Simulating Immortals: Embody Cthulhu at the beginning

Chapter 94 093 [Extreme account from the monster clan! 】

Chapter 94 093 [Extreme account from the monster clan! ] (first update)
"Don't you need to kill mortals to assist your practice?"

The young Chixiao sect disciple's eyes widened.

He couldn't help raising his voice, and said angrily, "Then why are they like this now?"

"Just from the news we heard, there are countless bloody cases under the rule of the major demon sects every year. Could it be that they are all the work of weird and ferocious beasts?!"

The fellow next to him hurriedly raised his head and scanned the disciples of the Demon Sect in the distance, and found that no one was paying attention to the movement here, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and whispered: "Brother, please keep your voice down, don't let the Demon Sect monks over there heard it."

Seeing the unresponsive expression of his fellow disciples, an older Chixiao Sect monk sighed, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, and began to answer his questions.

"Actually, long before the demon clan came across the border tens of thousands of years ago, there was no such clear division between the demon sect and the orthodox sect."

"At that time, the world's sects only had different names, different cultivation concepts, and different cultivation methods, but they were not as obvious as today's confrontation and struggle."

He took out a map, pointed to the huge land marked at the southern end of the map, and added: "At that time, most of the demon sects were concentrated in Lizhou, but when the monster race invaded this world, it happened to appear here!"

"The monster clan was at its peak at that time, and there were more than a hundred demon cultivators at the level of transformation gods alone!"

"Caught off guard, almost all the great sects of the magic way were wiped out, countless high-level inheritances were lost, and the practice of the way of magic has also declined for a long time."

The old monk took back the map and said with emotion: "But also because of the tragic end of the major sects in Lizhou, everyone has been alerted. The monks in the remaining continents have completely united to fight against the repeated attacks of the demon clan regardless of life and death."

"Under the sacrifices of countless ancestors, our clan gradually equalized the gap in strength with the monster clan, and even gradually gained the upper hand in the battle between the two clans for nearly ten thousand years. It is not easy."

Everyone was a little moved when they heard the words.

They have also heard some fragments of this past event in the comprehension world, but it is not as detailed as what they heard today.

The old monk took out a book from the storage bag that had been cut off by a sharp weapon, leaving only the top half of the booklet and looked at the fellow next to him: "You all know what this thing is, right?"

""Slaying Soul Sutra"?!"

Several exclamations sounded one after another.

The elder monk nodded, and continued to add.

"This is the most widely spread heresy method among the disciples of the Demon Sect. Most of the ways to slaughter mortals to improve their cultivation and obtain soul essence and blood to refine blood instruments are all passed down from this booklet!"

"Its original origin is unknown. It appeared suddenly thousands of years ago, and it quickly spread among the low-level monks in the entire Tianyuan world. It's hard to resist."

"It is said that the seniors of Tianji Pavilion once deduced the origin of "Slaying Soul", but found that the secrets of the sky are disordered, and there is no clue. I am afraid that it may be the work of the monster race."

He paused for a moment, his tone becoming a little helpless.

"The major demon sects also started from that time, and gradually became what they are now."

"It's also because I don't like the demon monks who always slaughter mortals for no reason. Otherwise, why would our orthodox sect suddenly become hostile and fight with them?!"

The young fellow murmured: "Then the monks of the Demon Sect can't stop practicing such heretical methods. We disciples of the righteous way have never practiced those skills, and we have also cultivated to the late stage of Qi refining?"

Hearing such naive words, the elder monk couldn't help but reminded him.

"The Demon Sect has always been fiercely competitive. If the same sect practiced the methods of heresy to quickly improve their cultivation, but I fell behind because I didn't want to practice, how many people can bear it?"

"Don't think too much about it."

"I'm just a small Qi-refinement period monk. It's good to take care of myself. I don't have the time to think about the common people in the world."

After saying these words, the atmosphere in the arena became a little heavy for a while.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and couldn't help but feel a little frustrated, and fell silent one after another.


Their conversation came to an end for now.

But Su Yun, who had been listening intently nearby, suddenly raised his head.


"This matter must have been done by the demon clan!"

Disturbing the secrets of heaven is not an easy thing.

It is absolutely impossible to do it without the strength of refining the virtual realm.

If it wasn't for the monster race, it would be impossible for the monks of the human race to have trouble with themselves, right?

After killing Liu Yuande and others, Su Yun also read the "Soul Slaying Sutra".

The method recorded above only involves two stages of practice: refining Qi and building a foundation.

In other words, most of the left-handed methods recorded above are only effective for the cultivation of the Qi refining stage, and it has been greatly reduced in the foundation building stage.

There is no mention of Jindan and Yuanying in the future.

However, Su Yun knew that in the future, there would be at least some heresy methods of refining tens of thousands of mortals to create "Blood Soul Crystals", and using such external force to forcibly break into the realm of Golden Core or Demon General.

Because the demon general Fushan got this method from a monk of the Sacred Heart Sect.

All these methods, without exception, are aimed at the most vulnerable mortals.

If it is fully popular among all middle and low-level monks, the foundation of the human race may be cut off.

Because no matter how weak the mortals are, the vast majority of monks come from the mortal world.

Without a sufficient population base, there will not be enough human races with spiritual roots, and the number of monks will inevitably decline precipitously.

If it is said that the spread of these heretical methods is most beneficial to whom, it must be the monster clan that has already begun to lose the wind in the dispute between the two clans!

When the monster clan invaded Tianyuan Realm, they wiped out many big sects of the demonic way, so they must have also obtained countless relevant classics about the practice of the demonic way.

It is entirely possible for them to research all kinds of extremely bloody heretical methods based on the practice methods of the Demonic Dao Sect on this basis, and to implement an extinct plan against the human race!

Reminiscent of the Yaozu even willing to use the blood of the sky demon to lure Xu Niansheng, a cultivator at the peak of the gods, to defect to the enemy.

I'm afraid that their planning and research have already involved the high level of magic practice.

This is undoubtedly a very terrible thing for the human race.

No wonder the Demon Dao Sect became what it is today.

If the monster race has always been behind the flames, and even tried their best to stir up internal fighting among the human race, how could the human race be calm? !

From the standpoint of the human race, what method should be used to solve the evil results brought about by this method of the monster race?

Just as Su Yun was contemplating, a new situation appeared in the field.

"These damn demons, why do they have to kill people to practice?"

"They themselves also came from the mortal world, don't they all have no parents to raise them, are they all devoid of conscience?!"

The young disciple who raised the question at first couldn't hold back his anger after all, and cursed viciously.

"Junior Brother! You..."

The fellow next to him didn't expect him to say such words suddenly, so he rushed up and covered his mouth.

However, the voices of these two sentences were really loud. Almost all the disciples of the Demon Sect had already heard such merciless curses, and their cold gazes immediately pierced like knives.

 Thank you for [Glorious Road] [Quantum Divergence wow is not life or death] [Black Lullaby] [gcflysnow] [Sixteen Nights Dream Fight] [Wen Daochang from Dr. Lu’s family] [Follow the rules and do not follow the rules] [The old man in his 30s Bookworm] [book friend 20200415114027155] [book friend 160317000534730] monthly ticket support.

(End of this chapter)

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