Chapter 113 Chapter 24

The Master Tongtian didn't expect that Yuanshi and Laozi would destroy the Zhuxian sword formation regardless of all living beings in the world.

In this way, both sides will suffer, and the Four Saints will bear the great cause and effect of destroying the world.But Jiejiao has lost the treasure of township teaching and is in danger of being destroyed.

After this battle, neither side took advantage of it, and both sides lost.

Although Lao Tzu used the Taiji Diagram to fix the heaven and the earth, so that the heaven and the earth would not be broken, but the influence caused by the four sword qi could not be eliminated.

After the heaven and earth were naturally restored, the sword energy of the four swords reaching heaven and earth still remained.

Formed between heaven and earth, four huge scars, up to 33 days, down to Jiuyou Huangquan, all have sword energy, which can never be smoothed away.

Master Tongtian saw that Zhuxian's formation had been broken, and it was a done deal and could not be changed, so he had no choice but to return to Biyou Palace and make another plan.

Although the Second Saint of the West got the promise to save three thousand people from the world of mortals, but this time he made a move, but he still lost money.

Lao Tzu sighed and took back the Tai Chi diagram.Looking at the scars on the sky and the ground, he said, "We all underestimated this junior!"

Although the heaven and earth are not broken today, due to the battle between the saints, countless laws of heaven are in chaos.

The world is also far less compact than before, and Da Luo Jinxian can also exert a destructive power far exceeding the past.

Fortunately, Zhou Tian's star array was in operation, turning the energy of chaos into nourishment to repair the whole world.

However, this process is extremely slow. Without hundreds of millions of years, the world will never be the same.

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "The younger brother is indeed brilliant, but we still won in the end. He lost the treasure of the township education, and the interruption of the teaching will be destroyed!"

After the treatment is perfect, Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun also return to the Dongfu.

Seeing that Jiang Ziya had broken the Zhuxian formation, he led the army to attack Jiepai Pass.Xu Gai, the chief soldier of Jiepai Pass, sent an envoy to Chaoge for help in the starry night.

Yang Tuo went back to his big tent and stayed behind closed doors.This battle had an unimaginable impact on Yang Tuo.

In the big tent, he sorted out what he had learned and integrated it.

He also classified and summarized the movements of the sun, moon and stars recorded over the past year, as well as the length changes displayed by the sundial.

In the end, Yang Tuo took the Big Dipper as the azimuth and defined the division of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Doubing refers to the east, and the world is spring; Doubing refers to the south, and the world is summer; Doubing refers to the west, and the world is autumn; Doubing refers to the north, and the world is winter.

The four seasons, compared with the previous ones, are divided by observing the changes of all things in the four seasons, and have the basis of astronomical phenomena.

And according to the length of the reflection measured by the sundial, the winter solstice and summer solstice were worked out.The longest is the winter solstice, and the shortest is the summer solstice.

Taking the time between the two winter solstice as a year, and then dividing the time of the year into 24 points on average, with two solar terms in each month, we can get all the solar terms of the year.

Then run according to the astrology to calculate the past and future solar terms.

In today's sky, the stars are generous and bright, clearer than ever.It is the best time to calculate solar terms.

Finally, Yang Tuo recorded the 24 solar term songs:
The spring rains startle the spring and clear the valley, and the summer is full of summer and summer.Autumn is dew, autumn is cold and frost is falling, and winter is snowing and snowing.

This ballad records all 24 solar terms, and it is convenient to spread for the benefit of the world.

Yang Tuo recorded the solar terms of the four seasons and the changes of the stars on the Ziyu Bamboo Slips.Correspond it with the agricultural book one by one, use astronomical phenomena to guide agricultural production, and name it "Almanac".

So far, Yang Tuo has used the agricultural book as the first volume and the almanac as the second volume, recording all aspects of agricultural production in it.

In later generations, people called it the lunar calendar, and it was also used as a time measurement calendar, and it was spread all over the world.

There are even rumors in later generations that as long as you get these two volumes of scriptures, the world can be brought into order, the people can live and work in peace and contentment, the old can be cared for, the young can be supported, and the world can be peaceful.

Therefore, people also call it "Taiping Qingling Jing", referred to as "Taiping Jing", also known as "Taiping Essentials".

It caused countless ups and downs in various dynasties, but those are the records of later generations. As for the original book, it has long since disappeared into the long river of history and disappeared without a trace.

After Yang Tuo finished the almanac, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart, and he felt that his chance to become enlightened had arrived.

Yang Tuo sacrificed 24 Dinghai beads on the top of his head, and communicated with the way of heaven by making an oath of the way of heaven.

Yang Tuo said in a deep voice: "The way of heaven is above, there is a disciple of the race - Yang Tuo, who feels that there is a lack of heaven and earth, and the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter are solidly divided into 24 solar terms."

"They are:
Beginning of Spring, Rain, Insects, Spring Equinox, Qingming, Grain Rain,

Lixia, Xiaoman, Mango, Summer Solstice, Small Heat, Great Heat,

The beginning of autumn, the end of the summer heat, the white dew, the autumnal equinox, the cold dew, the frost,

Lidong, Light Snow, Heavy Snow, Winter Solstice, Minor Cold, Great Cold. "

"Using the innate spiritual treasure, 24 Dinghai beads evolve into 24 heavens, suppress 24 solar terms, and complete the operation of the heavens!"

Finally, Yang Tuo said loudly: "24 solar terms, stand up!"

This sound spread throughout the heavens, and the powers of the three realms of heaven, earth and man all felt it.

I saw that above the sky, the wind and clouds were changing, the sun was shining, and there were thousands of auras.It is the wish of all living beings in the world to have infinite luck gathering!
A huge wave of luck fell towards Yang Tuo.This is because after the Jihad of Jiepaiguan, the world was severely damaged, and all the creatures in the world eagerly hoped that the world could be restored.

Although Yang Tuoli's 24 solar terms cannot restore the world to its original state, it can also greatly supplement the entire world.

It also uses 24 Dinghai beads to suppress the 24 solar terms and complete the operation of the heaven.This Dinghai Pearl is an innate spiritual treasure, which is beneficial to the world.

Yang Tuo's actions this time fully met the wishes of all living beings and fulfilled everyone's wishes. Although not complete, he also had infinite luck, more than any other time.

Then a large group of black and yellow virtuous energy appeared in the sky.

With so much meritorious energy, the world is also in a dangerous situation.Yang Tuoli's 24 solar terms not only complete part of the movement of heaven.

Taking this opportunity, he used Dinghai Pearl to repair part of the damage to the world.Therefore, the merits and virtues descended from heaven, one is to reward them to complete the way of heaven.The second is to reward them for repairing the world.

Yang Tuo looked at the situation in front of him, and the merit this time far exceeded his imagination.A large mass of merit descended from the sky, and part of it merged into Yang Tuo's body, forming a golden wheel of merit behind his head.

This golden wheel of merit emits golden light of infinite merit, which is eternal and immortal.It has the effect of dispelling the demons of the heart, avoiding all evils, and preventing all dharmas from invading.

More merits and virtues fell into those 24 Dinghai beads.I saw the rumble of Dinghai Pearl, and a feeling of opening up the world came.

This is completely different from Yang Tuo's feeling of forcibly opening up the world last time.

This is a natural feeling, the 24 Dinghai Pearls, under the effect of Xuanhuang merit, turned into 24 worlds.

Among these worlds, there are 24 solar terms.Moreover, the 24 Dinghai Pearls are arranged in a circle, and each world is running backwards.

Judging from a Dinghai pearl, it is the beginning of spring at this time, and it will turn into rain in a while, and it will become stinging insects in a while.

However, if you look at the 24 Dinghai pearls together, each Dinghai pearl has different solar terms at the same time, without any repetition.

The solar terms in Dinghaizhu run once, which is one year.

After a long time, the evolution of these 24 heavens has just been completed.

Afterwards, the 24 heavens hung high in the golden wheel of merit and virtue behind Yang Tuo's head, emitting light of five colors, illuminating the world.

(End of this chapter)

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