Chapter 133 The World Is Broken
The four saints were stunned for a moment, then their expressions changed, and they sacrificed magic weapons to protect themselves.

This sword energy is endless and dense, once it spreads, its power is immeasurable.

Lao Tzu sacrificed the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda above his head to resist the burst of sword energy.The Taoist received and led to protect himself with the treasure building, and the Taoist Zhunti protected himself with the Qinglian Baose Banner. The two were also in a panic under the attack of sword energy.

Yuan Shi Tianzun saw the sword energy coming, and his Yuxu Xinghuang Banner had been given to Jiang Ziya.Other magic weapons might not be able to stop this overwhelming sword energy.

He used the Pangu Banner to unleash the divine light, and collided with the infinite sword energy.This Pangu banner is worthy of being the most powerful attacking treasure in the world, with the ability to open up the world!
Kaitian Shenguang collided with Infinite Sword Qi, and the power of the two burst out.The earth was turned upside down, the sky turned into nothingness, and a huge crack appeared in the sky.

I only heard the creaking sound of the world, and suddenly it collapsed with a "bang".

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and even the leader of Tiantian didn't expect that according to his estimation, the explosion of these four sword qi would affect the world, but it would not be shattered.

I never thought that Yuanshi Tianzun would actually use the Pangu banner to head-on, pouring the power of the two into the heaven and the earth.

Not only that, but the infinite power of the Pangu banner and the eruption of sword energy also came towards the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation.

Now that the heavens and the earth are shattered, the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation has also lost the blessings of the stars in the sky, and its operation has been blocked by the Taiji Diagram, and its power has fallen to the bottom.

Suddenly blown by the sword energy and Kaitian divine light, it collapsed immediately.Before many Jiejiao disciples had time to react, they were annihilated between the heaven and the earth.

The sudden disaster happened in the blink of an eye.One of the four major disciples of the Master Tongtian, the Virgin of the Golden Spirit bears the brunt.

She was fighting Taoist Ran Deng, but when Ran Deng saw the disaster coming, she had already fled from the light.

However, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit did not escape, because behind her were countless disciples who had intercepted the sect, and they all called her Senior Sister.

She could not escape, could not abandon them to this calamity.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit sacrificed the dragon and tiger Ruyi, and hit the destructive aura ahead.However, Longhu Ruyi was instantly blown away by the destructive air wave.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit sacrificed the Four Elephant Pagoda again, trying to block the sword energy and divine light.However, neither the sword energy condensed by the evil spirit nor the divine light from the Pangu banner of Yuanshi Tianzun could resist her as a Da Luo Jinxian.

The endless destructive breath, through the protection of the Four Elephant Pagoda, instantly annihilated his body and primordial spirit, and only a trace of true spirit escaped under the protection of the Four Elephant Pagoda.

But he stopped him, and the leader of Tongtian finally arrived and rescued hundreds of disciples behind him.

When the big formation collapsed, there were still the Zhangliu golden body and Zhunti's Bodhi golden body in the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation.

The two used their own means to attract and guide the universe in their palms, and took in all the nearby Jiejiao disciples.

Taoist Zhunti sacrificed a human race bag, and put all the nearby Jiejiao disciples into the bag.

Although Jieyin and Zhunti are doing the same thing, their starting point is completely different.

Receiving mercy, couldn't bear the death of many Jiejiao disciples, took them into the palm, and saved them.But Zhunti felt that this was a god-sent opportunity, an opportunity for the great prosperity of Western religions.

The world is still shattered, Lao Tzu hastened to use the Taiji Diagram to fix a continent in the east, which will be Dongsheng Shenzhou in the future.

Yuanshi Tianzun is located in the south, and there is also a huge fragment.Although he doesn't have a treasure such as the Taiji Diagram, the southern continent is the foundation of the human race, and most of the human race is on it.

At this time, the phantom of the Nine Cauldrons appeared on the fragments, forming a barrier of Kyushu to protect it firmly.

This Jiuding was left by Dayu to protect the human race, and it is the treasure of luck for the human race.When the disaster came, the luck of the human race urged Jiuding to firmly protect this continent.

Afterwards, Yuanshi Tianzun immobilized it with great magic power.The future Nanfangbuzhou was formed, and it was also the place where the human race flourished.

The guiding Taoist settled on a continent in the west, but there was no treasure to protect it, so the damage was serious.

Zhunti Taoist gave up the northern continent when he saw the danger in the west.Go back to the west to help pick up the Taoists and fix the western continent.

The west is its fundamental place, and there is no room for loss. Therefore, it is suggested that the Taoists should give up the millions of souls in the north, and they must also keep the western continent.This is the Xiniu Hezhou in the future.

Finally, the mainland to the north, left unattended, drifted farther and farther away.

At this time, Empress Nuwa descended from the sky, and the Three Emperors who had not been born in Huoyun Cave for many years also appeared in the world.

The four of them worked together to fix the northern continent, which will be Beiju Luzhou in the future.

As for the continent in the middle, it was the end of the disaster.Yuanshi Tianzun's divine light and sword energy finally erupted in the center of the mainland.

In the end, that continent was smashed into countless tiny fragments, forming a land of ruins.

Endless sea water poured into it.A vast ocean was formed.

As for the shattered continent, part of it directly entered the void of the space crack.Part of it is scattered in this endless ocean of returning to ruins.

After the four major continents stabilized.Dongsheng Shenzhou benefited from the ability of Taijitu, and later Wuhua Tianbao became the number one state.

Nanfangbuzhou benefited from the Kyushu enchantment, it was the base camp of the human race, and later it was also outstanding.

Xiniu Hezhou was not protected, and even though it was protected by two saints, it suffered a lot.The West has already been hit hard, and now it is making the West, which is not rich, worse.

As for the north, although it is a bit late, Empress Nuwa has the Shanhe Sheji map and the Qiankun Ding, and she has the help of the Three Emperors. On the contrary, it is better than the west, and is in the third position.

This is only the damage that can be seen on the surface. What is invisible is the damage between the heaven and the earth.

The stability of this prehistoric world is greatly reduced, and I am afraid that it will no longer be able to withstand the fighting skills of the saints.

Even monks in the Primordial Realm may cause irreparable disasters.

Moreover, the four sword qi erupted, but did not disappear, but turned into four barriers, dividing the entire three realms of heaven, earth and human into four pieces.

Although there is no hindrance to the exchange of a group of great powers, they can directly pass through the extremes of heaven and earth formed by sword energy.But for ordinary sentient beings, it is as difficult as climbing the sky if they want to cross the border.

When the disaster broke out, Yang Tuo was returning to Tongguan with Yu Yixian, Gao Ming and Gao Jue.

Not wanting to be on the way, the world spun for a while, and then I saw that the entire Great Desolate Continent was shattered.

In the void, a boundless storm is set off, the ground, water, fire and wind are surging, and the yin and yang are reversed.The world has a tendency to return to chaos.

Seeing this, Yang Tuo hurriedly sacrificed the magic weapons around him to protect himself, Yu Yixian and others.

Then I saw a huge barrier lit up in the sky.The phantom of the Nine Cauldrons appeared in the air, and the boundless turmoil had calmed down a lot just now.

Yang Tuo stared at the crack in the sky and widened his eyes.The mouth is wide open and cannot be closed for a long time.

Although he was rather pessimistic about this battle of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, he never expected that the entire world would be smashed into pieces.

Looking at everything in front of him, Yang Tuo was already stunned.A moment later, a jade wishful fell from the sky and landed on top of his head.There was a flash of precious light on his body, and he just woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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