Simulating Immortals: Embody Cthulhu at the beginning

Chapter 68 068 [Temporary Residence × Comprehension City √]

Chapter 68 068 [Temporary Residence × Comprehension City √]

When the sun rises.

Su Yun came near the Mingquan Valley station.

The low mountains behind came to an abrupt end, and the vast wasteland stretched as far as the eye could see.

As early as twenty miles away, Su Yun had already seen the outline of this magnificent resident hidden in the morning mist.

As the only gathering place of human race within a radius of thousands of miles.

At the same time, it is also a semi-permanent stronghold set up by the Cultivation Alliance on the Northern Wilderness Battlefield. The scale of this station is very large.

Although it is called Valley.

But in fact, it is more than ten li in length and width, and the city wall is as high as thirty feet. It is a comprehension city built from the extremely strong spiritual material "green steel stone" and various high-grade materials!

As for the original "Mingquan Valley".

Naturally, all the hills and valleys within a radius of tens of miles were razed by high-ranking monks when the resident was being built.

A powerful formation fell from a height of hundreds of feet, forming a layer of translucent and powerful protection.

There are large arrays of forbidden air inside and outside the station.

Except for monks above the golden core stage, no one can fly in the imperial sky.

There are a large number of monks on duty and patrolling inside and outside the city wall and four city gates at any time, and various breath-sensing formations are running day and night.

Except for the human monks who are recorded in the resident and whose identities are unquestionable.

It is impossible for any spies of the Yaozu who try to pretend to be fakes to escape the strict identity check.

This is also the reason why the demon general Fushan had to spend so much trouble, he did not hesitate to sacrifice the lives of a large number of low-level demon clans to join the ranks of monks.

If it weren't for the special forbidden weapon on him that can cover up detection, I'm afraid he wouldn't dare to take the risk here.

After half an hour, Su Yun finally stood in front of this magnificent city.

Dozens of extremely hideous large spirit crossbows are erected above the towering city walls.

A section of the crossbow bolt that was more than two feet long was exposed like a long spear, with an extremely cold metallic light shining on it.

This is a cultivation creation [divine power crossbow] specially used to deal with enemies above demon soldiers.

Its power is extremely tyrannical, even monster generals dare not resist the concentrated fire of these [Divine Power Crossbows].

Like those monster soldiers that Su Yun killed last night, I am afraid that they will be killed on the spot if they get hit!
And this is just one of the lowest-grade defensive equipment, and there are many more powerful war creations on it, which are not what you can see in this remote Beihuang garrison.

Withdrawing his gaze of looking up, Su Yun strode towards the huge city gate that was ten feet high.

A wide green steel stone avenue extends from one side of the city gate, reaching hundreds of feet away.

Dozens of monks in Tsing Yi were generally above the eighth level of Qi Refining, and their aura was stronger than most sect disciples.

At this time, they were standing straight on both sides of the city gate and lined up on duty.

As early as when Su Yun was still a few miles away from the city gate, the monks on duty on both sides of the city gate had already seen this Xuanyun sect disciple who was alone and looked a little strangely dressed.

As one of the three major sects of Dongzhou Zhengdao, it is impossible for them not to recognize Xuanyunzong's costumes.

But that's not what's surprising about them.

It's why Su Yun is alone.

And the dozens of heavy storage bags hanging on his waist on the right side.

We must know that although the action of clearing up the low-level monster clan this time is just an act of training, it does not mean that the monster clan on the opposite side is weak and deceptive.

Due to the default rules of the two clans, there will never be a monster clan whose strength is lower than that of the late stage of Qi refining on the battlefield.

Therefore, most of the monks set off together in a team of five or ten people, and it was the same when they returned.

It is not uncommon for hundreds of people to return in groups when the fighting is fierce.

However, Su Yun's cultivation was only at the eighth level of Qi refining, and his attire was also very ordinary. He didn't look like those "second generation" monks with strong cultivation or prominent backgrounds.

But he was able to return to the station alone through the mountains on the opposite side, and he still had so many storage bags of different shapes hanging on his body? !
This seems a little suspicious.

So when Su Yun was still twenty feet away from the city gate, the monks on duty raised their weapons one after another, and looked at him vigilantly.

A cultivator with a fierce face and a full beard took two steps forward, staring at Su Yun coldly.

At the same time, an unceremonious voice filled with murderous intent also sounded: "Stop those who come, and show your identity token quickly, or you will be shot and killed!"

Su Yun didn't care about this.

It was their duty to be on duty at the gate of the city, and it was nothing to have a bad attitude.

He reached out and took out the identity badge of Xuanyunzong and pointed forward, and said in a loud voice: "Su Yun, an outer disciple of Xuanyunzong, was recruited by the Cultivation Alliance to eliminate the demon clan. He has completed his mission and returned to the station to report."

The bearded cultivator glanced at Su Yun suspiciously, and said again in a cold voice: "Boy, according to the law of the Cultivation Alliance, any team must produce at least five Tier [-] Demon Pills as proof when they return to their mission."

"It's the same even if there is only one person left in the team. Do you have it?"

Su Yun was taken aback when he heard this.

Isn't it two?
Did I remember wrong?
Looking at the expression on the other side, Su Yun suddenly realized.

It seems that he should have seen him returning alone at this point when the sun just came out, and he had some doubts about his identity, so he deliberately tried to speak out.

Once he really took out the five demon pills, a group of people would gather around to capture the spies of the demon race.

Su Yun reached out and took out two demon pills, threw them far away together with the identity token, and at the same time quickly replied: "I always remember that they are two demon pills, please senior check."

Under the influence of the formation, the demon pill and identity token slowed down, stopped, and then floated into the air.

The bearded monk took out a palm-sized mirror, stimulated his spiritual energy and took a look at it. After confirming that there was nothing abnormal and that the token was not false, the expression on his face immediately relaxed.

He waved the demon pill and the token back to Su Yun, and began to conduct routine inquiries.

After a detailed verification of when Su Yun entered the Xuanyun Sect, the names of the team members, their appearance and other random questions.

Finally, after going through two breath-sensing array tests, Hu Hu added a few strokes to a roster, indicating that he could go in.

Su Yun bowed his hands politely and thanked him, then raised his legs and walked inside.

The reason why there is such a link is mainly to prevent monks from sneaking in with replaced identities after encountering the monster clan's soul search.

However, the memory obtained during the soul search is often only a small part, and such a verification link can often see through many seemingly perfect disguises.

Yet at this moment.

A thing that Su Yun had been prepared for happened unexpectedly.


"What's in these storage bags on your body? Open them all and take a look!"

A few monks in green with murderous expressions blocked the gate of the city, staring at Su Yun threateningly, as if they would strike if they disagreed.

Seeing this familiar scene, the bearded face immediately turned livid, and opened his mouth to curse angrily: "Chen Ying! It's you bastards again!"

(End of this chapter)

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