Chapter 11 Battle of the Four Saints

It is said that Jiang Ziya went down to Kunlun Mountain, and hurriedly rode "Four Different Phases" to the North Sea.

Not to mention that Jiang Ziya went to the North Sea to harvest the dragon beard and tiger. Everyone in Xiqi saw that Jiang Ziya had not returned after three days, so they didn't know what happened.

Wu Chengwang Huang Feihu asked Yang Tuo, "National Teacher, the Prime Minister has been going to Kunlun, but he has not returned. I don't know what happened! Now three days have passed, and the enemy outside the city is afraid that they won't let him!" "

"When the time comes, the army will attack, how should we resist?" Huang Feihu asked everyone's question.

Seeing that Jiang Ziya didn't return to Xiqi on time, Yang Tuo might not be able to get along with him if the four of them lead a crowd to attack the city.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Now that the prime minister has not returned, we have to find a way to delay it for a while."

The generals asked again: "What is the plan of the national teacher?"

Yang Tuo said: "I want to cast a spell, change the world, and let the cold winter come in advance. The enemy general is not prepared, so he can only retreat and go to Qishan to cut wood to make fire. Since the army cannot be dispatched, we will not be afraid just by Wang Mo and the other four!"

When everyone heard the words, they all looked overjoyed, and said: "The national teacher's wonderful plan will surely succeed!"

Yang Tuo said to the crowd: "When you go back, everyone, prepare more warm things, and don't let the army catch the cold."

Everyone nodded in agreement and hurried back to the camp to prepare.Yang Tuo also ordered Wu Ji to build a dharma altar in the city, ready to be used for casting spells.

When everyone is ready, it is already evening.Yang Tuo came onto the stage with a sword in his hand, wearing a Taoist robe, with his hands pinching seals, stepping on a gangster, running mana, casting stars, and dividing yin and yang.

After a while, the sky was filled with clouds and the ground was filled with frost and mist.This value is late autumn, and there are still two months before the middle of winter.With Yang Tuo's mana running, the temperature is dropping at a perceivable speed.

After a while, there were sparse snowflakes in the sky, accompanied by cold wind.The whistling cold wind rolled up the frost and snow, and the air was filled with water mist, which was a vast expanse of fog.

When everyone in the audience saw what the national teacher did, the wind swept through the clouds, the sky was covered with frost and snow, and the sky changed in a short time, making Xiqi City enter another world.

Uncle Ji praised: "I don't want the national master's magic power to be so advanced, I just wait for another day!" Ever since Yang Tuo saved Uncle Ji's life from Feng Lin, Uncle Ji has become a loyal fan of Yang Tuo.

Nangong Shi also agreed: "With the national teacher here, we will not allow the enemy to succeed!"

Everyone also said: "The national teacher has supernatural powers, we will win! We will win!"

Early in the morning of the second day, when the sergeant walked out of the camp, he found that the whole of Xiqi had been shrouded in a piece of silver.The soldiers also heard what the national teacher did yesterday, and changed the world.Not wanting to change so quickly, they all praised: "The national teacher is really a master of Taoism, with great magical powers and boundless magic power!"

Not to mention that the soldiers on Xiqi's side discovered that the climate had dropped sharply and entered the middle of winter ahead of schedule.In the commercial camp, due to unpreparedness, it was suddenly covered by heavy snow, and they were all shivering in the cold for a while.

The chief general Lu Xiong found that the temperature had turned cold, although the soldiers were all dressed more tightly because of the autumn.But after all, it is not winter clothes. The supply of heating materials is insufficient for a while, and frostbite has already occurred.

Lu Xiong had no choice but to say to Wang Mo and the others: "Now the temperature has plummeted, we are not prepared enough, so we have to retreat to Mount Qi and cut wood to keep warm!"

Wang Mo wondered: "This snow is weird, and the season is a bit abnormal!"

Yang Sen interjected: "Xiqi's side said they had discussed it for a few days, but there is no response yet. Now it is snowing suddenly and the temperature has turned cold. Is there any reason for this?"

Everyone was surprised, but now that the heavy snow had fallen, they had no choice but to retreat to Qishan before making plans.

It took a few more days for the four people from Jiulong Island to assist the army to withdraw to Qishan.On this day, wait for the army to be fully arranged.

Wang Mo said to the crowd: "Xiqi hasn't responded for many days. I think I intend to fight to the end. The weather is cold and the army is inconvenient. Why don't the four of us go to Xiqi first, break Jiang Ziya and Yang Tuo's spells, and then send the army If you attack the city, you can easily capture it!"

The other three also nodded one after another: "That's fine, after Xiqi is broken, I can go back to the mountain and continue to practice, and I will become a golden immortal early, and live the same life in the world, and the sun and the moon will shine together!"

Not to mention that the four of them were preparing to fight Xiqi again, Jiang Ziya left Kunlun Mountain and headed for Beihai, first he hurriedly took over the dragon beard and tiger.On the way back to the city, Bai Jian, the general officer of Emperor Xuanyuan, was taken in.Jiang Ziya rushed back in a hurry, but still delayed for a while, not knowing what Xiqi was doing.

Over there, the Four Sages of Kowloon Island were heading towards Xiqi, and here Jiang Ziya was also hurrying back.After all, the "Four Different Phases" traveled faster, and Jiang Ziya returned to Xiqi first.

As soon as Jiang Ziya arrived in Xiqi, before he could return to Xiangfu, he said to Bai Jian and the "God of the Five Routes" subdued by Zai Chaoge: "Go to Qishan with the list of gods, and find a place in the open place on the top of the mountain to build a gods altar. , to hang up the list of gods."

Several people left as promised, and Jiang Ziya returned to the prime minister's mansion first.

After Wu Ji told Jiang Ziya what had happened in the past few days, Wang Mo and others also arrived at the city of Xiqi.

There are guards at the gate of the city, flying to report to everyone.Everyone gathered at the city gate, waiting to discuss.After discovering that Jiang Ziya came riding a strange beast that he had never seen before, he knew that the prime minister's trip to Kunlun Mountain must be rewarding.

Then I saw a dragon with a beard and a tiger behind Jiang Ziya, with a strange appearance, not an ordinary thing, and I was amazed!
Jiang Ziya said to everyone: "This is my new disciple, named Dragon Beard Tiger. Don't think he looks fierce, but he is actually very gentle!"

At this time, Yang Tuo also came to the city wall. Seeing the "Four Different Phases" beside Jiang Ziya and the dragon-bearded tiger behind him, he knew that Ziya had harvested.Then he said to everyone: "Now that Wang Mo and the other four are attacking, it happens that the prime minister has returned. Now I am afraid that there will be no further delay, so we have to compete with one of them!"

Jiang Ziya asked: "How does the national teacher plan to arrange?"

Yang Tuo replied: "There are four people on the other side. Wang Mo rides Bi An, Yang Sen rides Suan Ni, Gao Yougan rides Spotted Leopard, and Li Xingba rides Ferocious. They are all wild beasts, and we have to fight against them."

Yang Tuo went on to say: "The prime minister rode the 'Four Different Phases' against Wang Mo; Nezha stepped on 'Feng Huo Wheel' to fight Yang Sen; I borrowed Wu Cheng Wang's 'Five Colors God Bull' to block Gao Youqian; No one can resist!"

After Jiang Ziya listened, he said: "In the end, Li Xingba, it is better for my apprentice Longxuhu to go to the challenge. Although the cultivation level of Longxuhu is not as good as Li Xingba, he has become immortal, tall and walks like a dragon. Wind, it is not a problem to resist Li Xingba."

After listening to everyone, they also felt that it was very appropriate, so that they could avoid the interference of the mounts and still have the power to fight.

Then, Yang Tuo borrowed the "Five Colors Divine Bull" and went to the city to fight with the crowd.

After everyone was out of the city, Wang Mo saw that Jiang Ziya was being fooled by "Four Different Phases", so he shouted angrily: "Jiang Ziya, we kindly gave you time to discuss, it's fine if you don't appreciate it, but if you don't want to, you're lying to me." Me, what else do you have to say now?"

Said, without waiting for Jiang Ziya to reply, he drove Bi An forward to kill, Yang Sen and others saw Wang Mo move, and followed him.

According to Yang Tuo's arrangement, the four of Xiqi found their own opponents.Yang Tuo rode the "Five-Colored Bull" to stop Gao Youqian.But why did Yang Tuo choose Gao You?Because Yang Tuo observed the mounts of the four, perhaps Gao You's piebald leopard was easier to deal with than the other three.

Not to mention Yang Tuo's small thoughts, several of them found their own opponents.Yang Tuo held a bright silver gun and stabbed at Gao Yougan.The eight of them fought in a group in an instant, with guns flying and swords flying, killing until the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dark!

Wang Mo saw that everyone in Xiqi was well prepared and could not win in a hurry, so he sacrificed the magic weapon "Opening Dzi Bead" and smashed it at Jiang Ziya.

Seeing a bead coming at Jiang Ziya, he hurriedly sacrificed the "Yuxu Xinghuang Banner" to resist, only to see the Xinghuang Banner shining brightly, and thousands of cash flowers to protect his body.Wang Mo's "Opening Dzi Bead" could not fall at all.

Seeing this, Jiang Ziya was sure, and raised the "Spiritual Whip" to beat Wang Mo.Wang Mo couldn't react in time, and was hit on the top of the head with a whip, and his soul was shattered immediately, and his body died and his dao disappeared.

Yang Sen, Gao Youqian, and Li Xingba couldn't help feeling great hatred in their hearts when they saw Wang Mo's tragic death on the spot.Yang Sen let out a loud roar, raised his "Didi Bead" and hit Nezha.

Nezha sent Hun Tianling, and the "digging beads" could not fall.The "Qiankun Circle" was also made to hit Yang Sen, and Yang Sen was hit by the "Qiankun Circle" and immediately fell to the ground.Yang Sen's body died, his soul came out of his body, and he wanted to escape far away.He was overtaken by Nezha on the hot wheel, and was shot and wiped out.

The remaining two, seeing that Wang Mo and Yang Sen died in an instant, couldn't help secretly screaming that it was not good.Use every means to get out of the battlefield.

Gao Youqian sacrificed the "Hunyuan Pearl" and hit Yang Tuo.When Yang Tuo saw the "Hunyuan Pearl" calling, his heart tensed up, and he hurriedly sacrificed the pirated "Xinghuang Banner" he had refined, intending to block the "Hunyuan Pearl".

However, Yang Tuo's mana is shallow after all, and the "Xinghuangqi" he refined is not as good as Gao You's "Hunyuan Pearl", and his mana is even worse than Gao You's.

Gao Yougan hit the "Xinghuang Banner" with all his strength, and it immediately crackled.Seeing that Yang Tuo couldn't resist, he hurriedly turned over and got off the cow. As soon as he landed, it turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The "Xinghuang Banner" lost the support of Yang Tuo's mana. Seeing that it couldn't support it, cracks appeared on the flag.In the end, it lost its function and fell from the air.

Yang Tuo got out from Gao Yougan's back, held a spear, and slammed Gao Yougan's head fiercely. Before Gao Yougan could react, he was about to die.

Because the "Piebald Leopard" flashed, Yang Tuo failed to hit Gao Yougan's head.But it hit Gao Yougan's back all at once, until Gao You's Qianyuan spirit was shaken, and his five qi were scattered.

Gao Yougan was hit, and he didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly drove the "Piebald Leopard" to escape.Seeing that Gao Yougan was severely injured, Yang Tuo also rode the "Five-Colored Bull" in hot pursuit.

When Gao Youqian saw Yang Tuo chasing him, he didn't turn his head back, and sacrificed the "Hunyuan Pearl" to attack Yang Tuo.When Yang Tuo saw the "Hunyuan Pearl" calling, he hurriedly drove the "Five-Colored Bull" to dodge.

When Yang Tuo dodged, he distanced himself from Gao Yougan in front of him, and he couldn't catch up.Seeing that the purpose of blocking had been achieved, Gao Youqian cast a spell to take back the "Hunyuan Pearl".

When Yang Tuo saw it, it was worth it. Seeing that Gao You had run away and ruined the pirated "Xinghuang Banner", wouldn't this be a loss-making business?
Busily envoying Fa Jue, the two long swords behind his back soared into the air and slammed into the "Hunyuan Pearl".The Ziqing long sword, like two flood dragons, moved back and forth in the air, hitting the "Hunyuan Pearl" swaying from side to side, unable to escape.

Seeing that Gao Yougan ran farther and farther, and there was no one in sight, Yang Tuo quietly cast "Luobao Money", and the money gave birth to wings, and flew towards the "Hunyuan Pearl" in a stream of light.

As soon as the "Luobao Money" is pasted with "Hunyuan Pearl", the "Hunyuan Pearl" falls from the sky like a bird that has lost its wings.

Yang Tuo picked up the "Hunyuan Pearl" and said in his heart: "You smashed my apricot-yellow flag, and now I just use you to pay off the debt!"

Gao Yougan, who had escaped, suddenly lost his sense of the "Hunyuan Pearl".He hesitated for a moment, but did not stop, and continued to flee forward.

(End of this chapter)

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