Simulating Immortals: Embody Cthulhu at the beginning

Chapter 22 022 [Extraordinary talent, improvement beyond imagination! 】

Chapter 22 022 [Extraordinary talent, improvement beyond imagination! 】

"Evaluation: [For the sake of the mountain, it falls short]!
You got rid of the weird entanglement of the [Li] level, witnessed an incredible secret with your own eyes, and finally completed a textbook-level "report", and you will arrange the majestic monster more clearly!

It's a pity that Fushan, the old coin, still kept a hand, and finally realized the Yaozu's plan.

Unexpectedly, it was not a crime of war. "

"This survival simulation is over, congratulations on surviving for 26 days, you can choose two talents to manifest, and get a chance to improve the quality of the talent once."

"The simulator has entered a cooling state, and the cooling time is 26 hours."

The content on the light screen stopped abruptly, and the fourth simulation ended.

"It's really hard to kill him at a high level of cultivation, but none of this can kill him!"

Su Yun read the content on the simulator several times, and couldn't help but marvel at the strong vitality of the high-level monks.

After the realm of practice enters the golden core stage, one can start to sacrifice and envoy magic weapons, and the true energy in the whole body will also be sublimated and transformed into more powerful mana, and then derived all kinds of amazing methods unimaginable for low-level monks.

Even in the face of life and death crisis, Golden Core monks can hide their souls in Golden Core or other utensils to escape.

Once you successfully seize the house, you will get another chance to do it all over again.

And after the monster clan reached the level of monster generals, the strength of their souls has also been strengthened unprecedentedly, and they can also do what Jindan monks can do.

Therefore, although the cultivation system of the monster race does not exactly correspond to the cultivation realm of the human race, the improvement brought about by the final life level transition is surprisingly similar.

Otherwise, the two clans would not have been at war for tens of thousands of years and still be at loggerheads.

But this time it is not without gains, at least it proves that Su Yun's thinking is correct.

Although the simulation did not disclose the name of the disciple of the immortal sect who finally seized the house in Fushan, Su Yun did not need to know this information.

As long as it is confirmed that Fushan finally blew up the demon pill, leaving only the remnants of the soul is enough.

Once the "Spiritual Body Thread"'s vision is opened, there are plenty of ways to continue arranging him!
Today, when he raided the nearby Yaozu monks, Su Yun had already figured out the difference between the "spiritual body thread" between the Yaozu and the human race.

Although the "spiritual body threads" of the monster race are also black and illusory, their number is far greater than that of the human race and weird, almost one-third more.

The dense thread of the spirit body is enough for Su Yun to easily distinguish any human race from the monster race.

Waving his hand to activate the protective formation that hides the fluctuation of spiritual power and isolates the inside and outside, Su Yun quickly chose to manifest the two talents of [Innate Talent] and [Open Door].

No matter when, the improvement of one's own strength is the most important thing.

The void in front of him seemed to fluctuate slightly, and a force containing a huge amount of life energy suddenly emerged from Su Yun's body out of thin air.

As this force rapidly spread to the whole body, Su Yun's countless large and small meridians suddenly expanded rapidly.

During this process, the meridians continued to swell and tear, and were quickly repaired under the action of that powerful vitality.

It was as if all the bones in his body were crushed into fine powder in an instant, and it seemed that countless insects and ants were gnawing madly at the inside of the soul.

Indescribable intense pain suddenly came from every tiny meridian extension of the limbs and bones, impacting Su Yun's will like a tsunami!
Su Yun, who asked himself that his willpower was still firm, suddenly widened his eyes at this moment, and even stopped breathing!
It was ten thousand times more painful than my uncle's explosion!
Poor simulator, you don't have any notices, I greet you Immortal Wood...!
Before he finished complaining, Su Yun had already rolled his eyes, revealing the whites of his eyes, and passed out neatly.

A hazy blue halo enveloped his whole body, continuing to expand and strengthen his meridians in an incredible way.

After a long time, Su Yun opened his eyes in the darkness.

He suddenly turned over and sat up, looking at everything around him vigilantly.

Fortunately, the formation was safe and sound, and the Secret Puppet guarding outside did not find any abnormalities.

Concentrating on the meridians in the body, I saw that the originally narrow one-way street was suddenly widened into an unimpeded four-lane road, and the aura flowing thinly like a stream had grown into a turbulent Yangtze River at some point in time!

"No wonder the pain is so painful. After the expansion of the meridians this time, the total amount of spiritual power has not only increased several times, but the battery life may have also doubled by an unknown number of times!"

Feeling the thick spiritual power in his body like a river surging endlessly, the excitement in Su Yun's heart is beyond words.

"It's a shame that this talent is only rated as mere blue. I'll give you another level!"

His eyes fell on the blood-colored light screen, and a cold notification sounded immediately.

"You can improve the quality of a talent, do you want to use it?"

"Currently the talents that can be improved are as follows: [Comfort], [Innate Talent], [Open Door], please choose the talent you want to improve."

Su Yun clicked on [Extraordinary Talent] without hesitation.

The next moment, the familiar sharp pain came again, and it was far more terrifying than the last time.


Someone said nothing, rolled his eyes and fell backwards.

Obviously, the brain couldn't bear such torture, and chose to forcibly fragment it again.

After an unknown amount of time, Su Yun woke up again from his coma.

The control marionette glanced at the sky, and the position of the blood moon has moved up quite a bit.

The strong clothes on his body were covered with a thick layer of black-red secretions at some point, and an indescribably ferocious smell mixed with a strong smell of blood rushed straight into his nasal cavity.


Su Yun quickly took off this obviously useless set of clothes, stuffed them into an empty storage bag, and threw the storage bag into the corner of the tree hole in disgust.

Anyway, after killing more than a hundred monsters, he didn't have much else on his body, except that there were so many storage bags that there was no place to put them, so it didn't hurt to throw one or two.

Immediately afterwards, he completed a full-body change in a lightning-fast manner. Not only that, he also put on the peculiar [Zangwill] brand tentacle trousers under the strong suit.

Not to mention, it's very comfortable to wear.

And I don't know if it was Su Yun's illusion, the moment he put on these pants, he actually felt that his whole lower body seemed to have an unbreakable sense of security.

Anyway, the three pairs of tentacles are firmly clasped on the waist, and there is no possibility of being seen until the critical moment of raising the gun and leaping the horse. As long as its effect is strong enough, it is not a big deal if the painting style is strange.

What's more, I can be regarded as a half-"crafty mage" with a mythical form, and I may suddenly become indescribable one day in the future. If I have nothing to do with tentacles, I will treat it as an adaptation in advance.

Then maybe there will be a time when [0-08] needs to be used, just take this opportunity to make preparations in advance to weaken the counterattack force.

It wasn't until he performed the [Dust Purification Technique] to clean up all the peculiar smells around his body and inside the tree hole, that Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief and re-entered the state of inner vision.

An incomparable sense of refreshment and relaxation spread from the mind, and one after another crystal clear meridians gradually lit up in sight.

A scene that subverted imagination suddenly appeared in front of him, and Su Yun instantly felt an unprecedented shock!

It's really spectacular!
 The first update is over, and the second update is at 8 pm.

  Thanks to book friends [Benevolent Amaterasu], [II Yuan II], [What bad thoughts can eunuchs have], [dragon sets strongly request to add drama] for the recommended tickets, thank you for your support!


(End of this chapter)

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