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Chapter 137: You Can't Say What You Say!Incredible supernatural powers

Chapter 137: You Can't Say What You Say!Unbelievable supernatural powers (7000 words chapter please subscribe)

What's the matter?

What happened?
Both of them had extremely bewildered expressions on their faces.

In addition to doubts or doubts.

But even more incredible things are yet to come.

A very crisp sound reached the ears.

It was the emaciated Jindan stage immortal cultivator just now who knelt down, raised his right hand, and slapped himself hard.

Play that called a crisp and loud.

Suddenly, half of his cheeks swelled up.

The expression on his face was one of bewilderment and astonishment.

Yes, no anger!
Because he was really dumbfounded.

I don't understand at all, why did I kneel down at the other party, and even slapped myself foolishly?

How is this going?

Although the other party did say just now that because of his indecent words, he had to slap himself as punishment.

But that's right.

But the question is... why should I listen to him?
"You... what kind of magic did you use?"

The thin monk looked at Lin Xiaoyao at this moment, as if he was looking at a monster.

However, the voice did not fall, but a "pop" came to the ear.

But it was his other hand that also slapped himself hard.

As a result, his other cheek also became red and swollen.

But it's not over yet.

Followed by.

The crackling sound came to the ears non-stop.

But after the two Jindan cultivators knelt down, they started to slap themselves desperately.

The expressions of the two of them almost reached the level of horror.

Yes, no anger.

At this moment.

They were left with nothing but fear and apprehension.

This thing is too weird.

The other party let himself slap himself.

Then he actually knelt down and slapped himself.

Did something go wrong?
He couldn't quite figure out why.

Just ask.

If it were you instead.

When encountering such a thing, do you feel hairy and fearful in your heart?
Both were about to cry.

And the crackling sound never stopped.

They wanted to resist, but found that it was useless.

The arm is completely out of my control.

What kind of sorcery was the other party using?
Why should I listen to him and beat myself up?
Crying without tears is the best description for the two of them at the moment.

No, say it correctly.

I can't even cry.

Because I was too busy slapping myself, I didn't have time to cry.

"Well, although it is an infinitely weakened version of the method of speaking, in this case, it is quite easy to use to bully low-level monks."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Xiaoyao showed an extremely satisfied look on his face.

how to say?

If you want to get to the bottom of it, this matter should go back many years.

All in all, at the beginning, when Lin Xiaoyao made the first incarnation of the soul.

That incarnation does not have any attributes of a saint.

Therefore, naturally there is no way to use such great supernatural powers as turning stone into gold, or speaking out.

Originally, Lin Xiaoyao didn't care.

But with the passage of time, his own strength is not what it used to be.

Today, the main body has returned to the state of Dzogchen during the tribulation period.

The distance from becoming an immortal...not to mention close at hand.

But soon.

That's about a year and a half.

And with the upgrade of the ontology strength.

The strength of the avatar has also risen with the same tide.

As far as cultivation is concerned, it is already equivalent to a cultivator who has just entered the tribulation.

After the incarnation entered the tribulation, Lin Xiaoyao was surprised to find that he had changed slightly from before.

The avatar also carried a trace of the attributes of a saint.

A very small, very inconspicuous wisp.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is less than one billionth of the body.

But even so, it is indeed the attributes of a saint.

At first, Lin Xiaoyao was both surprised and delighted when he noticed this change.

After his research, this wisp of saint attribute should be brought over by that wisp of primordial spirit.

Whatever the reason, all in all, this is a very surprising result.

Now that the incarnation has the attributes of a saint, can it use the magic power of speaking and turning stones into gold?

Lin Xiaoyao didn't know either.

Because that wisp of saint attribute is too inconspicuous.

Less than one billionth of the body.

So all he can do is try.

The should I put it?

Some tasteless.

It can be used, but the effect after use is really unsatisfactory.

It cannot be used against cultivators of the same rank at all.

It can only be used to bully those little monks who are much worse than themselves in terms of cultivation and realm.

This is very embarrassing.

Since their cultivation realm is much worse than their own.

Then why use such powerful spells as "Speaking Magic Follow" and "Turning Stone into Gold" to deal with them?
Wouldn't it be nice if we just threw a magic weapon at it?

Why bother?
That wouldn't make any sense at all.

So, on the face of it.

Even if the incarnation already possesses the attributes of a saint.

Able to cast a weakened version of Speech.

But it has no value in use, and it seems very tasteless.

But is this really the case?

As in front of him, it is still very effective to use it as a pretense.

Facing the two impolite Jindan stage cultivators, if Lin Xiaoyao wanted to kill them, it would be easy for him.

But the other party dared to humiliate themselves, how could they let them die so easily?

At this time, the weakened version of the law of speaking will come into play.

I can't deal with monks of the same rank, can't I cure you?
Kneel obediently and slap yourself.

So, there was a scene in front of me.

The two unlucky Jindan monks were completely dumbfounded.

Inexplicably shocked.

I don't understand why things turned out like this.

I slap myself, am I crazy?
Although I don't understand the twists and turns of all this.

But the two also knew.

This time, I am afraid that I have offended someone who cannot be offended.

There was a hint of fear in their eyes.

But still secretly scolding the other party in his heart.

Dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head.

You know, in front of you is the chief rudder of Baiqiaoyuan.

Is this kid in front of me impatient?

I'll wait for the masters and uncles to come out in a while, and you will see me.

But that's true.

But at this moment.

The two of them only dared to complain in their hearts.

After all, relying on the name of Baiqiaoyuan, although they are usually a little domineering.

But the two are not really idiots.

Of course, knowing the current situation, we must not irritate the other party with harsh words.

Otherwise, before the teachers and uncles arrive, I'm afraid I will be cold first.

However, how could this little thought escape Lin Xiaoyao's eyes?

He saw through the plans of these two idiots without any effort.

But it doesn't tell the truth.

Just looking at the two of them with a smile.

Looking at the two Jindan monks felt hairy.

For some reason, he accelerated the movement of slapping himself.

The crackling sound was really endless.

It sounds like the dense sound of firecrackers, yes, not to mention how interesting it is.


"Idiot, what are you two doing?"

In the blink of an eye, a cup of tea has passed.

Although the movement at the mountain gate is actually not that big.

But the cultivators of Baicaoyuan are not really blind.

So soon, someone noticed the movement at the mountain gate and came over to check it out!

Then, they were dumbfounded.

You are right!

These two idiots, why are you slapping yourself here?
If it is said to be persecuted by others.

Why don't you stop when you see yourself?
"Uncle Qi, we can't stop!"

The crackling sound continued to enter the ears.

The two Golden Core cultivators kept slapping themselves while crying.

"Can't stop, what do you mean by that?"

The person who came to check at this moment, from the appearance, was a middle-aged man in his forties.

Of course, the real age is definitely far more than that.

Transformation cultivator!

Hearing the crying complaints of the two nephews, he couldn't help taking a closer look at Lin Xiaoyao.


He is also considered knowledgeable about broadcasting, but he has never heard of any sorcery in the world of cultivating immortals.

It was actually able to make people slap themselves in the face.

But because of emotion and reason, the two nephews should dare to deceive themselves.

For a moment, he couldn't help but be skeptical.

"Who is fellow daoist, and what is the purpose of coming to my Baiqiao courtyard?"

"It's so difficult for my two nephews, have you thought about the consequences?"

The other party's cold voice came to his ears.

"Are you threatening Lin?"

Lin Xiaoyao didn't come here to negotiate peace with Baicaoyuan.

Naturally, he would not have a good face towards the cultivators of this sect.

The cultivator who transformed the spirit listened.

But he couldn't help but fly into a rage.

Because he couldn't see through the depth of the other party, he didn't turn his face immediately.

I thought that when I said that just now, I had already suppressed the anger in my heart.

Never expected that the other party would dare to be so ignorant of flattery.

You know, in the past six months, the monks of Baiqiaoyuan have long been used to bossing around Yunzhou.

Although the guy in front of him looks a little weird.

But here is the main rudder of our sect.

Even if he has the ability to reach the sky.

Could it be possible to overturn some big waves here?
I really don't know how to live or die!

Don't eat and drink a toast.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, that cultivator of Transforming God seemed confident.

So he sneered and said, "Why, is it possible that Your Excellency still dares to fight with Bai?"

"I advise you to think about the consequences, and don't regret it for a while..."

"Kneel down and kowtow to me."

Facing this guy's long-windedness, Lin Xiaoyao's response was simple and rude.

"What did you say?"

The cultivator of Huashen was taken aback.

It's not that he didn't hear clearly, but he couldn't believe what he heard just now.

Does this guy have a brain problem?

Let yourself kneel and kowtow?
What do you mean?
How dare he...

However, before this thought could pass through his mind, his body was already out of control.

Kneel down with a plop.

Then respectfully, he kowtowed to Lin Xiaoyao.

The two Golden Core Immortal cultivators on the side: "..."

The cultivator who transformed the spirit was also stunned.

Involuntarily, he fell into the point of doubting his life.

How can it be?

What exactly happened just now?
Why should I do this?

After a stick of incense.

Some immortal cultivators at the level of refinement came again.


In this way, time flies like a white horse.

Lin Xiaoyao had actually been stranded at the gate of Huayu Sect for half an hour.

And over time.

More and more immortal cultivators surrounded his body.

There are more than a dozen at the refining level alone.

There are countless other golden pills, nascent souls, and top-notch ones.

However, the behavior of these guys at the moment is a bit funny.

If only kowtow.

Or you can slap yourself.

But why do you actually have someone lighting a fire and cooking by the side?

Some people go to the remote mountains to pick fresh fruits.

After washing it with clean water, peel off the peel and put it on a plate.

Kneeling down on both knees, and then holding a plate, he respectfully offered fruits to Lin Xiaoyao.

This is a bit exaggerated.

I don't know, how could I have imagined that this guy in front of me is a strong enemy who came to our sect to make trouble.

Just for your respectful and filial attitude.

I'm afraid everyone will mistakenly think that he is an ancestor of our sect...

"What are you doing?"

"Do you regard the other party as the ancestor of the family?"

The monks who came here at this moment.

Not many people, only three in total.

But without exception.

All of them are of Tongxuan level.

And all three are women.

Two of them appeared to be in their thirties.

The other one looks even younger.

Only in his early twenties.

Of course, the real age is definitely far more than that.

The reason for such a difference is that the exercises they practice have different effects of maintaining beauty.

"Uncle Master!"



See these three women.

Those who surrounded Lin Xiaoyao were the monks of Baiqiaoyuan.

Everyone was about to cry.

In good conscience, they don't do that either.

But the problem is, you can't help yourself.

Originally they came here.

In the beginning, I also wanted to trouble this guy.

The other party dared to come to our door to make trouble after eating the bear's heart and leopard's guts.

Originally, they were full of confidence.

But the result was tragic.

This kid knows magic tricks?

This is the unanimous result reached by the cultivators of Baiqiaoyuan after conflicting with him.


Needless to say?

Because this matter, from the beginning to the end, is too weird.

From beginning to end, the other party never made a move.

Facing their challenges, no matter whether it was offering treasures or using spells, the opponent's way of coping was just to say a word or two casually.

such as.

"Your Majesty!"

Then, the Immortal Cultivator of Baiqiaoyuan who was about to kill him with his flying sword.

It turned out to be true, throwing away the treasure in his hand.

Then inexplicably knelt down at him.

If the other party is talking about slapping yourself.

Or kneel and kowtow.

They'll be just as stupid and do it without any compromise.

However, that is all body disobedience.

The head is fully awake.

Naturally, I was extremely horrified.


But no matter how they resisted, they couldn't change the ending.

And, that's not even the most outrageous.

After teasing these guys for a while.

Lin Xiaoyao suddenly felt a little hungry.

Then I tried to let these guys cook for themselves and cook delicious food.

Why use the word temptation?

Very simple.

Because at the beginning.

Lin Xiaoyao also didn't have much confidence.

I don't know if it is possible to complete such a complicated action using the method of speaking.

So I had to try one or two.

And it turned out... surprisingly well.

Those guys who are coming to kill viciously.

He also simply threw away the treasure in his hand.

Then he ran over to make a fire and cook for himself.

such a result.

Not to mention those unlucky guys, even Lin Xiaoyao himself was amazed.

Secretly sighed, the words follow the law, and the reputation is indeed well-deserved.

It is indeed one of the most famous amazing supernatural powers.

It’s amazing how easy it is to use!

So, next.

Facing the immortal cultivators who came to inspect and challenge Huayuzong.

Of course he wouldn't let it go.

I am short of manpower here.

And let them go to the deep mountains to pick sweet and delicious fruits for themselves.

Well, it's a little hot.

So he asked someone to fan him behind the back.

Although in fact, the saint is not afraid of heat at all.

But it feels really cool to use this method to pretend to be forceful.

that's it.

Lin Xiaoyao is obviously an enemy.

It can be the main helm in this Baiqiaoyuan.

He just enjoyed the treatment like a patriarch.

Just ask you if you agree?

At first, I thought this weakened version of the way of speaking was just tasteless.

Only now do I realize that I underestimated it too much,

Even if this supernatural power cannot be used to deal with powerful enemies.

But if it is used to pretend to be aggressive and to bully immortal cultivators who are weaker than oneself, it is really easy to use.

All in all, Lin Xiaoyao is already enjoying it.

Then, the scene in front of him appeared.

The three cultivators of the Tongxuan stage could see clearly. Although they didn't know the cause and effect, their noses were almost crooked.

What is this all about?
This sect sent you over to deal with powerful enemies.

As a result, you treat the enemy as a patriarch and serve him respectfully.

Did you find a mistake?
Are you kicked in the head by a donkey?
The three women in the Tongxuan period were so angry that their stomachs hurt.

Naturally, he will not let it go.

There was no intention of being wordy at all, and he sacrificed his natal treasure cleanly and neatly.

Facing the menacing three men, Lin Xiaoyao's face was full of amusement.

Then, I said something.



The three were startled.

Their expressions were a little dazed.

I didn't quite understand what the other party's words implied.

But next.

But they coincidentally dropped the treasures in their hands.

And then it started, dancing lightly.

All the cultivators present: "..."

Those three are going crazy.

It's all about what.

As cultivators of the Tongxuan level, it is no exaggeration to say that they are absolutely knowledgeable.

However, this scene in front of him was unheard of.

Why does the other party ask me to dance, but I really have to dance for him?

Did something go wrong?
What kind of sorcery is this?
It's too incredible!

Lin Xiaoyao was very satisfied.

He thinks it's so easy to say what you say.

Especially used to deal with low-level cultivators.

You can bully me however you want
The opponent has no power to resist.

Just say these guys in front of you.

It's cooking food for myself, and it's going to the mountains to find delicious fruits for myself.

Some people sang and danced to relieve their boredom.

If it was put in the previous life, even if I was a VIP, I wouldn't necessarily have this kind of treatment!

But in fact, he came to trouble Baiqiaoyuan.

Just ask.

If it were you, would you dare to believe it?
As the saying goes, a scholar can be killed but not humiliated!
There is nothing wrong with this sentence, but if you are facing a saint, you are facing such an amazing spell.

Then everything is up to you.

Lin Xiaoyao was in a pretty good mood.

Therefore, there is no rush to razed Baiqiaoyuan to the ground.

He decided to taste the delicacies cooked by these guys first.

Well, the dances performed by these Tongxuan period women are not bad either.

Pleasant to watch!

"Bastard, what the hell are you doing?"

at this time.

A violent roar suddenly passed into his ears.

at the same time.

A terrifying spiritual pressure.

Also fell from the sky.

Suddenly, the entire void seemed to shake.

Those Immortal Cultivators of Baiqiaoyuan

Whether it's kneeling and kowtowing, or cooking.

Or fan Lin Xiaoyao.

All the people fell into gourds.

"Uncle Sect Master!"

"Meet the master!"

This sudden turn of events made the immortal cultivators of Baiqiaoyuan look both ashamed and ecstatic.

They all stopped their original actions.

All of them lowered their heads deeply.

"Oh, it actually canceled the effect of speaking out?"

Lin Xiaoyao's expression was a little surprised.

But I didn't feel so incredible and surprised.

After all, the spell following his incarnation was originally an infinitely weakened version.

The power is naturally unsatisfactory.

If you meet a master, you will be broken, it is very normal, there is nothing to be surprised about.

If it was replaced by his own body, the other party could only stare aside.

Is this the head of Baiqiaoyuan?

Lin Xiaoyao looked at the man in front of him.

Three strands of long beard, looks strange.

At a glance, he is only in his forties, but not in his fifties.

It can't be said that it is immortal.

But from top to bottom, he exudes the demeanor of a sect master.

Scattered fairy!

Lin Xiaoyao frowned slightly.

There was not much surprise on his face.

This did not exceed his expectations and guesses.

After all, the three elders of the inner sect of Baiqiaoyuan are all in the great consummation of the tribulation period, so as the master of the sect, they should all make further progress based on emotion and reason.

Sanxian is perfectly normal.

Before seeing the other party, Lin Xiaoyao even made a guess, thinking that the other party is very likely to reach the level of a true immortal

It's a pity, but I have a higher opinion of the other party.

Lin Xiaoyao was even a little disappointed.

Originally, he still wanted to.

You can take advantage of this opportunity to fight against the real immortal.

Look at this so-called immortal, what is his strength?


The other party is actually just a loose fairy
This disappointed Lin Xiaoyao.

But then, he frowned again.


This guy is not the main body.

Just an avatar.

See this out.

Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help showing a playful smile on his face.

It seems that this Baiqiaoyuan really deserves its reputation.

Unexpectedly, an incarnation of the head of the sect also cultivated to Sanxian.

As the saying goes, see the small to know the work.

If the incarnation is like this, the main body is naturally conceivable.

If you change to a cultivator, you will live in a different place with him.

Seeing this situation, I must be terrified.

However, Lin Xiaoyao's reaction was different.

He was not surprised but delighted.

I even feel that this is the only way to be more interesting.

Or put it more clearly.

Until now, Lin Xiaoyao felt that the trip was finally worthwhile.

"Who is the fellow daoist?"

"Why do you humiliate our disciples so much?"

"What is your purpose in doing this? Could it be that you really want to be an enemy of my Baiqiaoyuan?"

A icy look flashed across the face of the head of Baiqiaoyuan.

Although, his eyes were burning.

But unexpectedly, there was no immediate move to fight.

Maybe in his opinion.

That's not a wise choice.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you won't be in danger in a hundred battles.

The cultivation of this guy in front of him, although he is just a beginner in Transcendence Tribulation.

But as the head of a faction, the head of Baiqiaoyuan has such a good vision, so naturally he will not be confused by this superficial information.

After all, the scene just now was too weird.

He also couldn't figure out why the disciples of this sect did this.

Stupid, let the other party drive.

What kind of sorcery did this guy perform?
How on earth did he do it?

The unknown brings fear.

Although he is not really afraid of the mysterious cultivator in front of him.

But no matter what, there is still some fear of him.

All in all, the other party is by no means just an ordinary crossing robbery.

So you can't be too careless.

Let's think of a way first to see if we can figure out the reality of the other party.

Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be more confident in the next battle.

This person in front of him is worthy of being the leader of a faction. Although his strength is extremely strong, he is probably already a first-class figure of real immortals, but he is neither impatient nor negligent when encountering things.

Even though the scene of the disciple being humiliated in front of him made him extremely angry, he was still able to calm down and make the best response.

He is indeed a formidable cultivator.

After all, the strength is strong, and the mind is very clear.

No matter who it is, be his opponent.

Will have a big headache.


Lin Xiaoyao was an exception.

Resourcefulness does work.

But that means, in the case that the strength of each other is not much different.

And facing the enemy, what is your favorite thing to do?
The answer is simple.

Just one word.


Who is interested in intrigue with you!
I have only one choice.


Convince you directly.

In the face of absolute strength, tricks are still useless.

This is Lin Xiaoyao's method!
Do not play cards according to the routine.

Directly and strongly crushed.

Simple and crude.

But the effect is definitely immediate and good.

So Lin Xiaoyao didn't answer the other party's question, and just slapped him across the face.

All the cultivators present: "..."

The head of Baiqiaoyuan was even more shocked and angry.

The strength has reached his level.

Naturally, he is knowledgeable and has experienced countless storms and waves.

However, I have never seen such an arrogant and domineering guy like Lin Xiaoyao.

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling face with your hand.

What's more, I am the head of a faction.

It's good now, before I got angry, you actually slapped me across the face.

Do you know what this is called?

This is called too much deception, understand?

The other party simply didn't take himself seriously.

Although the head of Baiqiaoyuan is extremely deep in the city.

At this moment, I was also so angry that my stomach hurt.

Too bullying!

He had never been underestimated like this before.

This is simply a kind of humiliation to oneself.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a scholar can bear it, and it is not too much to bear it.

 Thanks for the reward of 1500 coins from the Black Flag of the Great Navigation Era

  Thank you LANDESI for rewarding 100 coins

  This chapter is 7000 words.

(End of this chapter)

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