Simulating Immortals: Embody Cthulhu at the beginning

Chapter 37 037 [Let's do the big one! 】

Chapter 37 037 [Let's make a big deal! 】

These two things are probably Fushan's real ability to suppress the bottom of the box.

For ordinary monks whose qi and blood are not stable enough, this method of plundering blood and soul from a distance is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

Even if Su Yun's physical body and soul were greatly strengthened by the simulator, he still can't guarantee that he can withstand the attacks of such evil methods.

As for forbidden devices.

This thing is a very special artifact brought out from the Paradoxical Realm, and it often corresponds to a certain iron law-type strange ability, and has various incredible functions.

Some of these powerful forbidden weapons can even bypass most of the protective measures and directly attack the target's body or soul, and their killing ability is extremely terrifying.

If it were to detonate directly at the cost of destroying the forbidden weapon, as Fushan finally did in the simulation experience.

The power aroused in an instant will be many times stronger than the self-explosion of the demon core!
Fortunately, the 【Secret Moon Wheel】 on Fushan's body is not a forbidden weapon for attacking.

In addition to the need to guard against him approaching quietly with the help of a forbidden weapon to hide and hide, there is no need to worry about being suddenly attacked by an irresistible powerful attack.

After eliminating the threat of forbidden weapons.

With Su Yun's current strength, even if Fushan attacks violently like last time, he can still resist for a short time.

Usually, the only thing to be on guard against is the secret technique of plundering blood and soul.

What's more, whether it is a secret method or a forbidden weapon, neither can be used unscrupulously.

While using it, you will inevitably be subject to certain restrictions or pay a corresponding price!

Take the occult as an example.

Most of the secret techniques in this world need to consume a lot of blood, spirit power, spiritual power, or overdraw potential and burn lifespan before they can be cast.

Even after using the secret method, it is not surprising to fall into the realm and damage the foundation of practice.

Even if there are a few truly top-level secret methods that do not have these shortcomings, they are by no means accessible to a level like Fushan.


Su Yun decided to try to avoid getting close to Fushan within a hundred feet.

With the buffer of this distance, no matter what happens, there should be time to resist or run away with a bucket.

It was completely dark.

Some shadowy figures began to appear in the surrounding mountains and forests.

Fortunately, most of the weirdos are just wandering aimlessly, and the number is not too large.

Under the influence of the formation, occasionally strange people approaching will unconsciously avoid the direction of the camp.

After observing for a while, Su Yun secretly felt strange in his heart.

It seems that in addition to the hidden spirit formation and the soundproof formation, this unusually simple camp also has other things that can affect the strange perception ability.

Sure enough, there is still a big difference between a foundation-building cultivator and a Qi-refining cultivator, at least Su Yun has never seen such a method.


At this time, in the center of the camp, there is a portable cave with a radius of about three feet.

Three figures sit side by side.

A kind-faced old man in black is using real yuan to remotely control a small purple teapot and tilt it downward.

The smoke rose, and the spiritual mist flew up.

The liquid in the teapot is not much, not a little, enough to fill the cup below.

The amber-colored spirit tea quickly flew up into the air and landed steadily on the jade table in front of the three of them.

"Senior Brother Zhao's Feiyun tea has been coveted for a long time, and I never imagined that I would be lucky enough to drink a cup today."

Another rough man also dressed in black praised, and then took a cup and drank it down.

A strong spiritual energy dissipated in his abdomen, and his long-stagnant cultivation level increased a little in just a few breaths.

“Good tea!”

"This trip to the Northern Wilderness was not in vain!"

Although compared with his cultivation base in the middle stage of foundation establishment, the gain brought by this cup of spiritual tea is only a tenth, but it still makes the rough man unable to bear the expression of surprise.

"Yes, Senior Brother Zhao is still generous."

"This small cup is already better than me waiting for several months of painstaking training. It really deserves to be a rarity in the middle class of Huang rank!"

Another man in a green shirt with a soft complexion put down his teacup and was also full of praise for it.

"The two juniors have praised me so much, this old man is only able to get his hands on this little thing."

The old man surnamed Zhao felt a little pain in his heart, but he still tried his best to put on a look of indifference.

"Brother Zhao, you and I have been in the same sect for many years, and you know everything about my junior brother, so I will tell you the truth." The man surnamed Jin put down his cup and looked up at the old man surnamed Zhao.

"I can only take [-]% of the next income, but after returning to Youyun City, you have to compensate me with a portion of Feiyun tea."

The old man surnamed Zhao was stunned for a moment, his aura suddenly changed, a faint coercion emanated from him, and the whole cave trembled slightly.

"Junior Brother Jin, this is not the same as what was discussed in advance, your appetite is too big!"

Seeing that he was about to explode, the man surnamed Jin also snorted coldly, and said in a cold voice: "During the discussion earlier, I didn't know that so many people would gather here."

"What's more, there are quite a few monster monks nearby, and I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle in the future. Could it be that senior brother thinks that you can support the situation by yourself?!"

The two powerful auras rushed to each other within a space of less than three feet, and soon the jade table in front of him jumped slightly.

The feminine man quietly watching all this showed a wry smile, and hurriedly stopped them from releasing their momentum.

"Senior brothers, please calm down."

"It's night now! If the cave really collapses, it's not a joke to let out the breath."

However, the two turned a deaf ear to this.

Under the impetus of the momentum, the movement became louder and louder, and even the warm jade chairs under the three of them couldn't help but start to vibrate.

In desperation, the feminine man could only say: "That's good, half of my original share will be given to Senior Brother Jin, and I will take [-]%."

As soon as these words came out, the two of them immediately turned their heads in unison, and four sharp eyes stared at him in unison: "Is this really true?!"

"His grandma's, these two old foxes!"

Seeing this scene, which seemed like a negotiation, the feminine man didn't know that he was being plotted together.

However, he was alone at this time, even though he knew it was a trick against him, he still had to pinch his nose and admit that he was unlucky.

"Of course it is true. I hope that the two senior brothers will work together in the future so that we can make this business a success."

The two people who were "confronting each other" looked at each other and smiled, put away their outward aura as if nothing had happened, and put back on the respectful demeanor of brothers and friends again.

"Since Junior Brother Xu is so righteous, we will naturally try our best, and then everyone will make a fortune together, hahaha!"

Based on the extra half of the benefits, the man surnamed Jin seemed to have a rosy complexion, and he was full of anger when he spoke.

He raised his eyes to look at the old man surnamed Zhao, and asked, "You are the one who took the lead in this matter, Senior Brother Zhao, what plan does Senior Brother have?"

The old man surnamed Zhao narrowed his eyes and said in a relaxed tone, "This time I spent a lot of money to open up relationships."

"Currently, there are only three of us building foundations in a radius of hundreds of miles, and even the masters of the Qi refining period in the orthodox sect have been assigned to other places."

"It just so happened that yesterday's accident drove people to this direction, and the Yaozu seems to have lost a lot of manpower. Since God is helping us, let's do him a favor!"

He stretched out his hand to stroke the long beard under his chin, and said with a gloomy gaze: "There are only a few hundred small qi refining cultivators scattered in the sand, why don't we let us take care of them?"

"Didn't some Xuanyunzong monks come here today, let's start with them!"


The blood moon gradually rose, and time passed quickly.

More than 200 monks in the camp closed their eyes and adjusted their breath, or focused their attention on vigilance, unaware that a robbery plan against them was gradually brewing in the conversation of the three foundation-building monks...

 The first recommendation of this book starts at 14:00 on Sunday afternoon, and the next step is to PK with other bosses. The only way to judge is to follow up the data.

  If you can be promoted, this book will have the opportunity to be recommended in the future. If you can't be promoted, the author will go to the factory to make screws.

  Darkness, ghost workshop, mechanical death assembly line, I beg you guys to turn to the latest chapter after the update and stay for more than half a minute to add more reading, save the children! orz! !

(End of this chapter)

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