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Chapter 146 The Birth of a Demon Immortal Shocks Yunzhou

Chapter 146 The Birth of a Demon Immortal Shakes Yunzhou

The Yaozu suddenly agreed.

An earth-shattering roar reached the ears.

A catastrophe is inevitable, and Yunzhou will once again be in great danger.

Say it and do it.

Soon, with millions of monsters as the vanguard, the catastrophe that Yunzhou faced this time slowly began to unfold.

The first to notice something was wrong were the several cultivating sects and families living near Shiwan Dashan.

The reason why they choose to be neighbors with demons.

Firstly, it is because there is indeed a good spiritual vein here, which is suitable for establishing the main rudder.

Secondly, the moon is the first to be close to the water, and it is also convenient for them to hunt and kill the monster clan.

You must know that the fur and bones of monsters are of great use to cultivators, and the value of monster pills is even more important.

Some things can be used by yourself, even if you don’t need them, you can get them to Fangshi to exchange needed resources and spirit stones.

All in all, as long as you don't go to the depths of the Shiwan Dashan, but only on the periphery, although it is dangerous, it is generally controllable.

After all, the Yunzhou human race is strong now, and the demon cultivators are just lingering.

Of course, since they placed the three gates here, it is natural that they also have the obligation to monitor the monster race for humans.

However, this is nothing.

If we talk about the beginning, when the main rudder was just established here, the monks were still a little nervous.

So thousands of years have passed, and the monster clan has been obediently staying in the depths of the wild monster mountain, and has never come out to do evil.

Gradually, their vigilance has long been reduced to the lowest level.

We have already formed a consensus.

Facing the mighty human cultivator

Those timid demon cultivators dare not take the initiative to come out to die.

This is also normal.

After all, for tens of thousands of years, human beings have been occupying the Yunzhou Immortal Cultivation Realm, the most fertile fairy mountain blessed land, while the monster race is hiding in the deep mountains and dense forests.

In terms of cultivation conditions, it is far from being able to compare with them.

It can even be said that it is far away.

In this case, one ebbs and another grows, and the human race is naturally getting stronger, while the strength of the monster race is getting weaker year by year.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is good for them to be able to linger on until now, but how can they have the courage to take the initiative to find trouble for human beings?

Unless it is tired of life!

It has to be said that such an analysis makes some sense.

It's a pity that the world of cultivating immortals is eccentric, and many things cannot be assumed with common sense.

Who said that the Yaozu will gradually become weaker if they live in the deep mountains and dense forests?

Hmph, this is just taken for granted.

On the contrary, it may not be suitable for human immortal cultivators there, but the cultivation conditions required by the monster race are somewhat different from those of human beings.

Although overall, much the same.

But as the saying goes, a slight difference is a thousand miles away.

Over the years, demon cultivators have tried their best, and ordinary monsters have not been idle, contrary to what humans estimated.

Not only did their strength not weaken, but they became stronger and stronger.

But even so, in terms of specific operations, the Yaozu deliberately behaved weakly.

This is the strategy of arrogant soldiers!

Showing the enemy to be weak is to cultivate the arrogance and arrogance of human immortal cultivators.

In the past, perhaps the Yaozu were really rude and upright, and didn't know how to use tricks.

But the wisdom of demon cultivators is not low. After suffering a lot in the process of fighting with humans, they gradually became cunning.

For this revenge, they did not know how much preparation they had made in advance.

Obviously, their strategy worked.

In the beginning, when the monster race was just driven into the wild monster mountain, human beings were still a little afraid of them.

But as time goes by, as the monster race becomes weaker and weaker.

Gradually, the immortal cultivators didn't care too much, and pride began to grow in their hearts, and they no longer looked down on the monster race.

So, this time, the Yaozu succeeded in their schemes, with intentional calculations and unintentional calculations.

But human immortal cultivators were caught off guard and fell into a huge crisis all at once.

The first unlucky ones were the dozen or so cultivating sects and families stationed near Shiwan Dashan.

The hatred between them and the Yaozu does not need to be described in words.

Just because they often send their disciples into the outskirts of the Wild Monster Mountain to hunt and kill monsters is enough to make the Monster Race hate these people to the bone.

So, when the monsters decided to attack humans.

Millions of monsters gushed out from the deep mountains and dense forests, and they were the first to be attacked. These dozen or so unlucky sects were besieged by the monsters.

There is no suspense in the battle.

After all, the difference in strength between them is too great.

Seeing the group of monsters appearing on the horizon, all the cultivators showed horrified expressions.

He hurriedly returned to the mountain gate, opened the guard formation, and issued a sound transmission talisman for help.

Unfortunately, no use!
In an instant, they were overwhelmed by countless monsters.

It doesn't even need the high-level demon cultivators to make a move.

The monsters easily broke through the formations of these sects and razed them to the ground just by relying on their numbers and brute force.

And the monks of these sects, regardless of their level of cultivation, almost all died in battle.

The main rudder was destroyed, and almost no one was able to escape.

It's not that I don't want to, but there are monsters in all directions, and there is nowhere to escape.

There is no suspense in the battle.

And for those high-level demon cultivators, pulling out these small nails is not worth mentioning at all, it's just an appetizer.

The figure of the Hundred Demon King appeared in the void.

His eyes are deep, looking down at the earth.

Then a cruel smile formed on the corner of his mouth.

He waved his hand down heavily.

"Let's go to the hinterland of Yunzhou, let those human monks tremble because of their stupidity and weakness!"


As the saying goes, paper cannot contain fire.

Although the dozens of sects and families of cultivating immortals close to the wild monster mountain were almost wiped out, and there was no survivor, the news that the monster clan came out of the mountain like a broken bamboo and was about to start a big war again seemed to have grown wings. It spread throughout the world of cultivating immortals in Yunzhou.

The monks were all in an uproar.

At first, many people didn't even believe the news at all.

Feel ridiculous.

Over the past ten thousand years, the monster race has always been very weak, fleeing into the wild monster mountain is just lingering.

How dare they take the initiative to provoke a big war after eating the bear's heart and leopard's courage?
Did something go wrong?
How is this possible?
Unless those demon cultivators are impatient.

Where do they have such guts!
All in all, a lot of people scoffed.

Many immortal cultivators even thought that this was just a lie and joke made up by some boring guy.

But facts are facts.

After a few days, the cultivators could no longer laugh

In just a few days, dozens of sects were razed to the ground.

Wherever the monsters passed by, there was devastation everywhere.

The former Xianfu Qidi, now there are only some ruins left.

As for the cultivators of those sects?
Almost wiped out!

Few escaped, and only a dozen or so escaped.

And all of them had dull eyes and faces full of fear, obviously terrified.

It was only then that the immortal cultivators in Yunzhou realized that the news was true, the dead had been dead for ten thousand years, and the Yaozu had really provoked a big war again.

How dare they...

However, while everyone was shocked and angry, they were also very surprised.

Are these demon cultivators crazy?
Don't they know that there is a huge gap in strength between them and human monks?
Since you can't fight, why take the initiative to provoke a big war?
Although puzzled.

But the facts are in sight.

Facing the crazy monster race, human immortal cultivators will certainly not sit idly by, and must give each other a head-on blow.

And in this case, a single sect would definitely not be able to win.

Fortunately, how to deal with the Yaozu, humans have already had experience.

At this time, no matter whether it is the righteous way or the evil way, they will abandon their previous suspicions.

Then, the most powerful sects in Yunzhou will take the lead.

A demon-killing alliance was formed.

Other sects of cultivating immortals also joined soon.

Definitely have to join, there is nothing to hesitate about.

And not just because of the same hatred.

The most important reason is that only by joining the Monster Slayer League can one obtain the other party's protection.

But now the strength displayed by the Yaozu is staggering.

The key is too many.

It is said that there are millions of monsters alone.

This is not considered a high-level demon cultivator.

Such a powerful strength, how can it be resisted by only the strength of a sect?
It's like hitting an egg against a rock.

So everyone has to unite and join the Monster Killing League, so that they can get shelter and compete with each other.

The cultivators moved very quickly, and they didn't want to be defeated by the monsters one by one.

Within a few days, the strength of the Monster Killing League grew rapidly.


half a month later.

This is a wasteland.

It was getting dark.

Looking around, there are only endless stones and sand grains, and there is no one inhabited.

This is the place chosen by the Jade Immortals League as the best place to stop the demon clan.

Hundreds of thousands of monks are waiting.

Although, their number is not as high as that of the Yaozu, after all, it is impossible for all the major sects to really come out, more or less, there must always be some people guarding the helm.

What's more, the most difficult monsters to deal with are mainly those powerful and extremely cunning high-level demon cultivators?
As for those stupid monsters?
Although the number is large, it is not to be feared.

As long as the requirements can be completely wiped out, no matter how many monsters there are, they are nothing more than a piece of loose sand at the mercy of others.

What's more, on the side of the human monks, they calculated with their minds or not. Since they decided to launch a decisive battle here, how could they be foolish and play head-to-head tricks with each other?
The monks have already arranged countless formation restrictions here in advance.

With the help of these things, even if the number is far smaller than that of the Yaozu, they are sure to win the battle.

The only worry now is whether the other party will throw himself into the trap?

No one is absolutely sure about this.

After half a month of contact, people have discovered that the Yaozu are not stupid.

To be correct, compared with ten thousand years ago, the strength of Yaozu is not to mention, but in terms of strategy, it has been completely reborn and has become very cunning.

Although, in order to cover up the fact that this decisive battle site is actually a trap, they used a lot of suspicious tactics.

But whether the other party will be deceived or not is not fully sure.

"Fellow Daoist Haifeng, do you think those demon cultivators will really come?"

The one who spoke was a thin old man with a worried look on his face.

Although he used the method of suspicious soldiers, when setting up this trap, there was too much movement after all, and he had no idea whether those monster races would be deceived or not.

"Don't worry, they will definitely come."

The one who answered him was an old man with a childish tone and white hair.

This old man is honored as Daoist Fengfeng, and he is also the leader of Ruyaomen League.

He is a figure of the same era as the elder of Tianmozong and the late Tianxing Daoist, and in terms of fame and prestige, he is not inferior to the two.

Originally, he was a strong man in the Dzogchen Transcending Tribulation Period.

It is said that in the past two years, he has got a chance, and he is making great progress, directly breaking through the bottleneck that has plagued him for many years, and becoming a Sanxian.

If you don't count Huayuzong's immortal patriarch who has never shown his face in front of people despite his great reputation, this Daoist Haifeng can be said to be the most powerful person in Yunzhou!

He is also the confidence of a human monk.

After all, there is a Sanxian in charge.

Everyone feels that no matter what kind of difficulties and powerful enemies they encounter, the final victory will definitely belong to them.

"Oh, why are fellow daoists so sure?"

Beside him, a slightly surprised voice came to his ears.

This time it was a woman in an emerald green dress who spoke.

Tall, with a beautiful face, she looks only in her twenties, extremely young.

However, a pair of eyes are full of vicissitudes of life, and it is obvious that the real age is far beyond.

"It turned out to be Fairy He."

There was a hint of a smile on the corner of Daoist Fengfeng's mouth.

Although this woman's identity and strength are slightly inferior compared to his, she is also a top powerhouse of an outstanding and famous sect, a cultivator who has crossed the tribulation.

So he patiently explained.

"Compared with ten thousand years ago, today's Yaozu has indeed become cunning and suspicious, but there is one thing, they have not changed."

"Oh, what?"

Not only the woman surnamed He, but also the several cultivators who were crossing the catastrophe next to her, could not help but turn their heads when they heard this, and naturally showed some concern on their faces.

"It's an impatient character."

Daoist Haifeng said lightly, appearing to have a plan in mind.

"After all, they are monsters. They can become cunning after suffering a disadvantage, but their irritable character is difficult to change."

"I've done some research. Over the past month, their attacks have been extremely swift and violent, and they're obviously getting impatient. They've wiped out our sects of immortal cultivators one by one like they are now."

"So it's true that we want to stop the opponent, but why don't those monster races not want to find an opportunity to fight to the death with the main force of our immortal cultivators."

"That's why I set up a battle here and set up traps. I never thought that I could fool those monster races. This is actually a conspiracy."

"I'm betting that even if they see through our scheme, they won't be able to bear it anymore, obediently take the bait, and come to fight us."

"These monster races are very eager to fight, and they have long wanted to finish their work and destroy the main force of our human monks."

"So they will never let go of the god-given opportunity in front of them. Even if they know there is a trap, they will slam into it."

"Is that right?"

Those old monsters during the tribulation period next to them looked at each other in blank dismay, and couldn't help but be skeptical in their hearts.

Yet at this moment.

"Hmph, Your Excellency knows our Yaozu well. This analysis is clear and logical. I have to say that your targeted arrangement is quite good. I can't help but applaud you."

"It's a pity that even if the analysis is in place, what's the use? There is a huge difference in strength between the two. Everything you do is just a mantis to block the car."

"Thinking that setting up such a trap can destroy us demon cultivators, it's really too presumptuous."

Without the slightest sign, a cold and arrogant voice came to everyone's ears from far and near.

The voice came suddenly.

There are so many immortal cultivators present, but none of them noticed beforehand.

The crowd was shocked.

Hastily followed the sound and raised his head.

I saw a faint ray of evil spirit appearing on the horizon in the distance.


It was still far away at first, but in an instant, it came to me.

As soon as the evil spirit was suppressed, he turned into a tall man in his thirties.

At first glance, the man looked like a human immortal cultivator, but when he looked closely, he found a layer of fine scales on both cheeks.

It's just that the scales are translucent and inconspicuous in the sunlight.

But when he opened his mouth, what was exposed were fangs that were definitely not human.

Because the fangs are not only extremely sharp, but also stacked layer by layer.

Just looking at it makes your scalp tingle.

Demon clan?

No, to be precise, it is a high-level demon cultivator.

Seeing the comer clearly, the monks present were a little bit astonished.

There is no other reason, they set up a large formation here, waiting for the monster army to throw themselves into the net, how come in the end, they only waited for a demon cultivator?

Although this guy does not look weak.

But there is only one person, so what's the point of killing him?
"Who is your Excellency? It's so courageous to come here alone. Could it be that you want to court death?"

Daoist Haifeng's complexion was a bit gloomy.

Could it be that his own calculation made a mistake, and those monster races dared not come here when they saw the trap?

But why did they send such a demon cultivator here? What exactly do these cunning demon cultivators want to do?
What is the trick?
Or do you want to laugh at and humiliate yourself?

"who am I?"

A smile appeared on the demon's face.

He raised his head and glanced at the dozen or so human monks in front, with an obvious look of sarcasm on his face: "With you rubbish and these clumsy traps, you think you can defeat our demon race!" Army?"

"It's really too ignorant. To deal with you, you don't need many demon clans to come out. I am more than enough."


The monks present were shocked and angry.

At the same time couldn't help but looked at each other.

Judging from his tone, he wanted to challenge all the human immortal cultivators present by himself?
I have never seen such an arrogant guy in the world.

Does he really have a brain problem?

"act recklessly!"

His words angered a cultivator covered in black robes.

This is a powerful demon, with a violent and cruel temper. This time, in order to fight against the monster clan, he abandoned his previous suspicions and joined the Monster Killing League.

Never expected that the other party's tone was so outrageous.

I really don't know how the word "death" is written.

"The old man wants to see how a little demon cultivator dares to speak such wild words?"

Before the words were finished, the demon powerhouse had sacrificed his treasure.

I saw demonic energy swarming out of him, accompanied by a sharp sound of piercing through the air, and a black magic sword stabbed viciously at the demon cultivator's head.

This is a strong man at the tribulation level.

The sharpness of the shot is to the extent that it is frightening.


next moment.

An incredible scene happened.


There was a mocking look on the demon cultivator's face. Facing the demon cultivator's attack, he began to emit traces of monster aura all over his body.


A puff came to his ears, and the powerful man in the black robe turned into a cloud of blood mist.

what happened?

what just happened?
The change came so suddenly that all the immortal cultivators present turned pale with shock.

Everyone could hardly believe their eyes.

They could see clearly just now that the demon cultivator didn't even move his hands, he just exuded some monster aura all over his body, and then... that demonic power died inexplicably?
Did you make a mistake!
how can that be possible?
This is totally against common sense.

But it happened right in front of their eyes.

Could it be that……

All of a sudden, everyone's hearts were pounding, and there were various guesses.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

Originally, Daoist Haifeng didn't pay attention to this mere demon cultivator at all, but at this moment, his expression changed drastically.

Because even he didn't figure out exactly how the other party killed that demon cultivator just now.

It's just amazing, it's scary.

"Okay, God has the virtue of being good at life, so I'll let you all be sensible ghosts."

The demon cultivator had a proud look on his face.

"Remember clearly, my name is Hundred Demon King, and it is also lucky for you people to die in my hands."

Hundred Demon King?
All the cultivators frowned, the name was very strange.

No one has ever heard of it.

And this is exactly the cunning of the demon cultivators.

The Hundred Demon King is now a strong person at the level of a real fairy, but in the past month, he has lived in a shallow place and never made a move.

So human beings don't even know that there is such a number one figure as him among the monster clan.

The purpose of the Yaozu doing this is to catch the human monks by surprise at the most critical moment.

Right now is obviously the best time.

And their plan was good, it can be said that it had better results than they originally expected.

After the Hundred Demon King said this, he no longer hid his strength.
The evil spirit on his body fully bloomed.

Suddenly, the whole sky seemed to become dark all of a sudden.

The pressure is overwhelming.

"True fairy!"

"He turned out to be a real fairy."


The faces of the cultivators changed drastically, and they all panicked.

Originally, it was just a demon cultivator, and none of the cultivators present would pay attention to it, but now...

"A bunch of idiots, now you can go to hell."

A cruel smile appeared on the face of the Hundred Demon King.

Before the words were finished, the terrifying evil spirit completely dissipated, covering the front in a mighty way.

"No, everyone run away."

But it was too late.

In just a cup of tea, none of the powerful members of the Yao Zhu League, including Daoist Sanxian Gaifeng, escaped.

completely annihilated!

And this scene was clearly seen by the hundreds of thousands of human monks present.

However, although they have a large number, they are far behind the opponent's strength.

Second, there is no leader among the dragons.

Faced with this true immortal Yaoxiu who claimed to be the King of Hundred Demons, he didn't dare to resist, but chose to flee in all directions.

All of a sudden, the army was defeated like a mountain.

Unfortunately, they can't run away either.

The demon cultivators have already expected this scene

The Hundred Demon King actually did not come alone.

Other demon cultivators and monsters have already ambushed in another direction.

Now it just happened to block the fleeing monks.

A big battle.

There is no suspense about the outcome.

After all, if you leave the preset battlefield, the traps and restrictions of the immortal cultivators will not be effective.

And their number is already less than that of Yaozu.

Now morale is low again, and the dragons have no leader.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to organize effective resistance at all.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

He was subsequently concealed and killed by the monster race, causing countless casualties.

In the end, not even one out of ten escaped.

After this battle, the Yunzhou Immortal Cultivation World was severely damaged.

Facing the monster clan's subsequent offensive, the immortal cultivators could no longer organize a decent resistance.

The loss would have been huge, not to mention the news of the real fairy appearing on the side of the Yaozu, which made everyone feel panic.

It can be said that the Monster Killing League already exists in name only.

So far, everyone can only fight on their own.

But in this way, the situation becomes even more difficult.

After all, a sect or cultivating family is too weak to face the monster race, and it is easy to be defeated one by one.

If this continues, the entire Yunzhou will soon fall into the hands of the Yaozu.

The scene ten thousand years ago will repeat itself.

However, this time, the ending of the immortal cultivators may be worse than that of the monster race.

In the past, the monster race could escape into the wild monster mountain, and with the help of the cover of the deep mountains and great swamps, they could linger on their last days.

Slowly recuperate over time.

But where can the cultivators come and go?
Could it be that he also escaped into the deep mountains and great swamps?

Don't be kidding, let alone whether the environment there is suitable for cultivators, the key is that it is useless to escape in.

It should be noted that the Yaozu's familiarity with it is far beyond that of human monks.

If they choose to flee into the deep mountains, the monster race will never give up, they will definitely continue to hunt and kill, cut grass and roots, and never cause future troubles.

Humans are not that stupid to fight against the demon clan in the dense forest of the mountains, it is the old birthday star who hanged himself, committing suicide!
So more than [-] years ago, after the Yaozu was defeated in battle, they could flee into the wild Yaoshan as a cover.

But it is impossible for human beings to learn this strategy, otherwise they would be courting death and doing a very stupid thing.

But apart from the deep mountains and dense forests in the east and south, where else could they escape?

To the north is a vast expanse of desert.

To the west is the boundless sea.

If you choose these two directions to escape, the hope of surviving is even slimmer.

Therefore, after a careful search, the panicked human immortal cultivator found sadly that he had no way out.

If they can't defeat the Yaozu, they will face a catastrophe, and maybe they will be killed by the opponent.

But the problem is, now that the strength of the two sides is very different, and the other side still has real immortals in charge, how can they turn defeat into victory under such circumstances?

Among other things, first of all, no one can deal with the true fairy of the Yaozu.

Wait, really not?

Wasn't there a legend a while ago that Yunzhou also had a true immortal?

The immortal patriarch of Huayu Sect.

Thinking of this, some people ignited hope, while others scoffed.

After all, in their view, all this is just a rumor.

Although it is conclusive.

But just ask.

No matter how much you say, but who of you has personally seen the so-called immortal patriarch of Huayu Sect?

From their point of view, this is nothing more than rushing to the doctor in a hurry. How could the little Huayuzong be able to stop the powerful Yaozu?

In short, there are very few people who have hope.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened. Originally, most human immortal cultivators did not place their hopes on Hua Yuzong.

But at this time.

But the Hundred Demon King said that he would go to the Huayu Sect to see for himself, to see if the so-called Immortal Patriarch of the sect was real or not?

(End of this chapter)

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