Chapter 128 What you say is what you say, everyone is shocked (7000 words chapter please subscribe)


Hearing this order, Master Qingyu suddenly raised his head, with a surprised look on his face.

He hesitated for a while before asking cautiously: "Patriarch, you really want to..."

Now that people in Yunzhou are panicking, Master Qingyu also hopes that the Zongmen can once again receive the protection of the patriarch and his old man.

But the purpose of doing this is just to prevent it in the future.

It never occurred to him that he would take the initiative to ask the patriarch to find the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect for a duel.

Because that's too dangerous, the stakes are too high.

Although the patriarch is extremely powerful.

But the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect is so powerful that he is by no means easy to deal with.

More than a dozen Mahayanas and one Dujie were all vulnerable.

However, after losing a large number of masters, the five sects didn't even dare to take revenge, instead they chose to close their sects one after another.

It was obvious that he realized the horror of the other party, and had to admit cowardice.

Now there are rumors outside that this big devil is now a real fairy!

Although this is just people's speculation and has not been confirmed yet, it is also a fact that the Supreme Elder of the Tianmo Sect has swept the Yunzhou Immortal Cultivation World in the past half a month. He is invincible and no one can compete with him.

In this case, Master Qingyu certainly didn't want the Patriarch to take the initiative to fight with the other party.

It's not a question of confidence, it's not necessary!

Why do you want to do this?
After all, the gate is located in a remote place, so the chance of the other party finding it is still very small.

If the Patriarch takes the initiative to attack, even though he is very powerful, he is not afraid of [-], just in case. If there is any loss, it will be an unbearable consequence for the Huayu Sect.

It was for this reason that Master Qingyu was naturally unwilling to listen to this request, so he carefully considered his words and wanted to persuade the Patriarch to give up this idea.

Lin Xiaoyao saw the other party's face, of course he knew what the other party was thinking.

He didn't wait for the other party to guess, so he said directly: "The injustice has a leader, and the debt has a debtor. The other party came to me in the first place, so how can I back down?"

"What, the other party is here to find you, Patriarch?"

Master Qingyu couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

This is something he never thought of.

He couldn't help but said in amazement: "Could it be that the Tianmo sect was destroyed by you, the patriarch?"

"Otherwise... what do you think?"

Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help laughing.

"The reason why the quality of the spiritual veins of this sect has been greatly improved is because I dug out the spiritual veins of the Heavenly Demon Sect, then brought them back, and then fused them with the spiritual veins of our sect..."

"Otherwise, with my ability, although it is not impossible to improve the quality of the spirit veins of our sect out of thin air, it will take a lot more effort."

Lin Xiaoyao's words were not bragging.

The same effect can also be achieved by turning a stone into gold.

But it's always a little troublesome.

It is better to directly take a set of spiritual veins to fuse, which will save time and effort.

But Master Qingyu was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Only now did he know that the one who razed the Tianmo sect of Megatron Yunzhou to the ground was the patriarch of our sect.

But it's not surprising to think about it.

After all, the fairy trail of Yunzhou is not visible, so how could it be possible that so many real immortals suddenly appeared?

He couldn't help thinking of another thing.

"Could it be that the unnamed true immortal who was widely circulated in Yunzhou a while ago, does not need a panacea, but only needs a word of encouragement, can make people break through the bottleneck, is also..."

"Yes, it's me too."

Speaking of this, Lin Xiaoyao looked a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, his whole body was covered by blue light, and the other party couldn't see the change in his expression.

The conscience of heaven and earth, I just wanted to perfunctory those guys at the beginning, and then I just encouraged them casually.

Unexpectedly, they actually took it seriously.

Not only did they take it seriously, but what's even more incredible is that after practicing hard, most of them actually broke through the bottleneck for no reason...

Then these guys really attributed all of this to their encouragement.

Please, I was really just perfunctory at the beginning, okay?
Lin Xiaoyao didn't want to take credit.

But there is really no way to explain this.

Usually it's fine, but now hearing Master Qingyu mention it to his face, he really feels a little uncomfortable.

However, Master Qingyu didn't know what he was thinking, he was shocked besides shock.

It turns out that the Nameless True Immortal is also the Patriarch, no wonder...

Patriarch, his old man is simply too powerful!
Simply omnipotent!
But although he admired him immensely, he was still a little uneasy about the patriarch going to duel with the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect.
I don't quite agree, and I'm thinking about how to persuade him.

Lin Xiaoyao's voice continued to enter his ears: "Don't persuade me, I've made up my mind, and it doesn't matter whether that guy is a real fairy or not. I want to kill him without any effort."

Lin Xiaoyao is not bragging.

Although he has only recovered to the cultivation base of the Transcending Tribulation Stage, but with the status of Saint and several great supernatural powers, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary true immortals to be his opponents.

"Yes, the disciple respectfully abides by the law."

Hearing what the patriarch said, Master Qingyu knew that there was no way to persuade him.

What's more, since his old man is full of confidence, he must have great confidence.

In this case, if I tried to persuade him again, I would appear to be ignorant of current affairs, which might make the old man unhappy.

After saying this, the scene in front of him blurred for a while, and then he realized that he had returned to his cave.

Master Qingyu no longer hesitated, and immediately ordered his disciples to find out where the Supreme Elder of the Demon Sect was at that day.

And Lin Xiaoyao also returned to the small courtyard where he lived.

Lying on a chair in the yard, basking in the sun comfortably while reading a novel.

He just needs to wait patiently now.

This is the benefit of being a patriarch.

All the dirty work is done for him, and he only needs to order everything.

Lin Xiaoyao lived comfortably, while the other immortal cultivators in the entire Yunzhou immortal cultivating world were worried, almost going crazy.

Just yesterday, three more sects and two cultivating families were razed to the ground by the elders of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Still no survivors.

There were even a few casual cultivators who happened to pass by and fell.

The old monster had no scruples, and his attack was extremely cruel.

All the sects of cultivating immortals in the entire Yunzhou are all jittery.

Today, there is still no clue as to who destroyed the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Under such circumstances, the cultivators no longer had the extravagant hope that that person would take the initiative to stand up.

If the murderer is not found, the big devil will never let it go.

How to do?
There is no way, now they can only save themselves.

Therefore, under the leadership of the most powerful sects in Yunzhou, everyone finally decided to join forces under the pressure of survival.

No one thought that they would be able to defeat the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect in a one-on-one match.

However, one-on-one is not enough, so what if relying on the many to win?
Is there a silver lining for the many bullying the few?

This is the only way they can think of now.

The major forces have joined forces to gather a total of [-] Mahayana ancestors, and without exception, they are all late Mahayana.

In addition, there are five crossing robbery.

The leader among them is the Supreme Elder of the Tianxing Sect, the Immortal Tianxing.

The Heavenly Star Sect has a long tradition, and its strength was so strong that it was able to keep pace with the Heavenly Demon Sect for a long period of time.

Although Tianxing Daoist is not as famous as the other party, he is also the existence of Dzogchen in the tribulation period.

In addition, in order to be able to defeat powerful enemies without fail, the various sects have also come up with some other methods to suppress the bottom of the box.

All in all, they are going to do their best to get rid of this great enemy for the Yunzhou Immortal Cultivation World, so that everyone will no longer have to worry about it.

As for the location of the fight, they chose the endless wasteland, where there is no one inhabited.

Dozens of top fighters from Yunzhou's immortal cultivation world are waiting solemnly.

"Fellow Daoist Tianxing, do you think that old monster will come?"

It was an old man with slender eyes who spoke, with a worried look on his face.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye knows that they must have set up many traps for this appointment. The Supreme Elder of the Demon Sect was not an idiot that day. Would he really be willing to throw himself into the trap?
"He will definitely come." Daoist Tianxing said confidently.

"Why, fellow daoist, why are you so sure?"

This time it was a woman in palace attire who spoke.

The eyebrows are picturesque.

He looked only in his twenties, extremely young.

But a pair of eyes are full of vicissitudes of life, obviously the real age is far more than that.

"So it's Fairy Song."

There was a hint of a smile on the corner of Tianxing's mouth.

Compared with him, this woman's identity and strength are far inferior, but she is also a Mahayana monk who was born in a famous family.

So he patiently explained: "The old man is falsely older than Fairy. He has dealt with that old monster before, and he knows that he is too arrogant. Even if he knows this is a trap, he will definitely come."

"Hmph, you understand the old man's character, but you don't know the current affairs. You think that you can defeat the old man by joining hands with a group of ants. You are really overconfident."

There was no sign at all, a cold and arrogant voice came to my ears.

"No, it's the elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect, who has already arrived."

Everyone was shocked, and quickly raised their heads following the sound.

I saw a ray of black air emerging from the distant sky.

It was still far away at the beginning, but in the blink of an eye, he came before him and turned into a tall old man in black robe.

Needless to say, this is the elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect who made the entire Yunzhou immortal cultivation world tremble.

All the monks turned pale with shock.

The opponent came too fast and suddenly, they didn't even have time to open the formation.

The old man in black robe glanced at them.

"Just relying on you rubbish to think that you can set up an ambush to take me down, you really don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth."

"What did you say?"

The monks present were all shocked and angry.

They are all the heads of various sects.

The people with the weakest strength are also late Mahayana characters. Wherever they are placed, they are all ancestors.

Although the powerful enemies in front of him were formidable, it was too much to humiliate them like this.

"Old monster, don't be too arrogant, you know..."

It was a short but strong man who spoke.

This is the master of Iron Fist Sect!
At the peak of the late Mahayana period, body training has reached a state of perfection.

"Is it?"

However, before he finished speaking, he saw the elder of the Demon Sect lazily raising his hand.

Point out from him casually.


Before the iron fist sect master had time to react, he was easily knocked away by an irresistible force.

Blood spurted out of his mouth, and the aura emanating from his body also rapidly decreased. It was obvious that the injury was extremely serious.


The immortal cultivators present could not help but gasp.

They know the enemy is strong.

But I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

The master of the Iron Fist sect is also well-known. No one dares to underestimate him in the face of his peak cultivation in the late stage of Mahayana.

I didn't expect to fight with this person, but it was so vulnerable.

Are the rumors true?Has this Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect really taken the last step to become a true immortal?

Everyone was terrified in their hearts, but then they heard the real Tianxing shouted coldly: "Don't be afraid, let's go together."

Before the words fell, he rushed to the front first.

At the same time, he sacrificed his natal treasure without hesitation.

It's a flying sword

On the surface of the flying sword, there are dots of starlight wrapped around it. It is not an ordinary treasure at first glance, and its power is extraordinary.

The movements of the others couldn't be slower, and they rushed forward, each using their own unique skills.

All of a sudden, the magic weapon flew, and beams of light of various colors passed through the air...

It can be said that the sky is falling and the ground is falling, and the momentum is astonishing, reaching the extreme.

Fortunately, this is an uninhabited wasteland.

Otherwise let alone mortals, even a cultivator of Tongxuan level watching the battle, it is difficult to say that he is capable of protecting himself, and if he is slightly affected by the aftermath, it will be the result of his soul flying away.

However, in the face of this terrifying attack, there was only a mocking smile on the corner of the black-robed old man's mouth.

A cold snort: "Overestimating one's abilities!"

Before he finished speaking, the devilish energy all over his body suddenly swarmed out.

With the clouds covering the sun, the sky above seemed to be much darker all of a sudden.

The magic power is overwhelming, and the vitality of the world is extremely chaotic.


After a meal of effort.

Daoist Tianxing staggered, his body covered in bruises.

The talisman had already been shattered into fragments, and his expression was full of horror and horror.

There are not many companions around, and the great array of heaven and earth that has been laid out with great pains has also been smashed into pieces.

Just now they used all means.

Not only gathered dozens of top powerhouses in the world of immortal cultivation in Yunzhou, but also set up a large array of heaven and earth, and even used several heaven-reaching spiritual treasures.

Originally thought that even if they were defeated, at least they would be able to retreat unscathed.

But it was only when things came to an end that I realized how naive such an idea was.

The strength of the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect far exceeded his expectations. With such sufficient preparations and the use of countless means, they were still vulnerable.

In just one meal, most of them fell, and now there are only a few lucky ones who survived.

"The world of cultivating immortals in Yunzhou is over..."

A gloomy look flashed across the face of Tianxing Daoist.

By now, he was completely hopeless.

Originally, I thought that with a large number of people and sufficient arrangements, a strong enemy could be defeated.

Only now did I realize that this was just a joke.

The gap between the two sides was too outrageous, and he even suspected that the great elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect didn't even use his real kung fu...

The immortal is so powerful?

Master Tianxing closed his eyes in pain.

By now, he was no longer prepared to make unnecessary resistance.

Not willing to die.

It's because resistance no longer makes any sense.

Like a praying man's arm blocking a car...

That being the case, why make such a foolish and pointless effort?
To put it simply, this Supreme Elder of the Tianxing Sect has completely lost his courage at this moment.

A look of disappointment appeared on the face of the old man in black robe.

"This is the strongest lineup you can put together so far?"

"A bunch of rubbish, I really disappointed the old man."

"Forget it, the old man will kill you all. I want to see how long the destroyed rats of our Heavenly Demon Sect can hide in peace of mind?"

"If he doesn't come out for a day, I will make the world of cultivating immortals restless for a day. At worst, we will destroy all the forces and sects of cultivating immortals in Yunzhou..."

The other party's tone was flat, but Master Tianxing felt chills all over his body, even though he had put his life and death aside, he never thought that this old monster would be so ruthless.

The whole Nascent Soul has billions of souls and countless sects of cultivating immortals. Could it be that the other party wants to turn this place into a dead place?


At this moment, a sigh spread to everyone's ears: "A little Sanxian dares to speak so boldly."

"I think your Excellency is drifting away. It is not a small tone to destroy all the cultivating sects in Yunzhou, but you can do it?"

"who is it?"

The black-robed old man was so powerful that he regarded all heroes as ants, and he was invincible. He never expected that at this moment, someone would dare to mock him and stroke his beard.

He couldn't help but fly into a rage.

"Which guy ate the bear's heart and leopard's guts, and became impatient?"

He turned his head to follow the sound.

Then I saw a figure, wrapped in the blue light of colored glaze, walking slowly from the distant void.

Immortal Tianxing and the few surviving Mahayana monks also turned their heads away, and seeing this scene, they couldn't help showing extremely surprised expressions on their faces.

They have all experienced firsthand how terrifying this Heavenly Demon Sect Supreme Elder is.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the magic power is unrivaled.

Under such circumstances, there are still people who dare to stroke the tiger's whiskers?
Is it true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers?

Seeing that the visitor was covered by the blue light of colored glaze, Master Tianxing instinctively released his divine sense, wanting to see the opponent's true face clearly.

However to no avail.

The divine sense was like a mud cow entering the sea, without causing any waves.

This made Master Tianxing's expression change.

You know, although he was seriously injured at the moment, his spiritual consciousness was not affected in any way.

However, at this moment, the thin layer of blue light couldn't penetrate.

This mysterious visitor is by no means an ordinary cultivator!
At least the strength is not weaker than yourself.

He is even much stronger than himself, otherwise he would never be able to do this.

Although Yunzhou has a vast area, there are very few immortal cultivators who are stronger than themselves.

Listen to the other person's tone.

Suddenly, a thought popped up in his mind... Could this be the peerless powerhouse who destroyed the Heavenly Demon Sect?
Although, this is only his guess, but it also gave hope to Daoist Tianxing.

Because he can be sure that the guy who razed the Demon Sect to the ground must be much stronger than himself.

If he takes the shot, the outcome of this battle is still unknown.

He could think of this, and on the other hand, the Supreme Elder of the Demon Sect that day could naturally think of it too.

Eyes narrowed slightly, looking forward.

Although the opponent came from the air, but the speed is very fast.

But in the blink of an eye, it was already close at hand.

"Could it be that you destroyed the old man's Heavenly Demon Sect?"

The old man in black robe looked at the visitor.

Even his divine sense couldn't pass through that light curtain.

The old man in black robe was a little surprised.

But it's just a difference.

After all, this can only show that the other party is good at concealing supernatural powers, or that he is carrying some kind of precious treasure on his body, which can cover his figure.

That's it!

This alone does not prove his strength.

Even in the eyes of the black-robed old man, the other party's actions were actually playing tricks.

On the surface, it seems very mysterious, but if you think about it carefully, is it really necessary?
If you are strong enough, why hide your head and show your tail?

So at first glance, the other party seems mysterious, but when you think about it carefully, isn't this a kind of guilty conscience?
So the Supreme Elder of Tianmo Sect didn't care.

What really prevented him from doing it right away was another sentence the other party said.

The opponent actually saw through his own realm, and broke the fact that he was actually a Sanxian in one breath.

This surprised him.

You must know that in the past half month, he has swept across Yunzhou, and he has rarely met an opponent.

Although it didn't take long, there were already hundreds of sects and immortal cultivating families that were destroyed in his hands.

The power of the demon shook the sky, making everyone terrified.

People are rumoring that he is actually a true immortal.

This is the first time that Yunzhou has a cultivator who can see his true state.

Based on this alone, one cannot underestimate the guy in front of him too much.

"That's right, it was me, the deity who razed the Heavenly Demon Sect to the ground."

Lin Xiaoyao admitted it frankly.

Then he smiled lightly and said, "It's just that I didn't expect that the Heavenly Demon Sect actually has a Supreme Elder."

"I heard that your Excellency is Yunzhou who left 3000 years ago."

"Since it's all gone, wouldn't it be nice to live well? Why are you so stupid and have to come back to die?"

Lin Xiaoyao sighed at this point.

The look on his face made him feel sorry for the other party, as if the other party had really done something extremely stupid.


However, his attitude made the other party half dead.

Thinking about the arrogant character of this demon, when did he suffer such humiliation?

The expression on his face was full of anger.

With a loud shout: "Junior, I think you are really impatient."

After saying this, his face became ferocious, he raised his right hand, his five fingers slightly bent, and grabbed it fiercely in front of him.

In an instant, endless demon energy swarmed up, like boiling water, spreading wildly in all directions...

Suddenly, the entire sky darkened.

As far as the eyes can see, there is only the dark devilish energy.

Immediately afterwards, a soul-stirring roar reached the ears.

From the devilish energy emerged one after another hideous monsters.

Roaring in unison, they rushed towards Lin Xiaoyao.

As if to swallow him up.

"This is not an illusion!"

"Fellow Daoist, be careful."

Daoist Tianxing hastily opened his mouth to remind.

He was very impressed by the opponent's move.

Because just now, his companion fell under this terrible supernatural power.

Dozens of Mahayana monks were powerless to fight back, and they were torn into pieces by these demonic monsters almost instantly

Even he was struggling to cope.

If he hadn't used the secret techniques at the bottom of the box one after another at the cost of consuming a lot of real energy, even he might have died directly.

What made him feel even more chilling was that although it was the same move, the power of the move used by the opponent at this moment was several times greater than before.

So his guess was correct.

That old monster really didn't use real kung fu just now.

But even so, they suffered heavy losses and fell into the abyss of endless despair.

But at this moment, the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect was obviously really angry.

But he faced only one enemy.

Let me ask, how could the real Tianxing not have his heart in his throat?

He asked himself that his strength was good, but in this situation, if he was in a different place with the other party, he might be torn to pieces in an instant.

There is simply no room for resistance.

What worries him even more is, even if he kills the chief culprit that led to the downfall of the Heavenly Demon Sect, will the big devil in front of him really let it go?
When the other party returned to Yunzhou after 3000 years, his original purpose was naturally not to avenge the Heavenly Demon Sect.

So even if the person in front of him died, it might not be able to end the nightmare that the world of cultivating immortals in Yunzhou was facing at the moment.

Thinking of this, his face became more and more ugly, and he only felt that the future was dark.


"That's it?"

Lin Xiaoyao took a look at the magical beast that was rushing towards him from all directions.

There was a look of disappointment on his face.

If the other party is a true immortal, facing the current self, there may still be a little room for struggle and resistance.

But a mere Sanxian is really too weak.

Lin Xiaoyao was not even very interested.

Take the tricks the other party is using at this moment, perhaps Mahayana and even immortal cultivators who have completed the tribulation period will find it difficult to deal with.

But in his eyes, it can only be described as ridiculous.

Seeing that those monsters were about to rush to the side.

Lin Xiaoyao spoke.

He didn't make a move.

Only one word came out.


Then, several survivors, including Daoist Tianxing, saw a scene that they would never forget.

Those monsters who were aggressive and showing their teeth and claws suddenly acted in a very consistent manner.

I saw that they suddenly turned into rolling gourds.

Then it really rolled, rolling away in all directions.

People from Tianxing Town: "..."

The old man in black robe: "..."

And those few surviving Mahayana cultivators: "..."

Everyone was stunned.

They looked at each other, wondering if there was something wrong with their eyes.

If this mysterious cultivator had exhausted all his supernatural powers and tried so hard to resist the move just now, it would not be unacceptable to them.

But that's not the case.

The scene just now was not a question of whether the other party answered or not.

It's downright ridiculous.

The other party said to go away.

Those monsters actually rolled away.

Just ask... can you believe it?

This is too outrageous!
Everyone's eyes almost popped out.

 Thanks for the reward of 100 coins from the Black Flag of the Great Navigation Era

  Thank you Yueweiyang for the reward of QD 100 coins

  This chapter is more than 100 words, sorry, there is something at home today, the update is late, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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