The queen is so fierce

Chapter 41 God Purifies Karmic Fire

Chapter 41 God Purifies Karmic Fire
The candlelight was faint, with a warm shimmer sprinkled on a couple of men and women in the room.

Xu Shoujing's Adam's apple wriggled, looking at the hazy back in front of him, which evoked reverie, and glanced away.


Qiu Xuanji's clothes were half undressed, her long hair sprinkled like ink on her back, and the tulle covering her jade body slipped from her shoulders, leaving only her red lining; On the bed, with one hand wrapped around his chest and the other holding the skirt, his face was pale and weak, and from time to time he let out a greasy moan.

The sound of rustling clothes rubbed in his ears. Xu Shoujing's breathing was a little messy, and the breath from his nose was a little hot. He couldn't help but turn his head and shouted outside:

"Why don't you come, I'm not good enough..."


Zhao Fuyao pushed open the door and came in, glanced at Qiu Xuanji who was struggling to undress on the bed, and whispered to Xu Shoujing:

"Only you who are in the Five Elements can do it. The method has been taught to you. It's useless for me to stay here."

Xu Shoujing laughed awkwardly, but did not answer.

That's not the problem at all...

The problem is... the lonely man and the widow are still undressing, it's hard to hold up...


The cold wind was blocked by the sandalwood door, and there were only two people left in the room.

Xu Shoujing sighed, and in order to divert his attention, he began to recall the tragic situation just now.

There was chaos in the main hall just now, and it took him a lot of time to explain a series of things that happened after he came to the capital.

He thought it would be fine after explaining it, but Xu Shoujing underestimated a woman's ability to make a fuss.

You explain to explain, who said that you must understand you after explaining?
Until the end, Jiang Rongyue kept her face sullen, no matter what Xu Shoujing said, ignoring him, it seemed that she had already marked the label of 'heartless man' in her heart.

In addition, there is another Yu Zhiqiong who is constantly watching the fire, so it shouldn't be too miserable.

It was Qiu Xuanji who broke this situation.

To be precise, it was the karmic fire in Qiu Xuanji's body.

Xu Shoujing had already made plans to coax Jiang Rongyue all night, but unexpectedly, the karmic fire in Qiu Xuanji's body suddenly erupted, and everyone present was dumbfounded.

Even Jiang Rongyue temporarily 'forgot' about Xu Shoujing's troubles, and asked him to rush to treat Qiu Xuanji.

Being able to jump out of the Shura field, Xu Shoujing was naturally unable to ask for it, and he had planned to treat Qiu Xuanji as soon as possible after eating, so at this time it was even more smooth.

However, after Xu Shoujing listened to Zhao Fuyao explaining the process of removing karmic fire to himself, the whole person was dumbfounded.

What the hell?
What does it mean to "guide" the whole body "by hand", can we say something that can be understood...

Surprisingly, Qiu Xuanji, the party involved, only answered "I know" and did not express any more opinions.

It was naturally impossible for Qiu Xuanji to ask Xu Shoujing to help her take off her clothes, but she was exhausted because of her karma, so even if she wanted to take off her clothes quickly, she couldn't do it at all.

So in Xu Shoujing's daze, somehow it became the current situation.

The shimmering light of the candles imprinted a graceful shadow on the wall.

Qiu Xuanji lifted the skirt very slowly, suppressing the painful moan leaking from her red lips, her other hand used a lot of strength to unfasten the button of the cloth, and the lining slipped off, revealing a smooth back with luxurious lines. .

Three thousand blue silk hangs down from the shoulders. In the gap between the shoulders and the underarms, a full arc can be faintly seen. Looking down along the backline, although it is covered by the piled clothes, the jade beads on the buttocks can still be seen. round.


Xu Shoujing swallowed and closed his eyes silently.

He is not a decent gentleman, but he doesn't want to take advantage of others' dangers. Even if he wants to create some sparks, it shouldn't be now.

Um... Of course, there is another reason for fear that if you watch it unscrupulously, it is likely to be burned to charcoal on the spot by the Dali Empress.

After a while, Qiu Xuanji finally finished the preparatory work, revealing a bit of tired phoenix eyes, squinting at Xu Shoujing who pretended to be looking at the scenery not far away, and said in a low voice:

"All right."

"Ah... oh."


Qiu Xuanji frowned, and when she saw Xu Shoujingguang, she let out an 'oh', but she froze in place and did not see it. She pursed her red lips, glanced at her phoenix eyes, and said solemnly:
"come over."

The voice was weak, but it revealed that he could not refuse in his tone, and he looked quite serious, as if he was ordering court officials.

Everyone has said this, and it will be a bit hypocritical if you don't take any action.

Xu Shoujing smiled awkwardly and walked over slowly.

He tried his best to keep his eyes away from Qiu Xuanji's flamboyant figure, but this thing really couldn't be controlled by willpower alone.

Even if you want to divert your attention, as long as your eyes stay on the flawless jade body, you will always glance at those unspeakable beauty intentionally or unintentionally.

"let's start."

After receiving the approved order, Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, took out the dark heavy spear from Qiongyu Pavilion, and stretched it out in front of Qiu Xuanji.

Qiu Xuanji hesitated for a moment, then reached out and grabbed the gun.

In an instant, there seemed to be a slight fluctuation in the space.

Qiu Xuanji's eyes were a little surprised, as if she was amazed that there was a fairy weapon that could eliminate spiritual power in the world.

It has been said before that Xu Shoujing's infuriating qi has a miraculous effect on the disorder of the Five Elements.

However, the realm of Xu Shoujing and Qiu Xuanji is too different. Before the balance of the five elements is disturbed, the spiritual energy in Qiu Xuanji will be under spontaneous protection, expelling this foreign infuriating energy from the body.

No matter how special the 'Silent True Qi' is, if it cannot play its original role, it will still be given for nothing.

The role of God's purification and punishment of heaven is reflected here.

Aura will expel 'Silent True Qi'?
Wouldn't it be nice if it would wipe out your aura.

Everything was the same as what Zhao Fuyao said. When Qiu Xuanji held the body of the jet-black heavy spear, all the spiritual energy in his body dissipated. Except for the physical strength brought by the realm, it was almost no different from mortals.

Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief, everything was going well so far, as long as he injected his true qi from every corner of Qiu Xuanji's body for the rest.

Condensing a touch of true qi in the palm of his hand, he slowly pressed it against Qiu Xuanji's smooth and white beautiful back——


Xu Shoujing abruptly withdrew his hand, only to see that the palm that was in contact with Qiu Xuanji's back just now turned red, and the tingling sensation like being roasted by fire entangled his nerves and lingered.

Before he could react to what had happened, he saw that Qiu Xuanji's originally fair skin was stained with blush, and a dense layer of fine sweat was secreted from his forehead, back, and waist, surrounded by cold air. There is a faint white mist rising.

Xu Shoujing's heart gradually recollected, and his brows suddenly wrinkled.

What did Qiu Xuanji use to fight karma before?It must be her spirit.

But now she has no spiritual energy in her body because of God's purification and punishment, and her karmic fire has lost its balance, and it will definitely be more turbulent than before.

Obviously, Qiu Xuanji wanted to understand this process earlier than Xu Shoujing. At this moment, she forcibly endured the blazing heat in her meridians, bit her red lips, and whispered:

"I'm fine, you continue."

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, and the true energy gathered on the palm of his hand, forming a thin film invisible to the naked eye, and pasted it again.


The sound of steak frying on an iron plate sounded, and the tingling sensation in his palm made Xu Shoujing sweat beaded, but he did not dare to relax at all, and controlled his fingertips to run across every inch of Qiu Xuanji's body.

"Ah um..."

Qiu Xuanji let out a snort, her expression remained the same, but her eyebrows were a little distorted, as if she was enduring the strange feeling of wandering around her body and the pain of burning her body.

Without the repulsion of spiritual energy, the 'silent true energy' flowed freely in Qiu Xuanji's body like a fish entering water, and soon destroyed her balance of the five elements.

Karma was suppressed. After showing weakness for a moment, he immediately counterattacked. It seemed that he wanted to regain the dominance of the five elements in his body. Xu Shoujing had to persevere and fight with his true energy.

As time passed, Karma finally couldn't hold back the gold content of the only 'Five Elements Extinction', and gradually lost its voice.

The candle flame was extinguished unknowingly, and the red candle turned into a pool of wax oil.

It was late autumn, and the indoor air was as hot as the sun in the desert.

Qiu Xuanji slowly opened her eyes, stretched out her hand, picked up the red gauze and draped it over her body, covering her jade body.

She turned around, the scene in her line of sight changed from blurred to clear, and finally focused on the slightly distorted face of the young man in white, glanced at Xu Shoujing's red palm, and said:



Xu Shoujing replied absentmindedly, still somewhat depressed.

I had basically touched it just now, but his hands were numb, and he didn't feel it at all.

If you can't touch it at the beginning, that's fine. After all, it hasn't progressed to that point, and I can't blame anyone.

But this state of touching, but not completely touching, made Xu Shoujing speechless.

Am I taking advantage or not?
But now that the treatment is over, he thought about it, and there is no reason to continue relying on it, so he plans to leave.

"Do you think... should I have any complaints?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a while, and some did not respond:


Qiu Xuanji pondered for a moment, then looked up at him:
"Do you think I should have a grudge against my father for throwing Jiangshan to me?"

After hearing her say it again, Xu Shoujing suddenly realized.

Is this because the last time I saw him educating Qiu Shangyun on a whim, he started to make up his mind again?

Originally Xu Shoujing wanted to give an official answer, but after seeing the threat revealed in Qiu Xuanji's cold eyes, he swallowed, thought for a while, and said:

"The physique of people... ah, no, people's thoughts cannot be generalized, I can only say that you can refer to it for you."

Seeing that Qiu Xuanji was silent, Xu Shoujing coughed dryly and said seriously:

"If the ministers in the court would only force you to think that you are selfless, you will do your best to control the government for 13 years for a country that will eventually not belong to you. How can you persist in such a great thing if you have resentment in your heart? You shouldn't have run away long ago. Are you on your way?

If it was that kid Qiu Shangyun, if you wanted to say that you had a grudge, he would have supported you on the spot to abdicate and quit the job. ...well, I'm not saying he doesn't have an opinion...although he does. "

Qiu Xuanji ignored Xu Shoujing's last words about arranging her brother, but pondered for a while and said:

"Which one do you think I should accept?"

Xu Shoujing seemed to expect her to ask such a question, and shook his head with a chuckle:

"I think you can accept it. Isn't the best thing Dali is good at? You can continue to work conscientiously even if you have complaints, until you pass the throne to Qiu Shangyun."


Xu Shoujing walked out of Qiu Xuanji's room with a face of collapse.

It looked like it was hollowed out, but it was actually hollowed out.

But what was hollowed out wasn't that, it was genuine qi.

Qiu Xuanji was in Nirvana no matter how it was said, and the intensity of his backlash against karmic fire was not something that Xu Shoujing, who was barely considered a spiritual body, could withstand.

It can be said that the suppression of the karmic fire this time basically relies on hard irrigation.

Zhao Fuyao saw Xu Shoujing's unrequited look, as if he had prepared it early, and handed over a dry towel at the right time:


Xu Shoujing was taken aback for a moment, then he wiped the sweat off his body with a towel, and replied casually:
"Well... it's over, so it's cured?"

Zhao Fuyao shook his head expressionlessly.

" good?" Xu Shoujing's hand froze as he wiped the sweat off his back.

To be squeezed again?
"It's not completely healed yet." Zhao Fuyao glanced at him, looked away, and said calmly, "Part of the reason for her disorder of the five elements is the old injury, but more is the instability of the Taoist mind. If you don't reshape the root bone , it will take at least a year to treat with external force alone.”

"One year?!"

Xu Shoujing's eyes widened, this time he lost half his life, a year... just kidding.

Zhao Fuyao could see what he was thinking without guessing, and sighed slightly:
"It's really too much for you now, but it's only 'now'."

Xu Shoujing was stunned when he heard the words, but he heard an inexplicable meaning in Zhao Fuyao's words, and quickly said:
"What do you mean?"

"It means... it's time for you to break through." Zhao Fuyao said lightly: "You have come back from Meteoric Dragon Abyss this time, and your body training has obviously reached the peak of the spiritual pivot. As long as I help you bleed, you can break through to water environment.”

Xu Shoujing's breathing became heavier, and his eyes were full of excitement.

Water environment!
The purpose of the channel and the spiritual pivot is to refine the body.

You have to say that this is cultivating immortals, although it counts, but after all, it has nothing to do with spiritual energy. Before Xu Shoujing practiced martial arts every day, he could be almost as good as Lingshu channeling.

However, it is different when it comes to the water transformation realm. The spiritual energy enters the body and merges into the blood of the whole body.

It can be said that at this stage, it can be regarded as truly entering the Immortal Dao!
Xu Shoujing didn't know how long he waited for a day. From the time he remembered, when he learned that he couldn't practice, he thought about what would happen if he had spiritual energy every night.

Year after year, day after day, and now he finally got it, how could it not make him excited?
"Young Master! Young Master!!"

Just when Xu Shoujing couldn't wait to find a small black house to pull Zhao Fuyao Shuangxiu, Jing Ming ran over with a stack of documents.

Xu Shoujing frowned slightly, wasn't this guy kicked away by him?He came back so soon. Isn't he usually eager to take advantage of this opportunity to run to the brothel?

After thinking about it, he thought it would be better to put on the air of the young master, and then he reprimanded: "What kind of style is it in a panic, I, Longyumen, must always be calm, so that it is in line with the spirit of the sect."

Jing Ming was panting on his knees, holding a document in his hand. Although he was out of breath, there was a hint of excitement in his tone:
"No, young master, I... I found it! It's exactly what you think!"


Xu Shoujing's indifferent expression froze, and then he exclaimed in shock.

This sound echoed in the yard and reached the general's house. After waking up Yu Zhiqiong's mother and daughter, the owner of the squid stall who was closing the stall on the street almost stumbled to the ground.

The owner of the squid stall angrily said "Bah" to the yard, secretly said "what is the name of the ghost at night", and then pushed the stall away angrily.


Ask for recommendation ticket, ask for monthly ticket, ask for book recommendation QAQ
 I'm not in a good mood today... I don't want ghs, but that's what I wrote in the outline of the first volume... I'm sorry, after this volume is over, I'll write less about this kind of plot...

(End of this chapter)

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