Simulating Immortals: Embody Cthulhu at the beginning

Chapter 28 028 [Gift from the Void Refiner! 】

Chapter 28 028 [Gift from the Void Refiner! 】

"It is detected that the host has left the high-risk area and does not meet the survival simulation conditions."

"The simulation method is adjusted to life simulation."

"It has been detected that the remaining cooldown of the survival simulation is 24 hours, switching..."

"Conversion completed."

"The life simulation will start in 24 days."


Didn't I just stand there and never move?
Why is it suddenly prompted to leave the high-risk area?
This series of reminders made Su Yun instantly stunned, feeling completely confused.

The simulator only reminded the four words "high-risk area" during the first simulation, and there has been no explanation on this aspect since then.

So much so that Su Yun thought at first that the "high-risk area" referred to the mine hall where he was at that time.

Because the Iron Law type was wandering outside, for Su Yun at that time, the horror simulation experience of dying when he stepped out of the gate also made him think that this was the danger that the simulator said.

However, when he left the main hall, and even went hundreds of miles away from the land where the mine was located after the outbreak of the paradox, the simulator remained unchanged, and the subsequent simulations were still survival simulations.

At this time, Su Yun thought that the "high-risk area" refers to the northern wilderness battlefield he is in now, and the basis for the simulator to judge the "high-risk area" is the strangeness all over the surrounding at night, or the existence of the demon general Fushan. Sincerely.

However, the prompt popping up on the simulator completely overturned all his original guesses.

Such a reminder, could it be...

Su Yun raised his head and stared at the dark night sky covered by countless clouds in the distance, and a ray of enlightenment suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Soon, his guess was confirmed.

Above the nine heavens, outside the Astral Wind Layer.

First, two rays of light that made the entire sky as bright as day flashed one after another.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying explosion sounded like thousands of thunderbolts falling simultaneously from the distant void.

The sound wave stirred up the sea of ​​clouds thousands of miles away, stirring up the boundless clouds and setting off a raging turmoil.

This magnificent sound was like drums beating in unison, and like mountains falling down, through the barrier of the wind layer and the barrier of laws, it hit the hearts of all the creatures under the sky heavily.

While the sea of ​​clouds was churning, huge roars of anger and extreme fear resounded from outside the sky.


After the deafening roar, a mass of scalp-numbing dense sharp instruments cracking the air suddenly erupted!

Countless wisps of extremely sharp Qi machines swept across the distant void.

In an instant, the clouds on the wind layer were torn open hundreds of gaps that were hundreds of thousands of miles long like cracks in the abyss!
The law barriers within thousands of miles of the sky suddenly appeared under the aftermath of this terrifying attack!
Su Yun's pupils shrank, his heart jumped into his throat instantly, and he immediately concentrated all his attention to observe the movement on the wind layer.

Because these hundreds of terrifying sharp weapons passing by the wind layer are surprisingly thousands of feet long sharp thorns that originally grew on the giant void beast!
Obviously, the battle outside the sky has entered a fierce stage, and the creatures in the Tianyuan world are about to face the judgment of fate!
If the two of Xiao Hongdao win, then billions of trillions of living beings in the Tianyuan Realm will be able to survive!

If the Void Giant Beast wins, the Tianyuan Realm will never be restored, and it will fall forever!
All the creatures running around on the earth seemed to feel some kind of special omen.

Amidst the huge bangs, no matter if they were humans or monsters, no matter if they were insects or birds, they all stopped in the shortest time and raised their heads to look up at the sky.

Waiting for the nine heavens, the battle to determine the fate of all living beings will come to an end!

After dozens of breaths.

Two beams of light flashed in from the gap in the law barrier that was gradually shrinking and recovering.

It was Xiao Hongdao and Extreme Night Demon Lord who escaped from the Gangfeng layer and led away the giant void beast.

And the roars that vibrated the void continued for a while and then quickly weakened, as if the existence that made the sound was rapidly moving away.

Su Yun was shocked all over, and immediately observed the changes in Xiao Hongdao and the two of them.

At this time, their aura has declined unbelievably compared to before the attack just now, and they have completely lost the grand occasion when they first came to the Northern Wilderness Battlefield, like the scorching sun hanging high and the sun surveying the sky.

Even the Luck Spirit Treasure, which was exuding a strong aura in its hand, became much dimmer, and faintly trembled with a little pain.

Obviously, in that shocking battle just now, even if their cultivations were as high as those of Xiao Hongdao, they still paid a considerable price.

But even at this moment, Su Yun still couldn't see the faces of the two clearly.

The void around them seemed to be in a state of intense distortion all the time.

When the eyes fall on it, they will naturally deflect to other directions, and they can only vaguely sense the tyrannical breath that seems to be shattering the void.

There was a dead silence in the sky and on the ground, except for the whistling and rolling wind, there was no sound.

That terrifying void behemoth seemed to have given up its plan to continue invading the Tianyuan world, and it hadn't been seen for a long time.

Xiao Hongdao and the Demon Lord Ji Ye did not dare to let go, and kept guarding at the breach of the sky, never leaving a single step.

After a long while, illusory chain phantoms flashed above the sky, and the gap in the law barrier was closed again.

Until then, the two breathed a sigh of relief.

The loud voice sounded again, and it was still Xiao Hongdao who spoke first: "Monster Ji Ye, since the giant void beast has been repelled, I will take my leave first!"

He glanced at the long sword in his hand, and his voice suddenly became serious: "Today is not the right time, otherwise I would like to experience the power of the Xuantian prison knife in your hand."

Hearing the words, the Demon Lord of Extreme Night made a movement of turning his head.

After a brief pause, he turned his head again, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a streak of light and headed northward at a high speed.

"Your swordsmanship is indeed good, but you are not my opponent yet."

The majestic and iron-blooded voice came from afar, Xiao Hongdao remained silent.

As the existence with the highest cultivation base of the demon clan, the Demon Master of Extreme Night is indeed still a bit short with his cultivation base in the late stage of Void Refinement.

However, after going through today's life-and-death battle, this gap will soon be smoothed out...

A moment later, a ray of sword light flew into the air, and disappeared into the distant sky within a breath.

Su Yun withdrew his gaze towards the sky, and began to think about the information revealed in the conversation between the two.

The next moment, he was shocked all over, turned his head suddenly, and looked in the direction where Xiao Hongdao disappeared.

An old but gentle voice suddenly sounded in his mind, making Su Yun feel surprised and caught off guard.

"Xuan Yunzong's boy!"

"Today you made a big face for our human race in front of the Demon Lord of the Extreme Night. As the elder of the Holy Land, I will reward you with a fortune."

"It's a pity that you have already realized the sword intent, otherwise you can go to the Holy Land of My Forgiveness to practice swords."

"Since God's will is so, this old man will teach you a heavenly sword formula."


As the sound transmission of this divine sense quietly dissipated, a ray of bright streamer suddenly lit up in Su Yun's mind, and then soared upwards, escaping into the Niwan.

In an instant, the center of Su Yun's brows brightened, illuminating the inside and outside of his soul!
 Today's second update is over, thank you to all the book friends who have collected and followed up on this book.

  Thanks to [Book Friends 20190402205550543], [What bad thoughts can eunuchs have], [Actors strongly request to add drama], [Book Friends 20211122121701692] for the recommendation tickets, thank you for your support.


(End of this chapter)

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