Chapter 124 Great War ([-])

Seeing Wu Yunxian chasing Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi away, Yang Tuo thought that Wu Yunxian would be robbed if he left.

He will be captured by the Zhunti sage, and fished back to the west by the water and fire boy with six clean bamboos.

Yang Tuo wanted to save him, but the saint was at the side, so he might not be able to save him.

If you want to save him, you can only catch him first. In this way, Wu Yunxian may not appreciate it.

Maybe he will hold Yang Tuo in his heart.Fortunately, Wu Yunxian was fished back to the west and kept in the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, so her life was safe.

As long as his mind is firm, there is always time to get out of trouble.

Yang Tuo stopped paying attention to the three of them, and they disappeared in an instant.

Soon after, he saw Zhunti sage returning to the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation with Guangchengzi and Chijingzi.

As soon as Master Tongtian saw Zhunti, he knew something was wrong.Angrily said: "Zhunti, you pretend to be a saint, you have repeatedly bullied the small with the big, and bullied my disciples. Do you really think I have no temper?"

Zhunti said with a smile: "You don't need to get angry, Fellow Daoist Tongtian. This Wuyun fairy has a destiny with me in the west, and he has gone to the Eight Treasures Merit Pool to enjoy himself and share the bliss!"

Master Tongtian laughed angrily: "Zhunti, don't be shy when you act like this. You must know that saints are immortal. If you treat my disciple like this today, how do you know that I will not treat your disciple like this in the future?"

Master Tongtian's words made him stunned for a moment.He also regretted it in his heart, he shouldn't have offended the leader of Tongtian Cult so hard, and he was afraid it would be bad in the future.

The disciples of the Jiejiao in the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation were very angry when they heard that Zhunti had captured Wu Yunxian, and they all held the Western Cult in their hearts.

There was a Qiushou immortal who was angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to do anything to the saint.He came out of the Tai Chi formation, and wanted to find out the bad luck of explaining and teaching his disciples, and said: "You are deceiving people too much, does anyone dare to break my Tai Chi formation?"

All the disciples of the interpretation and education were afraid of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, and no one dared to challenge it.

The Zhunti sage's view is a good opportunity to divert attention, and I don't want to explain and teach no one to challenge.

However, he also understands that all the twelve golden immortals of Chanjiao have been slashed, and now they only have the cultivation base of golden immortals, and they are not the opponents of these Jiejiao disciples.

But how could he let go of such a good opportunity, Zhunti sage pointed at Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun on the head.

A stream of magic power entered the purple mansion of Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, and in an instant, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun appeared with Qingyun above his head, and three flowers reappeared on it, with thousands of rays of light and a thousand auras.

But Zhunti restored Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun to his original Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation base with the great magic power of a saint.

Although it is temporary, when the magic power of the saint is exhausted, he will fall to the realm again.However, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun was originally the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and he can display exactly the same strength when he is temporarily restored at this time.

Zhunti saw Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, all three flowers and five qi had recovered, and then said: "Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, would you like to meet this person?"

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun heard the words and looked like his own teacher.Yuanshi Tianzun saw that Zhunti had done his best, so he couldn't be stingy.

Yuanshi Tianzun spread his palms, and there was a gathering of infinite chaos.Immediately, it condensed into a banner, the surface of the banner was simple and chaotic, and the chaotic air flow was surging on it, which was very extraordinary.

Yuanshi Tianzun then handed the banner to Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, and said: "This is the Pangu banner, which has the ability to open up the world. It is the innate treasure with infinite power. You hold this treasure and go to break the Taiji formation!"

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun took the Pangu banner, bowed and said: "Disciple will obey the teacher's decree!" Then he turned and went to the Taiji formation.

The sage Zhunti at the side saw the Pangu banner, and thought: "The east is so rich, when will we rise in the west!"

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun came forward holding the Pangu banner.Qiushouxian saw two saints, one helped him recover his mana, and the other was not in a good mood with his teachings and treasures.

He hurriedly retreated into the Tai Chi formation, trying to use a large formation to fight against Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun.

As soon as Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun entered the Taiji formation, Qiushouxian hurriedly activated the formation, and in the great formation, the fairy light lit up.

The infinite yin and yang qi converged and formed a chaotic shape, turning into chaotic air currents to circulate in the formation.

He also urged the formation to borrow part of the magic power of the leader of Tongtian.Immediately, the power of the large formation was raised by another level.

The energy of chaos is raging, even if Daluo Jinxian enters the battle without the protection of the treasure, he will die and be assimilated by chaos.

But since Yuanshi Tianzun knew the ferocity of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, how could he be unprepared.The Pangu banner has the ability to shatter chaos and separate yin and yang, but it is just good enough to restrain this Tai Chi formation.

I saw Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun in the formation, waved the Pangu flag in his hand, and shot out a beam of immortal light.

Immediately, the chaotic qi in the Tai Chi formation was broken by Kaitian Xianguang, and it was re-divided into yin and yang qi.

The Tai Chi array immediately became useless.Seeing this, Qiu Shouxian had no choice but to raise his sword and fight Manjusri.

I don't want Manjusri to pat the top of the head, and an incarnation appears.Qiu Shouxian couldn't help being stunned, explaining to the disciples of the Second Teaching, there are very few people who practice this way.

I saw the incarnation of Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, shrouded in auspicious clouds, shining golden light, entwined with wreaths, and lotus flowers supporting his feet.

Not to mention that Qiu Shouxian was taken aback, even the disciples of Chanjiao didn't understand why.This avatar has three heads and six arms, and holds a magic pestle in his hand. It is clearly the golden body of Bodhi in the Western religion.

Although the disciples didn't know why, Yuanshi Tianzun understood that this incarnation was transformed by the magic power of Zhunti Taoist.

The incarnation waved the subduing magic pestle, and hit Qiu Shouxian.Qiushou Xian raised his sword to meet him, but the golden body was so powerful that when he waved the subduing magic pestle, he had the power to overwhelm mountains and seas.

Qiushouxian couldn't resist, so he wanted to retreat. Manjusri pressed Qiushouxian firmly with his golden body, and Qiushouxian couldn't escape.

Manjusri sacrificed the demon-binding rope again, and tied Qiushouxian tightly.Then Manjusri took the golden body of Dharma Xiang, and took the captured Qiushouxian out of the big formation.

Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at Qiushouxian, and ordered Nanji Xianweng: "Bring him back to his original shape!"

The Antarctic Immortal took the order and left, and revealed the original Qiushou Immortal, but it was a green-haired lion.Yuanshi Tianzun used a talisman to restrain the green-haired lion, and then gave Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun as a mount.

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun appeared in front of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation riding on Qiushouxian. The disciples of Jiejiao were all furious when they saw it.

Master Tongtian shouted angrily: "Yuanshi, we are all Sanqing, Youdao is Sanqing as one, you insult me ​​like this, don't you insult yourself. I will not quit with you now!"

As he said that, Master Tongtian wanted to step forward.At this time, the Lingya Fairy said: "Teacher calm down for now, wait for the disciple to fight with him!"

Master Tongtian looked at the three saints opposite, and thought to himself that he would have no chance of winning if he left the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation.So he nodded and said, "Be careful!"

Immortal Lingya made a salute, and then came out of the battle, saying: "The people who explain the teachings are immoral and insult me ​​to stop teaching. I am the Immortal Lingya, who dares to fight against me?"

This time, Yuanshi ordered Master Puxian to break the formation.Yuanshi Tianzun gave Puxian a Taiji seal, which is also an innate spiritual treasure.

The Zhunti sage still gave Pu Xian a mana to help him re-bloom.

Master Puxian thanked the two saints, and then went to the Liangyi formation.The Lingya Fairy was already waiting in the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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