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Chapter 184 The Power of Space and the Legendary Spirit Realm

Chapter 184 The Power of Space and the Legendary Spirit Realm

As soon as I entered Xianyuan Valley, the scenery in front of me suddenly became blurred, as if I had arrived at the beginning of chaos...

Lin Xiaoyao didn't panic, but wandered around, ready to take a closer look, but at this moment, he felt an invisible force approaching and enveloping himself.

"This is……"

Lin Xiaoyao frowned slightly, but did not resist.

Because in an instant, he recognized clearly that although this force came suddenly, it was not malicious, it just wanted to teleport himself away from here.

"The power of space!"

"It contains a trace of space law!"

The voice of Lin Xiaoyao talking to himself reached his ears.

Although he became hasty, he could distinguish clearly without any effort, and predicted that the next teleportation should be random.

If it were another immortal cultivator, even if his realm was higher than his own, it would be difficult to resist in the face of this situation, so he could only let that force take him away by means of teleportation.

Of course, this is not a bad result in itself, it should be pre-set by the owner of Xianyuan Valley.

And all immortal cultivators who enter this valley can only obey his arrangements.

Other than that, there is no other choice!'s for other people.

But Lin Xiaoyao's face showed a bit of dissatisfaction.

Although he is only a visitor, as a saint, there is no existence in the heavens and worlds that is qualified to make decisions and arrangements for him.

Even if the other party is not malicious, it is not allowed.

Lin Xiaoyao won't listen to other people's orders!

So he just had a thought, and the mysterious power surrounding his body obediently stopped.

The sage is in charge of the Three Thousand Ways and discerns the laws of heaven and earth. Since Lin Xiaoyao is unwilling, there is no way for the teleportation to continue.

So naturally it stopped.

And all of this was just a thought of his. For Lin Xiaoyao, it was a situation that other cultivators could not resist, but it was effortless to change it.

After finishing all this, Lin Xiaoyao's expression was normal, and he took a leisurely look at the situation around him again.

At this moment, he is staying in a void space.

There is nothing here except some colorful lights.

The light cluster was condensed from extremely rich mana.

In addition, during these four weeks, Lin Xiaoyao also felt some laws of space.

Not much, but it is enough to teleport a certain distance.

All in all, this place looks extremely simple, but it is quite mysterious.

Lin Xiaoyao spread his hands, and with a thought, several colorful light clusters floating nearby flew over and landed in his palm.

Lin Xiaoyao lowered his head and let out his divine sense to sense it.

Then he frowned slightly.

Above this light group, there is actually a breath of spiritual realm.

But it's too weak.

This is interesting.

Is it because the power inside has been gradually lost because of too long time, or is it just because the guy's strength is not enough...

This thought turned in his mind, and Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help showing a bit of contemplation on his face.

The so-called spiritual domain is a skill that can only be mastered by golden immortals.

And the Golden Immortal is a more powerful existence than the True Immortal.

Although it is still not worth mentioning compared to a saint, but in the heavens and worlds, it can barely be called a strong one.

Could it be that the Fairy Fate Valley was left behind by Jinxian?
Lin Xiaoyao had some guesses in his mind, but he quickly shook his head and didn't think about it.

After all, for others, Jinxian is extremely powerful, and can even be called an unimaginable existence.

But to me, it's nothing at all.

Not to mention that the aura of the spirit realm he sensed was too weak, it might not be a golden fairy, so what if he retreated ten thousand steps?
You must know your goal, but to restore the strength of the saint.

So he didn't care about this little discovery in front of him.

Then Lin Xiaoyao wandered around and continued to look around.

Although there is nothingness here, it is not like the legendary chaotic world, with an infinitely vast area.

On the contrary, the area of ​​this space is actually not large, only tens of feet in radius.

Except for some colorful light clusters, and some broken space laws, then there is nothing else.

It is no exaggeration to say that this place is actually very simple.

Of course, only Lin Xiaoyao can see it this way, and at the same time, only he is qualified to make such a judgment.

If it were any other cultivator, even the Patriarch of Baiyao just now, he would definitely feel very shocked by the scene in front of him.

Don't say anything else, let's talk about the broken space law, if you can comprehend it, it will be of great benefit even to high-level true immortals.

Of course, Lin Xiaoyao didn't need it.

Just kidding, the sage still needs to comprehend the laws of space?
Once the strength that he should have is restored, any laws of the heavens and worlds can be driven by himself.

So in front of him, this law of space that would make high-ranking true immortals regard it as a treasure, but to Lin Xiaoyao, it was not even a tasteless one.

But then again, if it was another immortal cultivator, even if he wanted to gain enlightenment, he would not be able to do so.

Because after they came here, they couldn't help themselves and couldn't stay. They would be automatically teleported away immediately, and then enter Xianyuan Valley in a random way.

And this process can't be reversed even by a high-level true immortal, let alone resist.

Only Lin Xiaoyao can easily break the teleportation, and then wander around here in a leisurely manner.

But the discovery in front of him didn't catch his eyes.

After that, Lin Xiaoyao didn't intend to delay any longer, he planned to leave here and formally enter Xianyuan Valley.

Of course, Lin Xiaoyao didn't intend to use random teleportation.

The reason why he came here has two purposes.

One is to inspect this famous Xianyuan Valley to see if there is any gain, such as using it as a place for long-term sign-in, to see if it is suitable to do so?

As for the second point, it is to rescue Su Zhiyan who broke into here by accident.

Although that girl has great aptitude, she is still too weak after all, and she is only a cultivator in the late stage of transformation.

Lin Xiaoyao didn't know what was in the Valley of Immortal Fate, but almost all the immortal cultivators who entered here before were wiped out.

So it must be dangerous.

As the saying goes, saving people is like putting out a fire. If you go late, if something happens to the girl, I will feel very sorry.

Therefore, Su Zhiyan must be found as soon as possible.

Lin Xiaoyao's face showed a trace of thought.

In fact, before coming here, he had already thought about what to do?
Although the immortal cultivators who entered Xianyuan Valley are almost wiped out every time, even those lucky ones who survived and got the chance will also forget, what did they see or experience when they were in the valley? what.

So after so many years, although people are very curious, their understanding of Xianyuan Valley is still vague, and they are not clear about the specific situation inside.

The only guess I made was that the area of ​​Xianyuan Valley might be very vast.

It would be more appropriate to describe it as a small world rather than a secret realm.

Moreover, such speculation has been approved by almost all the powerful people in Yunzhou.

Lin Xiaoyao also agrees with this point of view after reading the speculations about this part in the ancient books.

Now I also understand that entering Xianyuan Valley will be randomly teleported.

This makes people feel very headache.

Because you have no idea where you will be teleported.

Maybe it's the opposite of the place where Su Zhiyan was teleported. In that case, it would be even more difficult to find that girl.

However, that is for ordinary cultivators.

After realizing that the teleportation restriction was placed by the strong man from Xianyuan Valley, Lin Xiaoyao already had an idea of ​​his own in his heart.

That's right, such an arrangement will be a test for other cultivators.

But in front of him, he provided help and convenience invisibly.

why would you say so?

It's very simple, because others are passive transmission, unable to resist, helpless.

But unlike them, Lin Xiaoyao can make his own choices.

This is the key.

For example, at this moment, he will release his divine sense.

Since Su Zhiyan and the others entered the valley from here and were teleported away, theoretically, there should be a little breath left.

Of course, it will be very weak and difficult to detect, even ordinary true immortals cannot sense it.

But Lin Xiaoyao is different.

His divine sense is different from ordinary cultivators. To some extent, he can see through the origin of this world.

So after a little attention, I quickly caught more than a dozen auras remaining in this space.

It was very faint, but Lin Xiaoyao was able to distinguish it clearly.

Next, without any effort, he found the aura that belonged to Su Zhiyan inside.

The next step is simple.

Since there is evidence to follow, with Lin Xiaoyao's ability, of course it is not difficult to find out where Su Zhiyan was teleported...

Afterwards, he can follow the map and follow the past in the same way as teleportation.

In this way, even if Su Ziyan had already left there, it would be much easier to find her, at least she would not be running around like a headless chicken.

Of course, such a method sounds simple, but in reality it is extremely difficult to achieve.

It can be said that apart from Lin Xiaoyao, even if another high-ranking true immortal lives in a different place with him, facing this situation, there is also nothing to do.

Even if the other party can come up with this method, they can't do it at all.

But this is nothing to Lin Xiaoyao.

He released his divine thoughts, and soon locked onto Su Zhiyan's aura, and then with a thought in his mind, he teleported away from here with the help of the law of space.

The whole process is extremely easy and completely effortless.


The sky is a little dark, and here is an endless wasteland.


After the transmission was completed, Lin Xiaoyao looked at the scene in front of him with a look of surprise on his face.

Originally, according to his guess, the fame of the Immortal Fate Valley could even make the immortal cultivators who came here reborn, obtain great opportunities, and become true immortals...

The environment in Xianyuan Valley must be very good, like a blessed place in the cave, full of aura.

As a result, as far as he could see, the scenery he saw was completely different from his original imagination.

It was barren as far as the eye could see, and the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth was also very sparse.

It's hard to imagine that this place could be the Fairy Fate Valley.

"Interesting, really interesting."

If it is an ordinary cultivator, seeing the scene in front of him is completely different from what he expected, he will definitely turn pale with shock.

Not to mention fear, but in the face of such a gap, it is inevitable that vigilance will rise in the heart.

However, Lin Xiaoyao's expression was calm and unwavering. He looked around and felt that this place was rather interesting.

After that, he released his divine sense and started searching, trying to find Su Ziyan's aura so that he could meet up with him according to the plan.

Lin Xiaoyao's idea is very simple.

As long as you find it, let it follow you.

In this way, even if the Xianyuan Valley is in danger, Lin Xiaoyao certainly has the ability to take this girl out safely.

Perhaps because of the teleportation experience, it was not so easy for Lin Xiaoyao to lock onto Su Zhiyan's aura this time.

He was not in a hurry, and searched slowly.

There was a quick payoff.

Lin Xiaoyao frowned.

What he sensed at this moment was not Su Zhiyan, but other cultivators.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Xiaoyao was not surprised.

Every time Xianyuan Valley appears, there will be two chances to open it.

When it was opened for the first time, although the cultivators didn't know it in advance and were not prepared, not many people entered it.

But there are still dozens or hundreds of them.

Of course, apart from Su Zhiyan, Lin Xiaoyao has no obligation to save others.

But now that you have met Yudu, you might as well take a look by the way.

Maybe you can ask them for directions.

With this thought in his mind, Lin Xiaoyao flickered and flew to the place he sensed.

Although he sensed the breath of the other party, Lin Xiaoyao was actually far away from them.

If it's a true immortal of the same level, even if it's going all out, it will take at least half an hour to fly.

But of course Lin Xiaoyao didn't need to be so troublesome.

Although he doesn't fully grasp the laws of space now, with the help of the power of the laws, he can unleash the legendary fleeting distance with ease.

All it takes is one thought.

Afterwards, Lin Xiaoyao's figure was slightly blurred, and disappeared without a trace from where he was.


"Brother, have we gotten rid of that monster?"

This is a barren mountain hundreds of feet high.

The aura is still sparse, and there are only some low shrubs on the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, there is an open space tens of feet square.

The two monks stayed there tremblingly.

One is a gray-haired man in his fifties.

The other was younger, but also in his early thirties.

Of course, the real age of the two must be far more than that.

After all, the old man is a cultivator of the Void Refinement Stage, even the guy who looks to be in his early thirties also has the cultivation base of the late stage of Transformation God.

But at this moment, the two of them were extremely embarrassed.

Not only were their clothes torn, they looked almost like beggars, their breathing was weak, and there were bloodstains on many places on their bodies. Obviously, both of them had suffered serious injuries.

"You ask me, how do I know?"

There was a wry smile on the old man's face, and the expression on his face still had some lingering fear.

Thinking of the danger the two faced just now, he was terrified. It was pure luck that they survived, but he had no idea whether the crisis had been resolved.

"Brother, what kind of devil insect is that? How could it be so powerful, there are less than a hundred of them, and the two of us can't stand it."

The middle-aged man in his 30s couldn't help but speak.

As we all know, whether it is spirit insects or magic insects in the world of cultivating immortals, they usually win by numbers.

Even for the top-ranked spirit insects, the number must reach at least [-], forming a certain scale, so that the lethality can be guaranteed.

But just now, the monster insects they encountered were only about a hundred, perhaps, there were less than a hundred, but the two of them almost fell here.

It's incredible to think about.

In addition to lingering fear, I couldn't help being very surprised.

"I've already said, I don't know!"

The old man replied angrily.

Although my own strength is slightly stronger than this junior brother, but I don't just practice xu.

In Yunzhou, although they can be called strong if they are barely strong, don't forget that the place where they are at the moment is Xianyuan Valley.

The legendary secret and dangerous place.

There have been countless immortal cultivators who came here to seek opportunities, and similarly, countless seniors were buried here!

Therefore, it is completely different from the outside world.

In Yunzhou, it is true that the number of spirit insects must reach [-] in order to exert a strong lethality and make immortal cultivators shy away.

But obviously, such experience does not apply in Xianyuan Valley.

However, more than a hundred monster insects almost caused them to fall. It is no exaggeration to say that the two of them survived in the end. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are really lucky.

"Senior brother, as the saying goes, if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed. The two of us can escape from the terrible monster, and we are obviously blessed immortal cultivators. Do you think we can get a chance here and become true immortals? "

Perhaps because he felt that he was already safe, the middle-aged monk couldn't help showing a look of anticipation on his face.

"If you want to set a flag, I advise fellow Taoists to say less, otherwise don't lose your life here without getting the treasure of chance."

Before the gray-haired old man could speak, a strange voice had already reached his ears.

Then, space fluctuations suddenly appeared.

Without the slightest sign, Lin Xiaoyao's figure appeared in front of the two of them very abruptly.

"It's you……"

Because he appeared so suddenly and the way he appeared was too mysterious, the two immortal cultivators couldn't help being taken aback.

He looked at Lin Xiaoyao in awe, with a look of guard on his face.

Lin Xiaoyao's expression was calm and unwavering, with his hands behind his back, as if he was walking in his own backyard.

"You are……"

"Are you the immortal patriarch of Huayu Sect?"

After looking around, the middle-aged monk recognized Lin Xiaoyao. He was stunned for a while, and then an ecstatic expression appeared on his face.

"Oh, do you recognize me?"

Lin Xiaoyao's expression was a little surprised, and he frowned slightly. He had never seen this guy in front of him.

"That's right, this junior has heard about senior's deeds, and he admires senior so much, so he spent a lot of thought and was finally lucky enough to see a portrait of senior."

The other party explained it like this.

"I see."

Lin Xiaoyao nodded and was about to speak.


However, at this moment, there was a buzzing sound in his ears.

Then he turned his head to look, and saw that the sky darkened in an instant, and densely packed demonic insects appeared in the distant sky.

 Thanks to lht19781023 for the reward of 3000 coins

(End of this chapter)

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