Chapter 141
Jiang Ziya saw that the right camp was robbed again.He hurriedly sent Yang Ren, Li Jing, Wu Ji, Nan Gongshi and others to rescue.

Yang Tuo also asked Yu Yixian and Princess Longji to lead Xin Huan and others to help in the battle.

Although Yuan Hong led the army to attack the camp, he hid in the army and never showed his face.Only six brothers rushed forward.

Chong Heihu hurriedly led the troops to fight, and beside him were Wenpin, Jiang Xiong, Cui Ying and others to help.

Cheng Tang's army was greeted by Yin Chengxiu, Lei Kun, Lei Peng, and Lu Renjie.

Yu Yixian and Xin Huan were the fastest and rushed to the battlefield first.Feather Wing Fairy greeted Jin Dasheng, who had the highest cultivation level among the six.

This Jin Dasheng is the person with the highest cultivation besides Yuan Hong, and he is also a Jinxian cultivation.Its cultivation level is comparable to that of Immortal Yuyi, but Immortal Yuyi is very talented and still has the upper hand.

However, this Jin Dasheng has rough skin and thick flesh, and his defense is astonishing, Immortal Yu Yi still can't handle it for a while.

After Xin Huan arrived, he greeted Dai Li.With Dai Li's advanced cultivation, Xin Huan was naturally no match, but with a pair of fleshy wings, he flew in the air and restrained Dai Li with a golden file.

Later, Yang Ren and others arrived.Yang Ren met his family member Yang Xian, Li Jing met Zhu Zizhen, and Princess Longji met Wu Long.

Only Chang Hao had no one to take over. Fortunately, Tao Rong sent a wind-gathering streamer, so he was not afraid of Chang Hao's poisonous mist.Zhang Jie, Deng Zhong, Wu Ji, Nan Gongshi and other talents surrounded Chang Hao in the middle.

Seeing that both sides had already fought, Yang Tuo said to Jiang Ziya: "Brother Dao, then I will go too!"

Jiang Ziya nodded, and Yang Tuo went to the right camp with the ground movement technique.

Yang Tuo had known for a long time that Cheng Tang would attack the camp, and Xi Zhou's side also made arrangements.But this Wu Wenhua is equivalent to a strong attack, and there is no good way.

However, he still made some preparations. Yang Tuo sneaked into the right camp at this moment, just to catch Yuan Hong. As long as Yuan Hong is captured, the rest will be nothing to worry about.

At this time, Yang Tuo only left Gao Ming Gaojue to deliver information for Jiang Ziya.Yang Tuo was in the right camp, waiting for Yuan Hong to show up.

The stalemate in the battle between the two sides made Yuan Hong, who was hiding in the dark, frown.

The battle situation did not develop as he imagined. He looked at Wu Wenhua on the left, and then at the scene in front of him.

Yuan Hong turned into a mosquito and sneaked to Yang Ren's side, intending to get rid of one person first.

Yuan Hongfei approached, suddenly appeared, and hit Yang Ren with a stick.When Yang Ren saw Yuan Hong appearing, he was a little flustered, and hurriedly greeted him with a flying electric gun.

After fighting for only two or three rounds, Yuan Hong beat him until his bones became limp.Busily sacrificed the five fire and seven bird fans, and took one of them.

Immediately, there are five fires: air fire, stone fire, wood fire, samadhi fire, and human fire.In just a moment, Yuan Hong was turned into fly ash.

Yang Ren heaved a sigh of relief and turned around to fight Yang Xian.

Yuan Hong reappeared behind him somehow, and hit Yang Ren on the head with a blow.Yang Ren died immediately and lost his movement.

It's a long story, from Yuan Hong's appearance to Yang Ren's death, it took only an instant.Yang Tuo fled towards Yuan Hong when he appeared, but failed to save Yang Ren.

Because he met another Yuan Hong on the way.It was Yuan Hong who blocked Yang Tuo with the method of split body. Although he was beaten to death by Yang Tuo in just a few breaths, it was too late to save Yang Ren.

When Yang Ren died, Yang Tuo rushed to the front and first sacrificed the white lotus at his feet to avoid accidents.

Then he sacrificed the blood-transforming sword, turned into a blood dragon, and rushed towards Yuan Hong with its teeth and claws.Yang Tuo charged at Yuan Hong with a silver gun in his hand, but he didn't have time to lament Yang Ren's death.

When Yang Tuo was entangled with Yuan Hong, Jiang Ziya hurriedly said, it was now.At this time, three generals rushed out from the tent.

But it was Yang Jian, Wei Hu and Zheng Lun who transported the food.The three arrived a few days earlier to transport food, but they were hidden by Jiang Ziya and Yang Tuo, waiting for this time.

After hearing Jiang Ziya's roar, all the generals tried their best.The seven monsters of Meishan saw that there were still ambushes hidden in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and they also used their supernatural powers one after another.

Since Yang Tuo and Yuan Hong exchanged hands, Yang Xian hid aside.Yang Tuo wanted to kill him to avoid future troubles, but was blocked by Yuan Hong.

Yang Xian took the opportunity to escape to the other side, but at this time there was no restraint.He first rescued Chang Hao who was under siege.Tao Rong, Wu Ji and others couldn't resist the two monsters and died in battle one after another.

The two demons killed Tao Rong, Zhang Jie, Deng Zhong, Wu Ji, and Nan Gongshi, and then went to Chong Heihu and others.

Apparently, he planned to kill more Xiqi generals before the Western Zhou ambush came, so he was looking for those who did not know Taoism and had high authority.

In just a few breaths, Chong Heihu, Wen Pin, Jiang Xiong and Cui Ying all died in battle.These two demons wanted to kill others again.

But at this time, the three of Yang Jian also rushed to the battlefield.Zheng Lun hummed first, which made Yang Xian dizzy, Wei Hu stepped forward quickly, and just hit him with a pestle.

This Yang Xian was no more than a true immortal, and was captured by Zheng Lun's supernatural powers, so he was beaten to death in one blow.If he hadn't been influenced by Zheng Lun's supernatural power, he wouldn't have died so quickly.

The seven monsters of Meishan all have escape skills, even if Wei Hu's cultivation level is one level higher than his, Yang Xian can still escape.

But at this time, he didn't react and was beaten to death on the spot.Even if the prototype appeared, it was a goat that became a spirit.

Chang Hao saw that Yang Xian was beaten to death as soon as he met him, so he showed his original shape, sprayed out a cloud of poisonous mist, and wanted to escape.But Yang Jian had already been instructed by Yang Tuo, and knew the origins of each monster.

With a flick of his body, Yang Jian turned into a flying centipede.This centipede is the nemesis of snakes, and the two pairs of wings beside the flying centipede fluttered at an extremely fast speed.

Its pincers were like sharp blades, flying to the top of the white snake transformed by Chang Hao.Cut the white snake's head in two at once.

The white snake immediately lost its vitality after being hit by this blow, but the snake's body was still rolling on the ground.Yang Jian chopped it into several sections and beat it into flying ash with the Five Thunder Jue.

The three generals killed the two monsters as soon as they entered the battlefield. Yuan Hong was furious when he saw this, and waved the water and fire stick in his hand even more eagerly.

The bright silver gun in Yang Tuo's hand could not completely resist it.Fortunately, he also has white lotus and gossip purple ribbon fairy clothes to protect his body, so he can protect himself without worry.

Yuan Hong saw that Yang Tuo could not do anything, so he wanted to get away.But Yang Tuo couldn't let him get what he wanted, so he hurriedly delayed it.

Yang Jian and Wei Hu also surrounded Yuan Hong.Seeing this, Yuan Hong was not afraid at all, he just waved his water and fire stick to fight the three of them.

The right battalion fought fiercely, but the left battalion had a hard time.When Wu Wenhua saw that Nezha was hurt, he ignored it and just stared at Huang Feihu and others to kill.

Youying immediately suffered heavy losses, losing several generals in succession.Seeing that Huang Feihu's eyes were about to split, his anger was burning, and he lost his mind.

In the end, Wu Wenhua knocked down the five-colored cow in a row, and died on the spot.It's a pity that Huang Feihu was loyal and courageous, but he lost his life before he succeeded in defeating Zhou.

Seeing that Zuo Ying couldn't resist, Jiang Ziya hurriedly rode all over the place.This Wu Wenhua is so powerful that he is invulnerable.

Jiang Ziya's magic whip didn't do much harm to him.He had no choice but to raise the apricot-yellow flag to protect himself, so that he was not hurt by Wu Wenhua.

Seeing that Wu Wenhua was difficult to control, Jiang Ziya remembered what Taoist Lu Ya said that day.He took out the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife, and said in his heart, "I don't think this treasure is used here!"

(End of this chapter)

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