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Chapter 194 Time magic power, vicissitudes of life

Chapter 194 Time magic power, vicissitudes of life
"Boy, you are courting death!"

A hint of anger flashed across the face of the head of the Feixian Sect: "A mere kid on the fifth floor of the real fairy dares to be arrogant and domineering in front of me. I think you are tired of your life."

He originally hated Lin Xiaoyao to the bone, and now he was even more unwilling to talk nonsense.

Taking a breath, his whole body was covered in azure glaze, and suddenly a terrifying coercion enveloped Lin Xiaoyao overwhelmingly.

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color.

The void seemed to start to distort slightly.

The head of Feixianmen is extremely cunning.

He could tell at a glance that Lin Xiaoyao was not an ordinary monk.

His strength is far above that of monks of the same rank, and his supernatural powers are also very powerful and strange.

Otherwise, you can't break the layers of restrictions you have set up with a wave of your hand.

This is by no means something that ordinary cultivators of the fifth level of true immortality can do.

Fighting against him, although the head of the Feixian Sect is sure of winning, he also knows in his heart that this guy in front of him may not be able to be dealt with by himself with three or two moves.

That's why he released the spiritual pressure.

The purpose is to take advantage of the huge gap in realm between the two sides.

In this way, no matter how wonderful the other party's magical powers are, there is no use for them.

The spiritual pressure is only related to the realm, and ignores the magic weapon, so he is equivalent to abolishing the advantages and strengths of that kid, directly and arrogantly crushing the opponent by relying on the huge difference in realm between the two sides.

This method is simple, but extremely effective.

However, if you want to use it, there is a prerequisite, that is, there must be a huge gap in the realm between the two parties.

But then again.

When the difference between the realms of each other is too great, if you really want to eliminate your opponent, why is it so troublesome?
This also shows how much he attaches importance to Lin Xiaoyao.

He didn't care about his face, and used such a method that was almost shameless, in order to be foolproof.

He is a powerhouse at the pinnacle of true immortality, and he is only one step away from the legendary Golden Immortal Realm. At this moment, he is fully releasing his coercion, and his momentum is almost terrifying.

Flying sand and stone.

Several nearby mountain peaks were directly razed to the ground, and this was only a little affected by the aftermath of his spiritual pressure.

It is conceivable that Lin Xiaoyao will be under such terrible pressure as his target at this moment.

"It's the Sect Master. He's still alive. How could it be possible? Could it be that the person who just fell was the incarnation he cultivated?"

"It must be so, the head is mighty, it turns out that he already possesses the terrifying strength of the peak of a true immortal."

"It's stable now."

"We will be able to save the day."


The voices of chattering came to the ears.

The immortal cultivators of Feixianmen all had expressions of excitement on their faces at this moment.

Although they were two hundred miles away from where the battle took place.

But this is nothing, for high-level immortal cultivators, they only need to release their divine thoughts to see clearly everything that is happening in the distance.

Although they didn't dare to act rashly, the expressions of excitement on everyone's faces were beyond words.

The coercion emanating from the head is terrifying.

Such a long distance, and only felt a little bit of aftermath, they couldn't help feeling a chill from the bottom of their hearts, how could that kid bear it?


"Give me a sigh!"

The head of Feixianmen was beaming with joy.

At this moment, he felt that the initiative was completely in his own hands.

After all, this trick has nothing to do with magical treasures, it relies on the crushing effect brought about by the gap in realm.

So it is unsolvable.

Even if you are a genius, you can only admit defeat.

There was a look of mockery in his eyes, and he was ready to see the scene where this kid was full of aggrieved face, but in the end he had no choice but to kneel down in front of him with an expression of unwillingness.

However, things are different from what he imagined.


Of course, Lin Xiaoyao understood what the other party was doing. At this moment, he looked at the other party with the expression of looking at an idiot.

The opponent's calculation is correct, but if you use such a trick in front of yourself, you really don't know how to write dead words.

Relying on the difference in level to suppress yourself, but still let yourself kneel down in a whimsical way?

This is really a little expert at killing people!
Lin Xiaoyao felt that if he didn't teach him a lesson, he would be sorry for this guy's creative ideas.

So...he released the aura that belonged to a saint.

Want to use the realm gap to make yourself surrender?

Sorry, but I am a person who has the status of a saint.

Although the strength has not been restored because of mana.

But the sage realm he possesses is as if it were fake.

Surprise, not unexpected?
So the idiots who do this will only reap the consequences in the end.

Once he heard the sound of "plop", the head of the Feixian Sect knelt down in front of Lin Xiaoyao with a dazed face.

Although separated by a distance of two hundred miles, the other monks of Feixianmen could see this scene clearly.

The expressions of joy on their faces froze immediately.

One by one they looked at each other.

His expression was stunned.

You are so afraid that you are not kidding me.

How about letting that kid kneel down in a domineering manner?
The results of it?
The other party stood still in place.

You yourself knelt down in fear.

What is this?
There is no need to be so exaggerated if you deliberately slap yourself in the face!
Everyone looked at each other in astonishment.

The mentality can't help but collapse.

It's not that they are weak, it's that the scene in front of them is too unacceptable.

Even at a distance of two hundred miles, the head of the Feixian Sect seemed to feel the surprise and contempt in the eyes of his disciples.

He couldn't help showing a look of extreme embarrassment.

But all kinds of thoughts turned in my heart.

How can this be?

How can a guy on the fifth floor of a true immortal ignore his own spiritual pressure and achieve counter-kill so easily?

How did he do it?
This is unreasonable!
It completely violated the rules of cultivating immortals.


The other party has a very precious treasure.

And it's of a very high level.

With the help of the treasure, he ignored his spiritual pressure and completed the counter-kill.

Well, that must be the case!

The green-robed old man was thinking in this way, making up his mind, thinking that he had come to a reasonable conclusion.

So he no longer panicked, and his expression quickly regained his composure.

There was even a sneering smile on the corner of his mouth.

It's just a treasure!

Did the other party really think that with such a foreign object, he could win or lose and compete with himself?

Hmph, if he thought so, he would be too naive!
Just now I was too careless and didn't think carefully, and then I will see myself blowing up this brat.

He stood up from the ground.

Because his strength had not recovered, Lin Xiaoyao could not always exude the breath of a saint.

Otherwise, there is no need to use hands when facing the enemy, wouldn't it be just to let out the breath, and the opponent would have to kneel and kowtow obediently?
He can only let out a wisp now and then.

Unexpected miraculous effects can be received at critical moments.

But if you want to defeat the enemy, you have to rely on yourself.

"Little guy, God has the virtue of good life. Do you really want to make this old man angry? If you kneel down and beg for mercy now, like this old man knocking your head dozens of times, I might consider giving you a little life."

The old man in green robe said so, his face regained his haughty and calm look.

This is actually nonsense.

But he insisted on saying so.

One is to shake Lin Xiaoyao's will.

Second, it was also to cover up the embarrassment caused by the failure of the trick just now.


Lin Xiaoyao sneered.

"If your Excellency is really capable, you might as well do it. Are you talking so much nonsense to cover up the fact that you are cowardly?"


Hearing the other party's teasing, the head of the Feixian sect suddenly jumped into a rage like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

Of course he didn't want to admit it.

But for some reason, when facing this kid, in his heart, he really felt a little fear inexplicably.

The feeling came so suddenly that even he couldn't explain why, otherwise, how could he talk so much nonsense when facing a little guy who seemed to be far inferior to him?
Also let the opponent surrender?

It's just superfluous!
If it was easy, wouldn't it be nice to just beat him to the ground?
In the final analysis, I was still a little apprehensive.

Although he himself didn't know where this feeling came from.

But the green-robed old man had to admit that this made him lose the confidence he should have had when facing Lin Xiaoyao.

At the moment when the other party said it to her face, she was ashamed and annoyed, so she was naturally furious.

It feels like just doing it yourself is just asking for humiliation.

Stealing chicken will not lose rice!

Being slapped severely in the face by the other party.

His eyes became resentful: "Boy, I think you are courting death!"

Before he finished speaking, he finally made a move, and he raised his hands and made a sharp seal.


In an instant, the tooth-piercing sound of piercing through the air reached my ears.

The aura was dazzling, and one flying sword after another appeared in the void.

There are dozens of handles.

The guy in front of him is actually practicing a complete set of treasures!

And this is not over yet, I saw him stretch out his finger, and each flying sword turned into three, and then continued to change, the number of sword lights skyrocketed.

In an instant, the entire sky was filled.

"go with!"

The opponent scolded lightly.

As soon as the words fell, I saw the sword glow like rain, covering the sky and covering the earth, roaring away like Lin Xiaoyao.

While this guy was annoyed, he used the unique skill of Sword Light Separation Technique to kill Lin Xiaoyao here cleanly.

Only in this way can we ensure that our face is not lost.

"The head is mighty!"

The disciples of Feixianmen couldn't help cheering in their hearts despite being separated by a long distance.

As soon as the sword light came out, the whole world changed color.

Every sword light is extremely sharp and contains terrifying power, which is enough to severely injure a high-ranking true immortal.

But that kid is only a cultivator at the fifth level of the True Immortal, and he has faced so many sword lights, even if he has some skills, he will never be able to overcome the crisis.

The opponent will fall here!

The head of the Feixian sect in front of him is after all a strong man at the peak of the real immortal, and there is a huge gap in realm between him and Lin Xiaoyao.

Originally killing this kid, he should have been ignorant, not to mention that he was attacking with anger at this moment, but he displayed his special skills.

Not to mention a mere five-level true immortal opponent, even if there were a hundred of them, they could be easily defeated with one strike.

There is no suspense about the outcome!

What he wants is to be foolproof and absolutely strong.

Seeing that Lin Xiaoyao was about to be chopped into pieces by hundreds of flying swords.

"But that's all!"

Lin Xiaoyao snorted coldly, and stood still with his expression unchanged.

Then he flicked his sleeve robe, and finally sacrificed a treasure.

It is a shield the size of a palm.

With a flash of inspiration, it quickly grew bigger and blocked in front of him.

Tongtian Lingbao?

The old man in green robe could see clearly and smiled disdainfully.

It is a good treasure.

But for monks of their level, it's not worth mentioning, it's nothing special.

Wanting to block his sword light splitting technique is even more wishful thinking.

He seemed to have seen the kid fall to his death.

But where is it so easy?

The next moment, Lin Xiaoyao raised his right hand.

With a dignified expression, he pointed at the shield.

At the same time, his lips parted slightly, and he spit out a few short words.

"Indestructible, defense!"

The words were rambunctious, and the surface of the shield had erupted with extremely bright spiritual light, and then the shield disappeared, replaced by a golden light curtain, which wrapped Lin Xiaoyao in it.

There are fist-sized runes looming on the surface of the light curtain, and they revolve around it, giving people a feeling of impregnability.

"This is……"

The green-robed old man could see clearly and raised his eyebrows, but he didn't care about it immediately.

It's just a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, no matter what weird spells the opponent uses to bless it, it is absolutely impossible to reborn and block his own treasure.

The next moment, the sound of crackling came to the ears, and hundreds of sword lights, with terrifying power, had already slashed up mercilessly.


But like a mayfly shaking a tree.

Under the fierce bombardment of so many powerful and terrifying sword lights, this golden light curtain only had a little golden ripple on the surface.

That's it!

It remains impregnable.

Although there are many sword lights and powerful power, they are useless and cannot shake its defense at all.


The green-robed old man was dumbfounded, with a look of seeing a ghost in daylight.

He even couldn't help shouting in a gaffe: "Impossible, it's just a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, how can it block my treasure?"

He stared wide-eyed, with a look of astonishment and a little helplessness.

The scene in front of him really didn't match his years of experience in cultivating immortals.

It stands to reason that even if ten or hundreds of pieces are stacked together, let alone one Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure, it is impossible to block his full blow.

The sword light splitting technique is a unique skill that he is proud of.

As a result, Ren He was full of confidence, but this scene happened before his eyes.

He even suspected that this kid was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and that he was not at the fifth level of a true immortal at all, but the mana fluctuations on his body were unmistakable.

This should not be fooled.

How could this be?
The monster in front of him became more and more confused.

In fact, he can't be blamed for being suspicious.

Although this old monster is quite powerful, but with his level, it is impossible to understand the two profound supernatural powers.

Maybe you haven't even heard of it.

It is true that ordinary Tongtian Lingbao cannot block his sharp attack.

But after the blessing of these two supernatural powers, the baby can.

not only can.

And it's easy and effortless.

Those dozens of flying swords were still chopping horizontally and vertically around Lin Xiaoyao, but they were of no use at all, just like a mayfly shaking a tree.

As time passed, the old monster's face became more and more ugly.

He felt that the other party was deliberately humiliating himself by doing this.

On the surface, he was attacking while the opponent was forced to defend.

But when he couldn't beat the opponent at all, he felt that his performance and his efforts were like a clown.

This feeling annoyed him.

Looking at Lin Xiaoyao, he naturally became more annoyed.

"too weak!"

On the other side, Lin Xiaoyao had a look of disappointment on his face.

"Is this the only ability for a cultivator at the peak of a true immortal?"

"You really disappointed Lin!"

As he spoke, he naturally revealed a look of contempt.


The head of the Feixian Sect was almost pissed off.

It is true that he had just stepped into this realm, and the opponent attacked him. In a hurry, he didn't even have time to stabilize his realm, so he had to go out to fight.

In this way, because he was too hasty, he was not able to adapt and grasp the current power well, so he was far from being able to exert the strongest combat power he should have.

But the words are so true, but in terms of realm alone, he is far superior to the opponent after all.

Originally thought that the difference in realm was enough to crush him, but he never expected that this kid would play cards against common sense again and again!

Now he sacrificed his talisman and attacked with all his strength for a long while, but it was useless, instead he was ridiculed by the opponent in front of his face.

Even though it was hundreds of meters away, he seemed to have seen the doubt in the eyes of his disciples, so naturally he couldn't hold back his face even more.

"Damn it, brat, don't be too complacent. If you dare to underestimate me, this old man will take your soul out of you."

A stern look flashed across his face.


However, Lin Xiaoyao was not interested in listening to his nonsense here.

I can't be bothered to talk to this guy.

The opponent was nothing more than that, so he decided to resolve the battle in front of him cleanly.

Lin Xiaoyao stared at the flying sword flying up and down in the sky, continued to slash like his own flying sword, and spit out a few words: "The vicissitudes of life."

In an instant, the world seemed to turn into nothingness.

In this snap of the fingers, countless years have flown by.

This is another application of the law of time that Lin Xiaoyao comprehended.

It's still this supernatural power.

Only this time, what he wanted to target was not the monster's body.

But his treasure!

Time flies, and the blink of an eye is millions of years.

Such a long time is enough to turn oceans into mountains and mountain peaks into plains. Nothing in this world can stop the erosion of time, and the magic weapon is no exception.

If you use the flick of a finger to deal with the old monster in front of you, he can still resist it with magic power.

But this time Lin Xiaoyao was targeting treasures.

The dozens of flying swords have been eroded by time, without exception, all of them have become rusty.

"not good!"

The face of the head of Feixianmen changed drastically.

He stared dumbfounded at his natal treasure, which was shining brightly a moment ago, but in an instant, it inexplicably turned into scrap metal.

(End of this chapter)

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