Simulating Immortals: Embody Cthulhu at the beginning

Chapter 90 089 [The first life simulation, a shocking change! 】

Chapter 90 089 [The first life simulation, a shocking change! 】

"The life simulation will be deduced based on the current talent, and no new talent options will be provided, please pay attention to the host."

"Start the simulation..."

Hearing such a reminder, Su Yun couldn't help being stunned.

No longer provide new talents?

Doesn't that mean that new talents can only be obtained in "survival simulation"?
His eyes swept down.

Lines of information about Su Yun's future life trajectory gradually appeared on the light screen.

However, just the first paragraph of content displayed on the light screen has made Su Yun's expression more dignified than ever before.

[21 years old: You took the "Xuanlong" back to Youyun City, and exchanged for the mid-level skill "Hunyuan Yiqi Jue" from the battle hall.

Because the Cultivation Alliance has re-adjusted the military merits required for the exchange of exercises, your remaining combat merits are insufficient, and you have not been able to obtain the spiritual cultivation method you planned to exchange for.

You exchanged enough spiritual items from Wang's Pill Pavilion, and advanced to the ninth level of Qi Refining after seven days of retreat.

You are about to leave Youyun City, but all the teleportation arrays have been disabled due to the war, low-level monks are prohibited from entering and leaving the city, and the cross-domain flying boat is suspended, so you are forced to stay in Youyun City.

Day three.

The Yaozu suddenly raised their troops again, sweeping the border of the Northern Wilderness in a large scale, the main force pushed to the outside of Youyun City, and sent a large number of middle and low-level Yaozu monks to attack the major garrisons of the human race.

Eleven garrisons including Mingquan Valley fell successively.

Immediately, the Cultivation Alliance mobilized several cultivators and more than a dozen Nascent Souls to sit in Youyun City, and prohibited all people in the city from entering or leaving.

It happened that Xu Niansheng, the grand elder of the Sacred Heart Sect, and his disciples passed through the northern part of Dongzhou and wanted to visit friends in Zhongzhou. After hearing the news, he immediately came to help, and the morale of the monks in the city was greatly boosted.

fifth day.

Xu Niansheng, in order to break through the Void Refining Realm, took the opportunity of participating in the war to sneak attack the high-ranking monks in Youyun City. The three Huashen and the following fourteen Nascent Soul monks were defenseless, and all of them missed and were captured.

Xu Niansheng surrendered to the demon clan on the condition of offering the city, in exchange for a drop of the blood of the demon.

After swallowing the blood of the sky demon, Xu Niansheng transformed into a demon body, and set up a large array of blood to refine the monks in the city, hoping to use external forces to stimulate the power contained in the blood of the sky demon, and break through the barriers of the realm.

At the moment of life and death, you use [0-08] to tear through the cracks in space and escape.

Because your cultivation base strength is too low, you suffered heavy injuries in the process of piercing through the space. Both your body and soul were damaged, and your strength is not one of them.

You are forced to live in the mortal world...]


Xu Niansheng surrendered to the demon clan!
Blood refines all monks in the city!
After escaping, he was seriously injured and forced to live in the mortal world!

These few incidents were more shocking than the last one, which caught Su Yun off guard.

Although he had long learned from Chen Geng's fate trajectory that there might be high-level monks colluding with the demon clan inside the Sacred Heart Sect.

But he never thought that he would be the grand elder of Sacred Heart Sect!
I never thought that such a thing would happen after returning to the territory of the human race.

This is a long-planned rebellion.

At least Xu Niansheng must have come to Youyun City on a special trip, and it can't be a temporary idea!

A strong sense of crisis shrouded Su Yun's heart, making his breathing a little short.

If you follow the simulator's predictions.

After returning to Youyun City, I only have nine days to escape, because on the tenth day, the demon clan will raise their troops again and point directly at Youyun City, an important town set up by the human race in Beihuang!

In the process, the Mingquan Valley station will also fall.

In the future, the entire Northern Wilderness battlefield will definitely be filled with countless monster monks, and it is impossible for Su Yun to stay here anymore.

Otherwise, once the high-level demon clan finds the trace, there will always be times when they will not be able to escape.

There is still time.

You must return to Youyun City first, and then look for an opportunity to escape.

After all, the simulation only mentions that low-level monks are prohibited from entering and leaving the city, but it has not reached the point where the large formation is opened to completely isolate the inside and outside.

I have secret puppet manipulation, as well as the forbidden weapon Youyuelun that can cover the spiritual consciousness of high-level monks.

big deal...

After settling his mind, Su Yun then looked at the simulation content behind.

[22 years old: You hid in the mundane world to recuperate...]

[23 years old: You hid in the mundane world to recuperate...]

[24 years old: You hid in the mortal world to recover from your injuries. Since you have been trying to recover your strength, you ignored the impact of your injuries and forcibly absorbed spiritual power. After a spiritual power riot, your injuries began to deteriorate.

At the same time, Chen Qing entered the "Nether Gorge" and took away his destined thing.

You missed the opportunity to go to "Nether Gorge" to obtain the method of building the foundation of the heavenly way. 】

Seeing this, Su Yun suddenly felt something was wrong.

If Xu Niansheng blood-strengthened all the monks in the city, how did Chen Qing escape back?

Could it be that after being let off once by himself, this disciple of the Demon Sect was so lucky that he could even escape such a mortal crisis?
I'm afraid there are reasons that I don't know about. It seems that I have to drag him to deduce it again.


[25 years old: Due to serious injuries, you have been unable to use the ability to "pacify" for several years, and you are gradually unable to suppress your demigod form.

After an accident.

You feel guilty that hundreds of people throughout the mortal village died because of the insanity of the demigod form you inadvertently revealed.

In order not to kill innocent people anymore, you hid in the deep mountains. 】

[26 years old: There is great terror between life and death, you are no longer obsessed with restoring your strength, you start to study common medicine, and prepare to recover from injuries first. 】

[29 years old: You have succeeded in researching medicine, you have cured some of your injuries, and you can finally perform "soothing" again, recovering from the danger of losing control. 】

[33 years old: You intensively studied the art of Qi and Huang, and your injury has improved greatly. You found that there seems to be a deep connection between the mundane medicine and the cultivation of alchemy. You left the deep mountains and entered the mundane world again, and you began to study alchemy. 】

[37 years old: You started from ordinary medicine, and you have succeeded in comprehending the basic alchemy classics. You have become a second-rank alchemist, and your strength has returned to the third level of refining Qi.

After several twists and turns, you enter the nearby Xiuzhenfang City, and find yourself in the jurisdiction of the Demonic Dao Sect in the southern part of Dongzhou. 】

[40 years old: You stayed in Xiuzhenfang City to study alchemy, and gradually recovered your strength. Over the past few years, you have used "hopeful deduction" to explore the fate of past monks in Xiuzhenfang City, trying to find the opportunity to build the foundation of the Three Tribulations. 】

[45 years old: You have finally recovered to the ninth level of Qi Refining, but you have not been able to get the news about the foundation-building method of the Three Tribulations of Heaven.

However, your alchemy technique is becoming more and more exquisite, and you have become a fourth-rank alchemist. 】

[46 years old: You started to attack the monks of the magic way, trying to obtain the foundation-building method of the way of heaven from the consciousness of the monks of the magic way through the method of "secret puppetization".

However, all high-level inheritances of major sects are bound by oaths, and it is impossible for you to find the disciples of the demon sect who have the opportunity to get close to them to be qualified to be taught such high-level methods.

You can't beat the strong men of the same generation who have completed the foundation of the heavenly way for the time being.

Your attempt has undoubtedly failed. 】

【Aged 53: A cave was born in a cave left by a Nascent Soul cultivator. It is rumored that there is a way to build the foundation of the heavenly way. You drop everything and go to participate in the grand event.

The cave is extremely dangerous. After many lives and deaths, you defeated all powerful enemies and obtained the secret method, only to find that it was only a way to build a foundation for a catastrophe.

Although you are not reconciled, you can only helplessly accept the reality. 】

[57 years old: You have collected enough natural materials and earthly treasures to start building a foundation.

But when you stimulated your whole body's spiritual power and blood to break through the level, you found that the ground-level middle-grade exercise "Hunyuan Yiqi Jue" obtained from the Battle Hall has such a big name, but it is not enough to support you to complete the test. The way of heaven builds the foundation.

You fail and are badly injured. 】

A plant!
 The second update is here, and the third update has not yet been coded.

  I was caught on the spot after finishing work today, emmm
  This chapter was coded with my mobile phone in a fraction of the time today. Let’s see if I can get home and rush out of the next chapter. Please read it later, I’m done.
  Uh, the latest notice, there is no third update for the time being today. Shenzhen has to queue for an hour every day to do nucleic acid at work. I just got home at this point, and I can’t make it to the next chapter. Sorry everyone. (Written at 3:29 on March 21)
  Three chapters will be updated tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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