Chapter 120 Yu Deshi Pox Poison

After the crowd dispersed, Yang Tuo said to Jiang Ziya: "I still need to prepare early, so as not to be caught off guard."

Jiang Ziya nodded, and then ordered Yang Jian to go to Huoyun Cave, but he didn't bother the two masters.

Yang Jian was familiar with the way, so he asked him to go to Huoyun Cave again to go to Shennong Shenghuang to ask for something that can restrain the poison of acne.

Xiqi's army stopped its offensive for a moment. If Tongguan was breached, Yu De would lose his ties, and it would be even more difficult to deal with.

If it follows the army, sneaks up from time to time, and poisons it quietly, then the army will surely be defeated in the long run.

Xiqi paused the offensive, Tongguan defender Yu Hualong let out a sigh of relief.Although the danger was temporarily lifted, the 60 troops outside the city were still pressing down like Mount Tai.

Yu Hualong was frowning all day long, and the four sons also lost their former vitality.Originally thought that the world was so big that he and others could also occupy a place.

Unexpectedly, after a battle with Xiqi, seeing the strength of Xiqi's generals, the arrogance in his heart was extinguished, and the whole person lost his energy.

When everyone was at a loss, Yu De, the fifth son, descended from the sky in a flash.As soon as Yu De just returned home, he saw his father and four elder brothers all frowning.

Can't help asking: "Father, brothers, why are you so frowning?"

Yu Hualong was happy to see the five sons at first, but he didn't want Yu De to ask, and thought of the Xiqi army outside the city.

Suddenly frowning again, Yu Hualong said to Yu De: "Originally, my father and son guarded Tongguan and lived a carefree life. Unexpectedly, when Xiqi's army came east, they broke through Qinglong Pass, Jiameng Pass, Sishui Pass, Jiepai Pass and Chuanyun Pass all the way. Pass the five important towns. Now the army is approaching Tongguan, and we will go out to fight, but we will be killed and defeated!"

"When you go back to Tongguan, you should have seen the scene outside the city. Xiqi's 60 troops are approaching the city. I really can't be happy for my father." Yu Hualong finally sighed.

Yu Dezou raised his eyebrows, looked outside the city, and replied: "I have seen the scene outside the city, but you brothers all have different skills, so they can't beat Xiqi?"

Yu Hualong sighed: "We were also full of confidence. Unexpectedly, there was a big battle. There were many monks in Xiqi's army, all of whom were disciples of elucidation and teaching. They were profound in Taoism and we were no match for them. It was difficult for us to escape back to the city. "

After listening to his father's words, Yu De looked at his brothers again.Seeing the sad faces of his brothers, he knew that what his father said was true.

However, outside the city are all disciples who explain and teach, with Taoism in their bodies.Although he has practiced Taoism for many years, he knows it well, and his magic power is not very good.

If they go to battle, they may not be able to defeat the generals of Xiqi.Yu De paced back and forth, gritted his teeth for the last time, and said, "Father, don't worry, I have a way to defeat the army outside the city!"

Yu Hualong was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said, "What's my son's strategy, tell me quickly!"

Yu De's heart was bent, he didn't want to do this method.Because once this method is opened, it will not be taken back, and there will be endless disasters.

But now that the army is suppressing the situation, if they are not victorious, the whole family will die on the spot.He couldn't care less about it.

Yu De looked at his father and four brothers' long-awaited expressions, and said, "I studied under Jiejiao Wu Yunxian, and the teacher refined a kind of pox poison, as long as it is used, the army outside the city will be destroyed after seven days!"

When Yu Hualong heard the words, he couldn't help asking: "There is such a thaumaturgy? Use it quickly!"

Yu De said: "I still need to prepare, otherwise the pox poison will spread into the pass, and I'm afraid it will cause endless disasters."

Seeing this, Yu Hualong restrained his excitement.Yu De bathed and purified himself, and asked his four elder brothers to also bathe and change their clothes, and cast spells together at night.

At night, Yu De first put amulets on the bodies of the four elder brothers to prevent them from being harmed by the pox.

He also took out five brocade handkerchiefs, spread them on the ground, and distributed them according to the five elements of blue, yellow, red, white, and black.

Afterwards, five small buckets were taken out, each containing poisonous pox.The five brothers stood on the brocade handkerchief, and Yu De stepped forward to fight, made formulas and chanted mantras, and then sacrificed the talisman.

The Jinpa turned into five clouds in an instant, still in the five colors of blue, yellow, red, white and black.The five stood in the clouds and flew over the Xiqi camp.

Xiqi has an army of 60 troops, and the scope is so wide that it may stretch for tens of miles.Although the generals were prepared, Yu De found a loophole and spread the poisonous pox into the camp.

This pox poison is invisible and qualityless, and it is hard to prevent.And there were no symptoms at first.In less than two days, there were already dozens of camps with outbreaks.

This pox virus is also a kind of infectious disease, which spreads rapidly.Yang Tuo hurriedly asked people to go down, and the battalions were forbidden to move around to avoid the spread of the pox.

There is no other good way. Even if some people can be healed, it is still a drop in the bucket for the army.

Seeing that Yang Tuo's words came true, Jiang Ziya felt very depressed.Yang Tuo explained: "Brother Dao, don't worry, just wait for the return of Daoist Yang Jian, then Tongguan will be broken!"

Jiang Ziya nodded, and said: "Although we prohibit the battalions from moving around to temporarily alleviate the spread of the epidemic, there is no news exchange. I am afraid that the soldiers will feel resentful and say that we will abandon them."

Yang Tuo felt reasonable after hearing Jiang Ziya's worries.After thinking for a while, he said, "I am not afraid of this poison, so I will go to each camp every day to appease all the soldiers!"

Jiang Ziya also has no good solution, if he doesn't sacrifice the magic weapon of defense, he may also be infected by the pox poison.

However, he couldn't keep sacrificing the magic weapon, not to mention what the soldiers thought after seeing it, his mana might not last long.

In the end, Yang Tuo went to the battalions every day to condolences and comfort the soldiers.A group of soldiers saw that he was not afraid of the pox epidemic, and visited each battalion in person. Unknowingly, he left a deep impression on the hearts of everyone.

Most of these soldiers will be rewarded for their meritorious service in the future.Most of the war dead are people who are gods in the sky, and the forty-eight thousand stars are evil, most of them are the heroic souls of Xiqi who died in battle.

Unknowingly, Yang Tuo left an image of fearing hardships and sharing weal and woe among the Zhoutian star gods.

It's only been two or three days like this, and the sick soldiers are still in the initial stage, and there is not much reaction.Those who are physically strong can also walk like flying, as if they are perfect.

At this time, Yang Jian had returned from Huoyun Cave.Not only does it bring a elixir for detoxification.Shenghuang Shennong also handed down a medicinal herb called cohosh on Ziyunya.

This herb specifically restrains the disease of pox poison, as evidenced by poems:
Purple stalk yellow root has eight petals, and acne is published as Cimicifuga.

Chang Sang once said that the mystery is wonderful, and it is passed on to the world.

Jiang Ziya scattered the elixir in water, sprinkled it in each camp, and swallowed it.However, after half a day's work, the soldiers of each battalion have recovered.

Later, Jiang Ziya discussed with Yang Tuo and wanted to break through Tongguan.Yang Tuo also felt that it was time, but Tongguan was strong, so there might be a lot of casualties.

Yang Tuo thought for a while, and said to Jiang Ziya: "I've got rid of the pox, but the people in Tongguan don't know it. Why don't we pretend to be sick and lure them into attacking the camp. We can use our strategy to surround his army and break through Tongguan. It can reduce your own casualties!"

Jiang Ziya felt that this plan was feasible, and even if he saw it through, it would not be a serious problem, just attack by force according to the original plan.

Now there is the elixir of Shennong Shenghuang, who is not afraid of acne.As long as you are not afraid of casualties, you can break through Tongguan soon.

However, in order to reduce casualties, we still follow Yang Tuo's plan first.

(End of this chapter)

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