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Chapter 154 Crisis!legendary ancient demon

Chapter 154 Crisis!legendary ancient demon

After all, once one enters this realm, cultivation is extremely difficult. Even with the various good cultivation conditions provided by the patriarch, it is actually not so easy to advance.

Master Qingyu doesn't even know how many years it will take before he can enter the middle stage of Mahayana.

As for crossing robbery?

That is even more distant.

So if you don't count the patriarch, the strength of our sect, even though it is barely strong in Yunzhou today, can still be regarded as a powerful sect.

Enough to dominate one side.

But it is completely inconsistent with the title of the number one fairy gate in Yunzhou.

It can be said that the gap between those top fairy sects and each other is still too far away, just like Lin Xiaoyao.

There is simply no way to compare.

So in Qing Yu's eyes, now is not the time to show off.

What should be done now, should still focus on making a fortune in muffled sound, find ways, and continue to work hard to improve the overall strength of the sect.

Instead of being in the limelight and meddling.

But the truth is true, but now, the major forces have already come to the door.

What should we do?

Do you ignore it?


After all, our sect now has the title of the number one immortal sect in Yunzhou.

You know, this is not just a false name.

Instead, it can bring many tangible benefits to Huayuzong.

If I don't respond, it will greatly damage the reputation of the sect.

Weigh the pros and cons.

Master Qingyu felt that he still had to ignore it.

Although I don't want to be nosy, but since troublesome things have come to me, I still have to put on a show more or less.

Make a choice.

He summoned the head of Baodan Valley, asked him to select some elite disciples, and then set off.

This time, the reason why Master Qingyu decided to let Junior Brother Zhou do this matter was after careful consideration.

There are three Mahayana period in this door.

Among them, as the venerable head of the sect, it is definitely not suitable for him to act rashly under the current uncertain situation. He must sit in the Huayu Sect and preside over the overall situation.

And the remaining two.

On strength.

Of course, Junior Brother Zhang from Yujian Peak is stronger.

But his shortcomings are also obvious.

Although Junior Brother Zhang is loyal to the sect, but Lin Xiaoyao is too impatient. When things happen, he is easily impulsive, and when he gets angry, he doesn't think much about the consequences.

The situation of doing bad things with good intentions has happened to him more than once.

Let him lead the team to the whirlpool?
To be honest, Master Qingyu was really worried.

I feel that Junior Brother Zhang will probably screw things up.

So...forget it.

But Junior Brother Zhou is different.

His character is very stable.

Although his strength is not as good as that of Yujian Peak's first seat, he likes to use his brain when things happen.

Every time I retreat, let him act as the head of the sect and handle the affairs of the sect, it is also in an orderly manner. It can be said that I have never let myself down.

But this time, Master Qingyu didn't want to meddle in his own business.

Therefore, it is even more necessary for someone who is smart and alert, who knows how to judge the situation when encountering things, to be at ease.

So the first seat of Baodan Valley became the best choice.

even so.

Before setting off, Master Qingyu still told his younger brother earnestly, telling him not to be impulsive and to think twice before acting.

Don't be burdened by false names.

You know, if you don't count the patriarch, the strength of our sect is far inferior to those real top schools.

So don't be stubborn in anything.

Otherwise, you really put yourself in great danger.

Then it would be too late to regret.

"Brother, don't worry, little brother knows it well."

The head of Baodan Valley also agreed quickly.

He was originally a very cautious character.

Of course, I can understand the painstaking efforts of my senior brother.

In this way, the first hundred elite disciples of Huayu Sect led by Baodangu set off, sent off by Master Qingyu himself.

And this news, of course, can't be hidden from Lin Xiaoyao.

At the moment, he is eating hot pot under the flat peach tree.

After hearing this, a look of interest could not help showing on his face.

Into an uninhabited wasteland?
A huge vortex with a diameter of thousands of feet?
Anyone who enters the vortex will fall?

However, as long as you don't get close, you won't encounter danger.

"Interesting, this accident is really interesting!"

Lin Xiaoyao showed a look of interest on his face.

Then he was also eager to try, wanting to go and find out.

Of course, the main body cannot be moved.

After all, staying under the flat peach tree is equivalent to hanging up.

If he left Lin Xiaoyao's place, wouldn't he give up the benefits of increasing his cultivation anytime and anywhere?

Lin Xiaoyao was unwilling.

Is there any other way?
Best of both worlds idea?
Of course!
You know, he can have three primordial deities at the same time.

Oh, after becoming an immortal, this number has increased from three to five.

Now I have only sent one to explore the world of cultivating immortals at the end of the boundless sea.

In other words, the number of incarnations is still sufficient, and there are still four incarnations that he can use at any time.

Of course, the strength of these avatars must be incomparable to the one he sent to Boundless Sea, after all, the Wannian Immortal Jade is not easy to come by.

Even he only signed one piece.

but it does not matter.

Even if it is made of ordinary stone and clay, with the growth of Lin Xiaoyao's body strength, the cultivation base of the avatar is also rising.

Ordinary hazards suffice.

Take ten thousand steps back.

Even if it is really lost, it is nothing special.

Anyway, he can easily recreate one.

With this thought in his mind, Lin Xiaoyao casually picked up a piece of dirt from the side.

The avatar produced by combining the words and touch with the touch of stone, and using these two great magical powers at the same time, will have a better effect.


In front of him, there was an old man with a sense of demeanor.

Lin Xiaoyao can customize the body, description and appearance of this avatar according to what he thinks in his heart.

There is no difficulty.

What he created this time is an image of a worldly expert.

It is very in line with people's fantasy of real immortals. Even if you don't need to make a move, just standing there will look very impressive.

That's it, less than a second before and after.

Lin Xiaoyao has already made the avatar.

Of course, it's not quite complete yet.

Next, you need to attach your own strand of primordial spirit.

And this process does not need to be repeated, it is also very simple and relaxed.

After a while, after everything was over, Lin Xiaoyao took a look at his new incarnation.

A look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

It looks very stylish.

As for strength?

Not bad.

Now his body is already a cultivator on the second level of true immortality, and the avatar made by Wannian Xianyu can keep in harmony with the body in terms of realm.

But this ordinary incarnation...

Naturally, it will be slightly worse.

There is only one level of true immortality.

But honestly not weak.

With Lin Xiaoyao's sky-reaching means, the strength of this ordinary incarnation is actually stronger than that of immortal cultivators of the same level.

And its most sturdy point is that it has no shortcomings.

It can drive all kinds of treasure talismans for long-range attacks like ordinary human immortal cultivators.

It doesn't matter if you are approached by an enemy sneak attack.

Its melee combat ability is also very powerful, and it is an exaggeration to say that it is not inferior to the body refiner at all, and it is almost comparable to the monster race of the same realm.

It can be attacked from a distance, and can be defended from a distance. Lin Xiaoyao's casually made avatar is actually very, very tough.

Of course, the most speechless thing is that it is very easy to make. Even if it falls, the loss of Lin Xiaoyao is negligible.


Lin Xiaoyao took out some treasures from the system space and threw them to the avatar.

There are pills, talismans, and various spirit treasures and ancient treasures.

Great value.

It's enough to make Zhenxian stunned!
Then Lin Xiaoyao was not stingy.

After all, there are too many such things in his system space.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as piled up like a mountain.

no way.

For decades, he has always signed in rain or shine.

Never fell off.

Except what works for you.

Of course, it is inevitable that it will lead to a lot of chicken ribs.

Of course, the so-called chicken ribs are actually relative terms.

Although Lin Xiaoyao didn't like it, in fact, even if he casually threw one of them into the world of cultivating immortals, it would attract bloody competition.

Even though he has thrown many treasures to the avatar now, compared to the things still piled up in the system space, these treasures are not even a drop in the bucket.

So of course he wouldn't feel distressed.

And although the avatar is a consumable, in a sense, it is actually himself.

The main body doesn't need these things in the first place, so it's even more impossible for Lin Xiaoyao to be stingy with the avatar.

After doing all this, his main body continued to eat hot pot comfortably under the flat peach tree, while that image was the incarnation of an immortal old man, and he had already set off quietly.

Originally, with the fall of the Hundred Demon King, Lin Xiaoyao thought that Yunzhou would be peaceful for a while, but he didn't expect a new change to happen so soon.

That weird vortex, from everyone's description, sounds quite interesting.

Anyway, idle is idle, so he decided to send an avatar to explore its origin.

And Lin Xiaoyao did this not only because of curiosity, but also to be prepared.

He always felt that things were not as simple as they appeared on the surface.

So I must plan ahead and make plans early.

Escape light quickly.

However, it took Lin Xiaoyao three days to reach the wasteland where the vortex was located.

Don't get me wrong, it's not because this place is too far away, but because he is traveling while traveling, so it will inevitably delay time.

What, you ask him why he is not in a hurry?
It's very simple, the vortex has not just appeared, it has been several months.

Although it was very weird, it did not cause any disaster, so according to Lin Xiaoyao's estimation, there should be no problem for a while.

So don't worry, even if you are on your way, it is very casual.

To put it simply, we will not let go of delicious food, and we will stop when we encounter interesting things.

Don't think it's unreliable for him to do so.

May I ask what is the purpose of cultivating immortals?
Not to mention other people's purpose, Lin Xiaoyao's answer is to let himself live happily.

So of course I like to follow my own temper in everything.

What's more, he didn't delay for long. Three days later, he still came to the uninhabited wasteland, even a little faster than the monks of Huayu Sect.

Of course, it didn't go much faster, and the two sides almost reached each other.

Lin Xiaoyao did not stay with them either, but quietly hid in the dark.

As a patriarch, one must have the consciousness of a patriarch.

It is necessary to remain mysterious in any case.

Say the other side.

Several other major cultivating forces have disciples stationed here. When they heard that people from the Huayu Sect were coming, they would naturally not be unmoved, and they all ran out to greet them.

After all, the Huayu Sect is not what it used to be, and now it bears the name of the number one fairy sect in Yunzhou.

Although many people were secretly unconvinced and felt that the faction's strength simply did not match its name.

But... so what?

It's useless for you to be envious, maybe the Huayu Sect's strength is indeed not up to standard, but it can't hold back that someone else has an immortal patriarch.

It is an iron-clad fact that the monster races failed in Huayu Sect.

So no matter what the major forces thought in their hearts, on the surface, none of them dared to be rude, and they all came out to welcome them.

The monks of the Assimilation Yu Sect greeted and asked them to preside over the overall situation.

From this point, we can also see the foresight of Master Qingyu.

If the leader of Yujian Peak this time is the head of Yujian Peak, because of that guy's straightforward and showy personality, if he is flattered by the other party, he will probably agree without hesitation.

And that's obviously not a smart choice.

The current situation is not clear. The diameter of the vortex in front of it is more than a thousand feet. It is very strange just by looking at it.

Let you preside over the overall situation and say that everyone listens to your orders?

It sounds very beautiful, but it is also equivalent to throwing all the dangers and responsibilities to you.

And it's kind of nameless.

When they really encounter a crisis, these guys must think about how to protect themselves, and they will never listen to Hua Yuzong's orders so foolishly.

Therefore, this cannot be accepted.

Master Qingyu made a very correct choice. This time, the leader of Baodangu led the team to preside over the overall situation.

Although his strength is slightly weaker than that of Yujian Peak's first seat, he is very smart and stable, and he will not listen to people's foolishness at all.

He shook his head again and again.

"Several brothers praised it, but it was too much for me."

"The strength of the subordinates, there is no way to compare with the senior brothers. How can I be the leader, and I can't afford such a responsibility. In my opinion, I should invite Brother Song from Frost Valley to be the leader. All right."

Frost Valley is a big fairy sect force ranked high in Yunzhou today.

The main rudder of this sect is located in the extreme north, in the frozen ice field, so, last time, it was not affected by the catastrophe of the monster race.

It still retains extremely powerful strength.

This faction only accepts disciples of Ice Spirit Root or Water Spirit Root.

He is also good at ice or water spells. It looks a little simple, but his strength is actually extremely powerful.

All in all, keep firmly in mind the advice of the senior brother, the head of Baodan Valley, so that he will not foolishly listen to the other party's tricks.

The other party is just talking nicely, and bearing such a false name will do a lot of harm and not a single benefit.

Lin Xiaoyao hid in the dark, and seeing this scene, he couldn't help but nodded secretly.

The head of Baodan Valley is indeed an extremely stable and intelligent guy.

It's a pity that the strength is too weak. If there is a chance, it can be supported by one or two more.

In this way, after some polite excuses, in the end, this Elder Song from Frost Valley became the person in charge temporarily.

This Elder Song is a tall old man with a simple appearance, and his whole body exudes a faint demeanor that is not angry and self-confident
This is an immortal cultivator at the level of crossing the catastrophe.

Although it is only the first time to cross the catastrophe, it is already the strongest one among the monks present.

"Okay, since fellow Taoists love you, then Song will no longer shirk, and will be the leader."

However, one person counts the disadvantages, and two people count the strengths. If there is something that Song has not considered carefully, please feel free to remind me.

The old man surnamed Song was also very easy-going.

"Good talk, good talk."

The others naturally agreed.

"Fellow Taoists from the Huayu Sect have just come here, how about we wash them off today?"

Afterwards, the old man surnamed Song suggested again.

Naturally, everyone had no reason not to refuse, and they all agreed with a bang.

Then we will return to camp together.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

There was no sign at all, a humming sound reached the ears, and the huge vortex in front suddenly spun.

Although it was spinning all the time, the speed of rotation was extremely slow, but at this moment, it suddenly accelerated a lot

Not only that.

The vitality of the surrounding world also suddenly became extremely chaotic.


"what happened?"

"What exactly happened?"


Seeing the scene in front of him, all the smiles on the faces of the immortal cultivators who were elated just now froze Lin Xiaoyao.

The expression became extremely ugly, and a bad premonition also surfaced in his heart.

The reason why the major immortal sect forces send their disciples here is because the vortex in front of them appears very strangely.

Fear of what unknown disaster it will bring.

Fortunately, the past few months have been peaceful.

Gradually, the nervousness in everyone's minds also eased a lot.

But never expected.

There was no sign of the change, it happened suddenly.

Looking at the bottomless vortex in front of him.

Everyone's faces were worried, they were worried, and suddenly a large group of extremely terrifying monsters popped out of it.

I don't know if it's a coincidence.

Just as this thought came to everyone's minds.


Accompanied by a tooth-piercing sound, a huge monster jumped out of the vortex.

He was more than ten feet tall, with two heads and four arms, and his whole body was covered in black scales. His tail was like a terrible poisonous snake.

The dark devilish energy suddenly diffused out.

The coercion emanating from his whole body has reached an astonishing level.

"Are ancient demon?"

There was an exclamation from the crowd.

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(End of this chapter)

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