The queen is so fierce

Chapter 3 The Empress Double

Chapter 3 The Empress Double
The lights are on.

One hundred and eight squares in the capital are criss-crossed, and the buildings are endless.From the towering palace to the streets of the outer city, people are crowded, and everyone is immersed in the festive atmosphere of reunion and worship.

The splendid city gate of Zimo City is facing a small road extending from the Broken Dragon Mountains. Under the city gate, a man dressed as a guard is pacing back and forth. But can only sigh.

The jade tablet around his waist shook for an unknown number of times today. The man looked up at the sky and pretended not to see that the jade tablet was thrown into the Qiongyu Pavilion.

"Young Master, if you don't come again, I will really be killed by the sect master..." Jing Ming was about to cry.

I don't know how long it took, the noise gradually faded away, Jing Ming leaned against the city wall and lowered his eyes, drowsily raised his head.


The small black dots gradually enlarged by the Linshui River caught his attention.

Jing Ming immediately shook his wit, looked intently, his spiritual power was running, and he even used the pupil technique.

That's one...two people.

The handsome young man in black clothes was walking along the river, while the woman in the white dress on her back buried her head behind her and couldn't see her face clearly.

Jing Ming didn't know who the woman was, but who else could the young master be if he wasn't the young master of his family?
"Little Lord!"

Jing Ming stopped in Bengbu, wiped away the tears that did not exist, pinched a magic formula in his hand, and flew towards Xu Shoujing on the silver sword.

Xu Shoujing's head was covered with black lines. After watching Jing Ming Yujian jump to his side, he gave him a kick without hesitation:
"What a fuss, what does it look like."

Jing Ming covered his buttocks with a sad face:
"Young Master, you've killed me. The sect master couldn't get in touch with you, so he put his anger on my head... My Longxun card has been ringing all day, but you haven't arrived yet, how can I dare to pick it up? It's okay to be in the capital now. When I go back, the sect master won't chop me up?"

Xu Shoujing opened his mouth and didn't know how to explain it. The Longxun card is usually not placed in the Qiongyu Pavilion, but on his waist.

Its function is not simply communication, but also has the function of distinguishing between inner and outer sect disciples, elders, and other identities.

His Young Sect Master Long Xun card was also pinned to his waist, but it was broken when he was shopping with those assassins, and now he doesn't know where it was buried.

Xu Shoujing knew her cheap adoptive mother very well. If something happened to her, she might really be able to chop up Jing Ming.

"I lost my Longxun card. I'll explain to Aunt Chu when I look back."

Jing Ming's eyes lit up, he took off the jade plaque engraved with the words "Dragon Saliva Ruyu" on his waist, and handed it to Xu Shoujing:
"Young Master, it's better to act if your heart is moving, or... while it's hot?"


Are you so afraid?Xu Shoujing looked contemptuous.

Jing Ming said, "Young Master, you really don't have a lot to say. Can the sect master have the same attitude toward you and us?"
Xu Shoujing rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Let me settle her first." When he finished speaking, he tilted his head and gestured to Zhao Fuyao, who was sleeping on his back.

Jing Ming's eyes were surprised, as if shocked by Zhao Fuyao's beauty, but also by Xu Shoujing's courage not afraid of death, he was amazed:

"Young master, you are looking for a woman outside, aren't you afraid that the sect master and the big sister will end up with you?"

"Oh? Dare you say that?" Xu Shoujing had a warm smile on his face.

Jing Ming shook his head expressionlessly, joking. Although he has a cultivation base, he has never defeated Xu Shoujing in close combat. The moods of the other young masters should be similar.

Before learning super long-distance spells, it has almost become a consensus not to mess with the young master.

"Well, it's good to know the rules." Xu Shoujing nodded with satisfaction, glanced at the mountains behind him, and said in a low voice, "I met an assassin."

Jing Ming was stunned for a moment, then his heart was shocked: "Young Master..."

"This is also the reason why I came late." Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Don't tell Aunt Chu about this for now. I'm afraid that Aunt Chu will just leave the sect and run over, and don't talk about behind the scenes. The real murderer, even the shadow of the assassin can't be found."

"Young Master means..."

"A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye." Xu Shoujing laughed, but there was no warmth in his eyes. "Try not to startle the snake, find out the identity of the real murderer, and then... double return it."

Well, if you really can't beat it, then consider shaking people.

No... how can that be called shaking people, that is called a just group fight!

Xu Shoujing glanced at Zhao Fuyao, who was asleep on his shoulder, and put on a smile: "Okay, talk about it later, take me to the residence first."

Jing Ming knew that the young master had an idea, so he didn't plan to say anything more on this matter:
"Okay, young master, this time, the door owner spent a lot of money. The first-class courtyard is on the same street as the Zuixianlou Zimocheng branch, and you can go there. The neighbor is the General's Mansion..."



The moonlight sprinkled on the towering palace, like a layer of frost, adding a hazy beauty.

The palace is full of night lights, and even if it is Hai Shi, you can still see every small sculpture of a beast on the eaves.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and a 13-year-old boy in a golden cloud robe walked quickly through the veranda. The maid behind her was full of anxiety, holding up her skirt and chasing after her, shouting, "His Royal Highness Zhao, slow down, wait!" Waiting for the servant..."

In the hall, a beautiful woman in palace attire sat in front of the case and carefully reviewed the memorial. Her graceful figure was hidden under Feihong's gorgeous palace skirt.

The distant mountains have picturesque black eyebrows, phoenix eyes look forward to life, three thousand blue silk like splashing ink from the shoulders to the slender waist, no crown, only a gold hairpin with the pattern of the phoenix wings, which is graceful and luxurious.

As if hearing the noise from outside the hall, Qiu Xuanji frowned and stopped what she was doing.

Qiu Shangyun jumped gently, crossed the threshold, and lay in front of Qiu Xuanji's case with a sad face:
"Sister Huang, don't you marry, okay? I will be obedient in the future..."

Qiu Xuanji didn't answer, thinking in her heart why he would come running at this point, her phoenix eyes glanced at the palace maid who came in behind, the latter bowed and saluted, and then stepped aside in fear, for fear that the sage would blame her for not watching King Zhao. .

After a long while, Xu Shi felt that King Zhao was crying endlessly, and Qiu Xuanji said in a deep voice:
"Who did you hear that I want to get married?"

The empress of Dali can be said to be the most noble status in the whole of Dali. Qiu Xuanji has been in power for 13 years, and the majesty of being in a high position for a long time will radiate even if she doesn't want to. Howling:

"They all said that the person who wins the competition in front of the imperial court will marry the imperial sister...Imperial sister, I don't want you to marry! Can you not marry..."

"I never said that the competition in front of the imperial court is to recruit a son-in-law, but they are just self-righteous."

Qiu Xuanji shook her head, raised her jade hand, and wiped away the little prince's tears with a touch of soft red spiritual power.

There were no tears on Zhao Wang's white face, but the rims of his eyes were still red, and the already soft and feminine cheeks were even more lovable.

He took a sharp breath and probed carefully:


"When did I lie to you?"

When King Zhao heard the words, he burst into laughter. He learned that his imperial sister would not marry, but he did not dare to stay with this fierce biological sister. He said, "I retire from my brother," and ran away as if flying. The palace maid who followed him was so saddened that she bowed and hurriedly chased out.

Qiu Xuanji's cold and pure face was full of helplessness. She and Zhao Wang Qiu Shangyun were both born of the Empress Dowager Chen, and their blood was thicker than water. Compared with those vassal kings who thought about usurping the throne every day, they had to kiss many times. .

But because of this, she didn't know how to discipline such Qiu Shangyun. She was afraid that she would be too strict and destroy the relationship between her sister and brother, and she was afraid that she would be mediocre by being too loose.

"The imperial contest..."

After being interrupted for a while, Qiu Xuanji remembered the schedule of the competition in front of the imperial court. It seems... She still needs to be present at the scene?

Qiu Xuanji paused slightly as she read the memorial, and suddenly remembered a child named Xu Shoujing who was adopted by her classmate and close friend before she left the school.

Originally, these two things could not be fought together, but a few days ago, Chu Shuwan asked her for an invitation letter for the imperial contest.

Could it be...?
After pondering for a moment, Qiu Xuanji shook her head and denied this possibility.

She is too aware of her friend's temperament. She regards her as a competitor and wants to compete everywhere. How could she let her adopted son participate in the imperial competition?

After all, after the private propaganda of those ministers, the competition in front of the imperial court was in the name of 'recruiting a son-in-law'.

"Should be overthinking..."

Qiu Xuanji dismissed the idea and continued to read the memorial carefully.

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(End of this chapter)

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