The queen is so fierce

Chapter 87 Chou Xuanji

Chapter 87 Chou Xuanji

In the past month, Qiu Xuanji had never indulged herself so much. She had never missed an early morning ceremony, but now as long as she wakes up in the morning with a little interest, she asks the maid to find various reasons to push her away.

Although the political affairs that should be handled are still not delayed, she still feels unprecedented freedom.

It was a kind of freshness that broke free from the shackles and shackles of the past and became a new self.

If there is a flower to describe Chu Shuwan, it is probably the red rose. She is always so obedient to her own heart, loves what she loves, and is not restricted.

Qiu Xuanji used to envy Chu Shuwan because she couldn't be so free and easy.

In the eyes of the master, she is a good student like a textbook, and her weak character who never pursues fame and fortune has also made her enter the country much faster than her peers.

Similarly, in the eyes of the late emperor and the Queen Mother Chen, Qiu Xuanji was also a good girl who could be trusted with confidence, so the late emperor chose to hand over the seat behind him to Qiu Xuanji, just because the late emperor knew that Qiu Xuanji would definitely listen to her words.

The Empress Dowager Chen also reassured herself to tell her all the instructions of the late emperor, and even told her directly that everything you are doing now is for the sake of revenge in the future.

Qiu Xuanji has never resisted, or she feels that she should not resist either, this is what she should do.

She abandoned her favorite cultivating way to fulfill her father's request... She stubbornly believed that Master's theory of 'separation between immortals and mortals' was correct, even though both of them left her heartbroken and unable to do it.

But does she really think so?
Perhaps, this is where the stagnation of the broken Taoist heart lies.

Just like that day, Qiu Xuanji asked Xu Shoujing, 'Should I have any complaints? '

Qiu Xuanji asked this question because she didn't know whether she should complain or not.

She never made her own choice, she just made the choice she should have made.

Therefore, when faced with She Zheng's insidious choice, Qiu Xuanji hesitated again.

As the Empress of Dali, she should think about the whole Dali, even if it is her own younger brother who is abandoned... The people-oriented, this is what her father taught her; but as a sister, her emotions tell herself, even if she uses the whole Dali's life in exchange is not comparable to Xu Shoujing and Qiu Shangyun's hair.

It was for this reason that when Qiu Xuanji followed her instincts and cast spells on those half-demons, she finally realized that she was never suitable to be a human emperor, and the way her master gave her was not the way she wanted.

It was the young man who was so young that he could even call himself 'aunt' who taught him this truth.

For the first time, she made her own choice.

This is the first time, but not the last.


Snow-covered, lakes without turbulence.

There are water pavilions and pavilions, with continuous wooden bridges.

The birds that have been baptized by gunpowder stopped on the branches and scratched their necks with their small curved claws; the frozen white-tailed spirit fish broke through the ice and returned to the water after splashing waves; The black-robed son, lying down on the wide chair, with his back against the beam, his arms resting on the back of his head, his eyes half-squinted and drowsy.

Standing in front of the wooden bridge covered with frost, the scene in front of Qiu Xuanji's eyes changed in a trance, as if she saw the phantom of her first conversation with the black-robed boy in the pavilion two months ago.

At that time, she was self-imposed.At that time, he forced his way into his heart.


She stepped onto the wooden bridge with full steps, like a fairy walking in the snow.

The heavy snow never stops, and the swirling snowflakes are like goose feathers floating in the air, beautiful and spectacular.

But these 'goose feathers', which are both literary and picturesque, turned into a pool of clear water before they touched the shoulders of Qiu Xuanji's red dress.

It is karmic fire and passion.

Qiu Xuanji came to the black-robed boy gently, and the karmic fire was still like a beast that devoured reason, burning violently in the blood vessels and meridians.Those phoenix eyes looked at the black-robed youth, but they were exceptionally clear.

A gust of wind came, and the bare branches swayed, dispersing the birds that were resting here.


The black-robed youth frowned, and he seemed to sense that someone was in front of him while he was half asleep.He opened his sleepy peach blossom eyes and saw a cold and beautiful face.

"...You're finished?" The black-robed boy scratched his cheeks embarrassedly, stretched his head to look behind the woman in front of him, and pouted in annoyance, "Why did Eunuch Liu leave without calling me, this is a world of ice and snow. Yes, if I freeze, how can I give it to Xuan... Uncle Master heals the karmic fire?"


Qiu Xuanji couldn't help laughing.

In an instant, it is as if the warm spring when the ice and snow melts in a thousand purples and a thousand reds, and it is like the dazzling dazzling moment after the fireworks rise into the sky.

She has never been a person who likes to laugh, but when she sees someone she likes, no matter what the other person says, she always smiles.

Like, never lie.

"She Zheng asked me to make a choice." Qiu Xuanji took back her smile and returned to her original indifferent appearance.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, but did not say a word, quietly waiting for her to speak.

"Between the half-demon and the demonized person, the half-demon still has the possibility of being rescued, and the entire demonized person of Dali is under his control..." Qiu Xuanji's delicate skin climbed to a blush, because of the karmic fire. Because of this, her cheeks were a little hot, but she continued calmly: "He asked me to choose between Qiu Shangyun and the people of Dali. If I choose Qiu Shangyun, he will let the whole half-demon of Dali go. Otherwise, he will kill Qiu Shangyun."

"So, what's your choice?" Xu Shoujing had a serious face, and crossed his fingers to rest his chin on the back of his hands.

"My choice... is you." Qiu Xuanji shook her head.She turned around, slid the red skirt into the bend of her legs, sat down almost next to her shoulders, and said, "I didn't realize until just now that nothing really matters, even if Dali loses the country, as long as you Be nice to Shangyun, I will ask for nothing... I wanted to choose Qiu Shangyun several times, but seeing the appearance of those half-demon begging for mercy, I chose to bet on you."

"What do you mean?"

"Literally." Qiu Xuanji lowered her eyes and said, "I see that She Zheng's target is actually me, as long as I make a choice, he will definitely break his promise and kill Qiu Shangyun and Banyao at the same time. , use this to break my heart... I acted like I cast spells on those half-demons just to entice She Zheng to take action, I believe that as long as you see it, you will definitely save Qiu Shangyun."

"How do you know I'm here?" Xu Shoujing's eyes widened, and he looked at Qiu Xuanji with question marks all over his head.

Qiu Xuanji didn't answer, and looked down at his waist.

Xu Shoujing was suddenly stunned, pulled out the Long Xun card from his waist, held it in front of him, and said, "Is it because of the Long Xun card?"

Qiu Xuanji's face was a little red, but her tone was still cold: "You played a lot of Long Xun cards with me... I actually saw it, but I didn't pick it up on purpose... First, because Qiu Shangyun happened to be missing, I couldn't take care of it. two is……"

She paused, and noticed Xu Shoujing's suspicious gaze, her toes scratched lightly on the floor, and she quietly looked away: "Secondly... I think as long as I don't pick up, you will definitely come to me."


Xu Shoujing was a little speechless. Thinking back a day ago, he still swore in his heart that 'Xuanji is not the kind of person who sees the bright Long Xun card but deliberately refuses to pick it up'.

The face was slapped and slapped.

Qiu Xuanji peeked at Xu Shoujing's speechless side face with his outskirts, and said pointedly:

"My karma is coming again."


Xu Shoujing suddenly recovered and turned his head to look.

Sure enough, Qiu Xuanji's fair and flawless skin was slightly red, and under the icy sky, a layer of fine sweat broke out from the swan neck and smooth forehead. Rub back and forth.

"Then... go back to the room?" he asked tentatively.

Qiu Xuanji shook her head, pondered for a moment, then suddenly turned around, stared at Xu Shoujing with fiery eyes, and asked:
"I realized today that I am not suitable to be a human emperor... In my heart, I have been longing for Shuwan's way of living."

Hearing the sudden appearance of Aunt Chu's name, Xu Shoujing's face froze, and a white jade hand was suddenly attached to his chest.


The back of his head was in intimate contact with the red lacquer pillars, Xu Shoujing exhaled in pain for a while, and wanted to reach out and touch to see if there was any swelling, but both hands were covered with a delicate and smooth touch.

Xu Shoujing tried to break free a few times, but he couldn't move the small hands that were holding his two hands.

A gust of fragrant wind came in his nostrils, Xu Shoujing's eyes widened, a face like a work of art from heaven was close at hand, and the breath and breath were clearly audible, hitting the leather surface, and it was faintly itchy.


Xu Shoujing snorted, because he was too close to move his neck, so he could only turn his eyes down as much as possible, and saw the knees covered by the red dress, pressing hard on his defenseless thighs.

"Jing'er." Qiu Xuanji's actions were very tough, revealing the strength inside and outside that he was not allowed to be rejected, but his tone was extraordinarily soft: "You marry me."


Xu Shoujing took a few seconds to understand the meaning of this sentence, staring at the beautiful face that can be touched with a little probe, and hesitantly said:

"Uncle Qiu...Did you say the wrong line?"

Qiu Xuanji squeezed the five fingers on the back of Xu Shoujing's hand, and turned away with a blushing face:

"You can also marry me."

Xu Shoujing looked left and right, and after confirming that no one was there, he breathed a sigh of relief and laughed dryly:
"Here? It's not good..."

Seeing that Xu Shoujing deliberately changed the subject, Qiu Xuanji did not show surprise on his face, and said calmly:

"I know what you're worrying about."

Xu Shoujing's heart skipped a beat and looked at her with a puzzled look.

Qiu Xuanji stared into Xu Shoujing's eyes and said, "I know that you don't have deep feelings for me now, at least it's not as good as Shuwan... I'm afraid most of you show affection to me because of my appearance... You want all of them, but you're worried about Shuwan's emotions. But that's okay..."

As he said that, Qiu Xuanji leaned into his ear, Xu Shoujing felt the warm breath entering the auricle, his whole body trembled for no reason, and then he heard affectionate whispers:

"I'll make you fall in love with me completely... so much that you don't care about Shuwan's existence, and between me and her, you can no longer choose."

"Uncle, you don't..."

Xu Shoujing's head was a little dazed, the whisper in his ear just fell, and he was just about to open a little distance, the cold and pure cheek suddenly enlarged, and the lips were blocked without any warning.

The cold wind in the winter is blowing on the chest, and the birds that have turned back from the tree look at the pavilion below with red faces, and seem to understand that there is spring in the middle of winter.



Yu Nan, Long Yumen.

Chu Shuwan sat in front of the wooden table and quietly flipped through the file that Jiang Rongyue had just handed to her. Suddenly, she felt like she felt something, and shivered all over her body.


There was a sound of something falling outside the door, followed by a painful cry:


Chu Shuwan frowned and turned her head to look at the closed door. After about three breaths, Jiang Rongyue in a purple dress rubbed her head and walked in, holding a torn in half in her hand. wooden box.

"Rongyue, what's wrong?" Chu Shuwan asked in confusion.

Jiang Rongyue put the wooden box on the table in front of Chu Shuwan and sighed softly:
"I was a little distracted just now, and I accidentally bumped into a pillar... I feel that my heart is suddenly empty. It seems that it is because Xiao Jing is not there. Master, my disciple misses him..."

Chu Shuwan raised her brows. Seeing her apprentice being so dignified, she began to miss some unscrupulous thing in front of her. She coughed dryly, and pretended to be serious:
"What do you want him to do? The unconscionable person might be flirting with Qiu Xuanji right now, and he would have forgotten about me... you."

Jiang Rongyue laughed secretly in her heart when she saw the master's deliberate sarcasm.Of course she knew that Xiaojing could not flirt with Uncle Qiu, so she deliberately made a few words in front of her master to show her sense of existence.

After all, after that night, Jiang Rongyue had already made up her mind that even if she didn't mean it, she would let Xiaojing say 'Sister Rongyue is the best in the world'.

Jiang Rongyue walked behind Chu Shuwan and pinched her shoulders, and smiled softly:
"Master, are you still angry with Xiaojing?"

Chu Shuwan snorted lightly and glanced out the window: "Why am I angry with him? My aunt is not as good as his uncle Qiu."

Jiang Rongyue wrapped her arms around Chu Shuwan's neck and put her chin on her shoulder, and began to speak kind words for her 'brother':

"Master, Xiaojing is not that kind of person... He must be in a hurry to go to the capital, there must be some compelling reason, you can trust him."

Chu Shuwan was originally a soft-hearted person, but when she heard Jiang Rongyue's words, her mood was obviously much better, but she still pretended to be indifferent on the surface.

She glanced at the wooden box that Jiang Rongyue had brought in. The wooden box had been smashed into two halves, and the inside was empty, but the delicate reliefs on the outside didn't look like ordinary things.

"What is this?" Chu Shuwan reached out and looked at it.

Jiang Rongyue also showed a puzzled look, hesitated for a while, and said: "I don't know, Tu'er, it was picked up by Ranxi. I don't know the origin, and I think it's very unusual, so I'll show it to you."

Dye Xi?

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a moment, then remembered the little girl who came back with Jinger.

Her innate physique was already on a par with the Second Realm of Body Refinement. It was indeed the material for her to practice together, but ordinary exercises did not seem to be suitable for her.

Chu Shuwan frowned and stared at the broken wooden box for a while, "...You just broke it for others?"

Jiang Rongyue shook her head again and again when she heard the words: "No, it was broken when Ranxi gave it to me."

Chu Shuwan's brows furrowed even more deeply. Recently, too many things have happened in Longyumen.

The reason why the ghosts and demons in Wan Yaoshan rushed into the formation is still unclear. Although the large formation was barely stabilized under the frantic transmission of spiritual power by the few disciples she arranged, when will the spiritual saber get out of control again? , is still unknown.

It can be said that the great formation of Wan Yaoshan is now completely supporting, and it is very likely that it will break out due to a certain opportunity, and the people of Dali will undoubtedly be the first to suffer.

Thinking of this, Chu Shuwan thought of the "human world, human world" that Master kept talking about all the time, and sneered disapprovingly.

If that is really the supreme immortal way, why did the first-generation sect master let the descendant Sun guard the Longyu Sect?
Such a simple truth, I don't even understand, the Tao is never given by others, but to go by myself.

"Master?" Jiang Rongyue looked at Chu Shuwan laughing inexplicably, and couldn't help but worry.

Chu Shuwan regained her senses and shook her head: "I'm fine, let me put this thing first, it's getting late, you go back first."

Jiang Rongyue hesitated, replied to Chu Shuwan, "Master, you should rest earlier", then got up and retreated.

The partition door was closed again, and the wind blew against the branches and leaves, making a "click, click" sound.

Chu Shuwan rested her cheeks in her jade hand, and played with the wooden box with the other hand, but she had no idea where her thoughts had gone.


A sigh mixed with endless thoughts echoed.


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Chapter 33 I rewrote a thousand words, you can go back and refresh it, there is no charge anyway, just take a look and follow the previous chapter;
Next, after I write a daily emotional scene, various meanings will reach a climax... It's a bit difficult to write, I have to take a good look at it.

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(End of this chapter)

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