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Chapter 143 Famous all over the world, about to become a fairy

Chapter 143 Famous all over the world, about to become a fairy (7000-word chapter please subscribe)

He came up with an idea to solve the problem, but Lin Xiaoyao himself was too lazy to do it, so he directly threw the formation equipment to Master Qingyu.

After all, with his current status, of course he doesn't need to do everything himself.

After briefly talking about the power and usage of this set of formation equipment, Master Qingyu was overjoyed, and he was almost grateful.

I thought I was too embarrassed to bother the patriarch, but I didn't expect his old man to be in a hurry.

Can it block all immortal cultivators below the true immortal?
This is simply tailor-made for this crisis, and it is the treasure that our sect needs most at present.

With this set of formations, there is no need to be afraid of someone with ulterior motives coming to spy on you, and you don't have to worry about someone who is not open-eyed and will come to trouble our door all day long.

Patriarch, the old man, is really thoughtful.

Daoist Qingyu burst into tears of gratitude.

Lin Xiaoyao didn't listen to his chatter.

He did this, in fact, just to avoid trouble.

Otherwise, in the current situation, Hua Yuzong might encounter a crisis every now and then, and he would still need to help himself at that time.

May I ask at that time, should I take care of it or not?
Let's go, it's endless, it's really annoying.

Lin Xiaoyao didn't want to be a nanny.

But if you let it go, just sit on the sidelines.

In case, the Huayu Sect is accidentally wiped out...

Such a result was also impossible for him to accept anyway.


And now.

A mere set of formations that I didn't like at all completely solved this problem.

From the cost-effective ratio, it is quite cost-effective.

Facts have proved that Lin Xiaoyao is very prescient.

Because of the destruction of Baiqiaoyuan, Huayuzong became famous.

Although people are basically skeptical about the rumors in the world.

But no matter what, Huayu Sect really caused a lot of trouble this time.

What is the strength of the faction?

Is there really a legendary immortal patriarch?

Everyone is very interested in these issues.

So it doesn't matter if you visit openly or spy secretly.

Next, Hua Yuzong really encountered a steady stream of troubles.

Secretly, there are still many people waiting to see the good show.

As the saying goes, if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it.

In the eyes of many people, it is definitely not something to be thankful for such a little-known faction of Huayu Sect to suddenly gain so much attention.

Even if you don't deal with it properly, you will be wiped out.

Now it's up to them how to deal with it.

In the end, Hua Yuzong's method of coping left everyone speechless.

The faction actually chose to thank the guests behind closed doors.

The entire sect was directly closed.

It doesn't matter if you visit explicitly.

Or secretly spying worth mentioning.

I ignored it, and only opened the guardian formation.

what is this?
What a stupid choice!

Now, the news has spread throughout the world of cultivating immortals in Yunzhou.

So far, does the faction still think that it can be an ostrich?
Then bury your head in the sand.

Think it's useful?
Everyone thinks that the head of Huayu Sect is simply an idiot.

of all coping methods.

He chose to choose, but he chose the most stupid one.

What exactly do you think?

This faction doesn't really think that a small formation can block the curiosity of so many experts!

Not only is it useless to do so.

On the contrary, it will irritate those strong people because they are too rude.

In the end, a counterproductive result was obtained.

With such a response to the immediate crisis, Hua Yuzong will never end well.

Many people simply come to such a conclusion.

But is this really the case?
The answer was soon revealed.

Those cultivators who went to visit openly were turned away.

The Huayu Sect didn't even let them in.

Naturally, these people were furious.

Feeling extremely humiliated.

So, they made a very drastic choice.

Hua Yuzong did not lose his flattery, since the toast would not be eaten, let them eat the fine wine.

They don't even let us in, do they?

OK, then we'll force our way in!

A mere large array of guards also wants to block us, it really does not know what to do!
But it turns out who is the real pompous idiot.

Although the power of the heaven and earth formation given by Lin Xiaoyao is lacklustre, as long as the true immortals can force their way in.

But the there any real immortals in Yunzhou today?
The answer is, no.

Not to mention the real immortals, even the loose immortals are gone.

That being the case, it is easy to speculate about the results of these guys' hard work.

There was no suspense at all, they directly bumped into each other.

Apart from returning home without a feather, there is no gain at all.

If this is the case, does the guy who wants to sneak in secretly have any hope of breaking the situation?

The answer is also obvious.

These people are even worse than Ming Chuang.

As the saying goes, it's easy to hide from open guns, but it's hard to guard against hidden arrows.

Lin Xiaoyao originally hated this sneaky guy the most.

Therefore, anyone who wanted to sneak in secretly did not end well, and all of them were seriously injured.

that's it.

Anyone who came to Huayu Sect's idea, without exception, was busy in vain, and paid a high price.

They worked hard and thought of countless ways, but in the end, let alone seeing the legendary immortal patriarch of Huayu Sect, they couldn't even get into the other party's guardian formation.

There was even such a small episode in the middle.

Hua Yuzong's rude attitude angered a reclusive old monster in Yunzhou.

This old monster is a strong man of the same generation as that real Tianxing.

However, it is even more simple.

So much so that people don't even know his name.

I only know the surname Xue.

That's why he was called Laomo Xue.

Don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean that he is a demon cultivator.

Instead, it alluded to the fact that the other party was powerful and dreadful, and that's why he got this title.

However, what the world doesn't know is that this old devil Xue is not only powerful, but also has profound attainments in formations.

It can be called the master of formation!

So something unexpected happened to Lin Xiaoyao.

Originally, he thought that this formation would only be able to break in if the existence of a true immortal existed.

Unexpectedly, Old Demon Xue sneaked in quietly.

No way, this is one plus one exerting an effect greater than two.

If the other party is just a Dzogchen existence in the Transcending Tribulation Period, he will definitely not be able to enter.

In the same way, if he is just an ordinary formation master without a strong cultivation base, then he will also be helpless when facing this big formation of heaven and earth.

But the other party is both an immortal cultivator of the Great Perfection during the tribulation period and a master of the formation. After spending a lot of thought and hard work, he managed to sneak in from the weak point of the guardian formation. up.

Of course, this process is not easy.

The process of breaking the formation made that old devil Xue secretly startled.

As the saying goes, you know what you see, if it is said that this set of formations is a coincidence of the Huayu Sect, it is nothing more than a chance to get it from the ruins of a certain ancient monk.

This means nothing.

At most, it means that the faction was lucky.

But if not...

It's because they really have the background, so they can have such a powerful formation.

Then the situation will be completely different.

Perhaps, the Huayu Sect really has a great patriarch.

Even if the rumors are exaggerated.

In this case, the Huayu Sect might not be easily provoked.

Because it was not easy to break through the formation, Laomo Xue was extremely careful.

Don't dare to underestimate Huayuzong.


"Huh, unexpectedly an outsider broke into our door?"

at the same time.

Lin Xiaoyao was hanging out under the flat peach tree, eating snacks and reading novels, not to mention how comfortable his little life was.

Suddenly, as if he sensed something, he frowned slightly.

There was also a look of surprise on his face.

When did a real fairy appear in Yunzhou again?
A little induction.

Lin Xiaoyao's expression became more and more strange.

Not a real fairy.

He is a cultivator who has crossed the tribulation period and achieved great perfection.

However, this person seems to be good at formation techniques and has reached the level of formation masters.

So to break in here.

"I see."

"I really haven't thought about this situation."

"Really, what are you doing here to trouble yourself?"

Lin Xiaoyao showed dissatisfaction on his face.

Then a malicious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Since you are so reckless and insist on coming here to cause trouble for me, then I will stop blaming Lin for being rude and make an over-the-top joke with you."

You know, it is Lin Xiaoyao's body who is in Huayu Sect at this moment.

The same is the Great Consummation of the Transcending Tribulation Period, and in terms of realm alone, it should be almost the same as this old devil Xue.

However, this is only the superficial realm.

But in terms of the depth of mana, it is completely different from the opponent.

It's not an order of magnitude at all.

That's not a slight gap, but more than eighteen streets left behind by him.

What's more, he also has the blessing of saint attributes.

Able to use such great supernatural powers as touch stones and words.

To kill the opponent, to put it bluntly, it is not much more difficult than crushing an ant.

But Lin Xiaoyao has no such plans yet.

Because he felt that the other party was not guilty of death.

So it's just a casual lesson and teasing.

Lin Xiaoyao released his own divine thoughts.

In that divine sense, there was also a ray of aura belonging to a saint.

Then very precisely like that guy shrouded in the past.


Let's talk about Old Demon Xue.

After this guy broke into the formation and entered Huayuzong, he was immediately stunned.

"What a rich heaven and earth aura!"

The expression on his face was stunned.

Although there are already some rumors outside.

It is said that Huayuzong is not what it used to be.

The quality of their main rudder spirit veins has mutated, and it has become very excellent.

Xue Laomo naturally also heard about it.

But he was noncommittal about the news.

It is rare for the spiritual vein to mutate in the world of immortality, but it does happen.

As for the result of the mutation, it mainly depends on luck.

It is possible to be better than ever.

But it's also possible that it's not as good as it used to be.

Moreover, these two different situations have a certain probability of appearing.

But on the whole, that's about it.

This variation will not be too outrageous.

Even with good luck, the quality of the spirit veins is only slightly better than before.

As a result, the scene I saw in front of me.

But Xue Laomo was completely stunned.

The aura here is simply unbelievably strong.

Even if it is the best and most famous fairy mountain blessed land in Yunzhou, it is not worth mentioning compared with what is in front of us.

Xue Laomo has lived for countless years and has extensive knowledge, but at this moment, he still cannot hide the astonishment on his face.

You know, not long ago, he had never heard of Huayuzong's fame.

And it is such a little-known sect that has such an excellent cave?
Can this be obtained by the mutation of the spiritual vein?
Are you kidding me?
Even if the spiritual vein mutates, the quality of improvement is extremely limited.

In any case, it is absolutely impossible to achieve this step.

His heart was awe-inspiring.

No longer dare to underestimate Huayuzong.

As the saying goes, you know what you see, the faction's guardian formation is so great, and now it has such an incredible spiritual vein...

One, or perhaps luck, coincidence
But if there are two, just good luck can't explain it.

Are the rumors true?
Does the Huayu Sect really have an immortal patriarch?
For this point, Xue Laomo felt incredible, but everything he saw and heard at the moment pointed to that fact.

Although, this is just speculation.

But he also put away all his arrogance, and now he is more curious.

If it was true, he would really like to meet the other party's so-called immortal patriarch.

He was still thinking like this, and he didn't notice Lin Xiaoyao's huge divine sense at all, mixed with a sage's breath.

It's not far away.

Then, it enveloped him all of a sudden.

Suddenly the world spun.

Old Mo Xue turned pale with shock.

The first reaction was that he was caught in an ambush.

Naturally, he would not stand still and quickly released his natal magic weapon to protect his body.

However, the expected attack did not come.

The scene in front of me was blurred.

Then he found himself in a strange world.

No sky, no earth.

What caught the eye was a piece of chaotic nothingness.

what is this?
Formation or Illusion?

Old Mo Xue turned pale with fright, but did not panic.

After all, in these long years, he has experienced countless ups and downs, and he knows that in such a situation, panic is useless.

Only by being calm can you save yourself from danger.

He let out his divine sense to look at the surrounding environment.


next moment.

Xue Laomo saw a scene that he will never forget.

The chaos was first opened, and the void was filled with endless laws.

These laws are powerful.

However, there are no rules, and it appears to be extremely violent.

What's even more frightening is that they only need a swipe to put themselves in a situation beyond redemption.


Did he really come to the myths and legends, the world before Pan Gu created the world?
No wonder the laws of heaven and earth can be seen with the naked eye.

However, there is no way to comprehend such a law, and it only brings death and danger.

Xue Laomo trembled all over.

Yet at this moment.

He saw a stalwart figure appearing in the void again.

After this figure appeared.

The originally violent power of law suddenly calmed down.

They become well-behaved and obedient.


Xue Laomo's face revealed an expression of disbelief.

What kind of existence can make all the laws of this world surrender?
He raised his head, trying to see the figure clearly.

But his eyes hurt.

Can't help but let out a scream.

Then he fell to his knees with a plop.

He was horrified.

What a great existence that is, I don't even have the right to look at him directly.

No, it was too far away.

In front of this person, even calling oneself an ant is a kind of flattery.

He shuddered.

He knelt down on his knees and lowered his head.

at this moment.

There was a realization in his heart.

What I see at this moment is not an illusion.

But not really either.

but an origin.

It's just that my realm is too low to understand at all.

But this experience also made him realize a fact.

It is the patriarch of Huayu Sect, who is not a true immortal at all, but a stronger and greater existence.

He didn't know exactly what it was.

But Xue Laomo understands that the other party is his own existence in this life, and he will never be able to look behind him.


"It seems to have gone a little too far."

at the same time.

Under the flat peach tree.

Lin Xiaoyao frowned slightly.

He still underestimated himself now.

With the improvement of the realm, the attributes of the saint in his body became more and more intense.

Even if only a ray was released just now, and it was mixed in the divine sense, it is not something a small tribulation cultivator can bear.

The other party was stupefied with fright.

This might become a demon in his heart on the road of practice.

If it cannot be lifted, the cultivation base in this life may come to an end.

Lin Xiaoyao shook his head.

But I didn't care too much.

In the final analysis, it was this guy who was making fun of himself.

Everyone has no grievances in the past, and no worries these days, who made him insist on going to the Huayu Sect to spy?

It can only be said that he deserved to end up like this.

Since he was scared out of his wits, he couldn't do any harm to our sect.

So Lin Xiaoyao withdrew his divine thoughts and stopped paying attention to this guy.

After a cup of tea.

The monks of the Huayu Sect finally discovered this Old Devil Xue.

Originally, this situation was impossible.

As a powerhouse of the Great Perfection during the Tribulation Transcendence Period, even if he is not good at concealment, how can a few ordinary Hua Yuzong disciples be able to discover it?

But at that time, the other party did not hide at all.

The whole person is in a state of despair.

Just stood there in a daze.

In this case, it is really difficult not to be discovered.

Master Qingyu got the news and rushed over quickly.

"You are……"

As an immortal cultivator who lived in seclusion all year round, although Xue Laomo's reputation was not obvious, it was relatively speaking.

After all, he is one of the top existences in Yunzhou.

How could Qingyu Zhenren, the master of the faction, have never heard of it?
Can't help but turn pale with shock.

This is a great power who has crossed the peak of the tribulation.

His voice was a little stammered.

"Senior, you came here because..."

Although the other party's expression was a little weird, but from his perspective, how could he dare to be careless?
I couldn't help but whisper in my heart.

Didn't the patriarch say that monks below the true immortal level cannot enter?


Of course, he dared not have any resentment.

I was just afraid that this guy in front of me would be bad for our sect.

I don't know whether the patriarch is here or not at this moment.

All in all, in the face of such a cultivator whose strength is much higher than his own, Master Qingyu still feels a little bit uneasy.

However, the next moment, something happened that surprised him.

The top powerhouse in Yunzhou actually knelt down.

But it was not facing him, but in another direction, with all five bodies on the ground, with an extremely respectful expression: "Thank you for your kindness, senior, for not killing me."

Xue Laomo knew in his heart that he was no better than an ant in the face of that great existence, and if the other party wanted to kill him, it would not take any effort at all.

Yet this was not done.

He was naturally very grateful.

Then he bowed to Master Qingyu again.

"Fellow Daoist, I don't know the heights of heaven and earth, trespassed on the mountain gate of your sect, and accidentally disturbed that senior. I really deserve to die. Fortunately, senior is kind and merciful."

"In order to repay the favor of the senior, I am willing to join the noble sect and become a member of the Huayu Sect. I also ask the real master to take him in."

This is over.

Master Qingyu was dumbfounded when he heard the lamp.

After receiving the information, the first elders who came over also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Did we hear it right?

This top-notch powerhouse with a high reputation in Yunzhou actually wants to become a member of our sect?
This is a bit ridiculous!
What should I do?
Faced with this situation, Master Qingyu couldn't help but fall into a dilemma.

It's not right to agree for a while, and it's not right not to agree.


The opponent's strength is too strong, and there may be a danger of doves occupying the magpie's nest in the future.

Don't agree...

I feel a little pity.

After all, the joining of such a strong man must be of great benefit to Hua Yuzong
Secondly, I am also afraid that the other party will become angry if they refuse.

For a while, I was in a dilemma.

Master Qingyu's face showed a bit of contemplation.

I don't know what choice to make.

Yet at this moment.

An ethereal voice entered the ears.

"Take it."

"There is no need for special treatment, just be an ordinary disciple of the original sect."

"Is this... the voice of the Patriarch?"

Master Qingyu was taken aback for a moment, and then a look of overjoy appeared on his face.

Originally, he was feeling difficult to make a choice, but now, with the instructions of the patriarch and his old man, naturally there is no need to feel entangled in everything.

Just follow orders.

"Yes, the disciple respectfully abides by the law."

He hastily bowed and saluted with a respectful expression.

"Thank you senior, no, thank you Patriarch!"

Xue Laomo did the same.

There was no dissatisfaction at all because the other party said that he would treat himself as an ordinary disciple.

Quite the opposite.

Being able to get the approval of the other party, he felt that this was his greatest blessing.

On the side, Lin Xiaoyao also had a satisfied expression.

No matter why this old monster made such a choice, to me, it was a happy result.

Without him, I don't have to be a nanny in the future!

Although the strength of this old monster is not worth mentioning to him, looking at Yunzhou, he can indeed be called a top powerhouse.

He joined the Huayu Sect, and any troubles and crises that our sect encounters in the future can naturally be left to him to deal with.

I no longer have to do everything myself, and live like a nanny.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help feeling happier.

However, this incident once again caused an uproar in Yunzhou.

As the saying goes, paper cannot contain fire.

What's more, from the beginning to the end, no one thought about the need to keep this matter secret.

in contrast.

Not only did the immortal cultivators of the Huayu Sect not intend to keep it secret, but they also intentionally or unintentionally publicized this matter.

Then the entire Yunzhou Immortal Cultivation World was in an uproar.

Everyone was stunned.

First of all, the first reaction was that there was something wrong with my ears.

I find this thing ridiculous.

What are you telling me?
Xue Laomo went to Hua Yuzong to spy on the secret.

In the end, not only came back with nothing, but finally chose to join the sect and became an ordinary immortal cultivator of Huayu Sect.


Immortal cultivators who heard the news.

The first reaction was to be dumbfounded.

I suspect something is wrong with my ears.

Let's make up a lie, can we rely on it?

In other words, is it difficult to make a draft before bragging?
Just ask.

If this news was replaced by you, would you believe it?
In a word, everyone sneered at it.

I think the monks of Huayuzong must be crazy.

Actually put gold on his face like this.

No one believed it at all.

This matter has even become the hottest topic of conversation among people in the world of cultivating immortals.

But before everyone turned on the mocking mode, they were slapped in the face.

It's not nonsense, it's real.

This time the source of the news is very reliable.

It has been confirmed by many Yunzhou sects and strong men.

This time, everyone was dumbfounded.

Originally, he was going to mock the other party.

Unexpectedly, I found out in the end that the clown mirror was me.

It's just...why is all this?
A strong man like Xue Laomo, looking at Yunzhou, is also a top-notch existence.

And I heard that he has never hated the restraint of martial arts rules the most, does he like freedom?
In the past, it wasn't that no sect extended an olive branch to him.

And they are all top-ranked forces in Yunzhou.

The conditions offered are also extremely generous.

The other party is not willing to offer the position of Supreme Elder.

As a result you told me.

Now he actually took the initiative to join the Huayu Sect, and he was just an ordinary disciple.

Did something go wrong?
Why did the other party make such a choice?

Could it be that there is something wrong with the head?

The entire Yunzhou Immortal Cultivation World was in an uproar.

This thing is outrageous.

At least on the surface, there is simply no credibility at all.

But the problem is that there are several top forces in Yunzhou and well-known strong men who endorse the source of the news. In this case, everyone has to believe it.

As a result, Huayuzong once again became the focus of the entire Yunzhou Immortal Cultivation World.

Originally, the destruction of Baiqiaoyuan had something to do with Huayuzong, and everyone felt that this matter was outrageous.

But now, many people's views on this matter have become dubious.

After all, if the Huayu Sect had no inconceivable excellence, then could Old Devil Xue have been kicked in the head by a donkey to make such a choice?

Many people began to think carefully about a question... Maybe the rumors are true.

Maybe the Huayu Sect really had a great immortal patriarch.

In this way, because of this incident, Lin Xiaoyao also became famous.

The fact that Huayuzong possessed immortals gradually spread throughout the world of immortal cultivation in Yunzhou.

And when people began to believe in this matter, more clues were gradually found out.

For example, the destruction of Tianmozong and Xuandaomen.

In addition, in the past, the mighty elder of the Tianmo Sect died at the hands of the immortal patriarch of the Huayu Sect.

And because of the Valley of Time, the legend of the unnamed true immortal may also be this strong man from the Huayu Sect...

All in all, some of these series of things have been confirmed by people.

There are also some guesses made only through clues.

But none of them are aimless, but there is more or less evidence.

And these piles, one by one, gradually, all the news pointed to one point.

That is, the Huayu Sect is very likely to have an extremely powerful immortal patriarch.

In this way, as time went by, from being puzzled at the beginning to gradually, no one doubted this matter anymore.

Huayuzong has a powerful immortal patriarch, which has almost become the consensus of Yunzhou's immortal cultivating circle.

In this way, naturally no one would dare to stroke Hua Yuzong's beard.

Quite the opposite.

On the contrary, many people came here admiringly, crying and begging, wanting to join the faction.

There are many geniuses among them.

But more of them are impostors who want to try their luck and take a chance.

This made Master Qingyu a headache, both happy and disturbed.

All in all, Hua Yuzong and Lin Xiaoyao are really famous this time.

Of course it didn't end there.

Afterwards, there were also quite a few people who, with one purpose or another, made insinuations, wanting to find out more information about this true immortal.

It's a pity that it's all in vain.

Because the Huayu Sect goes up to the sect master and down to the ordinary disciples, they don't know about it!

After all, who would have thought that the so-called True Immortal Patriarch is actually just someone's vest.

The disturbance from the outside world has nothing to do with Lin Xiaoyao.

It's just a mere name, as a saint himself, how could he care?

His pattern is not that low.

The most urgent task is still to improve one's own strength as soon as possible.

I want to become a real fairy as soon as possible.

Fortunately, now, his goal is not far away.

within reach.

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  This chapter has more than 600 words. Next, Lin Xiaoyao will finally become a fairy. After becoming a fairy, a new story will start, which is very exciting!

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(End of this chapter)

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