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Chapter 167 Supernatural powers, true immortals end

Chapter 167 Supernatural powers, true immortals end
He didn't want to cause extra problems, but the matter has come to this point, it is useless to talk more, the only thing to do is to cut the mess quickly and solve the mess here.

Lin Xiaoyao raised his head and looked forward.

The figure of the middle-aged man came into view once again.

However, at this moment, he exuded an extremely powerful spiritual pressure all over his body, and his aura was completely different from just now!
Lin Xiaoyao could see clearly, and couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

Immortal four layers!

This guy has reached such a point.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the strongest enemy he has encountered since traveling.

"This is impossible!"

The brothers and sisters of the Wei family were already stunned.

Just now the other party was only on the second level of the True Immortal, how could he have made such progress in the blink of an eye?

You must know that cultivating immortals is not easy, and the further you go, the more difficult it is.

Especially after stepping into the Realm Realm, the growth of mana is as difficult as reaching the sky, not to mention, the other party has raised two small realms in an instant.

Even if they witnessed it with their own eyes, it was really hard for them to believe this scene.

"The head is mighty!"

"Haha, boy, don't hurry up and tie your hands. If you dare to meddle in our sect's business, I think you are really impatient."

"Sect Leader, capture this guy alive, and then we will slowly extract his soul."


Those monks who were kneeling just now are all ecstatic at this moment.

They didn't know what secret technique was used by the sect master, but a strong man at the fourth level of true immortality instantly gave them a strong sense of confidence and security.

So, they started clamoring.

You know, they have suffered a lot under Lin Xiaoyao's hands, and now they even have to continue to kowtow to him.

Naturally, he hated this kid to the bone.

Of course, there was not a single good thing to say.

"court death!"

A cold look flashed across Lin Xiaoyao's face.

Originally, he didn't intend to pay attention to these ants.

The original plan was to hand them over to the head of the Shuiling Sect after a while.

After all, if the Dao Yun of this place is extremely deep and suitable for signing in for a long time, I will have a lot of dealings with this faction.

Just as a greeting.

I never thought that I don't want their lives, and I am merciful, but these guys dare to speak evil words to me, jump around repeatedly, and they will die if they don't do anything...

That being the case.

Lin Xiaoyao was not too polite.

Imposing saints, where can they use words to humiliate.

These idiots dare to do this, of course they have to pay the price.

So, Lin Xiaoyao made a move.


He raised his right hand and pointed.

With its movements, the Touchstone and the Words are activated almost at the same time.

The two supernatural powers are infinitely powerful.



bang bang bang...

It was like fireworks going off.

Those who spoke rudely just now turned into clouds of blood mist like a balloon exploding in an instant.

Lin Xiaoyao was very measured in his actions, and all those who died were those who just opened their mouths to mock him, had no morals, and spoke rudely.

And those honest guys who didn't do anything are all alive, he doesn't like to vent his anger, everyone must be responsible for their words and actions.

The whole process was ups and downs, but in a split second, with a single sentence, seven or eight immortal cultivators at the level of crossing the catastrophe had already returned to the underworld.

There is no power to resist.

The rest were silent.

"You dare!"

In Lin Xiaoyao's ear, he heard a cut off.

The middle-aged man was about to go mad with anger.

He paid a huge price to temporarily have his current cultivation base.

Originally wanted to resolve the crisis and defeat the powerful enemy, but unexpectedly, the brothers from the same sect fell here one by one in front of her.

Although their strength is far inferior to my own, they are all important figures on my side, and now they are all dead...

Such a loss cannot be made up for even if the guy in front of him is killed, and his lineage will completely decline.


His eyes were about to split open, and with overwhelming anger, he rushed towards Lin Xiaoyao viciously.

Even if he tore this guy into pieces, he still couldn't get rid of the hatred in his heart.

With a sip, he raised his right hand and patted down.

with its action.

The sea roared suddenly.

Afterwards, the void oscillated.

In a radius of a hundred miles, the seawater condensed and turned into a giant palm.

Covering the clouds and covering the sun, he shot towards Lin Xiaoyao.

Everyone must have heard the idiom "Mount Tai crushes the top", but it is really nothing compared to the scene in front of you.

Little witch is a big witch.

The entire sky is completely dark.

Cover the sky with one hand.

The palm was condensed by the sea water with a radius of hundreds of miles, and it was surprisingly big. Compared with it, Lin Xiaoyao was like an inconspicuous and insignificant ant.

Not worth mentioning.

As if, under this blow, he would be smashed to pieces.

As for the other party, it was as easy as crushing an ant to death.

Lin Xiaoyao is already in a desperate situation.

At least another monk of the same rank would definitely be irresistible.

Immortal cultivation gets harder the further you get to the back.

After becoming a true immortal, each small level of improvement will bring about a leap in strength, which will be a world of difference compared to before.

What's more, he is only the second level of true immortality.

Compared with the monks on the fourth floor of the true immortal, the gap is not a tiny bit, but the sky and the earth.

Under normal circumstances, if the other party crushed him to death, the classmate would indeed crush a small ant to death.

But right now, it was obviously impossible to have such a good thing.

That guy is thinking about shit.

After all, Lin Xiaoyao is not an ordinary monk, how could he be so easily crushed to death?
Even if there is a huge gap between him and the other party, like a gap.

But Lin Xiaoyao didn't show any fear on his face.

He raised his right hand and punched forward.

Covering the sky with one hand is amazing?

He wanted to try it.

Even though he knew that there was a huge gap in realm between the two sides, Lin Xiaoyao didn't pay attention to the other side.

His expression was extremely calm, as if making such a response was just a matter of course.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

The middle-aged man was surprised at first, then overjoyed.

In his opinion, the supernatural powers of this kid in front of him are very strange, and he must not be careless in the slightest. However, at this moment, he has made the most stupid choice that is tough with himself.

This is simply a surprise.

No matter what weird secret technique he knows, he can easily crush this little guy by relying on the difference in realm.

The thoughts in the mind are like lightning.

next moment.

A muffled sound came to the ear.

The voice was much duller than expected, but what caught everyone's eyes was an incredible scene.

The huge palm that covered the sky was directly pierced by Lin Xiaoyao's light punch.

No, it's not as simple as breaking through.

You know, the palm condensed from sea water with a radius of a hundred miles is so huge that even if it is pierced by a punch, there is only a small hole.

However, the next moment, countless cracks emerged.

Like a spider's web, densely packed, it quickly covered the entire surface of the palm.


A "stab" came to the ears.

This incomparable sky-covering palm actually shattered just like that.

It turned into water droplets again and fell into the sea in front of me.

The expression of the middle-aged man was full of disbelief.

His face also darkened.

This result completely exceeded his expectations.

Originally thought that with such a huge gap in realm between the two sides, the other party would become a fish on the chopping board without any suspense.

As for the blow just now, he seemed to be understating it, but in fact he didn't stay strong at all.

After all, the current realm is not one's true strength, but depends on the efficacy of panacea.


As the name suggests, it is impossible to keep it for a long time.

So, from the beginning to the end, he never thought about cat and mouse.

And a one-hit kill, a quick knife to cut the mess, is the best choice!
Thinking this way, he did the same.

I thought that the hand covering the sky would be enough to easily crush the opponent into powder with one palm.

Who knew, but it was the result of being slapped in the face like this.

My heart was full of surprise, anger, and a little bit of panic.

The other party is obviously only a cultivator of the second level of true immortality, how did he block his own blow?

This thought has not yet changed, but Lin Xiaoyao has already taken the first step.

Raise your right hand and point forward.

With a sound in his mouth, he stopped drinking.


That's right, the body-fixing technique based on the five elements.

Using such spells in a battle of this level is not called playing tricks, let's use a more precise description.

It should be done.

Yes, the kind that doesn't kill you.

But under the blessing of turning stone into gold, it is different. In the void, there is a strange power that is aroused.

The middle-aged man immediately felt that something was wrong, as if his actions were restricted to a certain extent.

"how is this possible?"

He was terrified, his spiritual power began to erupt, and he quickly broke free from the restraints, but his back was already dripping with cold sweat, and the expression on his face was full of disbelief
How did the other party do all of this?
What kind of witchcraft is he using?
Why can the mere freeze technique also have an effect on oneself?

This is so weird.

Reminiscent of the scene where the other party made him kneel and kowtow just now, the middle-aged man couldn't help feeling even more frightened.

He didn't know what kind of spell Lin Xiaoyao was using.

As a powerhouse at the level of a true immortal, he has rich experience in fighting skills, but this scene in front of him is something he has never heard of before.

Lin Xiaoyao's face was extremely calm.

Such a result was in his expectation.

That's right, it is indeed extremely mysterious to say what you say, but it is not a test that will never work.

The realm of the opponent is much higher than your own, and if you use it in this situation, the effect will inevitably be discounted.

What's more, it's not the main body who came here.

The avatar made by Wannian Xianyu is amazing, but in the final analysis, it is just an avatar.

Compared with the main body, there will still be a very obvious gap.

And what Lin Xiaoyao did was just a part of the plan.

The first step is to use the body-fixing method first. With the blessing of the magic power of turning stones into gold, even if the opponent can break free, it will inevitably consume a lot of spiritual thoughts and mana.

And this has achieved the desired result.

Then, Lin Xiaoyao raised his right hand.

Pointed forward again.

Supernatural powers... An instant beauty is old!
Following his movements, the middle-aged man was horrified, and a scene appeared that almost frightened him out of his wits.


His pupils shrunk.

He actually felt that his lifespan was passing away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

No, it's true.

Realizing this, the middle-aged man was taken aback.

Cultivators cultivated immortality for the purpose of seeking longevity, and their lifespan was passing away quickly. Naturally, no one could accept such a result.

But he is now a cultivator of the fourth level of true immortality after all, even if it is a flash in the pan, but the state at this moment is indeed the same.

The panic was only for a moment, and soon, he quickly calmed down.

The surging magic power circulated in the meridians, and then covered the entire surface of the body at an extremely fast speed, forming a protective film.

Cover him from top to bottom, 360 degrees without dead ends, and cover him in all directions.

Following his movements, he really felt that the speed at which his life essence was being lost was rapidly decreasing...

Afterwards, he used his divine sense to set up barriers in front of him. In this way, he finally isolated the mysterious power.

After deciphering Lin Xiaoyao's supernatural powers, she became old in an instant.

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief.

The expression on his face was still terrified.

This kid's supernatural powers are too weird to be guarded against.

No, you can't be led by the nose by him, you have to resist.

Change from passive to active, so that it is possible to defeat a powerful enemy.

Thoughts turned in his mind, and then he was ready to do it.

The idea is right, but unfortunately it is still too late.

Lin Xiaoyao's speed was even faster. Since he cast the freeze technique just now, all his plans and attacks have been linked together.

There was no plan at all, leaving time for the opponent to counterattack.

The other party tried their best and spent a lot of spiritual consciousness and magic power, and finally managed to undo the old beauty of the moment, so that the life essence would not pass away.

But immediately after, Lin Xiaoyao's new attack had already begun.

This time, he used his left hand.

First lift it high above the top, then gently swing it down towards the opponent.

with its action.

A snort came into the ears.

A bright, blade-like thing appeared.

As if fired by a strong bow and crossbow, he slashed towards the opponent at an extremely fast speed.

Flash through the air!
The trick of the space crack is a terrifying supernatural power that is extremely lethal.

Lin Xiaoyao's eyes were full of murderous intent. After the foreshadowing, he was ready to take off the opponent's head in one go.
The night is long and the dream is full, this shot can be described as clean and neat.

"Good come."

However, there was no look of fear on the face of the middle-aged man.

There was even a hint of joy.

Yes, you read that right, joy.

He was also visibly relieved.

Don't be surprised.

This guy certainly doesn't have an IQ problem.

Of course, he has his own reasons for such a weird reaction.

For one thing, he didn't see the frightening aspect of this technique of piercing through the air.

After all, on the surface.

It is almost the same as the ordinary light blade.

Even if it's powerful, it's still easier to deal with than the weird supernatural power that that kid just displayed.

Yes, that's what he thought.

After all, Lin Xiaoyao's body-holding technique just now, regardless of the moment's beauty, is obviously too weird in the eyes of ordinary monks.

And this trick looks much more normal, at least there are traces to follow.

But the words are true, after suffering several times in a row, he certainly knows that this kid in front of him is definitely not an ordinary cultivator, so he should not be negligent.

So he sacrificed his treasure.

White Scale Shield

This is an ancient treasure.

The power is really not small.

Of course, the power here refers to defense.

The middle-aged man is confident that he can easily take the opponent's attack.

Facts have proved that such an idea is extremely stupid.


Accompanied by a light sound into the ear.

The white scaled shield, which she regarded as a rock, was like clay plastic paper, and it was easily broken into two halves.

The superficial aura dissipated.

Then it turned into mortal iron and fell from mid-air.

The middle-aged man was dumbfounded.

Fortunately, his reaction was also extremely fast, his whole body burst into aura, and he tried his best to retreat as fast as possible.

But it was still a step too late.

next moment.

Blood spattered out.

Although he barely escaped the vital point, one arm was also cut off.

Seriously injured, his face became even more ugly.

However, he was very flustered and terrified.

Impossible, how could this kid be so powerful?

If it is said that he was able to cast some weird spells just now, that's all.

How could a light blade that was casually released at this moment have such incomparable power?

This is not normal!

The middle-aged man's face was extremely ugly.

However, Lin Xiaoyao would not give him time to think about it slowly.

The left hand swung down again.

Following his movements, a palm-sized blade of light emerged again.

At first glance, it can be said to be unremarkable.

But with a tooth-piercing sound of piercing through the air, it approached him at a fast speed.

"not good!"

The middle-aged man was full of shock and anger, and the expression on his face was only fear.

He still doesn't understand why a mere light blade is so powerful, but the lessons learned from the past are not far away, so of course he dare not be careless or negligent.

This time, he still sacrificed his treasure.

But not a shield for defense.

But desperate.

Released a flying sword.

This is his natal magic weapon, and the main material is meteorite iron.

In addition, dozens of precious materials were added during refining.

It can be said that incomparably sharp is the most appropriate description of this treasure.

No matter how weird that kid's supernatural powers are, there is absolutely no reason why he can release a wind blade casually, which is more powerful than his talisman.

He does not believe in evil.

Heart full of resentment and resentment
What's more, at this point, there is no other choice.

There is no retreat, and only one of them can survive.


next moment.

He just watched his talisman collide fiercely with the shining light blade.


There is no suspense.

The flying sword suddenly shattered into pieces.

A look of disbelief appeared on the face of the middle-aged man.

I couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

After all, his talisman was destroyed, and his mind was involved, so he naturally had a hard time.

Injuries are a given.

"Impossible, how could the light blade be so powerful?"

Poor guy, until now, he doesn't know what kind of light blade he is facing.

It's obviously a crack in space.

He used magic weapons to resist space cracks.

result in one word
The old birthday star hanged himself... looking for death.

It's a pity that Lin Xiaoyao wouldn't be so kind to explain to him slowly.

Seeing that this guy was injured, a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him.

Facing a strong enemy, a fool will show mercy.

Then, Lin Xiaoyao raised his right hand, as dignified as a mountain, and pointed forward.


Very simple sentence.

However, the output of the words can be adjusted to the maximum power.

The voice just fell.

This move had a huge effect.

The middle-aged man felt that his body suddenly became bulky and rigid.

Action also naturally becomes slower.

No, it wasn't just his body that became sluggish, even the magic power in his body was greatly affected and weakened.

The speed of circulation in the meridians suddenly dropped a lot.


The middle-aged man was suddenly frightened out of his wits.

Anyway, he is also a strong man in the Realm of Immortal Realm.

Of course, knowing that under such circumstances, his situation can be described as extremely bad.

My heart is crying badly.

However, for a while, I didn't know what to do.

There's no way, he's out of shape.

I don't know whether to resist or dodge.

Originally, he was hit by Lin Xiaoyao's slow spell, but now he hesitated again. It is no exaggeration to say that this is really the way to death.

Lin Xiaoyao could see clearly.

Things went much smoother than I imagined.

So, he swung his right hand forward.

With its movement, the sound of piercing through the air entered the ears.

Then a white light flashed, and a space crack had come in front of the middle-aged man.

There was no suspense at all, blood spattered out, the middle-aged man was split in half directly, and even Nascent Soul had no chance to escape.


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(End of this chapter)

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