Chapter 131 The Battle ([-])

When Yang Tuo was fighting with Hei Mosquito, outside the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, four saints came together.

In the formation of ten thousand immortals, Master Tongtian ordered Changer Dingguangxian: "When I am fighting with your two masters and the two saints of the West, you have to shake the six soul banners, and there must be no mistakes!"

Chang-eared Dingguang Immortal's face darkened when he heard the words, he really didn't have the courage to attack four saints at once, but he couldn't refuse the teacher's order.

Ding Guangxian bowed and saluted: "Disciple knows!" The Master Tongtian then asked him to retreat to the back of the formation with the six soul banners.

Among the reeds outside the formation, the four saints are all sitting on futons, with three flowers of Qingyun appearing above their heads, and the infinite avenue evolves in it.

In the early morning of the next day, Yuanshi Tianzun led a group of elucidating disciples, together with the three saints, to the front of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation.

Master Tongtian also led a group of disciples, waiting in full force.The two sides have already said what they can say, and it is inevitable to do it after all.

The Master Tongtian ordered the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit to wave the banner.I saw the flags shaking, and 28 people came out one by one.

They are:
East: Jiaomu Jiao, Kang Jinlong, Ditu Raccoon, Fangri Rabbit, Xinyue Fox, Tailed Fire Tiger, Jishui Leopard.

Seven of them formed the Eastern Azure Dragon Formation.

North: Doumu Xie, Niu Jinniu, Female Earth Bat, Xuri Mouse, Weiyueyan, Shihuo Pig, Bishuiyu.

Seven of them formed the northern Xuanwu formation.

West: Kuimu wolf, Loujin dog, Weitu pheasant, Pleiades chicken, Bi Yuewu, Chihuo monkey, Shenshui ape.

Seven of them, Buxi White Tiger, formed a large formation.

South: Jing Muyan, Ghost Golden Goat, Liutu Deer, Xingri Horse, Zhang Yuelu, Winged Fire Snake, Zhenshui Worm.

Seven of them formed a large array of Suzaku in the south.

28 people are distributed in the four elephant formations, and 28 constellations are screened.The four formations are combined into one formation, which is a large formation of 28 constellations.

The formation is completed, pulling the stars in the sky, and the power of the infinite stars falls from the void, and the starlight is like rain, which greatly increases the power of the formation of ten thousand immortals.

Lao Tzu looked at the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation and said, "This formation is somewhat extraordinary!"

Jieyin Taoist said: "Even if it is extraordinary, if we wait for the four saints to make a move, the formation will be broken!"

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded, and said to the disciples behind him: "You will enter the formation and finish this killing."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the disciples to answer, he went to the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation.

The disciples waited for the four saints to enter the formation, and then, led by Ran Deng, entered the formation.

Lao Tzu drives a green ox, raises a crutch, and comes to fight against the sky.The leader of Tongtian religion rode a Kui Niu and held a Qingping sword to meet him.

On the side, Yuanshi Tianzun showed a golden lantern of Qingyun, and a pearl hanging from a necklace.Holding the three treasures of jade Ruyi, he also came to fight against the sky.

The five qis in the chest of the leader of Tongtian sect were tumbling, and the Qingping sword in his hand was full of sword qi, and he fought against Laozi and Yuanshi alone.

The three sages fought each other, without the slightest abnormality, just like ordinary people fighting.Every blow is very ordinary, but every time it goes down, the space will always be broken, and the ground, water, fire and wind will be turbulent.

Although Master Tongtian is powerful, how can he be the opponent of the two saints, Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi.The three of them fought for a long time, and the Master Tongtian gradually couldn't resist.

However, this is also expected by the leader of Tongtian. After all, they are all saints. Even if the Tao is superior or inferior, no one can defeat two with one.

The Master Tongtian operated the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation and reversed the formation.It turned out that Wanxian was using the magic power of the Master Tongtian.

At this moment, he became the master of Tongtian, relying on the magic power of a group of disciples.How huge is the combined mana of Wanxian.

All the disciples are able to cultivate the Supreme Immortal Technique, the techniques have the same root and origin, and they borrow the power of heaven and earth with a large formation.Immediately, infinite power shrouded the body of the Master Tongtian.

Formed in front of Tongtian Cult Master, a brilliant celestial light of the upper qing.Shrouded in the immortal light of the upper qing, the leader of the Tongtian sect advances but never retreats, only attacking but not defending.

With a Qingping sword, Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi were defeated steadily.Lao Tzu's crutches and Yuanshi's Three Jewels Ruyi hit the Master Tongtian, but they were both blocked by the celestial light in front of him.

Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi had no choice but to sacrifice their defensive magic weapon.A pagoda appeared on the top of Lao Tzu's head. The pagoda had nine floors. On it, the air of black and yellow circulated and emitted immeasurable golden light.

But it was the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda on that day, and Lao Tzu sacrificed it on top of his head, with a mysterious and yellow aura hanging down.

Every blow of Master Tongtian can shatter his mysterious and yellow energy, but this mysterious and yellow energy disperses and then gathers, gathers and then disperses, neither increases nor decreases.

Yuanshi Tianzun used Qingyun golden lamps and pearls to protect his body. There were thousands of golden lamps and the sky was filled with golden flowers.

The master of Tongtian sect has a strong sword intent and continuous sword energy.The sword energy criss-crossed back and forth, smashing the heavenly Qingyun of Yuanshi Tianzun to pieces.

The golden lamp was broken, the golden lotus was damaged, and the lotus leaves were flying around.When Master Tongtian saw it, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Yuanshi, you have today!"

At this time, the Zhunti sage and the guiding sage came hand in hand.Zhunti sage said to Yuanshi Tianzun: "Fellow Taoist, don't panic, I'll come to help you!"

As he spoke, he used the Seven Treasure Tree.The wonderful tree of seven treasures is shining with brilliant light, with thousands of auspicious qi and ten thousand rays of light.

With a wave of Taoist Zhunti, the precious tree emitted a divine light, which scattered the sword energy from the Master Tongtian.

But just after the sword energy was dispersed, it re-condensed.Zhunti looked around and said: "It turns out that the power of the formation is borrowed, and the life is endless and endless."

The guiding Taoist on the side, with a bitter face, has a guiding pagoda above his head, and there is a relic on the pagoda, which emits golden rays of light.

Taoist Reception and Guidance held a dust whisk, Taoist Zhunti held a wonderful tree of seven treasures, Tianzun Yuanshi held three precious jade Ruyi, and Lao Tzu held a flat crutch.The four of them surrounded Tongtian Cult Master and beat them up.

However, the celestial light on Master Tongtian's body condensed and did not disperse.No matter what kind of attack hits it, it will be borne by the Master Tongtian with the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation.

The four of them couldn't break through the defense of Master Tongtian.But the leader of Tongtian Church can't do anything about the Four Saints.

Taoist Zhunti said: "If the array of ten thousand immortals cannot be broken, the heavens will not be defeated!"

At this time, in the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, because the Master Tongtian used most of the power of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation to fight against the saint.

The blessings that a group of Jiejiao disciples can get are much reduced.Under the leadership of Ran Deng, the disciples of Chanjiao fought with all the disciples of Jiejiao.

Jiejiao has a large number of disciples with extraordinary abilities.Due to the misfortune of the Yellow River formation, the disciples of Chanjiao lacked the intermediate force.

Daoist Daoist Ran Deng and Anji Xianweng met the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and the Holy Mother of Wudang.

There are many immortals in the realm of Jiejiao Taiyi, but the Twelve Golden Immortals and a group of three-generation disciples are somewhat irresistible.

If it is not relying on the magic weapon, I am afraid that it will be defeated long ago.The disciples of Chanjiao can't destroy the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, and the four saints can't break through the supernatural light that shrouds the Master Tongtian.

Seeing this, Zhunti shook his body, revealing the golden Bodhi body with eighteen arms and 24 heads.As soon as the golden body came out, it went to kill a group of Jiejiao disciples.

Seeing this, the leader of Tongtian religion hurriedly tried to stop him, but was stopped by Zhunti sage.Although the Zhunti golden body does not have the cultivation base and magic power of a saint.

But it is also in the Yuanyuan state. In the formation, it belongs to the top combat power under the saint, and all the disciples of Jiejiao can't resist it at all.

Tong Tianjiao's eyes were about to burst, and he roared angrily: "Zhunti, I will never quit with you!"

While talking, he didn't care about other people, just stared at Zhunti and beat him up.Unable to resist, Zhunti hurriedly raised the Qinglian Baose Banner.

Jieyin also helped from the side, Zhunti barely stopped Tongtian.However, he was also beaten into a messy bun by the leader of Tongtian, and he was in a mess!

(End of this chapter)

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