Chapter 58 058 [Alienation! 】

next moment.

Su Yun felt his vision blur suddenly.

A sharp tingling sensation suddenly exploded in my mind!

Waves of crazy and chaotic thoughts rushed out from the depths of his mind, impacting his will like a tide!

Su Yun snorted, and couldn't help stretching out his hands to support the big tree beside him.

With his body as the center, the void within a few feet around him suddenly rippled gently like water waves.

The "tentacles" formed by the entanglement of countless transparent worms gradually appeared, and under the sunlight cast by the forest, one after another three-dimensional layered mysterious runes shone.

They dance, roll, and wave like seaweed, which look extremely strange, but present a unique sense of beauty.

in a trance.

Su Yun seemed to see that his black hair was growing uncontrollably, and the clothes on his body were propped up little by little, and pieces of granulation-like particles appeared on the surface of the skin.

After counting interest.

Something happened that made Su Yun's heart tense and his scalp numb.

He saw these particles suddenly stretch outward, shake, and lengthen.

Then it got out of the gaps in the clothes and gradually turned into a slender granulation seven or eight feet long!

The weird thing is.

The appearance of these granulation did not bring the slightest injury to Su Yun's body surface, and it did not appear abrupt and disobedient.

It's as natural as a person moving his hands and feet, as if they should have grown outside the skin.

Like curious children, they protrude out in all directions like lightning, wantonly and greedily exploring everything they can touch.

Hit the big trees, roll up the stones, brush away the grass, turn the soil...

The absurdity of this scene is beyond description.

If Su Yun hadn't already experienced the mild alienation caused by excessive consumption of soul power, he would have been psychologically prepared and resistant to this kind of scene.

I'm afraid it's not impossible to lose control on the spot now.

No wonder the demon general Fushan reacted so strongly that day.

Only when this kind of thing happens to oneself can one truly experience the horror contained in it, which goes deep into the bone marrow.

In an instant.

The originally handsome Su Yun turned into a "sea anemone" with extremely low san value.

The flamboyant worm tentacles.

Countless granulation sprouts jumping for joy.

They extended from Su Yun's body and danced around.

The air was torn apart by the swift blows, and there was a mess of broken wind whistles, which stirred up strong winds.

If the monks of the Supervisory Hall saw Su Yun in this state, they would definitely slash towards him with a flying sword without hesitation.

Su Yun could clearly sense that these dancing granules seemed to be excited, excited, and trembling.

A sense of abnormality surged from all over his body, and he instantly felt that his whole body was not well.

He couldn't care less about observing the changes on his body.

While resisting the chaotic impact from the depths of his heart, Su Yun quickly gathered the power of his soul and activated "pacification".

The gentle and soothing wind blew gently, and the waving of the tentacles and granulation immediately slowed down.

"Comfort" over and over again quickly reduced Su Yun's discomfort, and a long-lost sense of relaxation came from the soul again.

The worm tentacles protruding from the void gradually regained their composure, then faded away at a slow speed, and finally completely disappeared into the air.

The granulation that drilled out of the skin began to retract, hesitating and twisting with some reluctance.

A strange scene full of spiritual pollution appeared under the sunlight, and with the distorted expression on Su Yun's face due to the pain, it was chilling!

After nearly ten breaths, Su Yun finally let go of his frown, let out a breath, and relaxed a little.

He has completely freed himself from the negative effects of damage to the mythic creature form.

The strange feeling and chaotic mental impact brought about by the slightly out-of-control state just now finally subsided.

There is no time to feel, to be surprised, to analyze.

Su Yun quickly stood up straight, suddenly raised his head, and looked at [0-08] which was still writing.

"It's a mildly out-of-control phenomenon."

"Fortunately, Su Yun's psychological quality is quite strong, he was not intimidated by the mutation in himself,"

"After a brief shock, he tried to heal the alienated state on his body."

"The 'comfort' from the psychiatrist effectively prevented the further development of Su Yun's loss of control. He quickly stabilized the injury on his soul and restored himself to a normal state."

"This time, he was very careful to maintain uninterrupted reassurance."

"Well, that's a very good habit."

"The accident didn't make any waves."

The quill pen that continued to write suddenly stopped, and the last line of writing was slowly outlined on the rock.

"This is the end of the story about Su Yun becoming a 'tentacle monster'."

A light wind blows from nowhere.

【0-08】Following the trajectory of the wind, it slowly fell back into Su Yun's hands, and became quiet again.

It wasn't until this time that Su Yun finally felt relieved and heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the outbreak of injury was not in the garrison, otherwise he would be miserable.

Thinking of the bloody lessons in the previous simulations, Su Yun shuddered.

When he came back to his senses, Su Yun immediately turned his attention to the most important thing.

Consciousness sank into the other side of the soul, and he began to examine his "half-god form" carefully.

After a long time, he finally discovered the injury mentioned by [0-08].

Among the countless entangled and writhing tentacles, the color of dozens of tentacles has obviously become dimmer.

The surface of the "tentacle" seems to have been eroded by wind and rain, showing a texture like a mottled and peeling wall.

This should be the price paid a few days ago to resist the erosion of the power of the forbidden weapon.

The reason why I hadn't noticed it before.

On the one hand, it is because his "half-god form" has always been hidden in the depths of his soul, and cannot be directly seen in the daily internal inspection of pranayama.

On the other hand, because there are too many tentacles, the injury is not obvious, and it is actually difficult to detect before there are no signs.

This outbreak of injuries is actually not dangerous, but more like a prank that [0-08] took advantage of the trend.

But this also reminded Su Yun.

Restraining abilities naturally carry the characteristics of chaos, madness, and disorder. The more you use them, the more serious the mental madness and chaos will be.

In the future, you must pay more attention to the inspection of your own state of mind and soul, and use "soothing" for treatment from time to time.

Make sure there are no more sudden outbursts of out-of-control situations.

And the next time you use a quill.

You must first ensure that you are in the peak state, and there must be no hidden dangers like today.

Otherwise, once the granulation and tentacles are exposed under the shroud of the high-level monk's spiritual consciousness due to the backlash of [0-08].

I am afraid that he will be killed on the spot as an evil cultivator or a devil!

Wouldn't it be unfair to die by then?


The "half-god form" that passively appeared several times in succession also made Su Yun aware of his biggest shortcoming.

That is, the control over one's own soul power is too superficial, or not fine enough.

Not to mention reaching the level of impeccable unity of spirit, energy and spirit.

Even suppressing the passive appearance of the demigod form and restricting one's own alienation is still not possible.

The reason is that his soul power has grown too much in a short period of time, but he has not kept up with the use of skills at all, and all applications are based on instinct.

This is clearly a dangerous situation.

It must be resolved as soon as possible.

Next, it is best to practice a skill or secret technique that integrates spiritual power and harmonizes body, mind and soul, so as to make up for this shortcoming.

And I am afraid that in the end, it will have to rely on military merits for exchange.

In this way, the more than 100 demon pills on his body may not be enough.

Thinking of this, Su Yun suddenly raised his head and turned his gaze back to the direction where the monster monk disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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