Chapter 137

Taoist Lu Ya was not in a hurry, but just looked at Yang Tuo.It's not that he has too many treasures to handle and insists on giving them away.

It was the few words that Empress Nuwa gave him that were working.

Empress Nuwa saw that the names on the list of gods disappeared in a flash, but Yang Tuo's name was on it.But even if Yang Tuo is named one of the Four Imperials, it is not worth two Xiantian Lingbao.

The moment Yang Tuo's name flashed away, Empress Nuwa felt something.Yang Tuo may have the key to Lu Ya's enlightenment.

Taoist Lu Ya spent countless years in Daluo Jinxian, but he was still unable to enter the Primordial Realm.Listening to what Empress Nuwa said now, I'm afraid that either this Yang Tuo is his chance to become enlightened.

That's why he spent a lot of money to make friends with him.In his mind, exchanging a few spirit treasures for a Hunyuan machine is a sure-fire deal.

Yang Tuo was silent for a long time, and Jiang Ziya at the side didn't make a sound, for fear of disturbing Yang Tuo's thoughts.

In the end, Yang Tuo decided to ask directly, so as not to feel uneasy.Yang Tuo looked at Lu Ya and said, "Fellow Daoist, do you want something?"

Taoist Lu Ya replied solemnly: "I don't ask for anything, I just hope that if there is a chance in the future, I can think of the poor Taoist!"

Hearing what Lu Ya said, Yang Tuo knew that he still wanted something, but not now.But I don't know what he is asking for!
In the end, Yang Tuo couldn't resist the temptation of the Xiantian Lingbao, and said, "If that's the case, thank you fellow Taoist!"

Yang Tuo promised, Taoist Lu Ya let out a sigh of relief.Taoist Lu Ya this time is equivalent to exchanging the innate spirit treasure for a promise.

I still don't know how much this promise is worth, whether it is worth the value of the Xiantian Lingbao.However, Lu Ya is willing to take a gamble.

Afterwards, the three talked again, and Taoist Lu Ya said goodbye and left.His purpose of coming this time has been achieved, and it will be useless to stay here.

After Lu Ya left, Jiang Ziya said to Yang Tuo: "Fellow Daoist, this time, he was a bit sloppy!"

Yang Tuo nodded, and replied: "That's true! However, although Lu Ya came here with good intentions, he is bound to win. If I don't respond, I'm afraid something will happen. After all, he is a Da Luo Jinxian. You still need to be careful with it!"

Yang Tuo paused for a moment, then continued: "Now is the critical moment to defeat Zhou, so it's better not to have any more accidents!"

Jiang Ziya didn't think about this either, he just felt that Yang Tuo's promise was a bit hasty, and he didn't want Yang Tuo to think so much.

Taoist Lu Ya came here with good intentions, if he didn't accept it, how could he know that he wouldn't become malicious?Jiang Ziya also just came back to his senses.

When dealing with these old antiques, one needs to be more cautious.

Yang Tuo may not necessarily lose out, the promise is after all in the future, but the actual benefits will not disappear.

Even if there are any obstacles in the future, when the cultivation base is higher, it will be able to deal with it more easily.

What's more, it doesn't necessarily have any bad effects.Yang Tuo thought about it for a while, and put this question aside for the time being.

The most urgent task now is to continue the crusade against Chengtang and complete the great cause of conferring gods.After the Great Tribulation of Conferring Gods, there will be enough time to digest the gains from the evolution of the 24 Heavens.

Wait until you reach Taiyi Golden Immortal before considering your next step.

The two separated immediately, and Yang Tuo returned to the big tent to sacrifice the two innate spirit treasures he got this time.

Jiang Ziya went to meet King Wu to continue the unfinished business of defeating Zhou.Although the heaven and earth were damaged, Nanfangbuzhou was protected by the Kyushu enchantment, so the impact was not too great.

At most, there will be more natural disasters and man-made disasters. Today's world has long been in a state of chaos, and this change is just another firewood!
Jiang Ziya met King Wu and explained the situation. The army rested for another whole day, and then went to Lintong Pass to kill.

Yang Tuosui also went with the army, but now he no longer interfered too much in the war.As a result, the Jujiao was defeated and the overall situation of the Conferred God was settled, and there would be no more twists and turns.

Secondly, I was afraid of too much interference. Although it was out of good intentions, I was also afraid of delaying everyone's chance to become a god.

It's not a bad thing after all.Yang Tuo didn't interfere much, Jiang Ziya led the army, and soon broke through Lintong Pass.

First, he killed Bian Jinlong, the guard of Lintong Pass, and provoked his son Bian Ji.This Bian Ji has a white bone banner of ghosts, which is made of skulls.

There are also charms on it, emitting thousands of black air and ten thousand cold smoke, which are dedicated to absorbing people's souls.

Xiqi's army suffered a bit at first, but Jiang Ziya already knew that Nezha was not afraid of spirit-like spells and magic weapons.

After Nezha was sent out, within a few rounds, Xie Ban was destroyed and Bian Ji beheaded.The army broke through Lintong Pass immediately, and the guards of Lintong Pass were powerless to resist.

Then the troops left Lintong Pass, defeated the reinforcements from Chaoge, and marched to Mianchi.Mianchi can be regarded as Chaoge's last gateway, only waiting to conquer Mianchi and cross the Yellow River, Chaoge is just around the corner.

The guard of Mianchi was Zhang Kui. In Yang Tuo's impression, Zhang Kui seemed to know how to perform martial arts, so he was quite difficult to deal with.

But with Yang Tuo's current supernatural powers, Zhang Kui has long been out of his mind.

The army was stationed outside Mianchi City, and Jiang Ziya was calling the generals to discuss matters.Youchong Heihu brought Wenpin, Cui Ying and Jiang Xiong to help.

Jiang Ziya hurriedly welcomed several people into the big tent.Jiang Ziya asked Chong Heihu, "Where does the good man come from?"

Chong Heihu replied: "Now Mengjin has reached four hundred princes, just wait for King Wu to come to preside over the overall situation."

Chong Heihu said again: "I saw the army of the Western Zhou Dynasty has arrived in Mianchi, so come here first to see if there is anything I can do to help!"

Jiang Ziya heard the words and said: "Thank you, Xianhou, now we only need to conquer Mianchi, and the army can cross the Yellow River and form an alliance with Mengjin!"

Jiang Ziya said to the left and right: "That's it for today, all the generals can take a rest. I will take Bei Bohou to see King Wu."

Everyone retreated as promised, and Jiang Ziya led Chong Heihu to see King Wu.

King Wu received Chong Heihu in the tent.After the salutes were completed, everyone took their seats.

King Wu asked Chong Heihu, "The sage came from Mengjin. How many princes have arrived in Mengjin?"

Chong Heihu replied: "We have already arrived at the princes of the North and South Routes, a total of [-] towns. Dongbohou is far away, and there is a barrier of wandering souls. I am afraid that he will not be able to arrive in time. However, Dongbohou sent envoys to come. Everything is waiting for King Wu and Meng Jin to preside over the overall situation!"

King Wu sighed: "I don't want all the princes to come so fast!"

Chong Heihu said: "The world has been suffering for a long time. Everyone hopes to have a peaceful and prosperous world, so they are eager."

King Wu nodded and said: "When our army breaks through Mianchi, we can rush to Mengjin!"

Then King Wu hosted another banquet and entertained everyone!
The next day, Jiang Ziya led an army to attack Mianchi.Because Meng Jin was right in front of him, all the generals were impatient and went out to fight one after another.

However, Zhang Kui, the guard of Mianchi, has quite different skills.His wife Gao Lanying is also an extraordinary person, with 49 sun god needles, which are quite powerful.

The generals couldn't fight for a while, and the army was stopped in front of Mianchi City.

Yang Tuo saw that the generals were frustrated, and the Mengjin alliance was in front of him again, fearing that the alliance would be delayed.

Immediately, he took action himself, and captured Zhang Kui and Gao Lanying with the body-holding technique.The two were unwilling to surrender and were beheaded by Jiang Ziya.

The army conquered Mianchi and was able to move on.

(End of this chapter)

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