that it was still next door to her own house.

During the competition in front of the imperial court that day, Xu Shoujing left a deep impression on her.

It's not just her, I'm afraid no one present can forget that scene.

One shot at a time, without a foothold but standing in the air.

The phoenix looks like a dragon, but the mortal body is like an immortal.

Yu Jiaoshuang didn't understand what this feeling was, she was just curious and wanted to know more about him.

But if I tell the truth, does he think I'm too frivolous?I just saw it once and wanted to know more about it...

After muffled 'hum' for a long time, he bit his head and said:
"I...I want you to be my master."


Xu Shoujing looked at her in astonishment, crazy, I haven't figured it out yet, let me teach you?

Of course Yu Jiaoshuang didn't really want a "Master".

She just said it casually in a hurry, and now she has come back to her senses... but found that it seems that it is not impossible.

After all, Xu Shoujing defeated the leader of the Green Fan Sect and was also a master disciple of the Dragon Jade Sect.

Doesn't that also mean that he is far ahead of most people in the way of cultivation?

It seems that there is nothing wrong with him being a master.

Thinking of this, Yu Jiaoshuang breathed a sigh of relief and smiled sweetly:
"How about it? Do you want to accept me as an apprentice? I'm only sixteen this year, and I've already been through all the channels."

"16 years old, Tongmai state?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned when he heard the words, and subconsciously said, "Is it such a waste?"

 In fact, I prefer to write about the daily life, because the daily life is the 'normal development of the relationship between men and women'. Although I also like the secret relationship in the crisis, it can't always be because of 'heroes save the beauty' and 'dead friendship' Just love each other...

(End of this chapter)

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