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Chapter 156 With a single swipe, the powerful enemy has been killed

Chapter 156 With a wave of your hand, the powerful enemy has been killed
Unfortunately, such thoughts can only be thought about.

As the saying goes, distant water cannot quench near thirst.

What's more, at this moment, I don't even know where the old master Patriarch is.

You can't ask for help for everything, people still have to rely on themselves.

But so to speak.

There is a huge difference in strength from each other.

What should they do?

Baodangu Chief's face was extremely ugly, but he did not give up.

After all, the senior brother has entrusted so many disciples to himself, no matter what, he must find a way to bring them back safely.

So, he frowned and thought, desperately planning a way to get out.

But after thinking for a long time, although I had some ideas, I gave up all of them in the end.

Because, there is no use.

The difference in strength between them is too great.

In this case, no matter how delicate the trick is, it can be easily defeated by the opponent with brute force.

The so-called "one power drop ten meetings" probably refers to the situation in front of you.

He was extremely annoyed.

Yet at this moment.

Variation protrusions.

There was no sign at all, pillars of colorful light suddenly appeared around the body of the ancient demon.

And fog.

Connect with those beams of light.

It actually enveloped the entire figure of the ancient demon.

"This is……"

Seeing this scene, Bao Dan Gu was first stunned for a moment, and then an overjoyed look appeared on his face.


And it is an extremely powerful formation.

By surprise, the ancient demon was trapped in it all at once.

The next moment, a rumbling sound entered the ears.

In the mist, there was an earth-shattering roar.

The whole earth seemed to tremble.

Hearing such a big commotion, many immortal cultivators present turned pale again.

However, at this moment, a middle-aged man in his fifties, dressed as a Confucian scholar, stood up and spoke.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. We were ordered to be stationed here to prevent the vortex from changing and causing disasters. How could it be that we were not prepared at all?"

"We have already set up a lot of formations and restrictions around here, just in case..."

"Now, that ancient demon has been trapped by the Five Elements Profound Light Formation, and it is absolutely impossible to escape, so you don't have to worry."

"Five Elements Profound Light Formation? It's such a powerful formation."

"I heard that it was developed by several formation masters in ancient times, exhausting their entire lives."

"Yes, I have also heard that the power of this formation is extraordinary. Not only can it trap the enemy, but the formation is full of murderous intentions. Even if several cultivators in the Transcending Tribulation Period are trapped, they must be dead. Impossible to get out of..."

"haha, really?"

"Then we are safe now!"

"Of course it's true. That guy deserves to fall. How can a mere ancient demon beat the wisdom of our human monks?"


The chattering voices reached the ears, and the immortal cultivators present seemed to feel that they had passed the crisis, and their expressions became extremely excited.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

There was no sign at all, a loud noise like thunder came to the ears, and then the light of the formation in front quickly dimmed.

what happened?

The immortal cultivators, who were full of confidence just now, suddenly became panicked.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and bad premonitions emerged in their hearts.

Could it be that ancient demon?

It's not that the Five Elements Profound Light Formation, inherited from the ancient times, integrates offense and defense, is very powerful, even if several immortal cultivators in the Tribulation Stage are trapped at the same time, they will definitely not be able to break out of the formation, what's going on now...

Could it be that the rumors were wrong, or... some unexpected changes happened?

"Don't worry everyone, it's the old man who is urging the formation to kill the ancient demons, so the movement is a bit loud."

Just when everyone was frightened, the middle-aged man in his fifties and dressed as a Confucian scholar spoke.

Everyone hurriedly looked for fame.

Sure enough, in front of his body, there was a huge formation plate with a diameter of Zhang Xu floating at the moment.

And he wasn't idle either, he was waving his hands non-stop, following his movements, one after another of the formulas, he played towards the huge array in front of him.

The rumbling sound reached the ears.

It didn't take a moment for everyone to see the beam of light that had dimmed just now, and slowly, it became brighter again.

"I see."

"It's using the power of the formation to kill the ancient demons, so it's no wonder."

"That's right. Although the Five Elements Profound Light Formation is powerful, that guy is not easy to deal with. If he doesn't want to fall, he will definitely struggle to the death."


The chattering voices came to the ears, and everyone was doing their own analysis, and the expressions on their faces became calmer than before.

Only Lin Xiaoyao, who was hidden in the dark, sighed.

Things are not as easy as these guys imagined.

He couldn't help but be quite glad that he came here.

Otherwise, most of these monks in front of them will be completely wiped out
People from other sects would die if they died, but he would definitely help the disciples of the Huayu Sect.

Just as this thought passed through his mind, a loud "boom" was heard in his ears.

At first, everyone didn't care.

I just feel that the ancient demon in the formation is struggling to die.

But soon, someone found something wrong and couldn't help screaming loudly: "No, look, what's going on?"

When everyone heard Lin Xiaoyao, they all turned their heads to follow the sound.

Then, they saw a scene that left them stunned.

I saw cracks appearing one after another on the surface of the huge array floating in front of Confucian scholars.

And more and more.

Soon, like a spider web, it covered the entire surface of the array.

Another bang.

It was as if some heavy object hit everyone's hearts fiercely at the same time.


Because there were too many cracks on the surface of the disk, it was shattered all of a sudden.

at the same time.

The previous formation also lost its effect.

The beam of light, which was bright just now, completely dimmed at this moment, and the mist disappeared quickly, and the figure of the ancient demon came into everyone's eyes again.

"You're all going to die!"

He has some injuries on his body, but not serious.

And it's recovering quickly.

But the ancient demon's eyes were full of murderous intent, obviously very angry.

These little ants dared to use such a method to deal with him, which filled the ancient demon's heart with anger. If he didn't draw their souls and refine their souls, he really couldn't get rid of the hatred in his heart.

Afterwards, he was ready to rush forward with his magic glow all over his body.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but the direction he chose at this moment is exactly where the Huayu Sect disciples are standing.

"not good!"

see this scene.

The face of the head of Bao Dan Valley suddenly turned pale.

Although the disciples he brought out this time were not many, they were all elites of the sect. If they fell here, it would be a great loss to Huayuzong.

How to do?
There is no time to think now.

He made a quick decision.

Turn around and say to everyone: "Go quickly, go in different directions, only one can escape."

"Uncle, what about you?"

"I'm going to block that guy!"

A gleam of determination flashed in the eyes of the head of Baodan Valley.

He knew it.

There is a huge gap in strength between the two sides, and this is simply asking for a dead end.

But what else can we do?

At this time, if I don't step forward, all the disciples of my sect who came here will be wiped out.

So knowing that doing this would have no chance of winning, he had to block the opponent as much as possible like a moth to a flame.

Not seeking to win, just hoping to buy a little more time.

In this case, the disciples might have a little more chance to escape.

It has to be said that the head of the Baodan Valley in front of him is not only smart, but also a very brave immortal cultivator. Under the current situation, what he has made at this moment is already the best choice.

"Uncle Master!"

"Come on!"

Now that time is running out and there is no time to be sad, he stopped drinking, and then sacrificed his natal treasure without hesitation.

Towards the front to meet up.

"court death!"

The two-headed and four-armed ancient demon could see clearly, and a look of astonishment flashed across his face.

Did the other party eat the guts of the ambitious leopard?

But even though he was a little surprised, he did not hesitate at all. He raised one arm, clenched his five fingers, and punched forward with one punch.

The movements are clean and neat, and the power is staggering.

As the opponent punched out, the head of Baodangu from Huayuzong felt that the air around him suddenly became stagnant.

"My life is over!"

His face was extremely ugly.

Both are in the Mahayana stage, never expected that there would be such a big gap in strength between them and the other party
This is true moths to the flame.

I can't even stop the opponent's move!
A look of sadness flashed in his eyes.

It's not a pity that he died, but he couldn't buy time. How could the disciples who came with him have a chance to escape?
Could it be that Huayuzong really wants to annihilate the entire army this time?
His face was extremely pale.

But all efforts have been made.

Next, the development of things is not something he can change.

So far, he can only close his eyes and wait for death.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened. ,

Seeing that the punch had already hit him in front of him, the result was like a breeze blowing on his face, without causing any waves of magnificence.

He felt no pain at all.

what happened?

The first seat of Baodan Valley couldn't help being surprised.

I was even more stunned in my heart, could it be that the ancient demon would show mercy?
He found it unbelievable, and he didn't believe that such a situation would happen.

Although there are not many descriptions of the ancient demon in the ancient books, there are only a few words, but without exception, it is said that the character of the other party is very cruel.

He was puzzled, but then he turned his head as if he sensed something.

Then, I saw a tall old man. Although his beard and hair were white, he had a childlike face and white hair, and he was hale and hearty.

It gives people the feeling that it is called a fairy, and exudes a demeanor that is not angry and self-prestige.

He didn't know the old man.

But the other party inexplicably gave him a very familiar feeling.

Moreover, his cultivation base is unfathomable, far from what he can pry into.

Could it be that……

He suddenly had some guesses in his mind.

"You... are you the patriarch?"

"I have good eyesight."

Lin Xiaoyao had an easy-going expression.

It is not surprising that the other party can recognize himself at a glance.

After all, there was some kind of connection between the main body and the avatar.

Then he smiled and said: "However, you are only half right."


Rao is the head of Baodan Valley who is a very smart immortal cultivator, and he couldn't help but be stunned after hearing this.

Right is right, wrong is wrong, I asked you if you are the patriarch, you said I was half right, what kind of answer is this?
Is it, or is it not?
"I am indeed the patriarch you mentioned, but what came here is not the main body, but just an external incarnation of my cultivation."

"Incarnate outside the body?"

Baodangu was taken aback for a moment.

Only then did he understand what the other party meant when he guessed half right.

However, he didn't dwell on this issue, and he was overjoyed at the moment, so he paid respects to Lin Xiaoyao without saying a word.

"The disciple has met the Patriarch!"

"Master Patriarch, it's great that you're here!"

The next moment, the voices of ecstasy came one after another.

What happened just now sounds complicated, but in fact it was just a short moment.

Although the disciples of the Huayu Sect obeyed the instructions of the head of the Baodan Valley, they were ready to flee in all directions, and only one could escape.

But what they never expected was that Uncle Zhou's defeat was really too fast.

It's almost here, far beyond everyone's expectations.

But for a moment.

They didn't even have time to escape.

Seeing that their uncle is about to fall, they will face this terrifying ancient demon next time. This time, even one person may not be able to escape, and the entire army will be wiped out.

Just when everyone was terrified.

Unexpectedly, the patriarch and his old man appeared.

Is this really a coincidence?
Or is it that the patriarch, the old man, was quietly following behind to protect everyone?

Thinking of this, the disciples of Huayu Sect were both happy and grateful.

So they hurriedly saluted Lin Xiaoyao.

At this moment, there was no trace of fear on the faces of the people, and it felt as if they had survived a desperate situation.

But those are ordinary disciples.

On the side, the first seat of Baodan Valley still had a worried expression on his face.

There is no other reason, the ancestor who came here is just an incarnation outside the body!
As we all know, the strength of the avatar is far inferior to the main body.

Patriarch, the old man, although he has supernatural powers, the strength of the ancient demon in front of him is also extraordinary. If it is just an incarnation, is it sure to win?

In the heart of the head of Baodan Valley, there is really no foundation.

After all, the strength shown by this ancient demon just now was too exaggerated.

Although only the Mahayana period.

But the leapfrog challenge is as easy and casual as eating and drinking.

Immortal cultivators of the dignified Transcending Tribulation level, he said that he could easily kill him in seconds.

The reputation of the Five Elements Profound Light Formation is not small. It is said that it can easily trap and kill several monks who have crossed the tribulation.

But what happened?
It's also a no-brainer.

It was broken by this ancient demon.

All in all, the strength shown by the other party is not like a Mahayana level existence at all.

The head of Baodangu even had some doubts. Could this guy in front of him be pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?
He is actually an ancient demon at the level of a true immortal.

Of course, this is all just speculation.

But no matter whether the guess is correct or not, the strength of the ancient demon in front of him is indeed ridiculously strong, and it is extremely difficult to deal with.

This point is a certainty, obviously.

If the patriarch and the old man came here in the body, the head of Baodan Valley would certainly not have the slightest worry.

No matter how strong the enemy is, the final result must be crushed.

But if it's just an avatar... the outcome is a little hard to say!

All in all, he was a little worried.

But in this case, it is hard to say clearly.

After all, it's wrong to grow others' ambition and destroy one's own prestige.

So, he could only remind him in a vague way.

"Master Patriarch, please be careful. This guy's strength is extraordinary. Ordinary Mahayana cultivators simply cannot hold him back."


Lin Xiaoyao nodded.

Just now, he was hiding in the dark, and everything that happened has been clearly seen for a long time.

Naturally, he knew that the ancient demon in front of him was not easy to deal with.

Of course, the so-called hard to deal with.

That is also compared to other immortal cultivators.

For Lin Xiaoyao himself, such rubbish is naturally not worth mentioning, and he will not pay attention to it at all.


Say the other side.

The ancient demon originally planned to kill the immortal cultivators of the Huayu Sect.

But seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but stop.

The old man in front of him seemed really difficult to deal with.

But he is not afraid.

Instead, a cruel smile flashed across his face.

"It seems that everyone has a lot of confidence in this old man, right?"

"Okay, then let me cut off your hopes."

He turned his head, his eyes flashing fiercely.

Then the devilish energy all over his body swarmed up.

A vague and simple incantation faintly spit out from the mouth.

The four arms kept waving up and down.

The swords, guns, swords and halberds in his hands, these four different weapons, all have circles of dark arcs wrapped around their surfaces.

Then, he suddenly accelerated.

Perhaps it was because the movement was too fast, it brought up afterimages one after another, and rushed towards Lin Xiaoyao like this.

"Patriarch, be careful!"

There were bursts of exclamations from the crowd.

The immortal cultivators present were not idiots, so they could naturally see that the ancient demon in front of him had used his kung fu to suppress the bottom of the box, and wanted to complete his work and kill the patriarch of the Huayu Sect here.

The opponent's attack can be described as extremely vicious.

Lin Xiaoyao naturally could see clearly.

However, the expression on his face was quite indifferent.

A pretending look that I'm right next to you quietly watching you.

Are you frightened?
Is this really the patriarch of Huayu Sect?
How could the name be inaccurate?
There was an exclamation from the crowd in the distance.

The conversation between Lin Xiaoyao and the members of the Huayu Sect just now, they could all hear clearly beside them.

Knowing that this is the Huayu Sect, the legendary patriarch of the immortal, the monks of other sects couldn't help being ecstatic, a big stone in their chest finally fell to the ground.

Since there is this big boss here, they all feel that their little lives have been successfully saved this time.

As a result, I never expected it.

The other party's reputation was not in line with it. Facing the ancient demon in front of him, he was stunned and forgot to dodge or block.

Could this guy be a fake?
In the hearts of everyone, even this kind of thought could not help but pop up.

But it's ridiculous.

You know, there are many immortal cultivators of Huayu Sect here, and even one of the three Mahayana monks of this sect.

There is no reason to admit the wrong person because of emotion and reason.

Just when everyone felt incredible, the ancient demon had already rushed in front of Lin Xiaoyao.

Knives, guns, swords and halberds.

These four magic treasures slammed down towards the top of his head together, and the surging magic energy almost enveloped Lin Xiaoyao's entire body.

However, Lin Xiaoyao still did not hide.

So far, the outcome seems to have been very obvious.

However, at this moment, something incredible happened.

At the moment when the demon energy had enveloped him, Lin Xiaoyao finally raised his hand belatedly.

Then he slapped the opponent with a slap.


The voice was extremely loud.

Then everyone saw an incredible scene that they will never forget.

The ancient demon, who seemed to be so mighty and invincible just now, was slapped and flew away like a kite with a broken string.

No matter the swords, guns, swords and halberds he hacked out.

Or the surging devilish energy all over his body, it didn't have the slightest effect.

Like a kite with a broken string, it fell all over the place.

 Thanks to lht19781023 for the reward of 1500 coins, and congratulations to fellow daoist for becoming the second hall master of this book.

(End of this chapter)

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