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Chapter 120 Blessings come unparalleled

Chapter 120 Blessings never come singly, misfortunes never come singly (8000-word chapter please subscribe)

"Master, don't worry. The sect master has already considered this point, and has already issued a strict order. This matter is related to the safety of our sect. No one should leak any news."

"And we have also taken various measures to keep it secret, and now it seems that the effect should be very good."

"That's fine."

The first seat of Baodangu breathed a sigh of relief.

And the green-robed man showed a hint of complacency on his face, and continued to report: "Uncle Zhou, it's not just that the success rate of the disciples' foundation building has made great progress, the success rate of forming alchemy from the same sect, and even the success rate of condensing the Nascent Soul is also the same. It's been greatly improved."

"Over the years, the success rate of our disciples' condensing golden core has almost reached 50.00%."


Even though he was mentally prepared, Bao Dangu's first seat couldn't help but widen his eyes, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

You must know that Jindan monks are not bad in strength, and they can even be regarded as high-level immortal cultivators in some small sects.

Therefore, in the entire world of cultivating immortals, the success rate of condensing golden cores is naturally not high.

It's only two or three percent...

The result is good, the door has now directly reached 50.00%.

In other words, half of the people can successfully form alchemy.

Do the math yourself, how much has this improved?

"Not only that, even the condensed Nascent Soul has reached a 20.00% success rate."

The man in green robe said triumphantly.

And this success rate means that for every five people who condense Nascent Soul, one can get their wish.

The first seat of Baodan Valley has become numb.

If he didn't know that he was acting as the acting head, the other party would never dare to lie about this issue, and he would have suspected that this nephew was deliberately teasing him.

In a's incredible.

But then.

But couldn't help but be ecstatic.

After all, this is a good thing.

He also knows exactly what it means to this sect.

With time, the strength of our sect is not a matter of going up one or two steps, but a complete transformation.

At this rate, maybe within 200 years, he will be able to return to the peak and become one of the most powerful cultivating sects in Yunzhou.

And all of this is inseparable from their efforts.

But is hard work enough?
Of course not enough, too far away.

Wealthy couple!

The most important thing is to thank the ancestors.

Thanks to the immortal patriarch and his elders, not only turned the tide and saved the family from fire and water, but also brought them such an incredible and surprising change.

If it weren't for the cultivation conditions provided by the patriarch, no matter how hard they tried, they would never have achieved such achievements.

Therefore, to achieve such results, at least [-]% of the credit should be attributed to the patriarch.

Thinking of this, the head of Yujian Peak was grateful besides being grateful. For the patriarch, his admiration and gratitude was beyond measure.

The green-robed man continued to report.

Everything in the sect is thriving.

Almost all good news.

And these good news are directly or indirectly related to the patriarch and his old man.

To use inappropriate words to describe, the first seat in Baodan Valley, at this moment, I finally realized what it means for one person to gain the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven.

If it weren't for the patriarch and his old man, how could our sect have such prosperity and a bright future?
"Thank you, Grandpa!"

He sighed in his heart, turned around involuntarily, knelt down and bowed to the statue of the Patriarch in the cave.

Now not only Daoist Qingyu, but the entire Huayu Sect, almost every disciple, enshrines the statue of the patriarch and his old man in his own cave.

Everyone will burn incense and kneel down every day, and they are extremely devout.

The green-robed man at the side didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly followed Master Zhou, kneeling and saluting to the statue of the Patriarch.

After a while, the two stood up after saluting.

"You go on."

The head of the Baodan Valley is now acting as the head of the sect, and naturally dare not neglect everything, and is preparing to continue handling the affairs of the sect.

However, at this moment, a loud noise from outside reached his ears.

"What happened?"

In the cave, both of them couldn't help being taken aback.

You know, the rules of Xiuxian sect are very strict.

Under normal circumstances, disciples would never dare to make noise without reason.

What's more, the sound is so loud, they are located in the depths of the mountain gate at the moment, and they can all hear it clearly.

This is by no means a small contradiction and conflict between the disciples, but something unexpected happened.

This idea turned in his mind, and the head of Baodangu was about to go out to check it out.

However, before he could leave, he suddenly felt that the vitality of the heaven and earth in a radius of hundreds of miles suddenly became chaotic.

It seems to be gathering in the direction of this gate.

"This is……"

He was startled at first.

Then his expression became overjoyed.

As if remembering something important, he immediately flickered and disappeared in place.

The next moment, his figure appeared on a big rock outside the cave.

He raised his head and looked into the distance.

In fact, there is no need to do this at all.

Because the vision in front of him is already very clear.

The sky became extremely bright, and the extremely rich aura of heaven and earth was frantically gathering in the direction of the main rudder of our sect.

Because there are too many of them, the auras of heaven and earth even condense together, turning into balls of light the size of fists, which look very spectacular.

"This is……"

"My God..."


There was a sound of exclamation in the ear.

Such a large-scale vision of heaven and earth naturally alarmed all the immortal cultivators of the Huayu Sect.

Except for a few guys who were in closed life and death, almost all the others ran out to watch the excitement.

From time to time, there were exclamations from the crowd.

Most of the low-ranking disciples had puzzled expressions on their faces.

But the high-level monks were obviously able to guess the reason, so a news quickly spread among the crowd.

"This is the vision of advanced Mahayana."

"It's the master master!"

"The master master has successfully advanced to Mahayana."


"Of course it's true. I've seen this kind of situation in the classics. The situation in front of me seems to be different from the description in the book. It is indeed only when a monk succeeds in advancing to Mahayana."


Accompanied by the sound of excitement reaching the ears, soon, the news spread throughout the Huayu Sect.

There was a look of joy on everyone's face.

For many years, our sect has been inactive, and now we finally have a Mahayana-level immortal cultivator.

Since then, our sect has had a mainstay, and we don't have to encounter a little crisis in everything, we can only pray for the help of the immortal patriarch and his elders.

This time, our sect finally has the power to stand tall in the world of cultivating immortals and frighten Xiaoxiao.

People's faces are full of joy.

Especially the older generation of immortal cultivators wept with joy.

No wonder, since the last Mahayana patriarch sat and melted.

It has been 3000 years in our sect, and we have never had such a strong man. Now, seeing that the sect leader has successfully advanced, how could everyone not be ecstatic?
In a word... feel elated!
Yes, they have immortal patriarchs.

Moreover, the strength of the patriarch is far beyond the reach of a small Mahayana monk.

But after all, he is an old man, and it is impossible to sit at the helm for a long time. If our sect encounters a crisis next time, it is very likely that we will not be able to quench our thirst.

But now it's different.

The real person in charge of the sect advanced to Mahayana, which means that there is a strong man in the sect anytime, anywhere.

Now that the fairy trail of Yunzhou is not visible, Mahayana monks are already very high-end combat power.

Although I dare not say it, I can sit back and relax, but it should be no problem to deter most Xiaoxiao.

All in all, this time, the security of our door has been greatly improved and guaranteed.

After 3000 years, the Mahayana patriarch finally appeared again. It is no wonder that the disciples of the Huayu Sect are so happy that they forget their form.

Because it is really not easy.

"Thank you Immortal Patriarch."

"Thank you Immortal Patriarch."


While excited, I don't know who yelled like that.

Then people began to spontaneously salute thanks.

Because everyone knows who brought about the rapid changes in our sect in the past three years.

All thanks to the immortal ancestors.

It can be said that all these changes would not have happened without him.

It is unknown whether the head master can cultivate to the later stage of Tongxuan, and it is impossible to even think about it in the Mahayana stage.

And all these changes are due to the kindness of the immortal patriarch, the gift of his old man, and brought to everyone.

Drinking water and thinking of the source, how could the disciples not be grateful?
However, at this moment, another unexpected thing happened.


Accompanied by a faint humming sound, it reached the ears.

The vitality of heaven and earth became more chaotic, and at the same time more intense.

This time, the vitality of heaven and earth with a radius of thousands of miles, not hundreds of miles, began to gather towards this place with all their might.

what happened?

The disciples of the Huayu Sect looked at each other in blank dismay, and everyone was dumbfounded at first.

But soon everyone found the source of the chaos in the vitality of the world.


Some people pointed it out with their hands.

Everyone quickly raised their heads and looked in the direction he pointed.

"There is……"

"Could it be the first seat of Yujian Peak..."

"That's right, it's the place where Uncle Zhang retreated."


It was only then that everyone remembered that, in addition to the sect master, the sect's second-ranked master, the head of Yujian Peak had also cultivated to the Great Perfection of the Tongxuan Stage.

With full play and full calculation, it is only a few days later than the head of the real person to retreat.

In fact, the current strength of the two is almost the same.

And the purpose of their retreat is also to hit the Mahayana period.

The one who first caused the vision of heaven and earth just now was the master master.

There are various indications that he has successfully broken through the very difficult bottleneck and has become a Mahayana immortal cultivator admired by all.

As for the present...

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, with disbelief and surprise on their faces.

"Could it be..."

Double happiness?

This idea turned in my mind.

The immortal cultivators present couldn't help but feel ecstatic in their hearts.

Wouldn't it be so coincidental!

Is there really such a good thing?
The martial uncle who is in charge of the front foot has just broken through the bottleneck of the Mahayana period, and the master uncle Zhang who is on the back foot of Yujianfeng has also succeeded?
Could it be that there is such happiness that our sect can have two Mahayana cultivators all at once?
No wonder everyone was ecstatic.

You must know that although they didn't say anything, at the beginning, most people were not very optimistic about the real master and the first seat of Yujian Peak, who hit the bottleneck of the Mahayana period this time.

After all, this realm is too difficult to break through.

It has been 3000 years since our sect, and there have been no Mahayana cultivators.

Even though the sect has developed rapidly in the past three years and the cultivation conditions are not what it used to be because of the immortal patriarch, most people are still not optimistic about the efforts of the two elders to break through the bottleneck this time.

Even the most optimistic cultivators feel that even if one person succeeds, it is already the result of God's blessing and burning incense.

As a result, I never expected that the two of them were both front and back, and they both succeeded.

This simply far exceeded everyone's expectations and expectations.

The immortal cultivators present were all ecstatic.

Two Mahayana periods.

With them as the mainstay, even without considering the factors of the patriarch, our sect will become a very powerful force in the entire Yunzhou cultivating world.

Don't be afraid of being bullied again.


"It's really good."

The young disciple wept with joy.

The older generation of monks also burst into tears.

At this moment, all of them made up their minds.

I must also practice hard and strive to make further progress.

Since the real person in charge and the head of Yujianfeng can become Mahayana immortal cultivators, even if people like myself can't compare with them, as long as they work hard enough, they must have a very bright future.

All in all, everyone is not only very happy at this moment, but also greatly encouraged.

The morale of the entire Huayu Sect can be said to be so high that it cannot be increased.

Lin Xiaoyao mixed in the crowd.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but nodded secretly.

For such a result, he is quite satisfied.

Although most of the immortal cultivators of the Huayu Sect have mediocre aptitudes, they at least know how to work hard, realize their shame before being brave, and have achieved extraordinary achievements in the past three years.

I didn't live up to my expectations, and I didn't let myself help them integrate their spiritual veins and improve their quality.

And as the faction's strength continued to grow, it was also of great benefit to his plan to stay in the sect.

After all, if Huayuzong's strength is too weak, cats and dogs will come to challenge every three days, and they all need to do it themselves, wouldn't it be too annoying?
Lin Xiaoyao has no interest in being a nanny. If the faction wants to be self-reliant, it still needs to rely on its own efforts in the final analysis.

I can provide them with some help in terms of cultivation conditions.

But that's about it.

There is a limit to everything, and it is impossible to really overstep the bounds.

That's not good for either party.

Now that I have two Mahayanas, I think I don’t have to bother myself with the usual troubles and challenges.

In short, Lin Xiaoyao is very happy with this result.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The originally sunny sky suddenly turned gloomy.

"This is……"

Lin Xiaoyao frowned, and then his expression remained normal.

But the other cultivators of Huayu Sect were a little panicked and looked at each other in blank dismay.

However, although the strength of the tens of thousands of immortal cultivators in this faction varies, there are still many people who are knowledgeable.

Immediately, an elder from the Tongxuan period yelled, "Everyone, don't panic."

"After Master Zhang and Senior Brother Zhang have advanced to the Mahayana, they will attract a catastrophe. This is a normal phenomenon. You don't need to panic."

Ordinary monks advance, even if they break through the big realm, under normal circumstances, they will not lead to catastrophe.

This is different from Yaozu.

But everything cannot be generalized.

If you advance to the Mahayana stage, there will definitely be a catastrophe.

"I see."

Only then did everyone feel relieved.

Then there was a worried look on his face.

After all, Heavenly Tribulation is terrible, not to mention those high-level immortal cultivators, even new disciples have heard of it more or less.

They couldn't help worrying about the Master Master and Uncle Zhang.

I don't know if these two can get through it safely?

"Everyone, step back and don't affect the two elders' crossing the catastrophe."

At this time, Baodangu first performed the duty of acting head.

Not only did they evacuate all the disciples, but they also asked people to open the large formation of the guardian faction.

At the same time, the number of people patrolling nearby has been increased.

These are just in case.

Don't show any flaws, so that people can take advantage of it.

Seeing all this, Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help but secretly nodded.

The other party's arrangement was orderly, taking all kinds of details into consideration. Although this person's strength was lacklustre, he was a good hand in handling sect affairs.

Well, it is a material that can be made.

In the future, if you have the opportunity, you might as well support it.

With his arrangements, all the disciples gradually calmed down.

Everyone retreated in an orderly manner, obviously worried that the city gate would catch fire and harm the fish in the pond.

If you are accidentally involved in that day's calamity, even if it is only a little aftermath, I am afraid that you will inevitably lose your soul.

But even though they retreated to a distance, the faces of Hua Yuzong people were still full of nervous expressions.


The wind blows.

The sky also became darker unconsciously.

Overhead, dark clouds gather.

And as time goes on, the clouds become thicker and thicker, piled on top of each other.

Just looking at it is depressing.

From time to time, a muffled thunder-like sound entered the ears.

The catastrophe has not yet landed, but in the clouds, there are faintly visible blue electric snakes.


Just looking at it from a distance, everyone felt that their breathing was a little difficult.

"Wait, the momentum of this catastrophe seems a bit too big."

"Yes, it is completely different from what is described in the classics."

"Even if it is a Mahayana catastrophe, it should not be so exaggerated."


In the crowd, there was suddenly a sound of discussion reaching the ears.

Everyone turned around following the sound.

What came into view were the worried faces of the chief elders.

They all had sad faces and were discussing in whispers.

"Not good, could it be that the senior brother in charge and the senior brother Zhang of Yujianfeng advanced into the Mahayana at the same time, because the two people's successful promotions attracted a catastrophe, but these two catastrophes were superimposed together?"

It was an old man with an ordinary face who spoke.

However, the head of the Sutra Pavilion is the most knowledgeable and versatile among the elders of the Huayu Sect.

Hearing what he said, the expressions of the other elders also changed.

Yes, why didn't they think of this?
"This is bad."

"What should I do?"

Everyone panicked all of a sudden.


Previously, they really ignored this.

Because even though the Immortal Cultivation World has a vast area and a long history, it has probably never happened in history. Two monks advanced to Mahayana in one place at the same time, which led to a catastrophe...

The chances of this are too small.

So much so that they didn't even consider it at first.

But even if this has not happened before, even if you think about it with your toes, you know it will be very bad.

Most of the catastrophe caused by the two will be superimposed together.

With the superposition of catastrophe, it is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and the power will definitely skyrocket.

As for where it will end up, no one knows.

Because there is no such example to follow before.

"what should I do now?"

"This situation is simply fatal."

"If you don't think of a way, the real master and Senior Brother Zhang will never survive."

Not only was he unable to advance successfully, but he was also in danger of dying.

Everyone looked at each other, their faces became very ugly.

Just now everyone was still cheering, lamenting that two great ancestors appeared in succession in our sect, and we can feel proud in the future.

Unexpectedly, extreme joy turned into sadness in the blink of an eye.

They are as anxious as ants on a hot pan.

But helpless.

Because of this kind of thing, it is really useless to be a bystander.

Is there any way for Master Qingyu and the head of Yujian Peak?
the answer is negative.

At this moment, the two were equally dumbfounded.

Their hearts have long lost the joy of having just successfully advanced to Mahayana.

Instead, there was a chill in my heart.

Very depressed!

After a lot of hard work, I have finally advanced to the Mahayana stage. How could I encounter such a problem?

How to do?
The two don't know.

This was an unexpected turn of events.

Especially for the first seat of Yujian Peak, he felt extremely regretful in his heart. He knew that he shouldn't be so impatient.

You should wait for the senior brother in charge to advance successfully before going to retreat by yourself.

Then everything will be fine?
However, the world of cultivating immortals did not regret selling the medicine.

So far, it doesn't make any sense to talk about it.

The top priority is to grit your teeth and survive the immediate crisis.

However, they haven't waited for them to figure out a way.

With the deafening thunder reaching the ears, the catastrophe has landed.

A streak of arm-thick lightning pierced the sky and fell towards their retreat like raindrops.

The two were shocked.

At this time, there was no time to think about it, so they had to sacrifice their own magic weapons, exert all their strengths, and resisted with all their strength.

This process lasted for about a cup of tea, and finally gradually calmed down.

No more lightning falling from overhead.

Is the catastrophe over?

Of course it can't be that easy.

It was just a small trial just now.

Strictly speaking, it doesn't even count as hors d'oeuvres.

Even so, its power is still terrifying.

This is the result of the superposition of the two catastrophes.

All the immortal cultivators present couldn't help showing expressions of horror.

The faces of the elders became even paler.

After all, laymen watch the fun, and experts watch the doorway. The higher the cultivation level, the more you know, and the more you can appreciate the horror of the catastrophe just now.

"I'm not mistaken, this first wave of tribulation thunder should be tentative, but its power is at least five times higher than what is recorded in the ancient books."

"Yes, this is too exaggerated."

"If we speculate based on this increase, then when the real sky thunder falls, it is impossible for the real master and Senior Brother Zhang to get through it safely."

"No, it's not just the two of them who can't do it, it should be any immortal cultivator who can only sigh in despair under such circumstances."

"How to do?"

"Is it only to watch them fall?"

"Our sect is about to prosper, but before reaching the peak, is it about to fall to the bottom inexplicably?"


Everyone began to lament, their voices full of pessimism.

They are not aimless.

The situation at the moment is really not good.

The corners of the mouths of Daoist Qingyu and the head of Yujian Peak were stained with blood.

Clothes are also tattered.

Paled face.

Obviously, although they barely survived the catastrophe just now, they were seriously injured.

And this situation is very unusual.

You must know that according to the records in the classics, the first wave of tribulation thunder was only tentative, and its power was actually limited, so it was easy to survive.

But what they encountered just now was completely different.

At this point, even if there was still a little luck in my heart, it disappeared immediately.

The situation is better than people.

No matter whether it is Master Qingyu or the head of Yujian Peak, it is very clear at this moment that there is no way for him to survive the catastrophe in front of him

Disappearance will be their only result.

The faces of the two were pale.

Not only the fear of death, but more complex emotions.

After all, after a lot of hard work, it was not easy to advance to the Mahayana stage, which was originally very gratifying.

Even though they were very sure about surviving the catastrophe, they never expected that they would encounter such an accident.

The mood of both of them was broken, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they went from heaven to hell.

"Blame me."

The face of the head of Yujian Peak was full of remorse.

It was all his fault, he was too impatient.

If you try to retreat after the senior brother in charge has successfully advanced, you won't encounter this kind of thing.

A mistake in one thought turned into a big mistake.

Why do you want to be so competitive?
"Brother, I'm sorry!"

Chief Yu Jianfeng's face was full of pain.

It would be fine if he fell, it can be said that he reaped the consequences of himself, but what he couldn't let go of was that because of this stupid decision he made, his senior brother was hurt in the end.

This made him extremely annoyed.

Senior brother is the backbone of our sect, if he has any troubles, wouldn't he become a big sinner of our sect?
Under the Nine Springs, what face is there to meet the ancestors of our sect?

If possible, he would rather trade his own life for the safety of his senior brother.

It is not a pity to die, as long as the senior brother can become a Mahayana cultivator and survive the immediate crisis safely, the sect can be guaranteed to continue to prosper.

Thinking of this, a look of determination flashed across the face of the head of Yujian Peak. With his whole body green, he actually left the place where he retreated and meditated, and flew over like a robbery cloud above his head.

There was an exclamation from the crowd.

Master Qingyu also suddenly changed color.

He is a very smart immortal cultivator, and he guessed what his junior brother was thinking in a second.

He quickly opened his mouth and shouted: "Junior Brother Zhang, what are you doing? Come back quickly, don't do stupid things."

"Brother, leave me alone, this is all my fault, let me bear the blame, you must live."

"Idiot, come back quickly. You will only be self-defeating if you do this. Not only will you not be able to save me, but you will also lose your soul."

Master Qingyu's face became even more ugly: "I order you as the head master, don't do stupid things, come back quickly."

"Senior Brother, I'm sorry, I made up for my own mistakes, this time I can only disobey your orders."

However, the head of Yujian Peak didn't listen, he sacrificed his flying sword and slashed at Jieyun.

The sword light is like snow, hundreds of feet long.

The momentum was astonishing, like a robbery cloud above his head, he slashed fiercely.

When the other party did this, it was obvious that they were flying moths to the flame.

He hoped that with such a reckless move, Tian Jie would focus all his attention on himself.

This may save the senior brother from danger.

I have to say that although the head of Yujian Peak is reckless, he is really brave and takes responsibility after making mistakes.

It cannot be said that the method he thought was unreasonable.

Unfortunately, everything may not go as expected.

Facing the hundreds of feet long sword glow, a huge bolt of lightning struck down.

With no difficulty, the sword light was split into pieces.

Then the first seat of Yujian Peak was also struck.

Immediately, his hair stood on end, and his whole body seemed to have turned into coke, falling from the sky with green smoke.

"Senior brother."


"Uncle Zhang."


Everyone is exclaiming.

However, the head of Yujian Peak could no longer hear him, and he had fallen into a coma.

It has not fallen now, but it has already released more air and less air intake, and has entered a state of near death.

And his sword just now, not only failed to block the disaster for Master Qingyu, but self-defeating.

At this moment, the entire sky became even more gloomy.

The robbery cloud also became thicker and thicker, and the coercion emitted by it more than doubled.

The way of heaven cannot be challenged.

The result of his doing so was just the opposite. Not only did he fail to resolve the crisis, but it actually put the two of them in a desperate situation.

"It's over."

"Is there really no way?"


At this time, even the most obtuse cultivator knew that the situation was going to the extreme in no time.

Disciples of the Huayu Sect no matter how high their cultivation level is, all of them have expressions of despair on their faces.

The world is such a wonderful thing, just a moment ago they were still celebrating each other, feeling that their sect was about to rise.

But now, in the blink of an eye, he suddenly stepped into a desperate situation.

Simply unimaginable.

But this is the fact.

You must know that the real master and the first seat of Yujianfeng are the two strongest in this sect. Once they fall, the blow to Huayuzong will definitely be fatal.

You know, the turmoil of the best spiritual veins has not passed.

The major cultivating forces still have ulterior motives, but the ending of Xuandaomen is too tragic, so they dare not act rashly.

But in the past three years, they have not stopped.

Near this gate, there are often people spying on the news.

Even when the sect was accepting disciples, they sent people to sneak in.

But paper can't cover fire, and today's matter can't be hidden.

If the real person in charge and Senior Brother Zhang successfully advance to the Mahayana, they will naturally be able to deter the Xiao Xiao disciples.

But if they fall under the catastrophe, those cultivating forces who are eyeing the tiger will probably not be able to bear it, and take advantage of the fire to loot.

At that time, the sect will face a great crisis, and even more seriously, it will be the disaster of exterminating the sect.

It sounds outrageous.

In fact, such a description is no exaggeration.

The world of cultivating immortals is inherently dangerous and cruel.

What's more, everyone is innocent, but Huayuzong has been worried about by all the major forces in the past few years.

With the passage of time, the deterrent effect of the destruction of Xuandaomen has become smaller and smaller.

Now coupled with such a change in our sect, it's no wonder that other major forces don't make trouble.

For a moment, despair filled the hearts of all the disciples.

Of course, more unwillingness.

In the past few years, they have obviously worked hard and everything is developing in a good direction, so why did they suddenly step into a desperate situation?
But at this moment they are facing a catastrophe.

That is the will of heaven.

This is no longer something manpower can fight against. Can anyone change all this?

How can mortals be against heaven?
"Master Patriarch, it would be great if Master Patriarch was here."

"That's right, if Patriarch Immortal comes back, maybe he can solve the crisis for our sect."

The elders feel that the will of heaven cannot be violated.

There is no turning back.

However, disciples with lower cultivation bases don't understand so much. In their minds, the patriarch and the old man are omnipotent.

Every time he was able to overcome the crisis, and the immortal patriarch had saved the sect countless times.

It was okay before, but this time, it will definitely work if the old man is around.

So I don't know who was the first to kneel down.

Start praying desperately.

"Patriarch, please, please save us."

Then the sound of thumping and thumping came into the ears non-stop.

More and more people knelt down and prayed.

"Master Patriarch, please show your spirit quickly, if you don't show up again, Huayu Sect will be finished."

"Immortal Patriarch, I beg you to save us."


 Thanks for the reward of 100 coins from the Black Flag of the Great Navigation Era

  Thank you for the reward of 100 coins that can reach the sky in half a step

  This chapter has more than 500 words, and it is still sent out in one breath. Huanyu works so hard, everyone must subscribe to support me, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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