Chapter 198

"Oh, you mean, that place may be the cave left by a golden fairy?"

"Not bad!"

The other party nodded, but quickly added: "This is just the junior's guess, and I'm not [-]% sure, but in terms of probability, it should be very high."

He was afraid that if something went wrong, Lin Xiaoyao would take his anger out on him, so he added that sentence in advance, just in case...


Lin Xiaoyao nodded, he could tell that the other party did not dare to lie to each other.

Jinxian Cave Mansion?

This made Lin Xiaoyao very interested.

Although to a saint, a mere Golden Immortal is nothing special, but his current cultivation level is still low, and what a Golden Immortal left behind may be of great benefit to him in improving his strength.

And since Jinxian would choose that place as his cave, it proves that the immortality and Taoism there should be quite good, so the place to sign in today will be settled again.

This made Lin Xiaoyao feel good and happy.

Not only can you hunt for treasures, but you can also sign in by the way, which is simply killing two birds with one stone!
They spent a long time, finally arrived at the destination.

"right here?"

Lin Xiaoyao looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

At this moment, they came to the side of a small lake.

The lake water is clear and there is no wind. It looks like a big mirror, and there are some rolling peaks covered by forests around it.

The green hills are green and reflected in the lake, the scenery is quite good.

But apart from the beautiful scenery, the aura and so on, it is quite ordinary.

All in all, this really doesn't look like a blessed place in the cave. It's hard to imagine that a strong man at the Golden Immortal level would place his cave in this place.

Lin Xiaoyao released his spiritual thoughts, but he didn't realize that this place was covered by a formation.

His expression couldn't help being a little surprised.

The head of the Feixian Sect next to him was so frightened that he couldn't lie. In this way, that Jinxian really has some tricks.

In this regard, Lin Xiaoyao was not surprised but happy, and his expression was a little bit more expectant.

After that, he stopped thinking about it and turned to ask the other party directly.

"Where is the cave of the Golden Immortal you mentioned?"

"Senior, have you seen the bamboo forest in front of you?"

The green-robed old man answered quickly, and his respectful voice reached his ears.

"bamboo forest?"

Lin Xiaoyao raised his head, looked around, and soon beside the small lake, he saw a large area of ​​green bamboos, covering an area of ​​dozens of acres, which looked extremely quiet.

"The cave is right there."

Lin Xiaoyao pondered for a moment, then prepared to walk over.

"Senior, be careful!"

The green-robed old man hurriedly reminded him from behind.

His voice was urgent: "This place is not allowed to rush indiscriminately, and I ask the seniors to make a long-term plan."


After listening to the other party's words, Lin Xiaoyao temporarily stopped, released his divine sense, and searched the bamboo forest carefully.

There was a harvest soon. Around the bamboo forest, he sensed a little restraining formation.

However, it is very hidden. If it is not for my own cultivation base far surpassing the same level of immortal cultivators, it is impossible for ordinary monks to find anything.

It seems that this golden fairy is not an upright gentleman, the formation is deliberately arranged so concealed, not to scare the opponent, on the contrary, it is hoped that someone will step in accidentally.

Such a plan is really dangerous.

Lin Xiaoyao felt contemptuous in his heart.

But he wasn't afraid.

However, in the face of this situation, if you ask more clearly, there is always a lot of benefits and no harm, so he said: "This formation is very impressive, is there something extraordinary?"

"Yes, this is a very weird formation. It is said to be a phantom formation, but in fact, it is much more terrifying than an ordinary phantom formation."

"Oh, what's so scary?"

Hearing what the other party said carefully, Lin Xiaoyao became more and more interested.

"Once an immortal cultivator enters, he will produce inner demons, and the higher the cultivation level, the more powerful the inner demons will be. If he is a real immortal, he will even directly attract heavenly demons from outside the territory."

The green-robed old man was talking, but his face was full of lingering fear.

I remember when he came here for the first time, he accidentally fell into this formation.

It was really very dangerous at that time. Facing the terrifying extraterrestrial demon, he almost died. Fortunately, he happened to have a sky thunder ball that could restrain the opponent at that time.

In this way, the danger was saved, and thinking about it now still has lingering fears.

"I see!"

Lin Xiaoyao listened, but didn't take it seriously.

Extraterrestrial demons?

His reaction to this was just two words... Hehe.

For other immortal cultivators, the extraterrestrial demons are indeed the most terrifying existence. It is no exaggeration to say that even if compared with the Heavenly Tribulation, its terrifying degree is almost the same.

But to me, it's nothing at all.

Just ask, lend him ten guts, will the other party dare to come to trouble him?
The answer is obvious!
dare not!

The extraterrestrial demons are also bullying and afraid of evil. When facing Lin Xiaoyao, they have no other choice but to admit cowardice.

"According to what you said, is this just such a phantom array?"

There was a sneer at the corner of Lin Xiaoyao's mouth.

Now that he has understood clearly, he is not willing to waste time here, so he took a step forward, like strolling in a garden, and walked towards the vast bamboo forest in front of him.

"Senior, please stay!"

Seeing this scene, the head of Feixian Sect was taken aback.

He never thought that the mysterious and powerful immortal cultivator in front of him would suddenly become so reckless.

I have clearly introduced the frightening aspect of this phantom array, once the existence above the real immortal breaks in, it will definitely provoke the demons from outside the territory.

For any monk, this is a result that he is unwilling to face. He asked himself and made it very clear, why did the other party continue to break into it so stupidly?

"Senior, don't worry, come back quickly, we will discuss in the long run."

The anxious voice of the old man in green robe reached his ears.

Half anxious, half just acting.

Ever since he accidentally discovered the cave of the ancient golden fairy decades ago, he has spent countless efforts, the purpose of which is naturally to seek the treasures inside.

The first time he didn't know the basics, he rushed in recklessly, but he almost fell. If he didn't happen to have a sky thunder on his body, he might not be able to get out.

He was terrified, but he didn't give up because of it.

In the following years, he racked his brains, thought of many ways, and made countless attempts, but the results were not satisfactory, and he returned home every time.

That formation is too scary!

Being able to attract heavenly demons from outside the territory is almost incomprehensible just for this point.

But he still didn't give up. After reading countless ancient books, he finally found a feasible idea.

Immortal cultivators with better spiritual roots will be less affected by the phantom formation.

This is also the reason why he brought Su Zhiyan here, because after meeting this girl by accident, he was stunned by this girl's excellent aptitude for cultivating immortals.

This is really nowhere to be found, and it doesn't take much effort to get it. This woman's talent for cultivation is so high that he has never seen it in his life.

So naturally he was overjoyed and took her back without hesitation. With the help of this girl, his chances of successfully obtaining the treasure increased greatly.

He was overjoyed at this, but what he didn't expect was that this reckless move brought him an irresistible and powerful enemy.

Stealing chickens won't cost you a lot of rice, let alone any treasures, as long as you can save your life, he will be satisfied.

Seeing Lin Xiaoyao walking into the bamboo forest recklessly at this moment, he was greatly surprised, and then his heart became even more mixed.

Happily, he did not expect the other party to be so reckless. If he died in the phantom formation, the danger he faced would be easily resolved.

What is worrying is that the strength of the opponent is not small. Although he is definitely no match for the extraterrestrial demons, he might not fall. After he returns home, will he be angry with himself?
For a moment, the two thoughts were intertwined, and the mood was naturally extremely complicated, worrying about gains and losses.

But no matter what he thinks, superficial work must be done, so he deliberately pretended to be anxious and reminded Lin Xiaoyao that he was coming.

In fact, he wished that the other party would fall, so that he could be freed.

"Grandfather, be careful!"

The face of Su Zhiyan next to her was also full of worry, but it was different from that of the head of Feixianmen.

Her worry was sincere. Although the patriarch's supernatural powers are amazing, this is after all the cave left by the ancient golden fairy, and it will also attract demons from outside...

When she thought of this, she felt confused, and hoped that the old man would be safe and sound.

Behind him, Lin Xiaoyao could hear the voices of the two calling each other clearly, but he did not stop his progress at all.

Soon, Lin Xiaoyao came to the sky above the bamboo forest, and after the light faded away, he landed downward.

As soon as the figure fell, the scene in front of him really changed unexpectedly.

It was originally a quiet bamboo forest, but suddenly, out of nowhere, a ray of dark devilish energy emerged...

And this is just the beginning.

But in an instant, the devilish energy spread in all directions at an astonishing speed.

As a result, the bamboo forest disappeared, and instead, he seemed to have come to the terrifying ancient demon world.

The earth-shattering roar came to the ears from all directions.

I saw the devilish energy surging, and then jumped out from inside, one after another, hideous monsters roared at Lin Xiaoyao, grinning.

As if to tear him to pieces.

It's an illusion, but it feels very real.

These monsters can hurt the monks locked by them.

Lin Xiaoyao's pupils narrowed slightly, and he made such a judgment in an instant, but there was no fear on his face, but a bit of sarcasm instead.

That's it?

To be honest, he was quite dissatisfied.

If it's just this level, it's not interesting at all.

What about the extraterrestrial celestial demon?

Where did they all hide?
Why don't you come out?

In the end, it would be too boring and disappointing to send such a few young people.

Not only was Lin Xiaoyao not apprehensive, but he was very dissatisfied. For him, all this presented no challenges at all.

A hint of impatience flashed across his face as he faced those monsters with their teeth and claws flailing.

Some ants in the area are so reckless, do these guys dare to bark their teeth at this saint?
Really looking for death!


Lin Xiaoyao shouted loudly.

The sound was like thunder, and a word spit out through the teeth.

As soon as the words fell, an incredible scene happened.

Those monsters who were arrogant and domineering just a moment ago suddenly turned into frightened birds for no reason.

Then they broke up in a rush, really rolling away to the back.

It's not over yet.

Followed by.

Bang bang bang!
The sound of explosions kept coming to the ears, and these guys all exploded and turned into nothingness.

The magic energy dissipated.

The illusion disappeared without a trace, and the emerald green bamboo forest reappeared in his eyes.

That's it?

For such a result, Lin Xiaoyao not only did not feel happy, but also showed disappointment on his face.

It's too unchallenging. Why did the promised extraterrestrial demon disappear in the end?

Lin Xiaoyao felt very disappointed.

With an unfinished expression, the difficulties in front of him are not challenging at all.

However... other people don't think so.

Seeing him recklessly entering the bamboo forest, although the head of the Feixian Sect and Su Zhiyan had completely different thoughts, their reactions were surprisingly consistent.

They all released their consciousness and looked towards the bamboo forest, wanting to see what would happen next.

Will Lin Xiaoyao be trapped by the wonderful formation and fall into it, or will he save himself from danger and break out of the bamboo forest after a hard fight...

In this regard, the two have different expectations, but they are both extremely nervous.

The result was bigger than they expected.

After Lin Xiaoyao's escape light fell, they could see that the bamboo forest was surrounded by a cloud of dark devilish energy even from a long distance away.

Faintly, there was also a soul-stirring roar, which came to the ears one after another.

Obviously, the formation has already started.

And the power that erupted this time is no small matter.

The green-robed old man could feel that the power he encountered was much more terrifying than the first time he broke in by himself.

"Hmph, that mysterious senior is probably dangerous inside."

Serve it right, who told him to rush in?

If this guy falls, the danger he is facing will be easily resolved.

He was thinking like this, but he remained calm on the surface. After all, he hadn't seen the final result yet, so, for the sake of safety, he even showed a worried look on his face.

It has to be said that, as the leader of a faction, this old monster is still very cunning.

He remained calm and continued to wait outside for the result.

However, he was soon shocked and stunned, for no other reason, and in less than an instant, the devilish energy pervading around the bamboo forest disappeared without a trace.

what happened?

Has the phantom array been broken?
The green-robed old man could hardly believe his eyes.

Although this mysterious senior is indeed very powerful, he also thought that the other party might be able to fight against the extraterrestrial demons and successfully break out of the phantom formation.

That's why he didn't dare to make mistakes easily.

But I never expected that in the end, it turned out to be such a result, the phantom array was almost dropped in seconds.

how can that be possible?
This is too outrageous!
You know, when he broke into this formation for the first time, he almost fell into it.

In the following decades, I tried my best to break it, but the result has always been helpless.

Unexpectedly, in front of the other party, it was vulnerable.

He simply could not accept such a result.

But all of this happened very real in front of him.

In addition to being shocked, he also felt a moment of fear.

Fortunately, I didn't show any disrespect just now, otherwise...

Thinking of this, the forehead of the old man in green robe was covered with bead-sized beads of sweat.

The expression on Su Zhiyan's face next to her was full of joy.

Compared with the green robed old man, her expression was much calmer. Although she also felt that the scene in front of her was a bit unbelievable, but over the years, the patriarch had created countless miracles, so she was relieved quickly.

"It's too powerful, the old man is indeed omnipotent."

Su Zhiyan had nothing but admiration.

In this way, although the two had different ideas, they both obediently waited in place.

Soon Lin Xiaoyao's voice came back to his ears.

"You all come here too!"

"This is……"

The two were startled, but neither moved.

Lin Xiaoyao seemed to have guessed their worries, and continued to speak.

"Don't be afraid, the formation in this bamboo forest has been broken by me, you will not encounter any danger when you enter here now."

Hearing what the patriarch said, Su Ziyan heaved a sigh of relief, without any hesitation on her face, she walked forward.

As for the head of the Feixianmen, there was a flash of light in his eyes, but he quickly hid it, and followed Su Zhiyan in three steps at a time.

After a while, the two entered the bamboo forest.

Sure enough, as Lin Xiaoyao said, they did not encounter any danger.

If there was still a little doubt just now, then looking at the scene in front of him, the green-robed old man finally believed that the other party had indeed broken the illusion in the bamboo forest.

How did he do that?
Originally, the head of the Feixian Sect thought that the other party would not be affected by the extraterritorial demons, and it would be very difficult to break out of the formation to save their lives.

Unexpectedly, the opponent not only successfully broke through the illusion formation, but also broke the terrifying formation.

What's even more incredible is that it only took a moment.

It's incredible!

It was hard for him to imagine how the other party could do this?
There are countless doubts in my heart, but I dare not take the initiative to ask, let alone how anxious I am.

There was nothing to do, but Su Zhiyan, who was next to her, was also very puzzled by this, and asked, "Master Patriarch, didn't he say that this formation is very powerful? There are also alien demons, why did you give this formation to me so easily?" Broke it?"

Hearing this question, the green-robed old man couldn't help being overjoyed, these doubts were exactly what he wanted to know.

On the side, Lin Xiaoyao frowned slightly.

It's fine if the girl doesn't say anything, but when this matter is mentioned, he gets angry.

Lin Xiaoyao couldn't help complaining: "What kind of extraterrestrial demons are simply as cowardly as a mouse. Seeing me here, the other party dare not come out. As for the phantom formation you mentioned, it is even more rubbish. To me , there is no threat at all."

Finally, he sighed again: "I remember decades ago, I had beheaded several extraterrestrial demons. Could it be that the other party sensed something from me, and that's why they were too frightened to show up?"

(End of this chapter)

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