The queen is so fierce

Chapter 89 The follow-up to the legend of the dragon killer

Chapter 89 The follow-up to the legend of the dragon killer
The remaining thin snow in the yard was swept aside by the maid, and the birds standing on the branches were frightened by the sudden roar and flew away.

The atmosphere at the dining table was strange, Nangong Xiaoxiao had a "finished" expression and stared at the door in a panic; Zhao Fuyao's eyes were dazed, as if he was about to be judged, and slowly closed his eyes.


Behind the partition door that was knocked a little crooked, there was a sound of sucking in cold air because of the pain.

Xu Shoujing covered his forehead and walked into the house. He stepped over the threshold with one foot and looked a little annoyed. He kept mumbling, "Why is it freezing here..."

After he finished speaking, he found that the two people in the restaurant were looking at this side with a surprised look.

"Is there something on my face?"

"It's nothing."

Nangong Xiaoxiao patted her bulging chest and breathed a sigh of relief, as if "the end of the world is over"; Zhao Fuyao didn't say a word, and looked back thoughtfully.

Xu Shoujing glanced at the two women inexplicably, and sat beside Zhao Fuyao very naturally, raised his hand to embrace her slender waist, and said with a soft laugh:
"Are you waiting for me to come back? Why don't you eat?"

Zhao Fuyao took an empty bowl with a blank face, rolled up his cuffs to reveal his flawless white wrists, and silently prepared dishes for Xu Shoujing.

When the empty bowl was full, she put the chopsticks beside the bowl and reached out and pushed it in front of Xu Shoujing. The meaning is self-evident.

As if he didn't notice Nangong Xiaoxiao's stunned gaze, Xu Shoujing put his arms around Zhao Fuyao's small waist, leaned forward and kissed him, and then started to enjoy himself.

Zhao Fuyao shook his head helplessly, and did not dislike it, he wiped the saliva from his cheeks with the back of his hand.

"..." Nangong Xiaoxiao.

It's starting again, right, it's starting again!

You dog man and woman... I've had enough of this girl!

Nangong Xiaoxiao suddenly got up, the chair rubbed against the ground and made a "squeaky" sound.

Her eyes were fierce like a small wild cat, she stared at Xu Shoujing dissatisfied, snorted coldly, turned and walked outside the house.

...Actually, she never sat down, but she shook the chair on purpose to attract the attention of the two of them, and because she didn't dare to stare at Zhao Fuyao, she pinned all her resentment on a certain black-robed young man.

Xu Shoujing is not deaf, even if he didn't raise his head, he noticed the behavior of a single person who was beaten.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"I want you to manage."

Nangong Xiaoxiao said angrily, but when she walked to the door, her footsteps stopped honestly.

She tilted her head slightly and looked at the young man in black robe with the corner of her eye.

And then... Nangong Xiaoxiao's charming eyes froze.

——Xu Shoujing saw that Nangong Xiaoxiao was leaving, so naturally it was impossible to let her go.

He chewed a few times quickly, trying to swallow the food in his mouth, but he couldn't grasp the strength for a while, and literally choked.

Xu Shoujing's face flushed for a while, and he glanced at the table full of dishes, just as he was about to say something to ask for water...


Zhao Fuyao placed the white porcelain cup full of water in front of him as if he had predicted Xu Shoujing's actions.

Xu Shoujing didn't care about the temperature of the water, so he quickly picked up the quilt and poured it into his mouth, but he didn't expect... In this cold day, the water temperature was just controlled at a lukewarm level.


Xu Shoujing was curious about how Zhao Fuyao did it, so he turned to look at her.

Zhao Fuyao's expression didn't change, he brought a clean handkerchief to his mouth and wiped it carefully.

She noticed Xu Shoujing's gaze, as if she understood the other person's mind, and whispered:
"Looking at how fast you eat, you can blow cool with your mouth after pouring water."

The tone is like the tone of an elder caring for a younger generation, and the implication seems to be a little helpless "you actually choked."

Xu Shoujing didn't like being treated like a child, so he frowned slightly, stretched out his hand around Zhao Fuyao's waist, and patted it gently—


The crisp sound was very slight, but it clearly reached the ears of the three present.

The waves continued, and the beauty froze.

Zhao Fuyao's delicate body trembled, and his face became colder, as if he was expressing his dissatisfaction with being a fairy.

However, the auricle and the white neck defied her will, rippling like water dyed ink with a flush of red, and it seemed that she was still shy.

Xu Shoujing laughed secretly in his heart. In order to avoid Yaoyao's extremely rare aggressive look, he quickly turned his head, his eyes swayed for a while, and then fixed on Nangong Xiaoxiao's body, and then his smile froze.

It's broken, I forgot there's someone else...

Nangong Xiaoxiao stood still at the door, the placket of the clothes that was filled up kept rising and falling as the breathing rate accelerated, and it seemed that she was very angry.

Think about it too, she has a big job... Cheng Huang stood here, but was ignored by Xu Shoujing for so long, and was forced to eat so much dog food, even when she wanted to run away from home and get angry, she even kept her back. Retained so carelessly.

Can't stay here...

Nangong Xiaoxiao's face was dark, and she raised her feet and walked out of the door with a blank expression.

Xu Shoujing coughed dryly, spread his five fingers and stroked Qiongyu around his waist, a white light was drawn out, and the particles of light were neatly arranged on the dining table.

When fifty skewers of grilled squid were spread out on the table, he pointedly said:
"Xiaoxiao, are you really leaving?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao did not answer.

Xu Shoujing attached spiritual energy to his right hand, and fiddled with the hot grilled squid skewers like a fan:
"Xiaoxiao...are you really leaving?"

Nangong Xiaoxiao remained expressionless, but a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth.

I'm not leaving, are you staying here and watching you play?Really... eh?What does it taste like?
Seeing that Nangong Xiaoxiao stopped, Xu Shoujing laughed secretly in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be regretful, and sighed:

"Forget it, I'll eat these grilled squid by myself."

Nangong Xiaoxiao turned her back, her charming face was full of tangle.

"I also asked the stall owner to put more chili powder from Donghuangzhou."


"I also asked him to put a few more excellent seasonings called cumin exclusively sold by Tianyu Firm..."


"I also let him..."

Xu Shoujing talked for a long time, and he was almost unable to make up the words. Seeing that Nangong Xiaoxiao was still standing at the door, he sighed. Zhao Fuyao helped him with cold boiled water, and he raised his head and put it into his mouth, wanting to moisturise. voice.


There was the sound of the chair moving across the table, Xu Shoujing put down the glass and turned his head to look, Nangong Xiaoxiao had already sat upright on the chair, with her slender hand picked up a bunch of grilled squid and put it to her mouth, her red lips opened slightly. To bite down.

Noticing Xu Shoujing's surprised gaze, Nangong Xiaoxiao paused for a moment while holding the grilled squid, looked aside, and said expressionlessly:
"It's a waste if you don't eat, I'll just leave after I finish eating."


Xu Shoujing couldn't help laughing.

The laughter was undisguised, making Nangong Xiaoxiao's face blushed, and her fox eyes rolled around for a while, then she glared at Xu Shoujing and said angrily:

"What are you laughing at!"

Xu Shoujing was still smiling and waved his hand: "It's alright, you continue to eat, I just thought of something happy."

How could Nangong Xiaoxiao believe it?This guy is clearly laughing at himself.She threw the grilled squid in her hand into the bowl, folded her arms and supported her chest, and said angrily:

"Don't eat."

So, Xu Shoujing laughed even more.

Zhao Fuyao held her pink cheeks in her hands and looked at a man and a woman who were not sure how many years younger than him.

Two small children.


In the end, with Xu Shoujing's many good words and persuasion, Nangong Xiaoxiao 'reluctantly' ate all fifty skewers of grilled squid.

She was licking the oil on her fingers contentedly. After Zhao Fuyao helped Xu Shoujing clean the corners of her mouth again, she said softly:
"I went back to my room to take a shower and came to me after I wanted to practice."

Xu Shoujing let out an 'um', lowered his head and continued to grab his rice bowl.

Seeing this, Zhao Fuyao shook his head, stood up, and left silently.

When Zhao Fuyao's figure completely disappeared, Nangong Xiaoxiao let go of the restraint that had been on the edge of her heart, stretched out her hand and swung it around her thin lips, wiped the oil with her spiritual power, and also stood up:

"Xiao Jingzi, eat slowly~ This girl used up too much spiritual energy yesterday, so I'm going to recover."

Simply translate, she is tired and wants to sleep.

Nangong Xiaoxiao ate the grilled squid with a book of satisfaction, stood up clutching her slightly bulging belly, hummed an unknown tune, and jumped out...

"Why do you say that she is the mortal enemy of my ancestors?"

These slight words, with a bit of the party's nervousness and seriousness, clearly entered Nangong Xiaoxiao's ears.

Nangong Xiaoxiao's smile froze, her heart seemed to skip a beat, and then she turned around stiffly, looking at Xu Shoujing with a stunned face.

So he heard it... just pretended not to hear it?This guy……

Xu Shoujing had already put down the bowls and chopsticks, supported the table with his elbows, and put his fingers on his lips.

Those peach blossom eyes that seemed to be a clear spring, usually had a captivating smile, but now they are extraordinarily cold.

Nangong Xiaoxiao's eyes were a little complicated, she walked across from Xu Shoujing, stretched out a chair and sat down, saying:

"What do you want to know?"

"What do you know?"


Nangong Xiaoxiao stared into Xu Shoujing's eyes and listened to him pulling for a long time. He was still reluctant to take this step by himself. He had a new understanding of him in his heart and was quite curious:
"If you say... I mean if, if you know her identity, what do you want to do? Kill her for your ancestors?... After all, she is just a mortal now. But if you want to kill her, it's easy."

Xu Shoujing raised his hand and waved in front of him, and said nonchalantly:
"You don't have to test me like this. Whether it's a thousand years ago or ten thousand years ago, it has nothing to do with me."

Having said this, he paused, as if recalling something, and smiled softly:
"Yoyao...she saved me from the fear of being a mortal all my life, she let me step into the spiritual path, she gave me hope to realize my dream of being by their side I like her...only That's all."


Nangong Xiaoxiao watched Xu Shoujing start to show off his wife again, holding his arms for a while with a chill:
"Stop! Stop! I don't want to listen to your psychological journey. What I'm asking you is, if you know her identity, what are you going to do?"

Xu Shoujing was silent, and he understood what Nangong Xiaoxiao meant.

——With your current strength, what can you do?
He doesn't need anyone to help him answer, Xu Shoujing is also very clear that he can't do anything now.

For example, when he first came to Zi Mo, if he had the strength of Qiu Xuanji, would he need to be too risky to find Qiu Ji, and would he be afraid afterward?

If he is strong enough, will the dead people in Longquan Town still have a chance?
Strength...strength, if you don't have strength, whether you want to help Zhao Fuyao, protect yourself, or fight against that black-robed can't do anything, not to mention the big empty words of saving the common people. Just laughed out loud.

"With your current strength, even if you know about it, you can only feel powerless... Even so, do you want to know?" Nangong Xiaoxiao folded her beautiful legs, her demeanor was laziness, and there was a wicked smile on the corner of her mouth. The first meeting of the two.

"Well...I want to know about Yaoyao." Xu Shoujing lowered his head and pondered for a while, then raised his eyes and stared at Nangong Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, I don't want to continue knowing nothing...give me a motivation to become stronger."

Nangong Xiaoxiao sighed, looked at Xu Shoujing pretending to admire, and replied with a smile:
"I don't."


Xu Shoujing's blue veins bulged in front of his forehead. He had been brewing the atmosphere for so long just now, and was confused by this mother Chenghuang.

Nangong Xiaoxiao was in a good mood. The Demon Emperor, who stepped into the Jade Pu, one and a half feet, was bullied and played with by a little monk in the water transformation realm every day. It was obviously impossible to say that there was no anger.

At this moment, seeing Xu Shoujing's head full of black lines, there is quite a feeling of "you also have today".

Nangong Xiaoxiao smiled...the smile gradually disappeared, she tilted her head to avoid Xu Shoujing's murderous gaze, but she knew in her heart that she couldn't play too much, so she coughed:
"It's the same sentence. If you want to know, just ask her yourself. If she doesn't let me say it, I don't dare to reveal too much. But well..."

"But what?" Xu Shoujing frowned.

Nangong Xiaoxiao exchanged the upper and lower positions of her beautiful legs - just now she was a little numb, she smiled lightly, and her eyes swept back and forth on Xu Shoujing:

"Are you from Longyumen?"

Xu Shoujing's heart moved, and he blurted out: "Did you actually have Longyumen in that era?"


Seeing that Nangong Xiaoxiao's face changed, Xu Shoujing secretly thought that something was wrong, and hurriedly made amends:
"I'm not saying that you are old... I mean that Longyumen has a long history... Forget it, let me say that you are old."


Nangong Xiaoxiao's head was full of black lines, almost unable to talk, she sighed:

"Didn't you ask me what the dragon breath stone does last time? You also mentioned ghosts... In the entire Jiuzhou, if ghosts are mentioned, the only thing people can think of is the 'Millennium Demon Tribulation'."

"Millennium Demon Tribulation..."

Xu Shoujing read these words softly, but there was a sense of familiarity in his heart.

Suddenly, a sharp pain piercing his spine hit his mind, as if trying to stop him from remembering the words engraved in his soul.

The dark night, the sea of ​​fire, the forest, the woman in the white dress who can't see her face... The perspective of lying down, the little hands of a child.And behind the woman in the white dress, the shadows hidden among the stars...

The screen stops there.


Xu Shoujing was lying on the dining table, his back was soaked with sweat before he knew it. He kept panting, like a drowning person who finally breathed the air in hysterics.

"You... what's wrong with you?" Nangong Xiaoxiao asked worriedly.

Xu Shoujing raised his head and forced a smile: "I'm fine, go ahead and talk, I'm listening."

Nangong Xiaoxiao felt that Xu Shoujing's state was not right, hesitated for a moment, and continued:

"I don't dare to talk too much about Zhao Fuyao, but the Millennium Demon Tribulation is inseparable from you... Or, it's not just you, the entire Longyumen was born because of it."

Xu Shoujing was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

"It means literally." Nangong Xiaoxiao whispered: "When you were at the ruins, you should have heard the little girl surnamed Su talk about the legend of the dragon killer... If I tell you, the dragon killer is a dragon. The ancestor of the Yumen... how will you be?"

Xu Shoujing's pupils trembled, his breathing stagnated... No, it should be said that he almost forgot to breathe, quietly waiting for Nangong Xiaoxiao's next words.

"The Dragon Slayer's suppression of Jiuxiao... Well, that part has to do with Zhao Fuyao. You can ask her yourself, I dare not say. As for the aftermath, it can be said that the entire Jiuzhou has changed because of that demon calamity."

"So what exactly is the demon robbery?" Xu Shoujing couldn't help interrupting.

Nangong Xiaoxiao half-squinted her eyes and said, "Haven't you seen it before? A small-scale demon robbery."


Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, his brows furrowed, he didn't understand what Nangong Xiaoxiao was doing in this riddle.

Have you seen it yourself?When... the demon robbery, the demon robbery, just hear the name and know it's a demon...

Xu Shoujing suddenly came back to his senses, his pupils dilated for a while: "Demonizing people..."

Nangong Xiaoxiao nodded: "Ghosts and demons are born of resentment. The thousand-year-old demon robbery means that a large number of mortals have been demonized one after another in the entire Jiuzhou. Half-demon of humanity."

"No, even if Yao Jie refers to demonizing people, it has nothing to do with ghosts and demons." Xu Shoujing pointed out this point keenly.

"How can it be okay?" Nangong Xiaoxiao shook her head, "You saw it too? Yesterday, when the half-demon thought they were abandoned by that little girl Qiu Xuanji, they exuded resentment."

"You mean..."

Nangong Xiaoxiao said: "That's right, the reason for the Millennium Demon Tribulation... is that all the demonized humans and half-demon were slaughtered by the human race as compatriots. Born out of resentment against the human race."

Xu Shoujing couldn't return to his senses for a long time. He was sure that he had never seen this piece of history in the Longyumen Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in the past. Regarding the 'demon robbery', he just said casually, "In the era of the Nine Regions, there were demons. When the calamity comes, the human race is in great trouble."

Longyumen is still like this, let alone other places.

The history of this 'demon robbery' has been tacitly erased by everyone.

"Dragon Slayer... What did she do then?" Xu Shoujing asked.

Nangong Xiaoxiao sighed: "Because the Dragon Slayers were unwilling to participate in the slaughter of the half-demon, they were betrayed by the dynasty they once saved and regarded as the enemies of the human race. The Dragon Slayers did not want to conflict with them, so they lived in seclusion in Longtan Mountain... It is now the Broken Dragon Mountains.

The demonization at that time was completely different from now. In the era of the Nine Domains, the distance between immortals and mortals was far greater than you imagined. There were not many monks with high realms in the mortal world. Facing the demonization was a fierce battle. A lose-lose situation. "

Nangong Xiaoxiao paused, as if remembering something, and scratched her hair irritably:
"After that, the half-demon's resentment was rampant, and the ghosts and demons devoured the resentment and became stronger, which is far more difficult to handle than the demonized human being. The human race has just experienced a war and has no time to adjust. It is basically the end of a clan..."

"Dragon Slayer shot?" Xu Shoujing inserted Nangong Xiaoxiao's mouth.

Nangong Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and spread her hands helplessly:
"Yeah, after the ghosts and monsters swept through the nine regions, the human race begged to come to the door and let her go out to deal with the ghosts and monsters..."

Speaking of this, Nangong Xiaoxiao's teeth itch with anger:
"And then she actually went to suppress the ghosts and demons! This girl has never seen such a stupid person! If I want to say, the human race is a selfish, lustful, shameless, lowly, and loves to ride yellow race. They will fend for themselves."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Are you scolding Sang and scolding Huai here?
Nangong Xiaoxiao realized that she lost her temper and coughed dryly:
"After that, you should know about the same. Dragon Slayer... the ancestor of Longyumen, who founded a sect in Longyin Mountain, let you guard Wanyao Mountain from generation to generation, and also take care of our demon clan's ancestors. The spirit saber is...cough, that's about it."

Xu Shoujing digested the huge amount of information, and after a while, he stared at Nangong Xiaoxiao, and said coldly:

"No, you're still going around in circles. What I'm asking you is why Yaoyao says my ancestors are her mortal enemies, the key point is me, and you're talking about Longyumen with me...

Not to mention that I was picked up by Aunt Chu at all, and I have at most one relationship with the ancestors of Longyumen. Even my Aunt Chu has even pushed up so many generations of sect masters... They are also related to the first generation. There is no direct relationship, you definitely have something to hide from me. "


Why is this stinky boy so sharp?

Nangong Xiaoxiao secretly clicked her tongue, she originally wanted to continue to perfunctory, but seeing Xu Shoujing's appearance that he would never give up without asking, he waved his hand:
"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, okay..."

She sighed, her fox eyes revealed a hint of fatigue, hesitated for a moment, and said:
"All I can tell you is... Although the Dragon Slayer is a human, she is the only surviving descendant of the Heavenly Punishment clan in the world."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and the unfamiliar sense of familiarity once again swept his mind.

Nangong Xiaoxiao ignored Xu Shoujing's absence and whispered:

"If I say this, you should understand... The characteristics of the Heaven Punishment family are that they are born with five elements and no veins, and the spiritual energy does not exist in the body. "

Xu Shoujing's body shook as if struck by lightning.

Nangong Xiaoxiao looked at Xu Shoujing's reaction and nodded:
"That's right, it's very likely... Your ancestor was the Dragon Slayer, and the former mortal enemy of the Dragon Slayer was Zhao Fuyao... Well, don't ask me about the rest, and don't say I told you yours!"


Ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket, a reward, a collection, a book recommendation~
The amount of information in this chapter is too large, so let’s take a look at the timeline:

Tianzhu Era (separate from immortals) - Jiuyu Era (Xianfan Chu Rong) - Jiuzhou Era (Xianfan integrated)
Hundreds of thousands of years ago, Jiuxiao was out of control, and the Dragon Slayer took action to suppress it; (Xianfan Churong actually had an incident in the middle, which I didn’t write about so I won’t mention it) After a long time, the demon robbery arrived, and the Jiuyu There was turmoil, ghosts and demons came out, and then the dragon slayer founded Longyumen; afterward, the dragon slayer lost news, and Nangong Xiaoxiao was arrested to visit the door; ——today.

 Thank you for the reward from Manchuan Qingmeng and Xinghe Z~ Thank you boss
  Thank you Baibaibaihua and book friend 20201111110829364 for your reward, thank you boss
(End of this chapter)

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