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Chapter 151: You Can't Say What You Say!Immortals are vulnerable to one blow

Chapter 151: You Can't Say What You Say!Impossible

So Lin Xiaoyao started.

But not at all.

After all, this incarnation made of Wannian Xianyu is no small matter. Although it is not as good as the main body, in terms of realm, it has already reached the level of a real fairy.

And it is far better than many of the same level.

Facing the mere ants of the Mahayana level, if you go all out, you only need one finger, and the opponent is already cold.

And Lin Xiaoyao didn't want to kill the other party in seconds.

I just want to teach you a good lesson.

It's still useful to save the other party's life!

So for the slap just now, he only used negligible strength.

But the opponent had already been beaten until his nose bleeds, and the person flew out like a kite with a broken string, the expression on his face was extremely horrified.

But at this time, he hadn't realized that it was because the strength gap between the two sides was too outrageous, and he took it for granted that it was because he was too careless.

He opened the mouth and said: "You are actually a body refiner, okay, little guy, you dare to sneak attack on me, you really don't know how to live or die, this deity will definitely make you pay a heavy price."


He was slapped and flew away again.

And this time, it was much worse than before.

The teeth in the mouth were broken, and half of the cheek was swollen.


He couldn't help being surprised and angry.

Without saying a word, he released a defensive treasure.

Obviously, the old guy had already been knocked out of his mind, but he still insisted that the setback just now was just an accident.

I think that as long as I sacrifice the magic weapon of defense, the opponent will not have the opportunity to attack again.

It's a pity that such an idea is too naive.

In order to wake him up, Lin Xiaoyao simply and neatly slapped him again.

Immediately, a sound like the bursting of bubbles came to the ears. The defensive magic weapon sent by the other party just now was of no use at all. It turned into ordinary iron and fell from the sky, and the old man in black was also slapped to the ground.

After eating a mouthful of dirt, the whole person was in an unbearable degree of embarrassment.

One time could be a coincidence.

The second time may also be an accident.

But when he was beaten by the opponent for the third time, he had no power to fight back.

No matter how stupid he is, he still knows that this kid in front of him is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. The strength of the other party is much stronger than his own. This is probably a character that he cannot provoke.

"Senior, spare your life, and show mercy."

The black-robed old man froze immediately.

On the surface, it seems a bit embarrassing to do so, but with his level of strength, of course he understands that life is much more important than face.

Originally, I did this because I wanted to flatter that young master, but I never expected that I bumped my head against the iron plate.

"Tell me, what is the origin of that stinky boy who was beaten up by me? There are so many guys rushing to avenge him?"

At first, Lin Xiaoyao didn't take this trivial matter to heart.

But he never expected that since he hit that teaser, the troubles would become endless.

It's annoying.

Although it is not a threat to myself, it is also annoying to have a fly every now and then.

Therefore, Lin Xiaoyao decided to solve this problem once and for all.


After a cup of tea.

"I didn't expect that guy to be a descendant of Zhenxian."

Lin Xiaoyao said to himself, and sent the black-robed old man back to the west with a slap.

Since the other party came to trouble him, he must have the consciousness of falling. Now that he has done something, Lin Xiaoyao has no plan to let him go back.

It's just that when I first arrived here, I actually provoked a powerful enemy at the level of a real fairy, which was indeed somewhat beyond my expectations.

But Lin Xiaoyao hates trouble, in order to avoid being entangled by the other party in the future, he decided to act first, and go to meet this true immortal from the boundless sea for a while.

You know, even if the realm is the same, the strength of the immortal cultivators is also different.

And although Lin Xiaoyao encountered a lot of troubles inexplicably because of that teasing, but strictly speaking, it was not without gains.

He found that the strength of this monk in the world of cultivating immortals was obviously stronger than the existence of the same level in Yunzhou.

If this happens only occasionally, it may not explain anything.

But all of this is worth thinking about.

It seems that in this world of immortal cultivation in the boundless sea, there are indeed strong people coming out in large numbers. Not only are masters like clouds, but even if the realm is the same, the strength of monks is stronger than that of Yunzhou.

I don't know what about the true immortals here, are they much stronger than the guys like the Hundred Demon Kings?

Not to mention, Lin Xiaoyao is quite looking forward to this battle.

And when you think about it, this isn't necessarily a bad thing.

After all, the place where the real immortal lives must be very important, and there is no need to elaborate on the profound Taoism.

And after defeating the opponent, according to the rules of immortal cultivators, the blessed land of the fairy mountain where he lives will naturally belong to him, and he may be able to sign good things there.

Thinking about it this way, my mood immediately improved a lot.

Good luck and bad luck.

Maybe what was a nuisance can turn into an opportunity again.


After half an hour.

With Lin Xiaoyao's supernatural speed, he has already arrived at the destination.

"Is this the place where the Daoist Zhuiyun lives?"

“The environment is pretty good!”

Lin Xiaoyao looked it over.

A look of satisfaction appeared on his face, the aura of heaven and earth here was extremely good.

Moreover, the place where he is in front of him is only the outer area, and the aura ahead will be more intense.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being a blessed land of immortal mountains with profound Taoism.

"It seems that this trip is the right one."

Lin Xiaoyao looked into the distance.

I saw that among the rolling hills, there was a large area of ​​Qionglou Yuyu-like buildings, and Lin Xiaoyao only released a little bit of spiritual thought.

It was easy to lock a large area of ​​powerful aura.

It seems that besides Daoist Zhuiyun, there are actually many powerful immortal cultivators here at this moment.

And both quantity and quality are much more than I imagined. doesn't matter.

Lin Xiaoyao didn't care about this at all.

Anyway, he didn't come here, and he didn't come here to be a guest.

But he didn't intend to rush in so recklessly.

That's too much trouble.

Lin Xiaoyao's approach is much simpler and more direct.

Let the other party come out and see yourself!

As for how?
Lin Xiaoyao raised his right hand and pointed forward with one finger.

The lips were slightly raised, and a flat voice came to the ears.

"Give me a meteor shower!"

Follow the law!
The voice just fell.

The deafening sound sounded like a muffled thunder above the head.

The sky suddenly darkened.

But only for a moment.

Soon, it became bright again.

But the reason why it is bright is not because of the sun.

but flames.

And it's a piece of fiery red!
If there are other cultivators here, they will definitely be dumbfounded.

Because the moment before, it was clear that the sky was clear, but in the next moment, countless meteorites, large and small, appeared in the sky inexplicably.

Then, like raindrops, it fell hard
This is not common sense.

No, to be correct, it completely violates the laws of nature.

However, this is the frightening thing about speaking the law, it will not tell you any rules, what it wants is a miracle, turning the impossible into possible.

Lin Xiaoyao only needs to be willing.

Even an absurd scene can become a reality.


at the same time
The fairy mountain blessed land ahead is peaceful.

Daoist Zhuiyun sat on the main seat.

Below is a large banquet.

And the maids are dancing.

Apparently, this real fairy is feasting guests at the moment

As for the reason?

Today is the birthday of Daoist Zhuiyun.

That's why countless immortal cultivators came to congratulate him.

All of a sudden, the cups and plates were staggered, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

But among the guests, some people were whispering about another matter.

"Have you heard that Senior Zhuiyun's only descendant and his most beloved disciple, Young Master Xu Chen, was actually beaten not long ago?"

"Who is so bold? As the saying goes, don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face. Although that young master Xu is only a cultivator who transforms spirits, but with the backing of real immortals, no one dares to provoke him. Be polite, did the guy who beat him eat the guts of a bear?"

There was a look of surprise on someone's face.

"I don't know, maybe that person doesn't know the identity of Xu Chen, the young master."

"Well, what Fellow Daoist said is reasonable, most likely, otherwise who would have the guts?"

"What will happen to that man? Is it terrible? Even if you don't know Xu Chen's identity, but since you dare to beat the young master, you will definitely be doomed."

"That's right, the old man doesn't need to do it himself. There are not many opportunities to win the favor of an ancestor. There must be many people scrambling to avenge that young master Xu."

A person next to him said so.

The others also showed deep approval. If there is such a good opportunity, they are also unwilling to let it go.

The benefits of being able to obtain the friendship of a true immortal are simply innumerable.

However, the person who spoke first just now spoke, and he shook his head: "You guessed it right, there are indeed many people who think that age is a rare thing, and think that it is a godsend to show their favor to the true immortal, but They all robbed chickens and robbed rice, and ended up miserable."

"What, stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice? Could it be that the guy who beat the young master is very strong?" People couldn't help being more surprised and interested.

"I don't know the specifics, but it is said that a Mahayana monk made a move, but in the end there was no further action."


After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but gasped.

To be able to defeat the Mahayana stage, could it be that the other party is also a Mahayana monk, or even... an even more powerful old monster of the Tribulation Level?

This kind of existence is not something they can provoke.

After all, although you want to please the real immortal, you must do what you can, otherwise you might lose your life.


Besides, Zhuiyun Daoist who is above the main position, although he is smiling on the surface, he is actually not in a good mood.

He already knew about his grandson being beaten.

Some people don't know how to live or die, but there is no need to do it yourself.

As a true immortal, his reputation spread far and wide, and there were countless guys who wanted to flatter him.

And among these people, they will naturally help him handle this matter properly.

What's the trouble?
So he didn't take it to heart.

But not long ago, he received news that those guys who helped his grandson get ahead not only failed to catch the culprit, but also made a mess of them all.

"What a bunch of useless trash!"

For this result, Zhuiyun Daoist was extremely annoyed.

Not to mention his love for his grandson, this matter itself has already slapped his face very much.

How can the majesty of the real immortal allow contempt and humiliation, and when this matter is over, he will take action himself to teach that guy a lesson.

He has already made a choice in his heart.

Yet at this moment.


A crackling sound like a sky crashing into the ears reached the ears.

"This is……"

Master Zhuiyun suddenly raised his head.

As immortal cultivators, the other guests naturally noticed it too.

They all raised their heads to look up at the sky, and then their expressions showed surprise and astonishment.

I saw countless meteorites slamming down towards the place where they were at the moment
Could it be... a meteor shower?
But why is there no sign at all?
The sky was clear just now?

Everyone was stunned besides being stunned.

Apparently, this unexpected turn of events made them a little confused.

But the daze is only for a moment.

Can be qualified to be the guest of the real immortal, although these guys are here to congratulate, but none of them are immortal cultivators below Mahayana

Of course they will not sit still, even though the meteor shower in front of them is extremely sudden.

But now is not the time to get to the bottom of it. If you can't block it, people like yourself will be unlucky.


next moment.

The whining sound entered the ears.

Although no one has ever dared to stroke the tiger's beard in the blessed land of the fairy mountain where the real Zhuiyun lived, there is also a formation-restricted area for safety.

Moreover, it is still extremely powerful.

At this moment.

Accompanied by humming sound into the ears.

The azure blue aura was a masterpiece, but an extremely thick light curtain suddenly emerged.

Then, on the surface of the light curtain, one shield after another condensed.

The number is so large that there are tens of thousands.

They are densely stacked together, and just by taking a look, one can tell that this formation must have extremely amazing protection.

The next moment, densely packed meteorites smashed viciously onto it.

Suddenly, the crackling sound was deafening.

The fire and the aura of water are intertwined.

As more and more meteorites fell, the shield on the surface of the light curtain began to shatter.

But the formation is still in operation, and the vitality of the water attribute gathers again, and then condenses into a new shield...

see this scene.

Immortal cultivators couldn't help but admire it.

"As expected of the formation arranged by Senior Zhuiyun, it really opened my eyes!"

"That's right, this meteor shower is so powerful, but it can't do anything about the formations laid down by the seniors. It can only bring about this insignificant little ripple. The methods of the seniors are really unpredictable and amazing. .”

"Senior Zhuiyun's supernatural powers are unrivaled in the world, even the power of this world can't help you."


The chattering voices came to my ears, but it was those shameless guys who started to flatter this true fairy one after another.

Master Zhuiyun was also very pleased with what he heard, he stroked his beard and smiled and said: "You fellow Taoists are absurd, but the old man's formation method does have some mysteries, it's just a meteor shower, just a few small meteorites, naturally I can't help it..."

Before the words fell, a scene that stunned everyone happened.

I saw the sky suddenly darkened.

The crowd raised their heads.

In the sky, those meteorites suddenly gathered in the middle, and then piled up layer upon layer, but in the blink of an eye, they piled up into a huge meteorite with a diameter of more than a thousand feet.

Because the size was too outrageous, for a while, it actually covered most of the sky.

The temperature in the air also suddenly became much higher. Even if everyone hid in the formation, they couldn't resist the hot feeling caused by the heat wave hitting their faces.

Then, the huge meteorite accelerated suddenly.

It slammed hard towards where they were standing.

Real Chasing Cloud: "..."

Those immortal cultivators who were still flattering just now: "..."

Everyone was dumbfounded, but soon someone shouted in horror.

"Hide away."

"Get out of here quickly."


The sound of breaking the air came one after another.

None of the immortal cultivators present dared to continue standing in place, and they scattered like birds and beasts in an instant
After all, if he was hit head-on by such a large meteorite, it would be no joke, even if he was a true immortal, it would probably be enough for him to drink a pot.

The loud noise reached the ears.

The whole earth, no, the whole space is shaking and vibrating.

The seemingly very strong formation of the guard faction fell apart in an instant.

Master Zhuiyun only felt a burning pain in his face.

Don't get me wrong, he certainly wasn't hurt.

It's because everyone was flattering themselves just now, saying that the guard formation is extremely strong and can easily block the meteor shower caused by the falling meteorite.

And he was also complacent, bragging in front of everyone, boasting about the mysterious formation, this falling meteorite is just a piece of cake, not worth mentioning.

The words are still in my ears.

As a result, before the words fell, the formation was broken by the other party in such an outrageous way.

what is this?
Just after pretending to be coercive, he was slapped in the face immediately in front of everyone?
How would you feel if it was you?
May I ask if you will become angry from embarrassment?
At this moment, Master Zhuiyun only felt his cheeks burning.

In addition to being ashamed and annoyed, he has almost reached the point of being furious.

This is so annoying.

If it's really just an accident.

Ordinary meteorites fell from the sky.

At first, he also regarded this as a normal natural phenomenon.

But what just happened at the last moment

Hundreds of meteorites gathered together and turned into a huge meteorite with a diameter exceeding a thousand feet.

He is not a fool, of course he knows that there must be something wrong with such an accident.

There is no doubt that someone is secretly manipulating the ground.

Therefore, the meteorite that fell from the sky just now was not a so-called natural phenomenon, but someone who had trouble with himself.

Make a sneak attack in secret.

Really hateful!

"Where are you bastards, hide your head and show your tail..."

Master Zhuiyun cursed while releasing his divine thoughts.

However, before the words fell, a "slap" came to his ears, without any warning, but he was slapped in the face.

How is this going?

Master Zhuiyun was filled with shock and anger, and the faces of the other guests were also full of horror.

You are right!

The dignified immortal was actually slapped on the face.

How can this be?

It would be unbelievable if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes.

However, Lin Xiaoyao's face was full of dispirited expressions.

Originally, he wanted to see what was so extraordinary about the strength of the true immortals of the Boundless Sea Cultivation Realm.

In the end, the real Zhuiyun in front of him disappointed him too much.

Although this guy is a real fairy.

But it is a very ordinary level of true immortality.

The opponent obviously didn't just advance.

But after stepping into this realm, you are trapped in the current bottleneck, and it is difficult to make progress.

Not to mention the Hundred Demon King, even if compared to the head of the Baiqiaoyuan.

Although I have not met many real immortals, this guy is without a doubt the weakest one.

In this case, Lin Xiaoyao didn't bother wasting time on him.

The other party has no qualifications to fight against him at all.

It just so happened that the other party didn't know how to live or die, and spoke rudely.

So Lin Xiaoyao slapped him as a lesson.

"You bastard, if you have the ability, I will take your soul out."

Perhaps because he was repeatedly humiliated in front of everyone, this real Zhuiyun was so angry that he jumped around and began to curse.

"court death!"

A trace of coldness flashed across Lin Xiaoyao's face.

Facing this guy who kept provoking him, his patience was gradually exhausted.

The strong in the world of cultivating immortals are respected, and he is a dignified saint. How can this guy in front of him be humiliated?

There is a saying that misfortune comes from the mouth, and there will be a price to be paid for yelling and scolding like this.

Since the other party insists on committing suicide, then I will fulfill him.

Lin Xiaoyao took a step forward and was about to make a move.

However, the Huaishu Immortal Sword could no longer hold back.

"Master, let me kill this ignorant guy."

"it is good!"

Lin Xiaoyao nodded.

He agreed so simply and neatly that Huaimu Xianjian was a little stunned.

But then I was overjoyed.

The spiritual light bloomed on the surface, and in an instant, the transformed sword light was already hundreds of feet long.

The momentum was extremely grand, and the dazzling sword light was even brighter than the sun.


Then, the palpitating sound of piercing the sky entered the ears.

The sword light transformed by the Huaishu Immortal Sword was fleeting, mixed with the power of breaking the world, and slashed fiercely at the opponent.

"not good!"

Master Zhuiyun's complexion changed wildly, and he regretted it to the utmost extent.

As the saying goes, when an expert stretches out his hand, he will know if it is there.

This sword light was astonishing, always exceeding his expectations, and made this guy realize that he might have provoked a powerful enemy that he could not provoke just now.

He regretted it.

But so far, there is no other idea.

This terrible attack must be blocked.

"Fellow daoists attack together, the other party has ulterior motives and wants to kill us all."

He yelled violently with a ferocious face, until now, he had no choice but to trick other people into resisting this terrible attack with him.

Don't say it yet.

Feel the terrible pressure brought by this sword light, and it is indeed coming in this direction.

Everyone was really fooled by his words.

Except for a few mature and prudent disciples, hundreds of immortal cultivators on the field, under fear, all sacrificed their treasures one after another, and fought towards the sword light.

For a time, swords, guns, swords and halberds included eighteen kinds of weapons.

Master Zhuiyun didn't dare to be negligent, and also sacrificed his magic weapon, which was also a fairy sword.

He made a tactic with both hands and poured all his mana into his body.

Accompanied by the buzzing sound reaching the ears, the aura of this treasure also surged.

Then, together with the flying knives and flying swords sacrificed by other monks, as well as various treasures, they turned into countless auras of auspicious radiance, like a flood bursting a bank, and seemed to swallow up the sword glow transformed by the Huaimu Immortal Sword.

Lin Xiaoyao could see it clearly, but the expression on his face was dismissive, and there was even a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

as predicted.

next moment.

The auspicious rays of light transformed by the many treasures hit the surface of the Huaimu Immortal Sword fiercely, but it was like a mud cow entering the sea, without causing any waves.

On the contrary, these countless treasures were stirred by the sword light transformed by the locust wood fairy sword, and turned into pieces like clay plastic paper paste, and then fell from midair like ordinary iron.


Immediately, blood spurted from the mouths of the immortal cultivators present.

But because of the destruction of the natal magic weapon, he was implicated, encountered the backlash of mana, and was directly seriously injured.

Because of the serious injuries, many people even fell directly to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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