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Chapter 181 Jun 1 Shot, True Immortal Shot

Chapter 181 In the nick of time, the real fairy shot
The whole process is complicated, but in fact, it only takes more than a dozen breaths of effort.

There is no way, there is a huge difference in strength between each other, whether it is intentional or unintentional, the number of Yaozu is almost overwhelming.

So, it's an easy win.

Even, what was shot was only some monsters.

After the battle was over, many demon cultivators came out of the woods one after another.

The first person was the ancestor of Baiyao, walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, with a rebellious expression on his face.

As for the other monster races, they lowered their eyebrows and followed behind him respectfully.

"Old Ancestor, we have wiped out all those human cultivators."

A demon cultivator came to report and lowered his head.


Baiyao Patriarch just responded, he didn't pay attention to such a small matter at all.

Or put it more clearly.

Don't care.

I saw him taking three steps and two steps in parallel, and soon came to the front of the intersection of the blue light and glazed glass.

Eyes narrowed slightly, looking at this thing.

Even release the consciousness towards it.

The result was of no use.

As soon as the spiritual consciousness touched the entrance of the blue glazed glass, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, and it couldn't make any waves.

"Hmph, it's really good, this Xianyuan Valley is really interesting."

Patriarch Baiyao was not surprised or angry about this, it seemed to be different from his guess, just now it was just casual, just a little bit of a try.

If he stood here and used his divine sense to detect the scene outside the passage, then this Fairy Fate Valley is not worthy of its name, and it is not worth his expectation.

Now it feels pretty good.

Everything is as expected.

So the Patriarch Baiyao turned his head and faced the Yaoxiu who stood respectfully behind him.

"Okay, time is running out, you don't need to delay here, all of you will enter Xianyuan Valley."

"Yes, old man."

These demon cultivators were all carefully selected, accounting for a small half of the surviving demon cultivators in the Wild Demon Mountain. If the entire army is wiped out here, the loss of the demon clan will be too great.

But they have no choice now, if they want to get the chance to become immortals, they have to take such a risk.

There will be no pies in the sky, and only those who pay can gain. Everything is actually fair.

This matter has already been made a decision in advance, and the demon cultivators in front of them all knew about it and were mentally prepared, so when the order was issued, they did not hesitate at all, and moved quickly towards the entrance of the blue light glass go in.

"The monsters also go in."

The voice of the Baiyao Patriarch suddenly reached his ears.


The demon cultivator couldn't help being stunned.

"Old ancestor, this..."

It's no wonder they were surprised, because this matter was not agreed in advance.

Was the ancestor a temporary idea?
What is the use?
Although the strength of monster beasts is not weak, the biggest difference from monster cultivators is that their intelligence has not yet been activated. Although they are smarter than ordinary beasts, generally speaking, their brains are still not very good.

In a word, the weakness is too obvious.

It is easier to deceive and fall into the trap.

Therefore, in the battle of monsters, monster cultivators are usually required to command Luezhen, otherwise, it is easy to be tricked by human immortal cultivators.

Such a loss is not worth it.

But now, the ancestors actually let the monsters enter Xianyuan Valley to find opportunities and treasures?

What kind of operation is this?
It's too whimsical.

The monster's brain is not good, how can it have the ability to find opportunities?

The demon cultivators were very surprised by this, but the patriarch Baiyao has a resolute character, so there is no room for them to retort: ​​"This old man has made up his mind. Of course, I have my own intentions and purposes for doing this, and you have no objection." Just follow my orders."

As soon as the domineering words came out, the demon cultivators couldn't help but swallowed their saliva while looking at each other.

But no one dared to object.

Is it because I am impatient to live without giving this ancestor face?

Of course no one wants to do such a stupid thing.

Demon cultivators are very smart.

Although I don't think so about the old ancestor's decision...

But it's really nothing.

Even if monster hunting is unreliable, at worst, the whole army will be wiped out.

The current decline of the Yaozu is mainly due to the heavy losses of high-level demon cultivators.

As for monsters?

There are still many.

So even if you lose some more, it's not a big deal.

There's no need to argue with the ancestor about this matter and make him angry, that's really not worth the candle.

The demon cultivators weighed the pros and cons, and quickly made a decision.

Although I felt that the order of the ancestor of the hundred demons was inexplicable, but no one refuted it, but nodded respectfully. Afterwards, the demon cultivators called out, and hundreds of monsters flocked to this side.

Then, together with the demon cultivators, they walked towards the entrance of the blue glazed glass.

The Baiyao Patriarch showed a satisfied look, and when all the demon clansmen had entered the Fairy Fate Valley, he randomly picked a clean place beside Panxi and sat down, closing his eyes and meditating.

It didn't take long, however.

Soon, there was the sound of piercing the sky, and I saw seven or eight light spots in the distant sky.

It was still far away at first, but the speed was extremely fast. After a while, it flew to the front, and the light shrank, revealing the faces of seven or eight monks.

"Brother, this is the entrance of Xianyuan Valley, our luck is really good."

"I don't know if we give it a go this time, if any of us can get the chance to become a fairy."


After a few people fell into the light, they all couldn't help showing overjoyed expressions when they looked at the entrance of the blue glazed glass in front of them.

From the tone of their voice, they should be casual cultivators, but their cultivation bases are definitely not weak.

And several people should be sworn brothers.

"Hey, this guy..."

After discussing happily for a few words, the few people present finally noticed that it was just in front of them, tens of feet away.

There was even a burly old man in a black robe sitting there.

The enemy couldn't help but feel astonished.

what happened?

With such an obvious goal, how could they ignore each other intentionally or unintentionally just now?
If it was just one of them who was careless for a while, it would be understandable, after all, tigers always take naps.

But it's not normal for the brothers to ignore each other.

What kind of spell was cast by the other party? They obviously didn't hide their body, but they were able to appear so non-existent. If the other party had evil intentions just now, they suddenly launched a sneak attack while they were not paying attention...

Thinking of this, several immortal cultivators couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

"Who are you, and why are you sitting here?"

Among the group of monks, the leader was a big man in brocade clothes, who asked questions at this moment.

Although his words were still polite, but deep in his eyes, there was already a look of fear.

As for the other cultivators, they made no secret of their vigilance, and some even hid their magic treasures in their sleeves.

"Hmph, human immortal cultivator."

Only then did the ancestor of Baiyao raise his head, glanced at the guys in front of him, and then, a hint of sarcasm appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It's just some ants in the transformation stage."

"Forget it, it's your luck to die in the hands of the old man. If it wasn't for protecting this fairy valley, you wouldn't have the chance to meet the old man."

His tone was extremely flat, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

The immortal cultivators present turned pale with shock.

This guy's tone is simply outrageous.

Is he really capable, or is he bluffing here?

In an instant, various thoughts flashed through my mind.

But no one dared not pay attention.

Therefore, the eight immortal cultivators present, without exception, put on expressions as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

In a word, there is no big mistake in being careful.

"Hmph, it's all futile resistance!"

Faced with this scene, the Patriarch Baiyao turned a blind eye.

He didn't even intend to get up, just raised an arm.

The action is simple, just press forward casually.

However, following his movements, terrifying evil spirits swarmed out from the surface of his body, and in an instant, it had reached the level of covering the sun with clouds.

There was a roar.

One after another, illusory monsters condensed, grinning at the eight immortal cultivators in front of them, and surrounded them from all directions.



"Is it an illusion?"


Several immortal cultivators were stunned and dumbfounded, watching this scene that made them shudder.


At this moment, I heard a loud shout like thunder.

But it was the big man in brocade who led him to make the choice.

He didn't know if the other party was casting an illusion.

But the enemy is obviously difficult to deal with.

And has shown a strong hostility.

What is there to hesitate at this time.

The first strike is strong, and the second strike suffers.

So, he sacrificed his treasure.

The other cultivators didn't hesitate at all after hearing this.

They released their magic weapons one after another.


But the next moment.

The screams came to the ears.

Their response could not be described as swift.

But no use.

The strength is very different.

So the reaction is like a mayfly shaking a tree.

Almost just touched.

Their magic weapon was shattered inch by inch.

Then he was thrown down by that illusory monster.

There is no power to resist.

Without any suspense, there was a disastrous result.

The whole process is complicated, but in fact, it didn't take a blink of an eye from the shot to the fall.

10 years ago, the Patriarch of Baiyao was powerful in Yunzhou, and his reputation is well-deserved, and his strength is astonishing.

Seeing the fall of the eight immortal cultivators, he lowered his head again as if he had done a trivial thing, and once again entered the state of closing his eyes and resting his mind.

This old monster's lifespan is running out, and he has only one purpose to stay here.

Not allowing a human monk to enter this Valley of Fate of Immortals, the opportunity to become an immortal this time will be tailor-made for the monsters, and his awakening is to ensure this.



Another group of cultivators came.

However, the result was exactly the same as before.

No one can break through the Xianyuan Valley guarded by the Baiyao Patriarch.

No, to be correct, even if they wanted to retreat and escape, it was just a wish.

This old monster of the monster clan also hated the human monks to the bone.

If it wasn't for the short lifespan and the lack of time, he would have entered Yunzhou long ago and went to Huayuzong himself to avenge the monster clans.

There is no chance to do so now.

But of course he will not let go of any human cultivators who come here.

Instead, he made a harsh choice.

Let's kill these guys first.


That's it, over time.

More and more human monks came here.

However, without exception, they were all blocked by him.

Of course the cultivators were shocked and angry.

Everyone wanted to enter the Valley of Immortal Fate, looking for opportunities to become immortals, but they never expected to encounter such obstacles at the entrance of the valley.

Naturally, there was a mixture of shock and anger in my heart.

How to do?
It is hard to choose to give up.

No kidding, of course it's impossible.

There is only one enemy.

I really don't know how to live or die.

As a result, the cultivators made the choice to crowd forward.

More people bully less people.

Even if the opponent is very strong.

But the number of each other is so different, I don't believe that he can block it.

However, the result was surprising.

What they are facing is not an ordinary monster race.

Hundred thousand years ago, the Patriarch of Baiyao already had a great reputation in Yunzhou, and his strength was far beyond the imagination of these immortal cultivators.

Too many people is not useless.

But to achieve the desired effect.

There is a premise.

That is, the strength realm of each other should not be too far apart.

But right now, there is no such thing.

As a result, the result of their doing so was to seek their own death.

Even if hundreds of immortal cultivators swarmed up, it would be of no use.

There is too much difference in strength.

Even if the ants unite, the final result is still nothing more than a mayfly shaking a tree.

I was hit on the head and bled, but the opponent was fine.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of immortal cultivators had returned to the underworld, but what made people feel frightened was that the Baiyao Patriarch was still sitting where he was.

You read it right.

After such a fierce battle.

He still sat there.

Obviously these cultivators thought they were attacking fiercely, but they didn't even have the qualifications to make him stand up.


All the immortal cultivators present gasped involuntarily.

Everyone had incredible expressions on their faces.

This one is simply ridiculously strong.

How to do?
Everyone couldn't help being embarrassed for a while.

Yet at this moment.

A cold snort came into his ears.

"A group of trash, with so many people, can't deal with a mere monster. It's simply too embarrassing for us human monks. Let the old man teach this guy a lesson."

The voice was indifferent, but the tone was outrageously loud.

But the monks present were not angry but happy when they heard this.

At this moment, they have nothing to do with this powerful and mysterious demon cultivator. They hope that someone can stand out, and it is best to defeat this guy.

In addition to joy.

The immortal cultivators present all turned their heads and looked aside.

Then, they saw a dark-skinned man.

His appearance was unremarkable, but the aura emanating from his whole body was ridiculously powerful.

This is actually a person who has crossed the catastrophe period.

Oddly enough.

None of the immortal cultivators present could recognize him.

Does it feel incredible.

But when you think about it, it's not surprising.

The opening of the Fairy Fate Valley, such an opportunity is rare in a thousand years.

And Yunzhou has a vast area. Apart from those strong people on the bright side, there are naturally many guys who usually don't care about world affairs, but don't know where they are hiding, and they are dedicated to hard work.

For example, this one in front of you.

Although little known.

But when he stood up.

As soon as the mana in the body circulated for a while, there was a terrifying spiritual pressure falling from the sky.

beep, beep...

The immortal cultivator who was closer to him couldn't help but backed away.

This is still a high level of cultivation, so the reaction is not so strong.

The slightly weaker immortal cultivators were in a much worse situation, and many of them could not even stand firmly, and fell directly into gourds.

"Who is this?"

"I've never heard of it, but his strength is so strong, and the spiritual pressure that blooms is so terrifying."

"It's an immortal cultivator at the level of crossing the catastrophe."

"That's right, and it's the Great Consummation of the Transcending Tribulation Period. I didn't expect seniors of this level to make a move. That's great. That hateful monster race will definitely reap the consequences."

"He deserves to fall, this guy is too arrogant, I see what he will do now, no matter how powerful you are, no matter how arrogant you are, are you the opponent of Senior Du Jie?"


For a while, mocking voices came and went.

The immortal cultivators present were also irritated. They had been helpless with this guy. Many comrades had fallen in front of them. Now that a master finally stood up, everyone felt elated.

"A bunch of idiots."

Bai Yao Patriarch rolled his eyes in his heart.

A mere junior in the tribulation stage deserves their confidence. It seems that these guys haven't learned enough lessons.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Not in a hurry to make a move.

And the dark-skinned man obviously didn't realize what kind of stupid thing he was doing.

At this moment, he still had a proud look on his face.

At this moment, the adoring eyes of the immortal cultivators around him made him feel very comfortable.

He raised his head even higher, took a step forward, and rushed towards the monster clan in front in an instant. At the same time, he raised his right hand, ready to send out his treasure.

Teach this guy a hard lesson.

"Senior, come on."

"Senior is invincible."


The immortal cultivators around were also extremely excited.

In the blink of an eye, there was only a distance of tens of feet between the two sides.

The light of the magic weapon in the man's hand has already lit up.


next moment.

There was no sign at all, his body suddenly exploded into a cloud of blood mist.


Even Nascent Soul did not escape.

The surrounding area was originally extremely lively, but at this moment, it seemed as if someone had pressed the pause button, and suddenly became quiet.


The immortal cultivators present looked at each other in blank dismay.

They didn't know what happened, but they all felt a great fear from the bottom of their hearts.

An opponent who is too underestimated.

Even the existence of Dujie level was instantly killed. Could it be that the enemy is the legendary true fairy?
They felt a chill in their hearts.

The scalp felt like it was about to explode.

Fear appeared in everyone's eyes.

At this time, the ancestor of Baiyao suddenly stood up and asked others to show a cruel smile: "A group of stupid guys, since they are all here, then don't even think about leaving here, all human cultivators will perish. will kill you all."

Everyone became more frightened when they heard this, and wanted to escape but dared not.

Haven't entered Xianyuan Valley yet, could they be wiped out here?

They were extremely unwilling, but the enemy in front of them was obviously not something they could deal with.

Just when everyone was in a daze of fear and didn't know what to do, the voice of Lin Xiaoyao chuckling in the crowd reached everyone's ears.

"What a big tone, actually wanting to kill all the cultivators here, hmph, let alone the others, but Lin is standing here, can you...can you beat me?"

(End of this chapter)

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